MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 726 Drilling vehicle

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A desolate landscape was displayed on the screen. It can be seen that the sky is covered with thick dust. The impact of the sweeping of the real human empire on this planet has obviously not faded away. There are ruins everywhere on the ground from far to near. It can be vaguely distinguished from the outline that this place used to be A city of no small size.

The detector patrolled around and found a little purple substance left on the ground, the thickness of which was almost less than one millimeter.

There was a little doubt on Emperor Burke's face.

Upon seeing this, a staff officer explained at the right time: "According to the analysis of the Garan Stars, this purple slimy substance should play an important role in the living environment of those bugs. It is a nutrient-rich medium, because it contains It contains a large number of special bacterial colonies, and it also has the ability to absorb and fix various nutrients, and its function is obviously to provide nutrients for those bugs, it can be said that wherever the purple carpet is laid, those bugs will appear there."

"But where did the purple matter go now?" Another staff officer wondered, "According to intelligence, there should be a lot of purple matter on the surface of this planet, but I can't see it from the reconnaissance images, only this little bit There is no difference between traces and none."

"They should be hiding, hiding in some dark corner." The captain of the battleship said with a gloomy face, "I don't think these bugs will give up their territory, the attack on the reconnaissance troops when they landed shows this. A little. If you can't find them on the planet's surface, the subsurface is where they're most likely to hide."

"Underground..." Emperor Burke's face was cloudy, he thought for a moment, and ordered: "The first task given to us by the Joint Command is reconnaissance, and it is not our duty to fight those bugs. I ordered more drones to be released." A man-driven transport ship, with a full load of automatic detectors, will detect all the inside and outside of this planet!" He naturally chose to preserve his strength.

"Yes! Your Majesty." The staff officers immediately carried out the order.

Soon, millions of automatic probes were dropped on the planet, and even if the current Berks had fallen to the extreme, there would be no shortage of such gadgets.

However, the information obtained by the Berks is very limited. The shells of the Zerg are specially designed to allow them to blend in with the environment. Zerg units lurking underground cannot be found.

Although the technology of the Berks is not weak, and they have some special reconnaissance methods, they can detect the Zerg units ambushing under the shallow soil, but in order to ensure safety, the Zergs have hidden deeper underground, and their positions are far from the surface. For nearly a thousand kilometers, there are only some scouting bugs as small as mosquitoes left on the surface.

The thick rock layer provided reliable protection for the Zerg, and the Berks' probes failed. A large number of probes could only confirm that the surface of the planet was barren.

Soon after, the main force of the United Fleet arrived.

After receiving the report from the Burke Fleet, the United Command also believed that the Zerg was hiding deep in the planet, which would bring danger to the landing troops. But disagreements arose within the Combined Command as to how to deal with this danger.

The hard-line side thinks that horrible creatures like the Zerg must be destroyed, and the most decisive and severe method must be used. In their view, the best option is to immediately order the fleet to fire, even if the entire ship is smashed to pieces. The planet must also ensure that no Zerg on the planet can survive.

But the other side didn't think so. They suggested that the Zerg threat might not be as big as the hard-line side claimed. At least, it wasn't big enough to make them abandon a promising habitable planet.

The reason why the Orion Arm Expeditionary Force came to the Perseus Arm was to seize the habitable planets that were severely damaged after the war. Although the surface buildings on these planets were completely destroyed and all the creatures on the ground were wiped out, the planets themselves still retained their original foundation.

With the environmental improvement technology of the advanced civilized race, these planets can be restored to their pre-war state within a few decades, and then the Orion arm races can use this to carry out large-scale immigration and expansion.

This is a very good thing for a lot of money, even if it takes ten thousand years, it may not happen once.

Now, the Zerg occupy more than a hundred habitable stars in a star field, which is even for the Garan star who is the No. 1 Orion arm. Not a small amount either.

If the method of directly destroying the planet is adopted here, what about when attacking other planets in the future? Do we want to smash those planets into pieces too?

The territory of a star field is enough to cause conflicts among the coalition forces. Many people think that the price is too high. A better choice should be to send a landing force to take over this star field from the Zerg intact.

In order to determine whether to launch a main artillery salvo operation on the planet, the joint command launched a fierce quarrel.

"You guys, insisting on burying the whole planet with those dirty bugs is simply a crime!"

"You only look at the planet in your eyes, and you ignore the threat that those bugs bring to all races. Do you want those bugs to develop and wipe out the expeditionary army? This is a crime!"

"You are scaremongering!"

"Nonsense! Several great fourth-level existences can prove this point. They have the power of prophecy. They have seen that these bugs will pose a deadly threat to us after they develop. They must nip the threat in the bud!"

"Well then, let our people land on the planet, and my family will wipe out all the bugs in the ground, and you will watch from the sidelines. If we fail, it will not be too late for you to blow up the entire planet to pieces!"

"The planet is so big, where can those bugs hide? You want to wipe out the bugs inside the planet, but I don't think you can find where they are?"


The quarrel continued until a voice shouted, "Enough!"

The one who shouted was Bedac, one of the three patron saints of the Garland Republic.

Bedak himself was not from the Galan Star, but was from a lower civilization like Sharo, but his luck was much better than Sharo's. His race has never had any decent enemies. Although the development path has some twists and turns, it is quite normal.

After breaking through to the fourth level, Bedak gradually revealed his reputation among Orion's arms, and was soon recruited by the Galan Stars, and threw himself into the embrace of the Garan Republic together with his own race.

His race has become a branch of the Garland Stars, the status is equivalent to a minority, a part of a higher civilization, much stronger than those vassal low civilizations, and Bedak himself has become a member of the Garland Republic Patron saint, high position and authority, infinite glory.

During the quarrel in the joint headquarters just now, the presence of more than a dozen fourth-level beings kept silent, and now this silence was finally broken by Baidak.

The court was quiet for a while, and Baidak got up and said: "I request a temporary adjournment. Anyway, there will be no result if we argue again. We can continue this meeting after two standard days. During this period, we Garland Stars will initiate A wave of attacks, find the hidden bugs inside the planet, let's explore their bottoms first."

Two of the three patron saints of the Republic of Garland joined the expeditionary force, and one remained on Garland Star. Baidak and Ying Muli, another fourth-level Garland starman, were responsible for leading the Garland starman's expeditionary force. Among them, Yingmuli is the head. Bedak as assistant.

Although Bedak is not the commander-in-chief of the Galan Stars, he also has enough voice in the combined fleet. Even Emperor Salian would not directly object to his request.

So, this request was passed immediately.

The United Fleet temporarily put aside their arguments and watched as the Galanians sent a large landing craft fleet to land on the surface of the planet under the **** of a large number of biological fighters and biological mechs.

The total strength of this landing force was close to one million. As soon as they landed on the ground, they took out all kinds of ground-drilling equipment. Tens of thousands of huge auger bits were set up, and the pointed end began to rotate. With a burst of bangs and fragments of soil flying around, this special ground-drilling vehicle easily penetrated into the ground and quickly dug towards the center of the earth.

Most of the equipment of the Garland Stars is cultivated in biological models, and the earth-penetrating vehicle is no exception. It has a thick biological carapace, which is as hard as an alloy. Among them, the drill bit is the hardest, which can easily displace the soil layer and penetrate Rocks, deep into the After half a day, they came to the place about 600 kilometers above the ground.

At this moment, rows of sharp giant thorns suddenly pierced out of the soil!

In order to penetrate the ground, the ground-drilling vehicle must be in contact with soil and rock layers, so it lacks the protection of the energy shield. The mysterious spikes easily shred the shell of the ground-penetrating vehicle and destroyed the energy transmission vein of the tank.

Some unlucky chariot crew members were also pierced by the awl that appeared suddenly and died unexpectedly.

Then, the spike was retracted, and with a rustling sound, the spike's owner rushed towards another target.

These spikes are the claws of lurkers, and their combat power on the surface is almost negligible. Only by diving underground can the power of the spikes be exerted to the limit.

As the darling of soil and rocks, they travel underground at a speed even faster than the Garan Stars' ground-penetrating chariots, which makes the ground-penetrating chariot troops pay tens of hundreds of dollars for every kilometer down. The cost of destroying a tank.

After a while, the ground penetrating vehicles seemed to have been ordered. Instead of retreating, they used more power to drill down.

The lurker troops continued to harass, and more lurkers were coming from nearby. Soon, the losses of the ground penetrating tanks increased, but these advanced tanks also began to fight back.

They kept using a microwave weapon to launch indiscriminate attacks on the surrounding soil. Whenever a lurker approaches them, the blood and various other substances will be evaporated by the microwave. After a while, the blood of the lurker will turn green until the body explodes from the inside!

It seemed that the Galanians would not be satisfied without some results.

[...Chapter 726 The text of the ground-penetrating chariot is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion