MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 248 : 300 years of benign nesting dolls

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Ken's mood suddenly changed drastically.

No wonder Ken's reaction was so violent.

The trading market is definitely one of the most powerful cards in the hands of human civilization! Not only does it contract powerful functionality, but it also comes with a strict security system. Even in the current situation, the existence of the trading market has not been leaked to any other civilization.

Although it is impossible to have no traces, it is impossible to know specific things, and it is impossible to plunder. This is the attribute of this relic possessed by human beings.

But now, is it possible for outsiders to gain access to the trading market?

Really can't deny it!

The terminal of the trading market seems to come to human beings in a random manner, and can be inherited in a voluntary manner within human beings, which also makes the trading market approach the top of the human power pyramid to a certain extent, but , no one knows what kind of way this "advent" is carried out.

If a person's genes are modified into human genes, and the primordial world is also modified into a shape that can be integrated into human culture, is it possible for this person to get the terminal of the trading market?

Or, can this person qualify for inheritance?

"If someone from Ace really got the trading market terminal, but according to the rules of the trading market, the person who obtained the trading market cannot disclose the existence of the market in any form to those who do not have the trading market terminal. This is inscribed. In the deep awareness of the rules of consciousness, it will even protect against any foreign attempts to spy on it, which means that it is impossible for the Ace people who have obtained the terminal of this trading market to pass their existence information to Ace civilization. "Shen Shiwan Slowly talking about his guess, "However, such Ace people will not be reconciled. They will use their own means to study this trading market as much as possible."

As for the fact that the Ace people truly rely on human beings when they integrate into the cultural values ​​of human beings, Shen Shi would never even think about such a thing.

Because it is impossible.

Not to mention an Ace person who is integrated into human culture, even a native human being will take refuge in Ace.

Therefore, what the Ace people did after joining in, definitely try to take away this trading market.

Ken nodded slightly.

He also felt that things would change this way.

Moreover, he had already realized what Shen Shi wanted to say.

"We've done experiments before," Kean said. "Once someone's primordial world changes and he abandons his human identity, he will be expelled from the trading market. Wait and say, he wants to make good use of it. In this trading market, the culture of human civilization must be guaranteed. This may become a trump card for us to fight against Ace, or, in other words, a final fire."

It is impossible for Escience to give up this trading market in any case.

To a certain extent, putting this trading market in the hands of human beings is purely a waste, because human beings simply do not dare to use it arbitrarily, for fear of being discovered.

However, the more powerful Ace civilization can be used more boldly.

Real-time teleportation and calls regardless of spatial distance will be able to make Ace civilization an impeccable whole!

Therefore, before Ace Civilization researches on the trading market, not only can they not completely destroy the culture of human civilization, but even preserve the culture of human beings. Otherwise, this transaction can no longer be found where the main server is located. Market terminal, I am afraid will also disappear.

"But this is too risky." Ken couldn't help saying at the end, "The trading market is our last retreat! As long as it exists, our Tinder plan can be easily completed at any time! We even keep the retreat route! "

"Isn't it a risk to integrate into the Ace civilization?" Shen Shi looked at him, "I know what you think, one part is integrated into the Ace civilization, the other part inherits the human civilization, and also inherits the trading market, but you should know that even if we can Escape the solar system, escape the Mulder system, but as it goes, nowhere is safe."

According to one of the theorems of star civilization, the stronger the civilization, the more likely it is to be discovered.

Because the development of civilization requires resources, external expansion is also a necessary path for the development of civilization.

A move like Yuren Civilization's use of a shady curtain to seal up the whole of itself is actually impossible for a long time.

As long as there is no way to create things out of thin air, and as long as the conservation of energy is respected, there is no way for the resources of that galaxy to keep a civilization developing.

Before even reaching the C level, he had to leave the shady world and find more resources.

and then found again.

Not to mention the mere two thousand years, even if they have fled for 20,000 years, it may not be safe.

In the final analysis, only strength is the real security.

"." Ken was silent for a long time this time.

As a standing member of the human race, he is a shameful capitulationist in the hearts of many human beings, as if groveling and wanting to lick the stinky feet of Ace Civilization.

However, from Shen Shi's point of view, he clearly knew.

It is impossible for a person like Ken to change his original world. Once human beings are really swallowed up by the Ace civilization, the only outcome for Ken is to be excluded, lose everything, and even die.

His ideas, his decisions, are not for himself.

This is fundamentally different from some people who are simply selfish and turn their backs on civilization.

This is also the reason why Shen Shi came to him this time and talked about it.

"It's too risky." Ken sighed at the end, "I still can't accept it, let alone push it, but I won't stop it either. At that time, it doesn't make any sense to stop it."

"It won't be that time." Shen Shi said.

"You have always been confident." Ken looked at Shen Shi, and for the first time he showed complex emotions in front of Shen Shi, "When I was very young, I already understood the truth of this world, It is information and probability. The so-called miracle is nothing but a small probability event. However, the probability is too small in principle, it is considered to be zero in a single experiment. Therefore, I never believe in any miracles, but you seem to There is always a given reality that turns this miracle into a 100 percent occurrence.”

"If you can't believe in miracles, then believe me." Shen Shi also smiled in front of Ken for the first time.

Where does his confidence come from?

Naturally, it came from Shiling.

Three thousand years ago, he was able to gain confidence from the fate of the future line, and in the future line three thousand years later, his information came from the past, because he knew that no matter how many badends appeared, he would have a chance Turn it all around.

The future line has already been changed by him too many times.

"I'll try to do that." Ken finally nodded.

This sentence means that this once staunch sage opposition has now unconsciously become a sage supporter.

Of course, the premise is that he can really see the "miracle".

And after this conversation that only two people knew about ended, Shen Shi also reversed his focus.

He "disappeared" in the future line.

In fact, as early as a few decades ago, Shen Shi completed the devouring of the incarnation of the sage Shen Shi, and absorbed 100% of the power of the sage Shen Shi, which made his strength unprecedentedly improved. When he returned to the peak of power, he was able to easily grasp the primordial energy world - at that time, he indeed possessed a power that surpassed the sum total of the entire Supreme Council!

And as a price, or an inevitable result, the sage Shen Shi has disappeared.

Whether it is the past or the No. 2 future line, there is only one Shen Shi.

Therefore, when Shen Shi left the future line and returned to the past, even Ace civilization could not find this sage.

In the eyes of some people, only "Xinghai" can achieve this level.

Shen Shi was once again contacted by Xinghai, and it was confirmed once again that both human civilization and Ace civilization had made some changes to this.

This is also one of Shen Shi's goals.

Then it's time to continue nesting the dolls.

He also made a series of adjustments in modern society, the most important of which is to speed up the self-transformation of cultural content.

Thanks to the experience of the future world, even if the technical level of the current human civilization is actually far from reaching the level of this "race change", it can already be optimized accordingly.

Now Shen Shi has clearly understood that in the field of original energy technology, there are indeed advantages and disadvantages in culture.

A good culture can not only help individuals quickly condense their own primordial world and become primordial masters, but also can be used as a powerful weapon in cultural wars. Active attack may need to rely on the advantage of force, but passive defense only Can rely on the strengths and weaknesses of their own culture.

Therefore, unifying standards and transforming them has become a must for every B-level civilization.

It is precisely in this way that their culture can be so aggressive, and can continue to devour other civilizations to grow itself.

But now, human beings are moving in this direction first.

"There is no need to separate things anymore. The East is the main thing, because we don't need that kind of culture like praying to gods. What we need is to fight against the sky!" Shen Shi kept giving his instructions.

This kind of order is almost impossible to complete in the past and future human civilization.

But at this time, it is not difficult.

Because Shen Shi's authority has reached its peak during this period of time.

Moreover, according to the cultural customs on Blue Star, what Shen Shi did was just another "pit Confucianism and burning books", or another "heretic war".

In a situation where the interests of human civilization are highly bound together, this kind of unification, this kind of transformation to adapt to the changes of the times, is what it should be.

Such changes are also causing profound changes in the future world.

The most direct change is that the swallowing process of the Ace civilization has become extraordinarily difficult.

It was originally planned to be completed in four hundred years, but because of the resilience of human culture, this plan was delayed for three hundred years and turned into seven hundred years.

Shen Shi can clearly feel that the Ace civilization is losing the patience to devour humans. They just use humans as a "model" to promote the integration of other civilizations, even some civilizations that have not yet reached the peak of C-level civilization. , do not let go, quite a bit hungry feeling.

And not only the Ace civilization, but most of the rest of the B-level civilization in the Mulder system, have faintly displayed this attitude.

There is no doubt that this is beneficial to Shen Shi.

Because human civilization is not fully integrated in one day, it will get a steady stream of "support" from the Essence civilization, and as a "model", it must be protected to a certain extent. It is impossible for the Essence civilization to let the model of human civilization emerge. Whatever, it will make the rest of the civilization vigilant against Shen Shi's resistance, and it will also be easy to integrate.

Seeing that the development of human civilization is getting faster and faster, and under the influence of the timeline, the process of integrating the future world into the plan has become slower and slower.

Shen Shi knew it deeply.

The comfortable growth period of this round of "benign nesting dolls" has also begun to approach the limit.

A limit that a certain Escience civilization can no longer endure.

However, by the time the limit was almost reached, more than three hundred years had passed.

Now, the irreversible era belonging to Shen Shi has reached the 732nd year of the Starry Sky Era.

After more than 300 years of rapid development, human civilization has completely changed its appearance, not only in the technical field, but also in the cultural field!

In the past three hundred years, although the Dike civilization, which was attacked by "interstellar pirates" before, has been unable to draw enough troops to deal with human civilization, their attention to human civilization has not diminished because of this, but has become more and more intense.

It is a pity that the strength of human civilization has already surpassed that of Dyke civilization.

Under deliberate constraints, the information discovered by the Dyke civilization is extremely sparse.

Without tangible evidence, their reflections will not be valued by Escience Civilization at all.

And this period of rapid development also has a specific impact on the future world three thousand years later.

At this time, the human civilization 3,000 years later has more than 5,000 B-level technologies in key fields, and more than 4,000 of these technologies are derived from the self-development of human civilization. When integrating, the means are stronger and the efficiency is lower.

Now, the time to sign the integration clause has been delayed by a full two hundred and seventy years from the original signing time.

It became a clause signed only thirty years ago.

And because of cultural resistance, the initial integration time planned in the terms and plans is as long as 1,600 years!

Shen Shi expects that when the time for signing the terms is pushed back to the present, some kind of change may occur, for example, the terms can no longer be signed.

But that's not necessarily good news.

Because it cannot be signed, it means that Escience civilization will not be able to swallow human civilization within this time, and it also means that human civilization will lose its identity as a "model".

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