MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 763 Invincible Our Lady

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Each of the Motherships has a massive sacred Kedarinic crystal installed at its core. The huge energy that is difficult to measure gathers in the crystal, so that the Notre Dame can easily tear apart space, distort time, and do some miraculous things.

The construction of the Notre Dame was completed not long ago. During its construction, Yang Ying obtained all the technology of the Sarnaga, so some enhancements were made to it, such as the tenth-level Star Destroyer that was originally equipped on the Notre Dame. The cannon has been upgraded to a level 12 star-breaking cannon, and the capabilities of black holes and time bombs have also been considerably improved.

It can be said that this Notre Dame ship already has fleet-level combat effectiveness.

After the ten Notre Dame ships, there are nearly 300 giant aircraft carriers with a length of 1.5 kilometers. In addition, it can also shoot tenth-level star destroying cannons.

Those who control these ten Notre Dame ships are ten fourth-level extreme light and shadow consuls, and those who control nearly three hundred special-type aircraft carriers are members of the Protoss Supreme Council.

Now the strength of the Protoss has multiplied several times compared to when they just captured the Burke Lake Starfield. Many regional councils have been established in various places, but the Supreme Council is still the size of the 396 people.

Three hundred and sixty councilors and thirty-six core councilors assisted the speaker, Cass, in controlling the spiritual link of the Protoss, and also shared the spiritual power offerings from the people of the Protoss through the spiritual link.

As early as when they attacked the Berk Empire, the spiritual power of the councilors had reached the limit of the third pole, and as the Protoss stalls continued to spread, the continuous rapid growth of the spiritual power from the tribute has made them unable to bear it anymore.

This means that changes must be made to the status quo of the Supreme Council. As Yang Ying deepened his understanding of Nagar technology, he came up with a way to help the core councilors forcibly break through the bottleneck of promotion to the fourth level through genetic modulation. .

He once used the method of transforming the Queen of Blades to help Katerina break through once. Although the Zerg and the Protoss are completely different in terms of genes, they have one thing in common, and they are all made by Xel Naga!

Xel'Naga's technology contains all the knowledge needed to transform the gods and insects. Yang Ying can create a fourth-level brain worm and a fourth-level Queen of Blades. Naturally, it can also help the gods break through the first level. The shackles of the three poles.

The first batch of thirty-six core councilors were transformed and promoted to the fourth-level existence, followed by three hundred and sixty councilors.

Today's Supreme Council has become a place where the existence of the fourth level gathers. All the core members are the upper level of the fourth level, and the ordinary members are also the lower level of the fourth level.

This time, on the El star battlefield, more than half of the members of the Supreme Council have gathered. They gathered behind the ten Notre Dame ships and stared at the coalition fleet.

"Target them and shoot!"

Looking at the Notre Dame, Shaluo felt a sense of crisis in his heart, an unprecedented sense of crisis. Following his order, the coalition fleet poured all its firepower on the ten Notre Dame ships!

The Light and Shadow Consul made a move, the huge holy Kedarin crystal shone with white light, and a thin barrier appeared around the Notre Dame.

The beam of coalition forces hit the barrier, as if blocked by a mysterious force, it became extremely slow, and then stopped!

Mothership Stunt, Time Bomb! A super enchantment that can stop time!

"How could it be! How could they stop the light!"

"The universe really contains infinite possibilities, and the technology of the Protoss can do such miraculous things!"

"What kind of enemy are we fighting!"

"Shaluo, that bastard, actually dragged us to fight this kind of person!"

"Quick retreat! I feel their next blow, it must be earth-shattering!"

"No, it's too late!"

The energy beams emitted by the coalition forces dissipated in the barrier of time stillness, and the ten Notre Dame ships flashed with dark light again, and ten black holes suddenly appeared in the formation of the coalition forces!

Black holes are the most massive celestial bodies in the universe, and they can only be formed when super-giant stars end their lives. Black holes are surrounded by an enormous gravitational force. Anything that comes close to them is sucked in, not even light!

It is precisely because not even light can escape from black holes that they have the name black holes!

The range of influence of the black hole is quite wide. Although limited to energy, the Notre Dame Ship cannot create a real black hole, but it is more than enough for attacking on the battlefield.

Ten black holes completely covered the entire coalition fleet, the space was distorted by the strong gravity, and even the light became distorted. It looked like ten bottomless vortexes, and the coalition fleet was torn and pulled into the vortex The center, the deepest bottomless place!

Some battleship armors are even torn directly by gravity and turned into pieces. In this case, any system on the battleship cannot be used normally, cannot be attacked, and cannot be separated.

Only a few fourth-level existences in the coalition forces escaped from the enveloping range of the black hole by virtue of their own ability to distort space.

The original huge fleet of 15 million was sucked in by ten black holes in an instant, leaving no wreckage outside. This is undoubtedly the most spectacular scene in the Milky Way for thousands of years. .

But for the parties concerned, this spectacular scene will only make these fourth-level beings feel chills in their hearts.

The ten distorted vortexes gradually disappeared, and the void regained its tranquility, yes, very tranquil. It was very quiet, so quiet that there was nothing there. It was originally the place where the coalition fleet was, and there was not even a single part left.

The world is quiet!

Ten Notre Dame ships flashed and appeared above the fourth-level existences of the coalition forces.



"There is something to discuss!"

A group of fourth-level beings spoke out one after another, and before the words fell, they felt that huge energy was accumulating, and immediately dispersed. Shaluo, Emperor Salian, Sidi Lun and others all rushed to the city at the fastest speed in their lives. flee.


Ten star-breaking cannons went straight down!

Yang Ying didn't intend to listen to their words or explanations, because if the situation on both sides was reversed, they wouldn't listen to him either.

The Notre Dame ship with fleet-level firepower and fleet-level energy, together with a group of light and shadow consuls who are extremely powerful, can be described as god-blocking and killing gods. If Shaluo still had a fleet, he could still last for a few rounds, but he didn't. And so he fell.

Fell into a beam of light that shone like the sun!

Others whose strength is not as good as Shaluo's, let alone the possibility of surviving, were all blasted into nothingness by the broken star cannon (the holy Kedarin crystal has spiritual characteristics, based on this, the broken star cannon can make the fourth level exist. fall).

After this battle, the fourth-level existence on the bright side of Orion's arm. has been reduced to single digits.

Nearly 300 special-type aircraft carriers did not take action, and they did not need to take action. The Notre Dame has already taken care of everything.

From an aircraft carrier came out a bright consul with blue flames all over his body: "Speaker, shall we start our next plan?"

"Let's get started." Cass appeared from a Notre Dame ship and said, "Although our current territory has not been completely stabilized, we have a huge opportunity in front of us. It would be a pity if we don't grasp it. Prepare to send troops to the Loya Empire and Cyclo Federation! As for the other small races, let them be in a mess for a while. We can settle the score with them slowly."

The results of the Battle of El Star spread to the Empire and the Alliance shortly thereafter, and caused a sensation within a certain range, causing 15 million warships of various types to disappear immediately. It may not be so clean.

The empress and the empress dowager took time to find Yang Ying and asked what happened. Since Protos officials kept silent about the battle process after the war, and the other side of the battle was completely wiped out, there was not even a single part left, so outsiders could It's unclear exactly what happened in that fight.

Yang Ying didn't play with mystery either, the mystery of the Notre Dame ship wouldn't last long directly told the two Supremes about the battle process, which aroused their admiration.

Although the empire also has the technology to distort time and space, it is only something like a phase transfer force field shield, and man-made black holes stop time. Although the empire has a theoretical basis for this, it has not been able to apply it to weapons.

However, Yang Ying also saw that while the two supreme beings were admiring, they also had doubts in their hearts. Brilliant technology, how could it be possible for hundreds of thousands of years to keep the human empire ignorant of it!

Coupled with the rise of the selected Zerg in the Perishian's arm, and the emergence of extremely strong people who are rare in ten thousand years, all the strange things that have happened in the Milky Way recently can be more or less connected with Yang Ying. Only a fool would think that this is normal. The two supreme beings are not stupid. On the contrary, they are fourth-level existences with extraordinary wisdom.

Yang Ying understands that the reason why they haven't had a showdown with him until now is because they have the same goal as him, and they need him and his forces to deal with the alliance and Sandvor.

Before the alliance is defeated, they will maintain the relationship between the royal family and him no matter what. Don't let the cooperation break down, but when the alliance and Sandvor's problems are resolved, I'm afraid the day of the showdown will come.

Yang Ying doesn't care about this, and soon, he will be invincible, because there is a glorious road in front of him, which is the road to a higher level, the road to infinite possibilities, and the fifth level The way of being!

This path had been opened to him the day he was promoted to the fourth level, and the knowledge of the Naganaga explained the truth of the fifth level.

【...Chapter 763: The Invincible Mothership has the fastest text update...】@!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion