MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 685 intensified

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Chapter 685 Intensifies

At this time, the road to the hangar was blocked by hundreds of self-destructive people. The old man thought it was difficult to break through, so he could only turn around and find another way out.

In order to withstand the boarding battles of masters, the outer armor of the Haisen Federation battleship is made very thick, so that the blade of the lightsaber cannot be pierced by a single sword. In addition, there is a thick layer of high temperature resistance, which can effectively extend the life of the lightsaber. Time to melt the armor and block the breakthrough of the master.

This biological experiment ship was of a very high level, and its outer armor was thicker than that of ordinary warships. However, this design caused a lot of trouble for the old man, making it difficult for him to cut an escape exit with a lightsaber.

If he was given a few minutes, he might be able to do it, but during this time, the tide and explosions were enough to kill him a hundred times.

Therefore, the old man can only choose to escape from some places with weak armor.

Watching the figure of the old man disappear around the corner of the corridor, the self-demolition man did not catch up, but continued to guard the hangar. The brain worm Veda had already decided to eliminate this third-level extreme master on this battleship.

The hull of this biological experiment ship is more than one kilometer long, with hundreds of cabins up and down, and the structure is very complicated. Occupied by self-detonators, it was completely surrounded.

There were already more than 20,000 crew members on this ship, a small half of them were sent by Veda to spread Zerg spores, and the remaining ten thousand became self-detonators, and now less than a thousand have self-destructed, and Veda has some manpower .

The spaceship that the old man took was blown into pieces by the self-detonator a few minutes ago. None of the occupants fell, and all of them were killed. Even a second-level mental power user who was the old man's assistant could not escape the self-detonation. human attack.

At this time, some special aircraft for boarding and combat flew from outside the biological experiment ship. They got the news that the old man was under siege and wanted to rescue him.

The front end of these aircraft has a sharp impact angle. Under the powerful kinetic energy, it can penetrate the outer armor of the battleship. The inertial controller can offset the impact on the aircraft, and then under the action of the impact angle hydraulic device, it can tear the outer armor of the battleship. Let the boarding soldiers in the aircraft board the battleship.

However, when these soldiers broke into the biological experiment ship, they saw only a large number of self-destructing people.

The old man continued to run and flee, and there were groups of self-detonators chasing and intercepting them on the road from time to time. Almost every time a hatch was opened and every turn was made, a figure of a self-detonator would appear.

He could often hear explosions from other parts of the ship, and he knew that the rescue team had already started boarding the ship. However, judging from the battle situation shown in these explosions, the boarding troops had already fallen into a disadvantage, and it was very important to him. unfavorable.

After another quarter of an hour or so, the old man finally came to the upper level of the biological experiment ship, a corridor not far from the bridge, which was also the last place where he could cut the passage with a lightsaber and escape from the biological experiment ship.

The old man had several scars on his body. He stopped and stretched out his hands to support the bulkhead. The continuous burst of overload made his extraordinary body feel heavy fatigue.

He looked at the front, then at the back, showing a wry smile.

What appeared in front of him was a human wall composed of more than two hundred self-destructing people, and there were more than three hundred self-destructing people behind them, blocking all the back roads.

More self-detonators are coming from all over the ship, and as time goes by, there will only be more and more, not less.

A self-explosive person came out, with a calm expression on his face: "I should be content with escaping here."

"Who the **** are you guys!" the old man glared angrily and asked.

"It's a meaningless question." The person who blew himself up said, "You're going to die soon, and it's useless to know." After speaking, the person who blew himself up raised his feet and rushed towards the old man.

The other self-explosives also rushed along without saying a word. The old man sighed, swung his lightsaber, and assumed a fighting posture.

The two groups of rolling crowds meet in the middle.


More than 500 self-detonators self-detonated at the same time, and the explosive wind tore apart the alloy armor, together with corridors, cabins, bridges, and everything else, they were all shattered in an instant, and the range of flesh and blood impact reached as much as 100 meters! After the explosion, there was nothing left in this area except for a pile of metal and flesh and blood fragments.

In the process of Veda besieging and killing the old man, those Haisen people who were infected with Zerg spores caused a terrible riot. They took advantage of the fact that traffic in the fleet had not been completely banned, and they fled hundreds of spaceships, including There are also battleships and life ships.

For the work of spreading Zerg spores, a life ship carrying many civilians is easier than a warship with strict discipline, because everyone on the battleship has their own positions, and few people are running around. If there are, they will soon be destroyed. Grab it, and the flow of people on the life ship is very normal, and occasionally one or two people who look strange will not attract attention.

As the spores spread to those ships, more Infestors appeared, and Veda gave orders to all Infestors who could hear him, possibly spreading the spores.

Since the places where the aircraft arrive first are the berthing ports of the spaceships, the infected can easily transmit the spores to other people on the berthing port. Some of those infected will go to the spaceship to spread the spores, and the other part will take the port Ships parked inside, spreading the spores to as many ships as possible.

The result of this is that one aircraft went in, and a hundred aircraft came out, so it spread to one hundred, and one hundred to one thousand. When the high-level executives of the convoy issued a traffic ban order, tens of thousands of spaceships had already been infected with the spores.

"We must immediately launch high-level epidemic prevention measures to control all suspected infected persons and people they have been in contact with, and isolate them. We would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! If there is any resistance, kill it on the spot."

At the urgent high-level meeting, the commander-in-chief of the **** fleet said to the others word for word.

"Kill on the spot? Is that too harsh?" asked a high-ranking figure.

"Harsh?" The commander-in-chief glared with one eye, "Do you know? The chief counselor has been killed!"

"What!" The others were shocked, most of them didn't know the news yet.

"Let me tell you, this biohazard is no small matter." The commander-in-chief said, "Infected people will become self-detonating people. The general counselor was killed because of the continuous consumption of self-detonating people."

"Why don't you send someone to rescue him!" a voice sternly accused.

"How could it not be sent! Of course we sent elite troops to rescue the general adviser!" The commander-in-chief shouted, "However, our boarding troops couldn't break through the wall of those self-destructing people. In a few minutes, tens of thousands of soldiers were lost!"

"But you failed, didn't you?" The others insisted, "Don't tell me you want to find a reason for your failure!"

"Enough!" The head of the ship group patted the table and scanned the circle with majestic eyes, calming everyone down. He said slowly, "The Chief Counsel used telepathy to inform me and the Commander-in-Chief before he died. , there may be a fourth level of control behind those infected."

As soon as these words came out, it can be said that one stone stirred up thousands of waves, more shocking than the death of the old man.


"how is this possible!"

"It can't be wrong."

The high-level figures of the convoy cried out one after another, and some even trembled all over, as a wave of fear enveloped them.

"Do you think the Chief Counsel will misread it? Or maybe I and the Commander-in-Chief will misunderstand it?" the head of the fleet said displeased.

"But...but, doesn't this mean that we are being attacked by someone whose existence level is much higher than ours? Or in the form of biological weapons..." a high-level person murmured.

"Don't be afraid!" Said the head of the fleet. "From the current situation, the body of the fourth-level existence has not yet arrived. He just remotely controlled those mysterious creatures to attack us. We still have a chance!"

"That's right The commander-in-chief said, "I have ordered the blockade of all traffic between spaceships, isolating all suspected infected persons, and preventing the spread of the mysterious virus. As long as we can unite, we will definitely be able to get through this crisis. "

The words of the head of the fleet and the commander-in-chief reassured everyone a little.


At this moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and a staff officer rushed in sweating profusely, shouting: "Report!" His tone was full of embarrassment, which caused a shadow in everyone's heart.

"What does this look like!" The commander-in-chief recognized him as his deputy, and shouted in a tone of hatred, "Are you trying to spread panic and shake the morale of the army?"

"No, no..." The staff officer shook his head vigorously, straightened his posture, saluted, and said, "Sir, I have an urgent military report!"

"Speak!" A high-level person said, "Is it about those mysterious creatures? The high-level meeting of the ship group has the decision-making power over all matters that happen in the ship group. Just tell us."

The commander-in-chief frowned, and nodded to his deputy, but he still felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. The deputy's actions were too careless, and now the timing is very sensitive. In front of so many high-level figures, if he said No, wouldn't it cause public outrage.

The staff officer saw the dissatisfaction of the commander-in-chief, showed a wry smile, and said: "Sir, the matter is urgent. The people on thousands of spaceships started to riot. The berthing port of dozens of spaceships has been breached, and the self-explosive man robbed the aircraft at the berthing port, violated the no-fly order, and flew towards other spaceships.”


Hearing a crisp sound, the commander-in-chief smashed the cup at hand, stood up suddenly, and said angrily: "Notify the **** fleet, prepare to fight!"

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