MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 747 fierce confrontation

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"...If the territory that cannot submit the above report within one month, it will not be included in the distribution scope of the new awakening potion. I hope that the nobles of each territory can do it themselves!"

After Queen Erimia finished speaking, she got up and left the podium.

The chief press officer of the royal family, a middle-aged female nobleman, stepped onto the stage: "The next question will be answered by me..."

A crowd of reporters flocked to raise their own questions, fearing that they would be ignored if they were too late, and the news hall suddenly became a mess.

The queen did not return to her seat, but walked straight into the passageway in the corner of the hall, surrounded by four royal maids and left the press hall.

After passing through the passage, there is a horizontal corridor. The empress dowager has already waited at the corner, and Yang Ying is also staying aside.

"Mother's queen." The queen stepped forward to salute, and also greeted Yang Ying.

The Empress Dowager nodded, and said in a distant tone: "It has finally begun." Her voice contained complex emotions, as if there were worries, expectations, and a hint of relief.

"It was really a powerful speech just now." Yang Ying also said, "However, it sounds like a call to action, and it will make many nobles feel disgusted." Even more than disgust, it is also possible to become directly hostile .

"Your Excellency Yang Ying, are you criticizing me?" The queen stared at Yang Ying with sparkling eyes and asked.

"Where. Your Majesty is the emperor of the empire. Of course, you don't have to explain the reason to me when you make a decision." Yang Ying shook his head.

"Well, it's really nothing to talk about." The queen smiled. "To clean up the evils of the empire for thousands of years, it's not about treating guests to dinner, but how can we do it without some strong medicine? In comparison, instead of using a gentle and deliberative tone, let them feel happy." If we are lucky or think that we are not confident enough, it is better to beat them directly and let them know the unshakable determination and confidence of the royal family this time."

"And..." the queen paused, and then said, "It has long been a common phenomenon for nobles everywhere to despise the royal family. No matter how gentle I am, they will not change anything. As long as their core interests are touched, they will definitely jump up. Oppose, even in the most violent way. If you force them now, at least you can disrupt the rhythm of their preparations and advance the timing of their outbreak, but we have already made full preparations, which will allow us to Take the initiative in the turmoil.”

"..." Yang Ying didn't say any more, and walked towards the palace with the empress and empress dowager.

The fierce reaction brought about by the queen's statement was soon revealed, and the entire empire was shaken by it. Many powerful local nobles jointly sent a letter of objection to the capital star, demanding that the royal family take back the "extremely unreasonable" paragraph. Sensible" speech, demanding a public apology from the Queen.

They believed that the Queen's remarks and policies had greatly hurt the feelings of nobles everywhere. It is a disrespect to the entire noble class, a blatant challenge to the privileges of the nobles, and a crazy move to destroy the cornerstone of the empire.

Of course, the empress will not compromise on such raging accusations. She has repeatedly refuted these accusations in public, and provided many examples to prove that the empire has indeed had to change. plans are described.

Including rectifying the aristocratic class, re-establishing the scope of privileges, alleviating the contradictions between the various classes, and so on.

At this stage, her reason is very good, because when the empire re-completes the great cause of national awakening in the near future, many of the regulations originally used to coordinate the various relationships between real humans and sub-humans will obviously become inappropriate. Re-enact it.

And this part of the regulations is where the core interests of the aristocratic group lie, and it is also the focus of most of the conflicts between the royal family and local nobles. human support.

This is exactly what the aristocracy cannot give to demihumans. After all, it is impossible for them to transfer their core interests to demihumans, and if they do, it is in line with the royal family's wishes.

"But. Why didn't my sister just distribute the potion to awaken all the subhumans in the entire empire, and then use this power to fight against the nobles? In that case, the power of the subhuman group will be much greater than it is now, and it will be easier for them to Suppress those bad nobles." Bai Bai expressed his doubts to Yang Ying.

These days, the empress and empress dowager have been busy dealing with various parties and have no time to accompany Bai Bai, so the little girl came to find Yang Ying and Katerina again.

"Things are not that simple." Katerina stroked her hair and said with a smile, "This is a drastic change that will affect the future of the empire, and all factors must be taken into consideration. Your sister also has her considerations in doing so. "

"Let me give you an example." Yang Ying took the words and said, "Suppose there is a local nobleman with 10 million subhumans in his territory, so the empire granted him 10 million copies of new gene stimulation Medicine, what do you think he will do with this batch of medicine?"

"Shouldn't it be posted?" Bai Bai asked with his eyes wide open.

"Of course not." Yang Ying shook his head and said, "The nobles of the empire are all real humans. Under the influence of spiritual power, their intelligence is not weak. They can definitely see that the rise of sub-humans will bring a crisis to their status. .

"Therefore, that nobleman should take out one hundred thousand potions first, give them to those who support him the most, or use them to buy and divide those who oppose him, and then use this as a foundation to completely control the demihumans in the territory in hand.

"Anyone who disobeys him will not be given the potion. Even if the potion is spoiled in the warehouse or even dumped, he will not distribute it to the dangerous elements in his eyes. In this way, the distribution of the new awakening potion will only make people The demihumans will fall into the deeper control of the local nobles, but it will make your sister lose the opportunity to weaken the privileges of the nobles."

"How can this be possible!" Bai Bai said angrily, "These potions are distributed by my sister to all the demihumans in the empire, and not from the local nobles. What qualifications does he have to let the potions be distributed according to his wishes? Well...can my sister send People are responsible for distributing medicines, so local nobles are not allowed to reach out!"

Bai Bai thought he had come up with a good solution, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Hehe..." Yang Ying patted her on the head, "It's too idealistic. It's the territory of the local nobles. You let the royal family send people to the other party's territory to restrict the other party? I'm afraid it's the other way around. As long as the medicine reaches the nobles It is too easy for them to tamper with the distribution process. It is related to the core interests of the aristocratic class. They will use any means and will do anything. Don't underestimate their power to launch a ruthless attack! .”

"Oh." Bai Bai's mood suddenly became depressed.

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed into the doorway and came in front of them. Yang Ying knew without looking that it was Langton who came, and he had already spotted her while she was shrinking to this side.

There was a hint of haste on Langdon's face. Yang Ying's heart moved, and he shook his head. It seems that things are still developing in the direction of intensification.

After Langton came in, he saluted Yang Ying and Katerina. Although the two had told her early on that there was no need to do this and that it should be the same as in the past, Langton still behaved meticulously in this strict palace. , never faux pas.

"Your Highness." Langton said to Bai Bai, "I just got the news that Her Majesty the Queen asked me to inform Her Highness and Your Excellency Yang Ying and others. Not long ago, Sandwall submitted a bill in the Senate, aiming to deprive the royal family of The ownership of the new Awakening Pharmacy factory has been approved due to the defection of several veterans who originally belonged to us.

"In addition, seventy-six duke-level local nobles and one hundred and sixty-two marquis-level local nobles have declared a state of emergency. They are gathering private soldiers. The intelligence department has received news that they will allege on Zaskar Domain, purpose unknown, but clearly not a good thing."

"It's finally time to fight. UU Reading" Katerina sighed and asked, "What countermeasures do the two Supremes have?"

Langton's expression turned serious, and he said, "As for the Senate, Her Majesty the Empress has already ordered the dissolution of the Senate on the spot when she learned of the resolution of the Senate."

Yang Ying nodded and said: "Sandover's foundation in the Senate is too deep, and what the royal family has to do recently is also contrary to the interests of most nobles. It is not surprising that the Senate will be hindered. Those elders in the academy probably won’t agree.”

Langton nodded and said, "I came right after Her Majesty's order was issued. I don't know the reaction of the Senate yet, but it is clear that most of those old fellows are not obedient. Her Majesty the Empress Dowager said something about it, Her original words were that now is the critical moment for the empire to restore its glory ten thousand years ago, and there is no room for their disapproval. Now, the main fleet of the Royal Guards has left Hong Kong, and they have surrounded the Senate. The Divine Core of the Guards intends to use force to force the Senate to disband."

While Langton was speaking, the sky was gradually dimming. A fleet of 100,000 warships lined up in space, with their guns pointing downwards in the direction of the Senate. And Yang Ying also felt the empress dowager's spiritual power spreading overwhelmingly, echoing faintly with the fleet in space.

The empress dowager's spiritual strength is around 220 million. After the fleet's increase, it has been enhanced hundreds of times, and the increase is far more than that of the Galan people. It really deserves to be the birthplace of the **** nuclear technology, the true human empire!

Yang Ying nodded secretly. With the power that the Empress Dowager now possesses, it should not be a problem to suppress the Senate without the Divine Nuclear Legion.

"Come on, let's take a look too." Yang Ying said to everyone.

[...Chapter 747 Fierce Confrontation, the text is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion