MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 7 mental strength

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Before the centipede wheel turned the corner, Yang Ying opened up the accelerator and rushed straight towards it. When approaching, he struggled to pull up the front of the car, and successfully passed through the large gap in the center of the wheel before the centipede could react. It only takes a second!

After temporarily escaping from danger, Yang Ying said with emotion that two more heartbeats of this level would cause a heart attack.

The danger was not over yet, Yang Ying had just run less than a kilometer when the centipede followed him from behind.

Looking at the ferocious appearance of the centipede, Yang Ying was thoughtful. This big bug has exceeded the limit he can deal with. If he does not seek foreign aid, it will be no different from seeking death.

"Barr answered."

As the lord of the Zerg, Barr might know about this kind of bug, so Yang Ying decided to consult it.

"Great master, may your light shine on the entire solar system!" Baal's voice appeared, "There are two things that your humble servant Baal wants to report to you."

report? What is more important than human life?

Yang Ying said: "The report will be postponed for the time being. Please help me to see the big centipede behind me. Is there any way to solve it?"

"Obey! The supreme master!"

Yang Ying felt a spiritual force emanating from his right hand. This spiritual force was solid and flexible, and its essence was higher than the rough and violent spiritual force of the centipede behind him. Yang Ying thought of committing suicide. The mental power of the dead ape-man also seemed rough. Although it was better than the centipede in essence, it was still far from Barr.

Yang Ying felt a little strange. He had communicated with Barr more than once, and he had never felt any spiritual power in this Zerg lord, but this time the feeling was so clear.

Barr's mental power wandered around the centipede twice, and he came back and said, "Eternal master, the bug behind you is a complete failure, it is not worth mentioning in front of the Zerg, its efficiency is so low, it consumes so much The energy is 300% higher than that of Zerg creatures of the same strength!"

What's the use of knowing it's inefficient? What matters is its weakness!

Yang Ying frowned and asked, "Do you know how to deal with it?"

"Strict master, your humble servant should be able to use mental interference to make it lose its balance. Losing its balance at such a high speed will lead to fatal consequences." Barr recommended himself.

"Don't make a move, tell me what to do, I'll do it myself!" Yang Ying still remembered his oath, this consultation was a last resort, it was considered a side-ball, if Barr is allowed to do it again, then the oath will really be broken .

"The omnipotent master should be able to learn mental interference soon. But please note that using mental interference will allow you to connect with the spirit of the failed bug, so you will also be affected by it..."

Barr introduced the method of mental interference into Yang Ying's mind through telepathy.

Telepathy has great advantages. Many skills that are difficult to express in words can be easily conveyed by telepathy.

Yang Ying didn't care about the so-called influence, did he not do it because he would be affected? While he was studying, he rode the motorcycle to turn left and right, so that the speed of the centipede wheel could not soar.

When he thought he had learned enough, a ten-story cylindrical building appeared in front of him, like a big jar. It was the central air-conditioning facility building of Titan Light!

A hundred meters around the building is surrounded by a layer of barbed wire. At this time, the indicator lights on the barbed wire are still on, indicating that high voltage electricity is connected to the network.

Yang Ying's brain was moving extremely fast, and a series of things instantly came to mind, and then he drove the motorcycle towards the barbed wire fence, looking at the centipede behind him from time to time, and it followed.

Seeing that he was approaching the barbed wire fence, and the centipede wheel was within 20 meters of him, Yang Ying's eyes flashed red, let's do it!

His mental power rushed into the centipede's brain in an instant, messing up its thinking. The centipede let go of the wheel, hit the ground heavily with its whole body, bounced up again, and hit the ground hard again. Back and forth many times. Coupled with the fact that the ground was icy, it slid forward and hit the barbed wire.

Immediately, electric sparks jumped all over the centipede's body, and white smoke came out of its carapace, obviously it was impossible to survive.

At that moment, broken pictures flashed in Yang Ying's mind. He knew that they all came from the memory of the big centipede. These pictures made his brain tingle a little, but it was still within the tolerable range.

Yang Ying didn't wait for the result of the centipede, so he rushed away. This is the location of the central air-conditioning facility. Now that the central air-conditioning fails, there may be enemies stationed in this building. Yang Ying led the centipede here to hit the high voltage. There is no way for the power grid, he is still not familiar with the roads in the city, otherwise he would never come here.

Fortunately, after the centipede was electrocuted to death, the shadow in Yang Ying's heart dissipated a lot, and he felt that the crisis had passed and it was relatively safe here.

He rode a motorcycle to a European-style villa 100 meters away. This was the house with the best view as far as he could see. At this time, the temperature had dropped to minus 30 degrees, and the entire city was frozen. Yes, this villa is no exception, both inside and out, including the garden and swimming pool, are covered in white.

Yang Ying came to a window facing the central air-conditioning building on the side of the villa, opened the lock with his thoughts and jumped in. There was a thick layer of ice on the window, which was many times thicker than the thin frost on the windows of his own home. It kept dropping ice slag.

After he jumped in, he closed the window and drew the curtains, and opened the window a small gap to observe the situation on the other side of the facility building.

The surroundings of the building were quiet, except for a spark of electricity that jumped out of the centipede from time to time.

At the same time, Yang Ying opened the map and calculated his position. Although he rode a motorcycle for at least ten kilometers, he was not walking in the direction of the city hall due to being hunted down, so the distance did not increase. how close.

Just when he thought the crisis was over, Barr's voice suddenly said: "Great master, your humble servant has two things to report to you immediately, one of which is directly related to the trouble you just encountered, if you If you don't deal with it immediately, there may be other troubles coming to you!"

"Say it!"

"The first thing is that you have an iron nameplate in your hand. That item is the root of attracting that mentally retarded centipede. It has a very thin spiritual force attached to it, which can resonate with that idiot centipede!"

Zerg lords can control 8 population units of Zerg with spiritual power, so all Zerg lords are experts in mental power. Yang Ying still trusts Barr's analysis.

When he broke in through the window just now, he had already taken out the lightsaber, laser gun, and nameplate from the hanging bucket. He held the iron plate in front of him and asked, "Are there any other bugs that can sense it?"

Barr exaggeratedly shouted: "Wise master, you have even thought of this, such a meticulous thinking really makes your humble servant Barr amazed!"

"Be serious!" Yang Ying shouted, "Didn't you say that it might cause other troubles, why did I become a meticulous thinker?"

"Your most loyal servant is just throwing bricks to attract jade. How dare a tiny drop of water like me compare with your boundless ocean of wisdom?"

Yang Ying's head got dizzy when he heard that, this Zerg lord desperately poured himself a soup, UU reading www. is really speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Cough...Although it is unlikely, it is still possible to be perceived, but only when the spiritual force resonates, can it be sensed remotely, otherwise it will be felt in a very close place. How close it is depends on the The strength of the opponent's mental strength." Barr said a little seriously, it can actually use telepathy to simulate the sound of coughing, which is considered well-intentioned.

"Since this is the case, it means that there is a certain degree of danger. Who knows when a guy who can resonate with the iron plate will come out." Yang Ying said to Barr: "Can you eliminate the mental power?"

"It's very simple, you, the supreme master, can easily do it." Barr said, "You just need to release the mental power to squeeze out the mental power on the iron plate."

Yang Ying did as it said, and sure enough, when his thought power was close to the iron plate, he felt a slight sign of the existence of a different kind of spiritual power, so subtle that he would ignore it if he was not careful. It is believed that this level of spiritual power can be felt.

He squeezed his mental power into the iron plate, and squeezed out the alien spiritual power in the iron plate like wringing a wet towel.

The alien mental power quickly dissipated into the air and ceased to exist.

Ever since Yang Ying entered this room, he always felt that there was something strange in this room, but he couldn't figure out where the strangeness was for a while, so he put this question aside and asked: "What is the second item you want to report? "

"The second thing your humble servant wants to report." Barton paused, "There has been a change in the tower in the middle of the continent."

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