MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 316 : this is the final epilogue

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【Start Trading Space Battleship】【】

Exposing the power of Shi Ling, to some extent, is indeed good for making full use of future information.

However, if it is used too fully, another disadvantage will follow.

That is, their enemies are just as likely to guess that humans possess the power of time.

At least guessing the "prophet" part, there are not many problems.

In the interstellar war where intelligence is equal to power, mastering such intelligence means that various means can be adopted, and the advantage of human beings in mastering future information will be greatly affected.

In this case, even if the war is won, it may not be beneficial.

Even if it is really necessary to be exposed, it should be exposed when the odds of victory are in hand and the enemy has no ability to resist at all.

All in all, Shen Shi still decided not to go too far this time.

As for the reason, it is not without ideas.

"Everyone, I have decided to take advantage of this opportunity to first integrate the internal strength of the human interstellar empire, increase the cost of betrayal of these civilizations, and especially carry out all-round wartime supervision of newly joined powerful civilizations." Shen Shi said.

"In that case." Many people's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a way.

Before that, in order to allow more civilizations to join in and allow the strength of the human interstellar empire to grow rapidly, the internal atmosphere of the human interstellar empire was actually very loose.

Almost every civilization that joins can get benefits and see benefits.

But this also leads to the risk of betrayal in many civilizations.

If you want to implement such a policy in normal times, it will obviously be unanimously opposed, and even affect the development of the human interstellar empire, but in the current war period, there are good reasons.

Some powerful civilizations should also be able to understand.

After all, what they are staring at is actually the long-term interests of the human interstellar empire, and only by winning the war with the Qianmeng and the Mudd system can they obtain such interests.

Under such circumstances, sacrificing short-term benefits is also acceptable.

"Actually, two thousand years before the fourth future line, that is, one thousand years later, we originally implemented such a plan, and this time, we can implement it in advance." Shen Shi said, "The relevant plan All have been verified and improved in the future, there are no major problems, and some minor problems have the opportunity to be solved calmly. I suggest that we can take this newly added civilization in the dark, and when their identity as traitors is confirmed. , and even take this regulatory policy to a new level, it can be said to serve multiple purposes.”

Everyone already understood what Shen Shi meant.

It is to use this traitor, or undercover incident, to strengthen internal management and concentrate the rights and capital in the hands of human civilization, rather than to win the war.

This can indeed eliminate the suspicion of hostile civilizations, and take the opportunity to solve the undercover problem.

The only price is that this war may become more difficult.

However, victory should still belong to humans.

Therefore, in the 10,432 year of the star era, the human interstellar empire promulgated a brand new interstellar law, defining the entire human interstellar empire as an interstellar civilization, and defining all joining civilizations as races within the civilization. The transformation of the system has been opposed by many civilizations, and there has been some turmoil within the human interstellar empire, and even tears.

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【Start Trading Space Battleship】【】

The ancient civilization also speculated that the winning rate of human beings dropped by another five percentage points.

At the same time, the second round of the three major system wars broke out in the Qianmeng camp.

The remaining civilizations of the Qianmeng joined forces to encircle and suppress the two major traitors, while the human interstellar empire intervened in an all-round way, trying to protect the two major civilizations and retreat, and the Mudd system, which had been prepared for a long time, intervened in it, and the war entered into a fierce battle in the shortest possible time. white-hot stage.

Because human civilization is the defensive side this time, it can no longer take advantage of its great mobility and can only fight head-on.

Almost every blue star year, hundreds of millions of lives die on the battlefield.

However, this has also led to a new integration within the human interstellar empire. The connection between all races and the entire empire is getting closer and closer. External pressure and huge sacrifices are also rapidly promoting the growth of the human interstellar empire. .

Glory and belonging are forged in blood.

This change was naturally noticed by the Qianmeng and Mudd systems.

After a war that lasted for 1,400 years, in the Star Era, 11,892 years, the Mudd system and the Qianmeng system used a powerful relic device to jointly fight against the pre-war human civilization. The general command conducted a raid, but just a few days before the raid, a comprehensive investigation of the Lila civilization was also launched within the human interstellar.

In the case of early preparations, this investigation easily obtained evidence of the betrayal of the Lila civilization, and prevented them from passing on the news first, and then set up an ambush to carry out targeted raids against the Qianmeng and the Mudd system. counterattack.

This battle completely destroyed the last hope of Qianmeng and Mudd system.

In this way, after a short period of 1,400 years, the second war of the three major systems still ended in the victory of human civilization.

After that, the name of the human interstellar empire resounded throughout the known universe.

And in the predictions of the ancient civilization, for the first time, the winning rate of the human interstellar empire has increased to more than 50%.

In the following two thousand years, the Qianmeng and the Mudd system carried out targeted attacks again and again, trying to suppress the growth trend of the human interstellar empire, but overall they all ended in failure.

In the beginning, the human interstellar empire would paralyze the opponent with occasional failures.

But at the end, after realizing what the Mudd system and Qianmeng had expected, the human interstellar empire simply stopped pretending.

In the starry sky era, 14,472 years, the third war between the three major systems broke out completely.

This time, it was the first time that the human interstellar empire took the initiative to break out of war.

"Yes, we have finally waited for this day!" Shen Fei carried out the final war mobilization at the supreme meeting, "From the despair of being trapped in the Mudd system at the beginning, from the despair of being cut off from the culture of No. 1 future line, From the desperation of having to flee the galaxy with the entire human civilization, to today, we finally have the ability to tear it all back, take back everything we have, and truly reshape the entire universe. I believe that, whether it is now or in the future, the entire universe The evaluation of this war must be glorious, just, and full of light!"

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【Start Trading Space Battleship】【】

Everyone listened in silence.

This seems to be a speech full of formalism, but at this moment, it is extremely sincere.

Because of the interstellar universe, there is no need for formalism.

Darkness is darkness, cruelty is cruelty, there is no need to cover up, no need to be ashamed, because this is what the universe really looks like.

But now, the main theme of the universe has finally returned to the familiar appearance of human civilization.

Tell about light, about justice, and about the correct path of development.

All the dark, all the cruel, and all the cruel things may exist forever, but they will no longer appear on the bright side!

This will be the cheers of all the weak, the cheers of all subsequent civilizations!

The war has begun.

In the history of the known universe, the first war eligible to be called "in the name of justice".

Compared with the previous two three-system wars, this one is obviously much simpler.

Because of the strength of the human interstellar empire, it is already possible to join forces with the two major systems on the front.

Offense and defense have switched.

Coupled with the system and institutional advantages of the human interstellar empire, the final victory is almost clearly visible.

With this trend, everything becomes very simple.

It's as simple as that, every day, there are countless hostile civilizations seeking opportunities to join the human interstellar empire.

And Shen Shi naturally chose to let the past go.

Under the internal high-pressure supervision system, the joining of these civilizations has actually chosen to surrender.

In the name of justice.

It is naturally impossible for the human interstellar empire to oppress these civilizations again, otherwise, it will only restore the universe to its past appearance.

And among these added civilizations, the civilizations in the Qianmeng system are the most important.

After all, the Qianmeng system is not as cohesive as the Mudd system.

As for the Mudd system.

Nature still awaits the rancher's decision.

The ranchers have ruled the entire system for hundreds of thousands of years. Even now, relying on the prestige gathered in the past, they can still have a strong ability to supervise the entire civilization.

After the human interstellar empire completely surrounded the place where the ranchers were located, the war that determined the development of the known universe for hundreds of thousands, even millions, and tens of millions of years, finally came to an end.

And at some point.

Shen Shi, who had kept his eyes closed, opened them.

"There is no need to wait any longer." He said to the people who had been waiting around, "The future has changed, and the rancher has already fled."

"Escaped?" The rest of the people were taken aback.

"That's right, the rancher has also made corresponding changes after knowing that we are exploring the future. He should have controlled his will and made a choice of fighting or fleeing, which interfered with the future. Change, in other words, with a probability of 50%, he won the bet. At this moment, he should have fled alone to a galaxy that no one can find in this universe. The last hole card prepared for myself."

To be honest, Shen Shi couldn't help admiring after knowing all this.

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【Start Trading Space Battleship】【】

On the bright side, the Mudd system does not have enough energy to explore the unknown universe.

But in fact, since hundreds of thousands of years ago, people have been ordered to take the interstellar long-distance transition gate and rush to unknown places without stopping.

I am afraid that even he himself does not know the location where he escaped in an instant, but it must be unimaginably far away. Even with the strength in the hands of human civilization, it is difficult to find him in this vast universe.

And when he actually finds it, I'm afraid he has already established another powerful system.

Even in the face of human civilization, there may not be no place to fight.

— as it should be.

It's a pity that the other party has considered all the situations inside the universe, but after all, he can't consider the situations outside the universe.

"Rancher, leave it to me." Shen Shi stood up, and the surrounding space began to distort, "It's time to end all of this."

After the voice fell, he had disappeared in the same place.

The rest of the people can only look at each other.

Because they can naturally feel that Lord Sage did not rely on the power of the Holy Land, and the transmission of the Holy Land can only be silent.

"Master Sage, there is still a secret."

"That's good."

"That's right, the development of a civilization ultimately requires a truly powerful leader."

"Everyone, our journey, the journey of human civilization, has just begun."


In fact, these people were right.

At this time, Shen Shi did have a secret.

Just when the rancher chose to leave, Shi Ling also experienced a final change, not the appearance of the fifth future line, but a complete integration, just like activating a specific program, the entire Shi Ling has been It was completely integrated into Shen Shi's soul, making him completely transform into a high-dimensional creature in this instant.

Shen Shi could clearly feel it.

The reason why he was able to achieve this step was to rely on the power that belonged to him and to human beings in the countless years to come.

The essence of high-dimensional creatures in time is to integrate themselves in countless timelines into one.

And with the help of the power of this is, the original energy, the huge original energy provided by the human civilization in countless timelines.

If human beings do not have an endless future, then he cannot truly become a high-dimensional creature.

"Everything is ready. From the very beginning, my future has been bound to this universe and the entire human civilization." At this time, Shen Shi no longer exists in any corner of this universe. He felt that he was standing in the cracks of time, as if he was standing in the cracks of countless parallel universes. Wherever the line of sight flowed, everything in the entire universe, from small dust to large galaxies, was all in his hands. in consciousness.

It seems that as long as the mind moves, everything can be easily changed.

It's as simple as changing a picture on paper or a character in a book.

He was not in a hurry to find the rancher, but suddenly his expression changed, and he looked at a place that was also in the gap between time.

"Chu Lin." He called out the person's name, "Sure enough, you are also a high-dimensional creature."

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【Start Trading Space Battleship】【】

"In fact, it is more appropriate to call it the eighth level." Chu Lin's voice was accurately transmitted to Shen Shi's consciousness, "But I am different from you. On the basis of the president, reaching this level is already the limit, and it is impossible to step into the ninth level in a lifetime, and even experience a more powerful demeanor, but you are different, no matter how difficult it is, your way forward is still not cut off, How, are you interested in joining us? As human beings, we should be natural allies."

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion