MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 409 planetary species coercion

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  Chapter 409 Planet Species Coercion

  Bird of Paradise, no, Strelitzia left soon, she had a lot of things to do, and when she left, she took Ahong with her.

  Kermos and Brain-in-Vat's "large-scale marine biological engineering" is still going on, and there is no doubt that these marine radiation beasts will become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the Knights.

  In the future, a war between the two sides is inevitable.

In the process of 'incubation', the mixed-race marine people will play a pivotal role, and as the favored person of 'Kermos', the representative of the hunter camp, the player Trilobite ascends to the sky in one step and becomes the partner of the mixed-blood marine people. The leader has a group of horses under his command.

  If the management is good, he can even become the leader of the camp as the first player.

   As for the side effects, the trilobite is out of love.

  The mixed-race girl is engaged to Charkin Sea King Beast, that is, the strong tribe with a template.

   It was the breakup initiated by Trilobite.

The reason is very simple. Ocean people are a matrilineal tribal society. That is to say, every female here is a sea king, and they are sea kings within the scope of the law. A female ocean person can have about 5 to 10 male partners. .

  When Trilobite heard this ancestral custom, the boss stared at him for a long time before he could say a word.

  I treat you as my first love, and you treat me as a spare tire! ?

   Then the two broke up peacefully.

  This is also the reason why love between different intelligent species in the universe can easily go to waste.

   It's like opening a blind box. No one knows what mating principles the other race has evolved.


  At the same time, Gao Gong also continued his "Pan-Asian Region" travel plan.

   This trip has three goals—

  The first goal, the second ring of the "Heaven-level" mission "Destroy Stronghold".

  The second goal is to complete the trigger task - the ancient creature requiem ceremony.

  The third goal is to make troubles in the name of saving players in various cyber testing grounds.

   The third is the key point!

  In the cyber proving ground, there are actually a lot of high-level blueprints, weapons, and even knowledge, and the output far exceeds that of ordinary second-level civilizations.

  Even in terms of quantity, some third-level civilizations can’t match it.

   Gao Gong intends to gather at least all the knowledge of an entire 'civilization' before leaving this planet.

   So far, everything is going well.

In the deep sea, Gao Gong was swimming fast. This time he canceled the 'carbon-based fluid mode'. The pressure of the deep sea came from all parts of the body. Swimming requires several times, even ten times the strength.

  However, Gao Gong's speed didn't slow down much. His every movement, every burst of energy seemed to be accurate to the millimeter, which was much slower than species that had lived in the deep sea for decades.

   This is naturally the reason for the 'biological computer'.

  At this time, countless holographic images appeared in the brain disk, and Gao Gong was photographed from various angles, and the data flickered on the screen.

  Bone movement data, skin deformation data, body chemical substance secretion data, respiratory system adjustment data...

   These data are refreshed at a crazy speed.

  Biological computer, a first-order peak technology.

   And the super computer is also a first-order peak technology.

  The computing power of the two is equal.

  This also means that in terms of body computing, Gaogong is equivalent to having the blessing of a supercomputer.

   On the main screen, there are various icons, some are skill icons, some are human system icons.

   At this point, a new icon is being generated.

  Similarly, a new talent was refreshed on the system panel.

  [You comprehend the talent 'deep sea travel']

  Walk in the deep sea: In the high-pressure water environment, you can move, fight, and even eat and digest freely.

   One of the superpowers of the biological computer - customization talent!

   "I remember that deep-sea fish like sharks urinate through the skin. This talent feels a bit disgusting."

   Fortunately, Gaogong is not very interested in eating sashimi, so naturally he will not use this.

   After refreshing this 'talent', the computing power of the biological computer can be moved to another aspect.

   Gao Gong narrowed his eyes, and stared at a B-level radiation beast not far away.

Coincidentally, this is a shark-type radiation beast, about 40 meters long, with skin like red-hot steel, and the three-meter-long teeth glow from time to time, which shows that the other party can spray Particle energy, damage over 10,000.

  From the opponent, Gao Gong also felt the power of nuclear radiation.

  Nuclear radiation shark?

   Countless screens were switched to this nuclear radiation shark, and the data was swiped out like flowing water.

  Gao Gong went straight to the opponent without stopping.

   Compared with the radiation beasts on land, the radiation energy of the radiation beasts in the deep sea is generally 2 to 3 times stronger. The radiation energy of this shark is about 500,000, which is already half of that of ordinary A-level radiation beasts.

  As it discovered Gaogong, the body of this super shark became visibly hot, and the seawater visibly turned black. At the same time, dense radiation instantly covered the surrounding area.

   A series of particle beams shot out.

  At the same time, its skin began to light up crazily, and intense dazzling light began to emerge from the surface of its body.

  This shark actually mastered the means of 'nuclear explosion'!

   It turns out that it is not called a nuclear radiation shark, but a nuclear explosion shark.

   What Gao Gong didn't know was that in this sea area, the 'Nuclear Shark' was the standard regional overlord. Its bug-level nuclear explosion force even drove away several A-level beast kings who were about to stop.

  As if predicting in advance, Gao Gong kept dodging the opponent's energy cannon attack. When the distance between the two sides was about a thousand meters, Gao Gong squinted his eyes, and the speed of the third-level sonic boom exploded.

  Although it can be faster, it is calculated and the most suitable speed.

  Gao Gong's five fingers were raised slightly, and the whole person was dexterously swimming in the water, almost as if no resistance was encountered, and every time he changed the angle, he could always avoid the opponent's attack and perception just right.

  When the opponent's 'nuclear explosion' was about to erupt, his body suddenly rolled up to the opponent's gills like a swimming fish, and he thrust his palm into the opponent's gills. It was the brightest part of the opponent's skin.

   One person and one shark pass by.

   And when Gao Gong used the momentum to swing a thousand meters away, the terrifying explosion sounded.

  A microscopic mushroom cloud emerged from behind it.

  [You have caused 3000 points of damage to 'Nuclear Shark']

  [You deal a critical blow to the 'Nuclear Shark']

  [You triggered the instant death effect]

  [You kill the 'Nuclear Shark', experience +50,000, specialization point +1, skill point +3]

  [You get a temporary status, 'Nuclear Shark Buster', deterring this species +10%, attack bonus +10%, duration: 10 minutes]

   It is normal to kill a B-level radiation beast.

   But what's abnormal is that during the whole process, Gao Gong didn't use any kind of skills, flat A was fatal, and the scalp of the showman was numb!

  It turned out that long before Gao Gong started, the biological computer's "combat simulation" had already simulated data elements such as water resistance, light, and radiant energy.

  At this time, in the "holographic screen" of the brain disk, this huge nuclear explosive shark has been "decomposed" into countless parts, and the function of every organ and system has been analyzed in sevens and eights.

On this basis, continue to analyze the opponent's hunting methods, including attack selection, attack direction, melee or long-range combat, and whether they will "call friends and friends". In these "data analysis", the opponent adopts the strategy of "nuclear explosion" means, accounting for 74.8% of the possibilities.

  So, all the actions of Gao Gong, including the movement route, attack angle, and attack method, are all determined, and they are all for the purpose of "detonating the nuclear explosion" in advance.

  And before he made a shot, the 'simulated screen' had already shown the result.

   The result is a spike!


  In this sea area, the senior engineer is like a dog trying to solve a cow, constantly solving nuclear explosion sharks one by one, and the sound of explosions on the bottom of the sea can be heard from time to time.

   It wasn't until the permanent status of 'Nuclear Shark Buster' was displayed on the page, and the deterrence and attack bonuses became 45%, Gao Gong stopped.

  Looking at it, the sharks that were still fierce before disappeared into the darkness with their tails between their legs—if they had tails.

  Hunting Biosphere (professional skill): Every time you kill a creature, you will get a temporary state blessing. When the number of the same type of creatures killed reaches the upper limit, the temporary state will be transformed into a permanent state.

  At the same time, on the panel, species coercion +1

  Planet Species Coercion (Professional Talent): The biological bloodlines you implanted and the advanced species you killed will all cause you to oppress the species. Try to collect these oppressions and turn them into a more powerful biological field.

  With the double blessing of biological computer and professional ability, the whole sea will become a hunting paradise for someone Gao.

  (end of this chapter)

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