MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 449 Copy Sky Garden

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  Chapter 449 Copying the Hanging Garden

  Miao Lin was really worried, and in the end she asked her son Yin Xuehan and Long Xu where they were going to take the children to cross the catastrophe, and she rushed there urgently.

  When Miao Lin arrived at the place, she found that there was a formation covering up the secrets in this area, and she had no choice but to accept the generosity of this family.

Speaking of which, these two apprentices of her family seem to have no shortage of anything, and they usually look rich and powerful. As for the preparation of defensive equipment, she has never asked the two children. It is she who wants to prepare for the children. It looks like they don't need it at all.

When Miao Lin was wondering, she was suddenly pulled into the formation by a strong pulling force, and when she came back to her senses, she had already stood beside her two disciples .

Then she discovered something, two of her disciples had already started to release their cultivation, "What's the matter? How did you pull me in? The tribulation thunder will double." Miao Lin was about to cry, she didn't want to add two more The apprentice's burden.

  At this time, a charming voice came from above her head, "Mr. Miao, don't worry, we are the two of us who will withstand the thunderstorm. Teacher Miao just needs to induce the thunder to temper his body."

   Miao Lin was dumbfounded, and she finally realized that there were a lot of people here, and everyone was sitting there cross-legged and waiting, and she seemed to be the only one who was nervous.

  Miao Lin sat down cross-legged tremblingly, and then watched her two little apprentices concentrate on releasing their cultivation, she was really terrified!

  Time passed little by little, and after about a quarter of an hour, Dabao and Beibei had already sat cross-legged to one side, and the two little guys even said hello to Miao Lin.

However, the tribulation thunder in the sky did not give them a chance to talk, the first tribulation thunder fell, and the robbery thunder as thick as a bucket would have frightened Miao Lin, but she found that the people around her were very nervous. Calm, she was the only one who seemed flustered.

After Yin Xuehan and Long Xu blocked most of the robbery thunders, the rest of the robbery thunders were divided into their bodies by other people and began to temper their bodies. Only then did Miao Lin relax, and she also attracted some robbery thunders. Lei entered the body, and now he has tempered his body.

  Miao Lin secretly admired in her heart, this is a good way to enjoy the shade under the big tree!

   This feeling is really cool, she thinks she knows why her two disciples have improved so fast.

  After the robbery, Miao Lin looked at Yin Xuehan and Long Xu with eager eyes, "Sister Xuehan, can I follow you from now on?"

  Yin Xuehan slightly raised her eyebrows, "Wouldn't it be better for you to guard your brother."

"There is no way to improve by guarding my brother." In other words, it is very difficult for her to practice now, but this time following the robbery, she saw hope. She is now in the late stage of her body. Baby Apprentice goes above and beyond.

  Yin Xuehan smiled, "You can follow us if you like, but we still hope that the children will get in touch with the crowd more."

Miao Lin said at this time, "Actually, you don't need to go to the academy, you can recruit some playmates for your children. As long as Sister Han has enough resources, you can recruit enough playmates for Dabao and Beibei. It would be better to recruit some playmates."

  Yin Xuehan tilted her head, "Why do you say that?"

   "Recruiting playmates to be secret guards when they grow up, don't worry." That's what Miao Lin thinks, after all, there is such a condition, and if there is no such condition, she will say nothing.

  Yin Xuehan smiled, "Can I leave this matter to Dean Miao?"

   Miao Lin smiled lightly, "There is absolutely no problem in entrusting this to me, and I can guarantee to recruit the best talents."

   After all, you need to turn in the spirit stones to go to the Cultivation Academy. If they are recruited by them, they don’t need to collect the spirit stones. If they also give out the spirit stones, more people will definitely come.

  Yin Xuehan thought that if she really recruited playmates for the children, they would no longer have to stay here, and could leave here. To be honest, she was very envious of the little disciples in the cultivation world.

In the following time, Miao Lin was really busy recruiting disciples. To Yin Xuehan's surprise, Miao Lin directly recruited thousands of children in just one month, but after the final screening, In the end, there were only 600 people left. In Miao Lin's words, since she was looking for playmates for her disciples, she naturally had to find the best ones.

  The first quality is better, the second is good looks, and the third is carefree.

  The combination of these is the most suitable person to be her apprentice's playmate.

Then there is the issue of distribution. Yin Xuehan has a total of eight children. Because there are only 600 children, Dabao and Beibei each divided 100 children, and the remaining 400 children were divided equally among the other six treasures. To be honest, The happiest one is Erbao, because from then on, he has all playmates.

   On this day, in the sky garden, Er Bao blocked Xiao Fei, who had a robot body, directly into the corner.

  To tell the truth, the robot used by Xiaofei was nearly two meters tall, but it happened to be blocked by a small group to the corner of the wall.

   "Brother Xiao Fei, where is what I want!"

  Xiao Fei was about to cry, "Little ancestor, I really can't copy it."

"Then come on! I didn't ask you to make an exact copy. I'll accept the one with only one floor." Er Bao wanted a hanging garden. After all, he is the Heavenly Dao of the demon world, and living in mid-air is what suits him. Heavenly identity.

   "Only one floor, I don't have that much energy!" Xiao Fei wanted to cry.

   But it's a pity, he is a robot, and he pretended to be dead and left the robot's body until Xiao Fei couldn't invite the ancestor brain over.

  Er Bao directly grabbed Zu Nao, "I know you are Zu Nao, now you sell me a sky garden."

  Zu Nao froze for a moment, and then said, "I really can't replicate the hanging garden like your mother, but if it is reduced to 1%, can you accept it?"

  Er Bao immediately said, "I agree, I agree!"

   "Okay then!" Zu Nao finally sold the small sky garden he had just researched for 10 billion.

   Zu Nao left happily, and Er Bao used his hanging garden to carry his playmates back to the demon world.

  Er Bao buried three spiritual veins in the sky garden, and the whole sky garden is richer in aura than that in the cultivation world.

The Second Treasure controls the entire world of monsters. I don’t know how many spiritual veins there are. Although the Second Treasure draws a lot, it will not affect the cultivation there. It is the Qi of the Gorefiend.

  Yin Xuehan also got a lot of spiritual veins here, but she kept a low profile. Although she buried them in her own hanging garden, she didn't let anyone know about them.

On the other hand, Erbao has the matter of the sky garden, which directly made Dabao and the others go crazy, and they all went to Zunao one by one. Zunao is going to cry now, but it took him a lot of effort to get it out. Such a small hanging garden, now these little guys are all asking for him, where does he have it? However, 10 billion is really attractive... No, it is attractive!

  (end of this chapter)