MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 716 Pharmacy factory

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The matter of wrangling with the senate did not require Yang Ying to step in. He is just an outsider. Although he has the title of enshrined by the royal family, it is not his turn to intervene in the affairs of the Senate.

Fortunately, Empress Erimia has made up her mind, she will not take a step back on the issue of the new awakening potion, and with the help of those veterans who are still loyal to the royal family or sympathetic to the royal family, as well as some opportunistic allies After five days, she withstood the pressure of those aggressive elders.

Although outside the capital circle, the royal family's orders will be greatly reduced, but within the capital circle, the queen can still mobilize enough power. It took her only five days to establish the first production plant on the capital star. Pharmacy factory.

On the day the machine started, Empress Erimia visited the factory in person, and pressed the switch of the assembly line with her own hands. As the assembly line was fully loaded, soon after, batches of new awakening potions were released from the end of the conveyor belt.

The production line of the potion has been classified as top secret in the empire, and the entire factory is engraved with two kinds of runes everywhere, the first one is the rune with concealed power. These runes were engraved by Yang Ying himself, and they are very useful. Even a fourth-level limit like Sandover cannot penetrate the protection of the runes and see the operating status of the production line in the factory.

The second type of rune is the space-time disturbance rune, which was also carved by Yang Ying himself. It can prevent any fourth-level existence from entering the factory by tearing open the wormhole.

In addition, the factory is still shrouded in a three-layer super energy shield. The energy transmission system of this shield belongs to the same level as the combat satellite, and the energy is almost endless. Only the salvo of the large fleet can break this barrier. This kind of energy shield (by the way, the factory will be burned together), even if there is a fourth-level limit that wants to break through, it is impossible to break through.

Of course, there are many other confidentiality and defense measures in the factory, which cannot be exhausted in a few words. You must know that the only thing on the capital planet with higher protection than this factory is the palace.

There were quite a few reporters gathered outside the factory, some of them had been waiting here three or four days ago, waiting for the factory to officially go into production. This is probably the greatest piece of news in this era.

When they saw Empress Erimia walking out of the factory, there was a small commotion. They saw more than a dozen royal guards behind the Empress, each of them carrying a metal box.

The reporters started whispering, excited that they all guessed what it was. They asked the staff in charge of photography to target the boxes.

Empress Erimia smiled slightly when she saw this situation, and said to the female officer beside her, "Let's set up the venue."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The female officer replied respectfully, she raised her right hand to the sky, and a ruby ​​ring on her finger gave off a fiery red light.

After only one breath, eight lights and shadows flew from the distant sky and landed at the factory gate, forming a regular octagon and surrounding all the reporters.

The reporters talked and laughed, and they didn't seem worried. They were used to this posture.

Those eight lights and shadows are all robots, silvery white with metallic luster, about the size of an elephant, they will automatically transform as soon as they land, and their whole bodies will turn into mercury-like liquid, and then aggregated into eight cylinders. Go up.

Jumping to a height of about fifteen meters, they stopped rising, but the liquid metal began to spread toward the adjacent columns, forming walls, roofs, reliefs, decorations, etc., these eight robots finally turned into A regular octagonal building!

"Report Your Majesty, the construction of the main building of the temporary press release center has been completed." The female official reported that she is the press officer of the royal family, and she is responsible for many press releases organized by the royal family.

"Okay, let's go in." Queen Erimia walked over with a group of people.

This octagonal building really deserves to be called a temporary press release center. The inside is almost the same as a formal building, with seats for reporters, a podium for press releases, and various gadgets related to press releases. .

Moreover, as an item used by the royal family, the exquisiteness of this building is also breathtaking. It is impeccable both inside and outside, making it difficult for the most demanding critics to find a place to criticize.

Conciseness, practicality and elegance are integrated here.

The reporters are already in their positions, sitting under the stage, waiting for the press conference to start.

"Welcome to the reporters. Today, the royal family is holding a press conference here for the hottest topic at the moment, the production of new awakening potions..." The news lady first came up to say a few words, pointing out today's theme, and then Stretching out his hand to the side: "Now, please Your Majesty the Empress."

Amid a burst of applause, Empress Erimia came out, followed by two female guards, each holding two metal boxes in their hands. Put them on the small table next to the lectern and open them.

There were twenty bottles of water-like potions in each box. These days, the appearance of the new awakening potion had spread throughout the empire, so the reporters all recognized this potion.

The photographers had been prepared for a long time, and all the shots were shot at these medicines immediately.

"Everyone, I can proudly announce to the people of the empire that the large-scale production of the new awakening potion has been successful!" Facing hundreds of reporters, Empress Erimia announced loudly.

Clap clap!

The empire also has the habit of clapping hands to celebrate. For a while, the applause was thunderous, and it took about two minutes before it gradually calmed down.

"Your Majesty, who will benefit first when the first batch of medicine is produced?" A reporter got a chance to ask a question, and when he opened his mouth, it was a very sharp question.

"Of course it starts with the capital star, and then the capital circle." The queen replied.

"Why didn't it be carried out uniformly within the empire?" Another reporter asked, "Maybe some people think that Her Majesty favors people in the capital circle, which is against justice."

He obviously had the same argument with those elders who coveted the potion. Of course, as a small reporter, it was impossible for him to get in touch with those senior elders.

but. As long as the elders reveal a word casually, countless people will do all kinds of things for them. It couldn't be easier to buy a few mouthpieces of public opinion.

"Why do you have such an idea?" The queen shook her head regardless of whether he was a veteran or not, and said, "This is a mass-produced medicine, and the production speed is very fast. It will continue to expand, and according to statistics, it will only take three years. The empire will be able to complete the great cause of national awakening, and the difference between earlier and later is not big."

"Your Majesty, will you use the new awakening potion as a political bargaining chip in exchange for some political benefits? For example, increasing the influence of the royal family, suppressing the power of the great nobles, etc..." another reporter asked more bluntly.

"The policy of the empire is not easy to explain clearly. I can only say that the new awakening potion will definitely bring about changes to the empire, but what direction this change will take depends on the efforts of the royal family and many great nobles. , I hope to bring a better empire to all the people." The queen's answer skillfully avoided the sensitive point of the question.

The press conference continued. Facing the questions and even criticisms from the reporters, the Queen responded fluently. This situation continued until the end of the press conference.

After the press conference, the factory officially started production. Empress Erimia, the Empress Dowager, and several trusted cabinet ministers had already made plans for the storage and distribution of medicines, so there were not many surprises in the implementation.

The biggest trouble comes from some of the elders. Whether in the Senate or on many planets outside the capital circle, they constrain the queen everywhere and put pressure on the royal family from all aspects, intending to force the queen to make concessions, but they have been unable to do so.

The current situation is that the two sides are at a stalemate, and there is no tendency to fight for a while, and there is no room for relaxation.

Perseus Arm, the vast and boundless space is very quiet, and the dark curtain is dotted with countless stars. The starlight lasts forever, showing the greatness of the universe to all intelligent creatures.

In the corner of the starry sky, there is a piece of light flashing. It is not starlight. If you look closely, you can see that there are two fleets competing there. The light comes from the laser cannons they fired, and the battleship was hit and exploded. fire.

It is not appropriate to say that the contest is actually. Because at this moment the battle has already been decided, the two sides chased and fled, and there were about 500,000 to 600,000 fleets fleeing in front, and due to the attack from behind, the number was still not constant The number of stops decreased, and there were more than one million warships chasing behind. Their hull size and main gun firepower were obviously better than those of the fleeing troops in front.

Surrounding the fleeing fleet are many flexible mechas, attacking them and preventing them from entering hyperspace.

The whole body of these mechs is dark cyan, and it is almost invisible to the naked eye against the background of space. They are flexible and have a strong sense of attack. They have a variety of weapons such as beam guns, beam guns, lightsabers, and missiles. Escape from the fleet Facing these wolf-like mechas, it was like a chicken meeting an eagle, and it was smashed to pieces in twos and threes.

A Blade Emperor is hiding in the cracks of space, and he is watching the battlefield.

"The coalition forces of the Persian Arms fled in front, and one of the four main fleets of the Loyas was chasing behind. These Persian Arms were really unlucky, and they actually found them. It seems that the Loya people not only want those ruined planets, but also have considerable ambitions for the planets that are still intact. It’s just that not far ahead, they will encounter the border of the Zerg. What about the demihumans?"

(The update in these two days is very difficult to be stable. Diamond will go out at 7:30 in the morning and come back at 9:30 in the evening. I will post a chapter today, and it may be tomorrow. Except for January when I first joined VIP, Diamond only missed the perfect attendance award in May, because the last update on May 31st was five seconds late, and it was the early morning of June 1st. I still feel embarrassed when I think about it... )

[...Chapter 716 The text of the pharmacy factory is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion