MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 402 Set things right?

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   There are six stones in total, all about the size of a palm. There are two black ones, two gray ones, and two white ones.

   are all one-to-one.

  Yin Xuehan grasped these stones in her hands, and only then did she discover the strangeness of these stones. When she touched these two black stones, Yin Xuehan felt that there was energy in them, but she couldn't absorb the energy in them.

   "Xiao Fei, can you absorb strange energy?" Yin Xuehan felt that it was not good for the black stone to be kept by her side for a long time, so she asked Xiao Fei directly.

  Xiao Fei was excited, "Master, let's copy these six stones first, the system can identify them.

  Yin Xuehan's eyes lit up when she heard it. She didn't know what the six stones were, but the system can identify them!

Yin Xuehan threw all the six stones into the system package, and Xiaofei copied the six stones immediately. Although the six stones were all the same in pairs, when they were copied, the corners of Yin Xuehan's mouth froze. Twitching, "Stones are divided into male and female?"

  Yin Xuehan continued to look at the introduction of the six stones displayed by the system, and his whole body was petrified.

   "Am I not mistaken, this stone can really give birth to cubs?" Yin Xuehan felt that the three views were ruined.

   "Actually, they are not pure stones, and we can't even say which world they are."

   "You mean, they are boundary stones?"

   "No, you saw it, they are husband and wife stones, black is for monsters, gray is for spirits, and white is for humans." Xiao Fei looked at the introduction above.

   "What do you mean?" When Yin Xuehan spoke, she had already picked up the white mother stone, "Is it used by the human race? I have it now, how do I use it?"

  Yin Xuehan was quickly surprised, "Hey! This mother stone is hot. Although it is not hot, it is so strange!"

  Xiao Fei smiled, "Master, it has given birth to the next generation."

   "Ah, really pregnant?"

Xiao Fei was a little thankful that he didn't have a body, otherwise he would have to touch his forehead, "Master, the husband and wife stone changes according to the changes of the husband and wife. Although the master only took the mother stone and not the male stone, but now the mother stone The stone changes according to the change of the owner.

  Yin Xuehan couldn't help laughing, "What do you mean? Does the mother stone being pregnant mean that I can't get pregnant?"

  Xiao Fei sighed, "Master can observe his body.",

  Yin Xuehan didn't know if she didn't look at it, she was really shocked when she saw it, she was pregnant, she was actually pregnant, obviously she and Long Xu took good protective measures, how could she be pregnant?

   Xiaofei saw his master's expression, he smiled, "Master, don't worry, don't be nervous, actually pregnancy is not necessarily a bad thing."

To be honest, Xiaofei sometimes feels that his master's promotion is a bit too fast, he wants to suppress it, but he doesn't know how to suppress it, and now his master is pregnant, then he knows the way, that is the child .

My owner has a child, so she won't be able to advance to the Nascent Soul stage in the near future. Although she has reached the peak of Jindan, if she is promoted now, if the child in her stomach absorbs too much energy, the baby will be broken, so in order not to Necessary trouble, Yin Xuehan will definitely not be able to improve during pregnancy.

  As for Long Xu, during Yin Xuehan's pregnancy, he naturally couldn't be alone, he had to take care of Yin Xuehan, and when the child absorbed too much spiritual power, he had to help Yin Xuehan input spiritual power.

  So Yin Xuehan's pregnancy is tantamount to pulling down the cultivation base of the two of them. Before Yin Xuehan gave birth to a child, the two of them would not be able to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage.

  Xiao Fei didn't pass the news to Long Xu, after all, he knew very well that it's better for the young couple to decide on this kind of matter.

   However, at this moment, a halo suddenly appeared above Yin Xuehan's head, and the people in the live broadcast room looked at the row of numbers above Yin Xuehan's head, "The system positioning is being corrected."

  The people in the live broadcast room are going crazy. This... I just said that the life of the anchor is now stable, but the anchor will be teleported again. This is obviously not Xiaofei's work.

  Xiao Fei has already jumped into Yin Xuehan's body nervously at this time, and Long Xu also received the news at this time, he is teleporting to Yin Xuehan's side urgently.

   At the last moment when Yin Xuehan was teleported away, Long Xu hadn't arrived yet, but he heard Xiaofei's shout, "Enter the portable space!"

  When Long Xu heard this, he and Yin Xuehan disappeared into the primitive world almost instantly.

  Yin Fengxiao, who rushed to the nearby place, was in tears. This time, he didn't rush to his sister.

  However, this time Yin Xuehan came back, but prepared a lot of resources for him, for his later stage of cultivation.

  Yin Fengxiao yelled, "Hanhan, wait, brother will find you!"

  However, after yelling this sentence, Grandpa Long called him, "Boy of the Yin family, from now on, it's up to you to pick up Dabao and Beibei!"

As for Grandpa Long and Grandma Long, after their son and daughter-in-law practiced in closed doors, and their grandson and grandson-in-law were teleported away, they can only take over the management of the entire country. Grandpa Long told Grandma Long that she had to let her Be with him, or else he's a little bit powerless.

  Grandma Long naturally has to accompany her old man. As for the two children, she also wants to take care of them, but she has to get a helper to make sure everything is safe.

  After hearing what Grandpa Long said, Yin Fengxiao remembered that Dabao and Beibei didn't follow his sister this time, so he, the uncle, had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of them.

  Yin Fengxiao clenched his fists, he has to work hard next, he has to take good care of the children.

However, Xiao Fei left with Yin Xuehan and Long Xu, and now the entire Hanging Garden is dominated by Yin Fengxiao and Xiaozhi. In fact, Xiaozhi has not said a word to everyone, that is, he is now integrated with that interactive window. He just discovered that Well, even if his master went to another realm, he could still see them, especially since he saw that his master was teleporting at the speed of light, and he didn't know where he was going to be teleported.

  It’s just this primitive world now..., by the way, Xiaozhi also wants to go around this primitive world.

And when Xiao Fei left, he directly gave him a pair of black couple stones. According to Xiao Fei, if he really absorbed all the energy in the pair of black stones, he could truly transform into a human form .

However, there is a shortcoming, that is, if it turns into a human form, it may be genderless. Xiaozhi doesn't care whether it is a man or a woman. Now he really wants to turn into a human. He wants to practice with the master and the others, and hunt with the master. So he also needs to retreat and work hard next.

  Yin Fengxiao knew that it was up to him and Grandma Long to pick up and drop off the children, and he even fooled a few of Long Xu's subordinates who were stationed in the sky garden, telling them to remember to pick up and drop off the children with him every day.

To be honest, these people knew that when Long Xu and Yin Xuehan were away, Yin Fengxiao was actually equivalent to their second boss, so they all accepted this task with joy. After all, for their little prince and little princess, they I also like it very much.