MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 400 Restart the biological computer

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  What is the definition of life?

  This is an idle topic in the universe, but it has to be discussed.

   After all, most of the civilizations that can enter the universe are not starved to death. When they are not starved to death, everyone starts to think about life.

  The definition of life, at a small scale, is a tool to pass the time while squatting, and at a large scale, it can even determine the diplomatic relationship between two civilizations.

   After all, an extinct regime and a mixed-blood federation absolutely cannot go together.

  In the eyes of intelligent species, independence and freedom are symbols of life.

   But this is only the point of view of some intelligent species, parabiotic species, bacterial race, nano will, hive thinking, expressed dissatisfaction.

  In the universe, there are indeed quite a few intelligent races that are not independent and independent, but live well.

   This type of intelligent race is the most in carbon-based civilization.

   Having said so much, I just want to prove one thing. Some species, such as ‘Kermos’, only care about evolution, and don’t care about some unique views of human beings, such as loyalty, freedom, belonging, and betrayal.

   Its sole purpose of existence is to evolve.

   And its way of evolution is being studied.

   In the past, it was studied by the "Water Monkey Scientist", then it was studied by the "Knight Order", and then it was studied by "Gao Mouren".

   Simply put—

  People just want to be the county magistrate's wife, it doesn't matter who is the county magistrate.

  So, after Gao Gong showed his own means, especially the 'technology' that can assist it to go further, it is only natural for 'Kermos', the king of deep sea leeches, to choose to cooperate.

   It was on this basis that the two sides teamed up to kill the 'Black Banner Officer'.


  In the deepest part of the Eye of the Ocean, there is an ancient trench. At this time, in the deep sea tunnel, a huge monster squeezed out of the black hole.

  Just the protruding part of it is enough to make a person with a fear of giants faint directly.

  A section of black intestines with a diameter of ten meters protruded out. These 'intestines' seemed to have no end, extending to near the sea level before stopping.

  This height is not even comparable to the super buildings of the Cyber ​​Age.

  The next moment, a terrifying suction came out, and on the sea level, huge vortices emerged one after another.

Called by the "God", a large number of "Ocean Knights" flew out from the bottom of the sea riding cloud-winged beasts. These warriors' eyes were wild, their mouths were full of strange ravings, like songs, and the targets they attacked were no longer It's the mixed-race marine people, but their former allies—the Knights!

   A sudden battle started like this.

  In the direction of the submarine, a mech knight grabbed the neck of a water monkey scientist, almost tearing it off.

   "What are your people doing, tell them to stop! Or I will kill you!"

  Outside of the submarine, a large number of marine knights appeared. With a completely desperate attitude, they frantically besieged the meat knights. They didn't care about their own death at all. Ten for one, or even a hundred for one, didn't matter at all.

  The Meat Knights, who were already short-handed, immediately fell into a high-intensity casualty.

  The water monkey scientist has a calm expression:

   “Our bodies are 43% cells and the remaining 57% are microbes.”

   "In the human genome, 37% of the genes come from bacteria, 28% from eukaryotes, 16% from animals, and 15% from vertebrates. Only 6% are completely new genes."

  "The flesh is not the essence of life."

  The meat knight was furious, and tore off one of the opponent's arms, shouting:

"What do you mean!?"

"I mean, what you call death is the end of self-awareness, but for us, it's just a new life journey, our genes, cells, and other microbes will be one with the mother, waiting for the next time 'birth' of

   "It's very strange. You have mastered powerful biotechnology, but your thinking is completely consistent with that of human beings. It's incredible."

  'Kacha', the neck of this water monkey scientist was pinched and broken.

   "Kill 'em!"

  Accompanied by the roar of the meat knight, all the water monkey scientists were slaughtered one after another, and even many human scientists were affected by the aftermath, and many died.

  As the heavy steel on the outer layer of the submarine was torn apart, the animal pupils of the ocean knights lit up at the cracks.


  In the ancient trench, along with 'Kermos', it showed its whole picture.

  In the ‘small intestine’, a fleshy body slowly squeezed out, and countless transparent leeches lay on the surface of her body, absorbing fragments of her consciousness, preventing her from emitting any biological signals.

  Gao Gong also appeared, floating opposite her, his hair became longer and redder, and his nature changed from ordinary hair to nerve bundles.

  The red hair shot out from the head, piercing the opponent's various body parts.

  S-level talent, 'Flesh Fusion' activates!

  [your power 1]

  [Your Dexterity 1]

  [your power 1]

  [You get a random talent 'biological hard drive']


  With the unfolding of the "Star Attraction Dafa", the female flag officer's body turned white visible to the naked eye, like a patient suffering from a serious illness, with a large loss of nutrients in her body.

   Seeing that the opponent had been weakened to a certain extent, Gao Gong immediately used his other talent - reverse symbiosis.

Reverse symbiosis (bloodline talent): The greatest ability of a symbiote is to devour the other party's body and obtain the other party's abilities, but as an artificial symbiont, you can separate a part of the 'body' and let the other party master your abilities .

   This time, it was Gao Gong's turn to lose his flesh and blood, and soon there was only a mechanical body left.

  The lost flesh and blood are all integrated into the opponent's body.

  The other party's complexion improved visibly to the naked eye, even better than before.

   Not only did her nutrition come back, but also Gao Gong's 'nutrition'.

  But this back and forth, coupled with the previous system downtime and hard disk explosion of the other party, led to a result.

   That is, when she opened her eyes, she was already in the shape of Gao Gong.

   "Tsk tsk, the biological computer is convenient, and it's not even a little bit better than the brain computer."

  Senior Engineer felt the powerful computing power in his brain and the biological system that seemed to be able to control everything. As soon as he thought about it, the memory of the "Black Banner Officer" was extracted.

  If an outsider invades, this memory will be destroyed immediately, but let’s see for yourself, what kind of mosaic do you want.

  'To subdue that 'leech', we need the computing power of that bug. '

  ‘Biological computer, this is the only way to avoid the deep web. '

  ‘Having mastered it, we can evolve ‘ancient creatures’, the powerful and dark life force in those history. '

   At the round table meeting, the Knight Chief said in a deep voice.

  The black-handed flag officer sat among them, his face tensed, and he didn't say a word.

   "Black Flag, you are responsible for dealing with this bug."

"it is good!"

  With the rise of the Black Banner Officer, this 'memory' was completely gone.

   "Then, let's take a look at the stronghold of the Knights."

  The next moment, in memory, a huge map emerged, not only the 9-3 Guanzhong plate, but also the other five continents in the 'Pan-Asian Region'.

   There are more than 30 small red dots in total, surrounding these plates. Each small red dot is a secret base of the Knights.


  [You get the second-level-difficult task, stronghold destruction]

  【Mission: Stronghold Destruction】

   Difficulty: Level 2 - Difficult

  Mission briefing: Weeds must be eradicated. Since the Knights are already unending competitors, why not be more ruthless and directly destroy all the underground bases of the Knights.

  Mission Objective: Destroy all knight bases in the Pan-Asia region

  Mission rewards: 300,000 experience, 8,000 reputation in the sea area, three random technological blueprints of the Knights

  ‘The technology of the Knights is at least the second-level technology. With a little luck, the third-level technology is not impossible. '

  According to the camp level of the system, the knights should be the peak of the second-tier camp at worst. In the not-too-distant future, the knights during the cyber tide period will undoubtedly be the third-tier.

  Gao Gong opened the panel of the 'Banner Holder' again.

  Name: Black Banner Officer

   Species: advanced organisms (biocomputers)

  Total level: lv75 (combined by superimposing the levels of the main and sub-professions)

  Physical transformation: 120 (the transformation rate of the human body system is added together)

   Consciousness: 350

  Bioenergy: 2.3 million/3 million

  Occupation: Meat Dominator lv45, Biohacker lv30

  boss template: system controller


  Level aside, these attributes alone are not much worse than Gao Gong, and the two items of strength and agility are even higher than Gao Gong.

  Although it ended badly.

   Not as good as a certain great knight.

With a thought, the "network mode" of the biological computer is automatically turned on, and the huge simulating signal almost covers the entire sea surface. This is the power of cyberspace, and with the signal retrieval, Gao Gong soon found what he was looking for .

  Under a tree of wisdom, the 'little woman' suddenly raised her head, and let out a little surprise.

   "This is different from your previous plan."

   "There is a saying that changes are worse than plans. How about it, are you coming?"


  The next moment, Gao Gong felt that a stream of data converted from biological signals was directly uploaded to the 'brain disk'.

   When he came back to his senses, the 'little woman' had already appeared in front of him.

   "How did you convince it?"

  Looking at the intestines running through the sea in front of her eyes, the 'little woman' asked curiously.

   "Nothing, but what the Knights can do, I can do it, and what the Knights can't do, I can do it too."

   "For example, this—"

  The 'Female Banner Officer' suddenly opened her mouth, spit out a stream of data visible to the naked eye, and landed directly on her intestines.

  Similarly, Gao Gong's hand became illusory, allowing the data flow to pass through his palm.

  [You get tenth-level biological blueprint [biological computer]]

  [You get the eleventh-level biological blueprint [large biological computer]]

Then, the next moment, the spinning top transformed from the 'Small Void Realm' appeared. This time, the spinning top did not turn into a rain of electron light, but grew bigger and bigger. Gradually, it reached the size of a fortress. The outermost The code is finally a little unstable.

   "Do me a favor!"

  'Little Woman' nodded, and the next moment, a biological local area network that was much stronger than the S-level radiation beast appeared.

  The 'Kermos' LAN light also covered the spinning top.

  Two kinds of forces are intertwined, the top starts to rotate endlessly, a large number of biological signals are transferred in, and a large number of biological codes are transferred out, covering the body of the large intestine.

   On 'Kermos', the code radiance became more and more complex, and even turned into a 'little woman'.

   The Knights' "biological hardware technology" is indeed very good, even from the perspective of a senior engineer.

   But on the software side, it wasn't so bad.

  It's so bad that its allies feel wrong and they all rebel.

  Finally, the body of 'Kermos' gradually disappeared, and a humanoid figure resembling a 'little woman' appeared. It was the 'water monkey scientist' whose neck had just been broken off.

   This one has finally done virtualization.

  [You assist the S-level radiation beast-electronic leech to complete the breakthrough, experience 50000]

  'Water Monkey Scientist' looked at 'Little Woman', thought for a while, and said:

"I've seen you."

   "Well, I tried to connect to your biological domain, but due to some unexpected factors, I didn't get in touch with you."

   Unexpected factors, it is naturally the Knights.

  'Water Monkey Scientist' nodded:

   "I can feel the faint destructive factors in the members of the Knights."

   "Destructive factor, you mean the Houkai energy?" Gao Gong asked.

   "It is somewhat similar to the power in your body, but it is not exactly the same. It can even be said to be completely opposite."


  'War' is a blackened version of the Houkai body?

   "Our transaction is not over," the 'Water Monkey Scientist' reminded, "I need your assistance in the last step of transformation."

   "Of course," Gao Gong said with a smile, "The intelligence brought together by millions of biological machines will definitely cause qualitative changes."

  'Little Women' also showed a thoughtful expression.

   "Maybe, this technique will work for me too."


  Ten days later, the trilobite looked excitedly at the last sacred tree that was lit.

  He finally understands now that the enemy is at the headquarters! In other words, the enemy is the 'Pure Blood Elder'.

  Countless clues indicate that these elders colluded with the Knights, sealed the gods, and then massacred the mixed blood.

  The purpose is naturally to completely cut off the possibility of the revival of the **** 'Kermos'.

   That’s what Uncle Beard said.

  That Captain Sun Hong also meant the same thing.

   And he is the one chosen by the gods, the pig's foot of this plot, the chosen one, the one who can draw SSRs by drawing cards.

  Under the influence of the triple identity of the Holy Tree, the Son of God, and the high-ranking hunter, he won the unanimous support of the entire mixed-race tribe.

   Moreover, during this period of time, he continued to subdue other mixed-blood tribes and strengthen his own power, until now, this last step.

   Sure enough, as the last holy tree was lit, the phantom of 'Kermos' resurfaced, uttering words.

   "Go, complete the last great cause, go to revive, to evolve, and let the seat of the Eye of the Ocean float into the air again!"

  Trilobite turned his head to look, and countless mixed-race warriors stared at him, waiting for him to give an order.

"Set off!!"

  In the eyes of Haiyang, Gao Gong raised his head and said 'huh'.

   "Oh, the data is connected, then I will turn it on."

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