MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 5 Touch the carcass while it's hot

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  Chapter 5 touch the animal carcass while it's hot

   Fortunately, both Yin Xuehan and the two little ones slept soundly, and the little ones didn't make any noise, so the night passed safely.

  Early the next morning, before Yin Xuehan woke up, many people had already arrived in her live broadcast room.

  Everyone was relieved to see that the aircraft was still there.

   "The aircraft is fine. It seems that no strange beasts appeared last night."

   "What are you talking about? I didn't leave the live broadcast room last night, and the roar of the strange beast almost didn't scare me to death."

   "Is there a strange beast?"

   "Yes, and there are a lot of them, and it seems that there were strange beasts fighting last night. The sound sounds like the anchor gave birth."

   "Sure enough, the smell of blood can attract strange beasts, but speaking of it, who of you saw how the anchor's two basins of water came from yesterday?"

"I do not know!"

   "I feel that the anchor touched the body of the mutated mouse."

   "Can you get something out of the body of a strange beast?"

   "I think this is a bit like the special skill of the host. Others can't do it, but the host can do it."

   "That's right, the anchor's skill is pretty good!"

   "Then the anchor must be able to kill the beast!"

  Everyone was talking in a hurry. Although Yin Xuehan didn't come out of the aircraft, they didn't worry too much. After all, if a person dies, the live broadcast room will be closed.

When Yin Xuehan woke up, it was almost noon, and she had rested, but she noticed that Xiaozhi had been using the body of that little robot to take care of the two children, otherwise, she probably wouldn't be able to rest like this Long.

   "Xiaozhi, thank you, you really helped me a lot." Yin Xuehan thanked Xiaozhi.

  Xiaozhi said shyly, "Master, this is what I should do. Now I am the only one left in the master's family except for two children. If I don't help the master, there will be no one else to help the master."

  Yin Xuehan laughed, "That's right!"

  Yin Xuehan sat up, and then looked at the two little guys. It happened that the two little guys also opened their eyes, but they didn't make a fuss, but lay obediently on the bed with their eyes open and looked at Yin Xuehan.

  Yin Xuehan touched the faces of the two of them, "You two are so obedient!"

  Xiaozhi handed over a nutrient solution, "Master, drink one!"

  Yin Xuehan actually feels hungry now. Although she can use this nutrient solution for a whole day, she is in a special situation and consumes a lot.

  Yin Xuehan drank the nutrient solution, she really couldn't stand the taste of the nutrient solution, but now she has no other choice.

  At this time Xiaozhi spoke, "Master, may I check your body for you?"

   "Okay! Let's check!" She happened to check how her body was recovering. Did the recovery potion have any effect?

  Although she feels that she is in better spirits, what about the inside? After all, this body has just given birth to a child for one day. Does it need confinement?

   Soon, Xiaozhi scanned Yin Xuehan's body and said, "The master's body is recovering well now. After this night and morning of recovery, the master has almost recovered 50% of his health."

  Yin Xuehan pointed to the two children at this time, "Xiao Zhi checks them both."

  Xiaozhi seemed to remember something at this time, "Master, over there, there is a small box under the front seat, and there are two small wisdom brains in the small box, which are prepared by the master brother for the little master."

   "My brother?" Yin Xuehan's eyes widened. The owner's brother gave it... Does this mean that the original owner is still very favored, at least not abandoned by his family, but how did he fall into this situation?

  The system was silent all the time, he didn't dare to speak, for fear of revealing that the points were exhausted by restarting.

   Just when Yin Xuehan was about to say something, there was a sudden roar of beasts outside, and soon, she heard the sound of strange beasts chasing and biting.

Xiaozhi muted the sound directly and opened the live broadcast room. Yin Xuehan looked at the live broadcast room and saw eight alien beasts fighting next to the aircraft in the camera. The eight alien beasts looked different, but they were all about the same size. It is the size of a calf.

  They don't obey anyone, they fight with each other, anyway, they just catch whoever they are and beat whoever they are.

   Not long after, a strange beast fell on the door of the aircraft. This strange beast twitched twice, and then died. Soon, the other seven strange beasts hit the distance.

  At this moment, the system said, "Master, master, touch the corpse quietly, quick! Quick! Touch it while it's hot!" Naturally, you have to touch the corpse while it's hot to get good things.

  Yin Xuehan observed for a while, the seven alien beasts hit the distance, did not pay attention at all, she quietly opened the door of the aircraft, and then directly leaned down to touch the body of the alien beast.

   Then there was a pack of diapers next to the strange beast, a large piece of wrapped meat, and a small bracelet.

  At this time, the seven strange beasts came towards this side again, Yin Xuehan picked up the things into the aircraft, and then closed the door again.

  The live camera happened to capture this scene.

   "Did you see it? Did you see it? This is the special skill of the female anchor, my God, if only I had this skill."

   "Did you see what just dropped?"

   "I saw a pack of diapers, very old ones, a large piece of meat, and a bracelet."

   "It's normal to lose diapers and meat. What does it mean to lose the bracelet? Could it be that equipment with attributes can't work?"

   "If so, doesn't the female anchor have a pair of magic hands?"

   "Is it normal to get rid of old diapers?"

   "The hero sees the same thing. I also think that dropping diapers and meat is not normal. The strange beast itself is meat."

"you do not say!"

   "Ah! If I knew where the hostess was, I would go to her and ask her to touch the body of the strange beast for me."

   "Don't worry upstairs, if you are so greedy, the female anchor will never appear in front of you."

"Isn't that right, I want to eat farts all day, and I want to restrict the freedom of the anchor. You must know that in our interstellar, when encountering such a situation, you can report it directly with the optical brain, and the master brain can randomly send the anchor away and leave the control. The controller, and the punishment for the controller is also very heavy, and the points will be cleared directly."

   "If you want to die, just say so!"

   "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

   "You can't even have this kind of thought, the main brain has memory."

Everyone blamed that person, and that person broke out in a cold sweat. You must know that if the main brain really observes that he is a dangerous person, his optical brain will be directly marked with a red dot, and if he is killed, everyone can still Get his points.

Yin Xuehan looked at the diaper in her hand, it was exactly what she needed, and it was the type she had seen in the last days. As for this piece of meat, Yin Xuehan smelled it, it was energy meat, but she had nothing to do now Processing, and how can this be eaten in the mouth?

  Yin Xuehan finally looked at the bracelet, "System, what's the use of this bracelet?" Apart from being ugly, she couldn't see any other functions.

  (end of this chapter)