MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 1 Time travel caused by 1 steamed bun

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On this morning, dark clouds covered the sun, and there was a gloomy atmosphere in the air on the outskirts of the city. Most office workers were still sleeping, but Yang Ying got up early and went for a daily morning jog.

He ran to a steamed bun stand and stopped, wiped his sweat and said, "Auntie, it's the same as usual, here are three steamed buns." At the same time, he handed over two yuan.

"Okay, the young man is exercising again. It's not easy to get up so early every day!" The aunt of the steamed bun stall quickly wrapped the steamed buns and handed them to Yang Ying, "Wrapped, hold it, be careful of burning."

"Well, goodbye, auntie."

Yang Ying is very strict with himself. In order to maintain a good body, he has to run 10,000 meters every day, and bring breakfast home by the way. Over the past few years, he has already become familiar with the breakfast stalls around him.

Yang Ying ran into an Internet cafe, and casually greeted the middle-aged man on the counter: "Morning, Uncle Wang!"

"Oh, Xiao Yang is back."

The middle-aged man on the counter had a goatee and a pair of small eyes shone brightly from time to time. He was the owner of the Internet cafe and Yang Ying's landlord.

Although the summer had passed for a long time and the weather was getting cooler, Yang Ying was still sweating profusely when he returned to his residence.

His residence is a room of about 20 square meters next to the Internet cafe. The furniture is only a bed, bookshelf, wardrobe and writing desk. On the desk is a computer that looks like it was assembled.

Uncle Wang once wanted to buy other furniture for Yang Ying, but Yang Ying didn't need it. After he saw it, the extra things were just cumbersome. All he needed for his life was books and a computer.

Yang Ying took a shower first, then sat in front of the computer desk, listening to the low hum of the computer, opened the e-book of mechanical engineering professional books, and gnawed on the steamed buns.

Before moving into the Internet cafe, he used to be a scavenger. Unlike other scavengers, he realized the role of knowledge when he was very young, and used every possible opportunity to absorb knowledge.

He helped clean the bookstore, in exchange for the opportunity to read freely in the store, so he was able to teach himself all the courses in elementary and middle school. In order to practice what he learned, he reached out to the waste recycling station.

Eight years ago, Yang Ying, who was only 12 years old, handed over the 300 yuan he saved from scavenging waste to the owner of the recycling station in exchange for a chance to choose materials freely. With his extraordinary vision and self-made testing tools, he Disassemble parts from a lot of waste products, solder the motherboard, and then put together this computer one by one.

Now this computer has undergone countless upgrades, and almost every part is different from that of eight years ago, but Yang Ying still feels nostalgic when he thinks back to the five days and nights of non-stop struggle.

I remember that when the computer was assembled and turned on successfully, he passed out immediately and slept for two days and two nights before waking up. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. The newly assembled computer was almost stolen .

Later, he met Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang appreciated his talent and invited Yang Ying to join his Internet cafe to do some maintenance work on weekdays. Yang Ying just wanted to find a stable place to live, so he agreed.

Since the successful assembly of the computer, Yang Ying has been out of control. The radio, TV, refrigerator next to the counter and 30% of the computers in the Internet cafe in his room are all assembled by his skillful hands, and the materials are all recycled. Junk in the station!


Someone was knocking on Yang Ying's door.

"Is it Uncle Wang?" Yang Ying asked.

"It's me, I'm coming in."

Uncle Wang opened the door, came behind Yang Ying, and saw a schematic diagram of a complex machine displayed on the computer screen, and the subscript was a combination of English letters, Arabic numerals and Chinese characters.

Uncle Wang didn’t even graduate from primary school, and he couldn’t understand English letters. He could only see that the last four Chinese characters were “type generators.”

Yang Ying minimized the e-book, and then replied with a smile: "Yes, it would be great if one day I could build a solar power plant by myself."

"Ambition!" Uncle Wang patted Yang Ying on the shoulder and said, "But you have to know that diplomas are required for everything in today's society. If you still stay here like this, you will suffer in the future. Listen to Uncle, go to school! Tuition is mine."

"Uncle Wang, you're here again. Actually, it doesn't matter." Yang Ying said with a smile, "I have attended all the classes in the university, and I have learned everything I can learn. Now I have to go to the university to waste a piece of paper. Youth might as well learn more here.”

"That's not what I said. Today's society is different from the past. Without this thin piece of paper, it is really difficult to move an inch. You can see it by looking at me. At this age, you have this ability. You are different from me. , your future is still very long, so what's the point of wasting a few years to get a diploma?"

Uncle Wang really couldn't bear Yang Ying's life like this.

"Uncle Wang, four years in college and three years in high school, even if you start directly from the third year of high school, it will take five years. The difficulties caused by not having a diploma are almost nothing compared to my five years of life. Life cannot be without persistence. If I surrender to that piece of paper right now, it just means that's all I can do with my life."

I will not bow to this society!

Yang Ying thought to himself.

Uncle Wang understood Yang Ying's stubbornness, this time persuading him was doing his best, obeying the fate, he shook his head after listening to Yang Ying's words, opened the door and went out.

After taking two steps, he turned back and said, "Think about it again, this is a lifetime thing, don't be too hasty, it will be too late to regret it when you are thirty or forty years old."

Looking at Uncle Wang's kind face, Yang Ying couldn't help but nodded.

Uncle Wang closed the door and left. Yang Ying leaned on the back of the chair and said to himself: "That being said, it is not so easy to achieve great things. In fact, I have already lost at the starting line.

"It's like eight athletes running a 100-meter race. Seven of them have already started running, but I am still in the preparation position. Even if I am stronger than the other seven, under the influence of my inherent disadvantages, I can only get the first place before reaching the finish line." For the fourth or fifth place, if you want to win the first place, you can only rely on unscrupulous means to cut off the enemies in front of you, and if you are fouled by the referee, you will be out of the game early."

Thinking of this, Yang Ying turned off the e-book, and he lost the mood to continue reading.

"Heavy thinking is really not suitable for me. Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable, so I need to find some entertainment to adjust.

"I remember that after the birth of this baby, the first game installed was StarCraft. After playing for a few years, I have gained a lot of experience. If I go to e-sports, I should be considered a master."

Yang Ying double-clicked the StarCraft icon on the desktop to enter the game, used the mouse to select the map with his right hand, and picked up the last steamed bun with his left hand to play with.

"In other words, so many people on the Internet are yearning for reincarnation and rebirth, and they must be hiding the beginning of the game. They want to let the leading seven come back to start again, or simply want to change the game and start again. In this case, I can also be regarded as one of the people who don't hide anything from the game, so I should be qualified to request crossing."

He raised the steamed bun to the highest point and said to the air: "In the universe, gods and Buddhas, demons and ghosts, please listen to me. I would like to sacrifice this steamed bun and travel to other worlds!"

In fact, Yang Ying has never believed that a person can really travel to other worlds. This request is nothing more than a complaint to the society.

However, halfway through the speech, he felt a lightness in his hand, and when he pinched it, he felt that there was only air in his palm, and the steamed bun disappeared out of thin air!

The display screen suddenly went black, and a dialog box appeared in front of him.

"Are you sure?"

There are "Yes" and "No" options below.

There is also a countdown on the "No" option, which only lasts 20 seconds. Obviously, if there is no choice within 20 seconds, "No" will be automatically selected.

Yang Ying's first feeling was that the computer had been hacked, but this was impossible because the computer was completely disconnected from the network. Yesterday, a network cable was broken in the Internet cafe next door. Borrowed your network cable.

A new network cable has not been bought yet, and no matter how strong a hacker is, it is impossible to invade a computer that is not connected to the Internet.

A supernatural phenomenon?

Yang Ying moved the mouse pointer to the "Yes" option, and he had a strong premonition that once he clicked on it, things would be irreversible.

Yang Ying believes in his own feelings, which is the experience brought to him by countless successes and failures.

Guided by his feelings, he took a sticky note from the desk and wrote something like a suicide note.

Since ancient times, there must be gains and losses. If you want to travel through, you must abandon everything here! Yang Ying wanted to apologize for leaving without saying goodbye, and also thanked Uncle Wang for taking care of him over the years, and hoped that he could forget himself.

Uncle Wang has a family, a job, a wife and children, his departure may make him sad for a while, UU Reading www. But in the end he will definitely forget himself.

Yang Ying simplified the content, leaving only sixteen characters in the end.

"Feel sorry,

gone forever,

Don't take it for granted!


Yang Ying's last pen"

With a hand speed of 120,000 points, he finally wrote all sixteen characters in the last second.

While writing, he felt so stupid that he even believed in nonsense things like time travel. Fortunately, if the dialog box is just a prank, then throwing this piece of paper is not a difficult thing to do.

Then, he lightly clicked the left button of the mouse.


The whole world dimmed, and Yang Ying found that he seemed to be in a boundless space where he could not go up to the sky or go down to the ground.

The original room or any kind of furniture in the room disappeared without a trace, only a golden "卍" character appeared on the place where the computer screen used to be.

A thunderous voice said, "As you wish."

The "卍" character came to Yang Ying from far and near, and began to rotate clockwise, gradually forming a whirlwind, and the eye of the wind produced a huge suction force, sucking Yang Ying in.

Am I lucky? Are you really going to cross? Fortunately, I left the piece of paper just now, otherwise Uncle Wang might go to the police, and then make a fuss. If I can't find it, I won't tell, and it will affect the business.

This was Yang Ying's last thought before being passed out.

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