MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 735 Extreme Wars (Part 2)

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God's nuclear technology, as the name suggests. With a **** as the core, it is equipped with various extension equipment to form an overall technology. This technology is a super fire control technology based on the optical brain.

The optical brain of the empire is a device that can translate mental waves into light waves, and light waves are the carrier of information. Using the optical brain can connect one's own mind and mechanical equipment. For example, the virtual world of the real human empire is convenient It is such a thing.

And on the battlefield, a fourth-level existence can use an optical brain to carry out a mental link with a fleet, turning the entire fleet into his hands and feet. With a thought, the fleet moves, pointing east to east, pointing west to west, everything Do whatever you want, it can be said that the army is one, and it is the most advanced technology in the military formation.

Because the information flow sent by a fleet is too huge, even if it has the mental strength of the third-level peak, it will be burst by the huge information flow in an instant, and it must have the fourth-level spiritual power to effectively read. and manipulate this information. Therefore, to control a fleet, there must be a fourth-level existence as the core, so this technology is called God's nuclear technology.

Under the effect of God's nuclear technology, a fourth-level existence can maximize the combat power of a fleet, and can also increase its own power through the fleet's energy system. This technology combines the fleet and the fourth-level existence. The advantages are organically combined, and the effect of one plus one greater than two can be exerted.

No matter how strong the spiritual power of a fourth-level existence is, no matter how great the energy it controls, it is impossible to exceed the energy mastered by a fleet. You must know that every battleship is equipped with energy furnaces, and the energy used for energy can be Antimatter, pure energy blocks, or other types of energy substances, but no matter what kind, it can bring huge power to the battleship, so that the warship can jump in space and attack the main gun. A fleet of 10,000 ships The energy furnaces combined together, the total amount of energy is huge, far exceeding the entire power of a fourth-level limit existence.

On the other hand, the fleet's fire control system is much more insensitive than the fourth-level beings. Bombarding a fourth-level being with the fleet's main guns is often just a cannon hitting mosquitoes, and the hit rate is very low. When the system is connected with the spiritual world of the fourth-level existence, the consciousness of the fourth-level existence can be used to determine the distribution of firepower, and the hit rate will naturally be greatly improved.

It turns out that a fleet is like a bunch of dead things in front of the fourth-level existence, but with the God Core System. These dead creatures seem to have come alive, whether they are fighting another fleet in a group, or fighting a fourth-level existence together, there is no benefit.

Whether or not a fleet has a god-core system, the difference in efficiency is calculated by thousands of times. It is no wonder that the Galanians can sit on the throne of Orion's advanced civilization. This god-core system alone can make them One clan will not lose the wind in the face of the coalition forces of various clans.

Yang Ying now understands that the Galan Stars were able to use the wormhole to transport a fleet just now, obviously they also used the energy of the entire fleet to increase the power of Bedak, not just the power of a single Beldak .

Since the thirteen blade emperors had already made preparations before, the salvo of the main guns only scattered the thirteen phantoms. At this time, the blade emperors all hid in the gap in the space, but suffered a little shock and were not injured.

However, the Beldak fleet in the sky is a big trouble. A Beldak fleet integrated with a fleet can exert an attack power equivalent to the limit of dozens of fourth-levels, and it is in the presence of numerous fleets. Under the strong defense, even if the thirteen blade emperors go together, they will take down Bedak. It's only half sure, not to mention that there are a group of fourth-level beings around.

At this time, a majestic spiritual force came down from the sky, which immediately disrupted the surrounding space, and there were bursts of clear and crisp sounds like crystal cracking in the void. The gap between them was broken, and their figures appeared on the battlefield.

It's Bedak again!

He used the increase of the fleet to disrupt the space and force the Emperor Blade out!

Ying Muli smiled slightly when he saw it, as if he had already won the victory, he raised his head, and his whole body suddenly shrank, returning to his normal body shape, and turned into a rainbow light, soaring straight into the sky.

The Blade Emperors frowned. This was obviously not a runaway. After a little thought, it was Bedak and his guard fleet, and Ying Muli, as one of the patron saints of the Garland Stars, was still ranked. Above Bedak, the Guard Fleet will only be more than Bedak, not less. He left this time, probably to get his Guard Fleet!

Thinking about it, if Ying Muli is allowed to leave, he will bring a huge fleet of guards and rush back to the battlefield with a giant wormhole in a short time.

All this flowed through the Blade Emperor's mind in an instant. The five Blade Emperors shouted at the same time: "If you want to leave, it's not that easy!" With a flash, Xiang Hongguang followed closely!

It's like pulling a hair to move the whole body. When the Blade Emperor moves, the fourth-level existences of all races move together. Shaluo and Salian the Great shouted: "Stop them!" They turned into a gray phantom and a white light respectively , followed the sky together.

The other fourth-level beings were about to follow up, but in a flash, eight Emperor Blade Emperors appeared, blocking the way forward!

At the same time, Ying Muli, who flew high into the sky, waved his hand and tore open a wormhole. Just as he was about to rush in, suddenly a wave of magic came from behind him, almost when the wormhole just opened, it hit the When I got on the wormhole, I saw two fire dragons suddenly exploded, and the wormhole suddenly burned up. The fire was raging, and immediately burned the wormhole completely!

This phenomenon means that this kind of flame can burn not only mortal objects, but also spiritual power! It is one of the unique skills of the Dark Archon—the Feedback Technique!

Now it is used by the Emperor Blade of the fourth level limit, and its power is simply not the same as in the past. Even the opening of wormholes can be blocked and offset.

Seeing that Sharo and Salian the Great also followed the sky, the five blade emperors who charged up first immediately separated a blade emperor and turned to meet them!

The Emperor Blade pointed at the two of them in mid-air, and the void energy frantically condensed, and a green flame flew out from his fingertips, and after he shot it, it grew in the wind, and instantly turned into a green wall of fire that covered the sky and the sun, almost Completely shades the entire sky.

Seeing this, Shaluo stretched out his right hand, a golden ball of light condensed in the palm of his hand, and the golden color became more and more intense. It turned into a little sun in an instant, Shaluo made a gesture, and threw the little golden sun towards the green wall of fire!

And Emperor Salian waved his hand, and a kind of invisible and colorless space energy immediately pierced the green fire wall. This kind of space energy is very thin, like a blade, with an extremely sharp nature. Space is like thin paper in front of this energy. Generally, it is cut open, leaving a trace of an unusually neat cut in midair.

The little golden sun and the sharp space energy hit the green fire wall at the same time, and there was only a loud noise, and two gaps were blown out of the fire wall, and then it immediately returned to its original state. The small golden sun and the space energy were fired in the hands of Shaluo and Emperor Salian. The energy hits the green wall of fire like a string of arrows. The gap in the wall of fire is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting more and more difficult to recover. There is only a flash of phantom and white light. Shaluo and Emperor Salian have already passed through the wall of fire. They in the Firewall have returned to their original normal size.

However, the wall of fire had already taken them a lot of time, and there was a Blade Emperor guarding behind the wall of fire. Seeing them rushing over, he immediately condensed two green half-moon scimitars with void energy in the palms of his hands, and separated another phantom to meet them. To Emperor Salian, to Sharo himself.

In the sky tens of thousands of meters above them, Yingmuli continued to break through upwards.

The opening wormhole spell is extremely sensitive, and requires a relatively safe and stable environment when using it. The battlefield on the surface overflows with various energies. Even if the Emperor of Blades does not have a confinement space, a stable wormhole cannot be opened there.

Ying Muli looked back, and saw that the four blade emperors had already approached, and the Bedak fleet in outer space once again sprinkled the sky with rain, which was as gorgeous as the Milky Way, but with terrifying attack power.

The big hole created by the fleet salvo just now has penetrated deep into the earth's It has greatly affected the planet's geological balance. Even if this battle is over now, the planet is already useless. All kinds of disastrous weather will emerge one after another from now on, and it will be a hundred times more severe than the ice age experienced by the earth. The drastic plate changes will swallow up all living creatures on the ground, and it will take at least 10 million years of natural evolution. Only then will the planet be able to accept the habitation of living beings again.

But now, neither side can control this. The importance of this battle far exceeds the value of a living star. The fall of the family may even cause division within the clan and fall into continuous civil war.

If the thirteen blade emperors of the selected Zerg race lose, then the Zerg's offensive will be temporarily contained, and it may even cause the Zerg to kill each other because they cannot be controlled by the superiors, and solve the Zerg problem that plagued the expeditionary army in one fell swoop.

Of course, the above are just the conjectures of the Expeditionary Army, but in Yang Ying's view, if this attack fails, it doesn't matter if you lose the lives of 13 more clones, just start over with 13 clones.

Anyway, he has clones in his hands. As long as the Zerg army is still there, his power will not fade. After a few days, he can still come up with another lineup of 13 Blade Emperors, and there may be even more!

From the beginning of this battle, victory has been decided, and the coalition forces of all races will inevitably face defeat, because the enemy they face is an essentially perfect creature that should only exist in imagination.

(Uh... this... I am guilty, it seems that more efforts are needed to adjust the code word schedule, the third chapter is postponed to tomorrow... please bear with me...)

[...Chapter 735 Ultimate War (Part 2) The fastest text update...] @!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion