MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 753 Sandover's Fleet

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As soon as Sandvor left, Cass' giant purple hand fell from the sky. It is lightly covered on the grass of a courtyard beside it. The trees here have been broken a lot, and the environment is a bit messy. After the giant purple hand was raised again, she saw Bai Bai sitting on the grass in good condition, her fists were clenched tightly, and there was a trace of fear and tension in her eyes, as if she was trying not to show her fear. appearance.

Because what happened just now happened too quickly, before Baibai realized what happened, she was sucked into Cass' hands. She was not a little girl who didn't know anything, on the contrary, she was quite smart. Come to understand, this must not be a good thing.

Cass hid her in the space gap, and protected her with a static force field. Under the protection of this strength, she is very safe. Even if Sandvor attacks with all his strength, she cannot be broken within three or two blows. Yes, but because he didn't know the situation outside, Bai Bai was very nervous in his heart, for fear that he would be taken away by the bad guys. Then use it to threaten my sister and queen mother, maybe add her brother Yang Ying, sister Katerina, and so on...

Now that she saw the light again, the first thing she did was to confirm her situation, and immediately found that she was still in the palace, with a huge hand burning with purple flames on top of her head, which seemed a bit familiar , and more importantly, there was her queen mother beside her!


Bai Bai didn't feel relieved until he saw the empress dowager, the tension in his eyes disappeared, he stood up abruptly, and rushed to the empress dowager's arms.

"Good boy, it's all right." The Empress Dowager patted her on the back lightly, and expressed her gratitude to Cass.

"It's easy to do. I've heard what happened here from Yang Ying. Your Majesty the Empress Dowager should have a lot of things to deal with, and I won't take up your majesty's time..." Cass didn't say much, and retracted his giant purple hand Wormhole.

Bai Bai raised his head from the empress dowager's arms, and shouted to the shrinking wormhole in the sky: "Thank you! Uncle Speaker."

Cass' laughter came from inside the wormhole, and then the wormhole shrank into a small dot and disappeared.

Bai Bai has almost never met Cass face-to-face, but only heard Yang Ying talk about the speaker of Protos, so he wished to call Cass uncle. Yang Ying didn't care about this title, so he didn't bother with such a trivial matter. Going to correct it.

At this time, on the battlefield outside the distant starry sky. Millom took over Yasuwen's command and led the regent king's guard fleet, continuing to fight Yang Ying and his avatars, as well as the Queen's Imperial Space Force fleet.

The battle has reached a fever pitch so far, and Millam also understands that the tricks they did on the Imperial Space Force battleship will not last long, and the interference program will be cracked soon, leaving them with little time.

Therefore, they divided the fleet into two parts, one half to deal with Yang Ying and the eleven extreme powerhouses who rushed into their fleet, and the other half to attack the Imperial Space Force.

In the initial stage, the Imperial Cosmic Army had no power to fight back, not even the power to resist, and soon tens of thousands of warships were damaged or destroyed.

While relying on the support of his own fleet's infinite energy to resist the attacks of six extreme powerhouses, Millom sent a notice to Queen Erimia to persuade her to surrender.

Of course, the queen refused sternly, but the loss of the fleet made her heartbroken. In order to make the fleet have a certain resistance as soon as possible, she also joined the ranks of cracking the jamming program.

The queen was also a top student who graduated from the First Royal Academy when she was a girl. She has received multiple degrees and is quite proficient in optical brain knowledge. With the concerted efforts of her and Daofeng, the efficiency of cracking the interference program has suddenly increased to a higher level.

Soon, the two cracked part of the jamming program, freeing the fleet's defense system from the jamming. Battleships opened their protective shields one after another, and the fleet's loss rate suddenly slowed down a lot.

When Millam saw this, his sense of urgency doubled. The fleet of the Regent King’s Guards in his hands was far smaller than the fleet of the Imperial Space Force. This action can basically declare failure.

At this time, there was only a scream, which was as piercing as the cry of a night owl, echoing in the spiritual world. Millam was shocked when he heard it, and he recognized that it was Fermud's voice!

In a blink of an eye, he saw that Fei Mude had been stabbed by six lightning javelins at the same time, and his whole body exploded, like a rapidly expanding fireball, and the surface of the fireball was overflowing with lightning!


Millom knew right away that it was not good. He looked at the six figures who were besieging him. With a move in his heart, he transferred most of the fleet's firepower in an instant. There was no gap in all directions, and he focused on one figure. Did not dodge, was hit by millions of energy beams, and then shattered like a glass lens.

"Illusions!" Millom gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that he had been being teased until just now, and he had been entangled with six illusions for so long!

The current form is obviously quite unfavorable to him, on the one hand. He wanted to destroy the queen's fleet before it recovered, and on the other hand, he wanted to eliminate the harassing eleven Yang Ying in his own fleet.

If there are only two missions and any one is removed, he may still succeed if he is fully fired. If the two missions are added together, the possibility of success is very small.

"It seems that we can only choose one of the tasks to complete." Millam thought to himself.

He decided to target the Queen's Imperial Cosmic Army. The Imperial Cosmic Army is still only capable of parrying and has no power to fight back. Once the Imperial Cosmic Army is let go today, the next time you look for such an opportunity, there will be no more. up.

Just when he was about to invest all the remaining reserve firepower in order to fight for the last chance, he saw a wormhole suddenly appeared in the void, and a figure in red robes and gold clothes walked out of it, it was the regent King Sandvor.

"My lord!" Millom called immediately.

"This feeling... Has Yasuwen died in battle?" Sandvor frowned as soon as he came to the battlefield, he couldn't find Yasuwen's presence.

"Yes." Millam did not hesitate, and immediately sent out a telepathy, telling everything that happened before.

"Eleven extreme powerhouses!" Even if Millam didn't say anything, Sandvor felt these eleven strong spiritual forces, and he also felt that these spiritual forces did not include the blade and Katerina. A character who has been confirmed as the ultimate strongman.

"That is to say. Thirteen extreme powerhouses!" Sandvor felt that the matter was out of his control. Thirteen extreme powerhouses appeared in the selection Zerg of the Persian arm, and thirteen extreme powerhouses appeared on Yang Ying's side. One extreme powerhouse, no, plus the three of Protos, that's sixteen! When did the extreme powerhouse become so worthless?

"Millom, give me the command of the fleet!"

"Yes!" Millom immediately obeyed the order and transferred the command of the Regent King's Guard fleet to Sandvor himself.

After Sandover took over the fleet, his whole momentum changed suddenly, as if he had turned into a mighty army.

"Well, no matter how many extreme powerhouses you have, don't even think about blocking my footsteps! I am the one who will eventually become a fifth-level existence!"

With Sandvor's roar, the entire fleet launched a salvo!

The ultimate powerhouse is really extraordinary. After the regent king's guards were transferred to Sandover, they immediately changed their appearance. The shooting and distribution of energy beams have greatly improved, and the beams under Millom's control are almost gone. on one level.

After only one volley, all the phantoms created by Yang Ying were destroyed. Eleven figures rushed left and right under the light net, only feeling the pressure doubled, and had to trade minor injuries for major injuries, and suffered several small-level beams It was only through the first wave of salvo that the attack was launched.

It's like two ordinary people of equal strength, one with a gun in hand and the other with bare hands, the gap between the two will immediately become very obvious, not to mention that Yang Ying is inferior to Sandvor, and now Sandvor has a The fleet immediately widened the Ying immediately released many phantoms to disrupt and disperse Sandward's attack. Originally facing Millom, he could still make some effective attacks. attacks, but now they can only do limited harassment.

Afterwards, the King Regent’s Guards were fully fired, and almost every shot was fired. In addition to Yang Ying, the Imperial Cosmic Army also received considerable care. Under Sandvor’s overall command, the efficiency of the energy beam was utilized to the highest level. If the protective cover penetrated by ten shots, there is absolutely no need for eleven shots.

The rate of loss of the Imperial Space Force has risen again.

"Sandover! Are you going to betray the empire?" The queen's voice sounded on the battlefield, "How dare you open fire on the emperor!"

"Hey, you have long regarded me as the murderer who murdered the late emperor, and wished to use all kinds of means to take my life. Could it be that I am not allowed to resist?"

Sandvor shouted loudly: "You disbanded the Senate and attempted to overthrow the traditions of the empire for tens of thousands of years. Isn't it because of your royal family's selfish desires? In fact, as early as after the catastrophe, when the sea of ​​force was fragmented, the monarchy should be eliminated. You have survived until now, and the elders let you go because of a thought of kindness. If you are really for the empire, you should abdicate immediately, give up power, and reorganize the empire into a federal system!"

"Then, take the Force Sea away from the royal family, so that you can master the Force Sea and become a fifth-level existence?" The Queen sneered, "I don't know why you think that the Force Sea can let you You break through the bottleneck of the fourth level, but I tell you, this is impossible!"

"It's impossible in your eyes, but I can succeed!" Sandvor controlled the fleet and fired another salvo, wiping out Yang Ying's phantom and nearly 5,000 Imperial Space Force warships.

[...Chapter 753 Sandvor's Fleet has the fastest text update...] @!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion