MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 11 mutant rat group 1

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  Chapter 11 Mutant Rat Group 1

  When Yin Xuehan saw everyone talking about the water in the Interstellar Mall, she looked at Xiaozhi, "Xiaozhi, does the Interstellar Mall sell water?"

   "Well, one star coin and ten bottles, the master doesn't know?" Xiaozhi looked at Yin Xuehan suspiciously.

   The corner of Yin Xuehan's mouth twitched, how did she know? She had been dying of thirst for the past two days, and she couldn't help but drink the remaining half of the basin of water.

She has no way to say that she is not the original owner. If she tells it, Xiaozhi will probably die of grief. Forget it, this secret is still kept in her heart. She is a little worried that it will be exposed, and she will be sliced ​​by the interstellar people for research. up.

  Yin Xuehan said, "I don't know if I fell down and hurt my brain, or what, my memory is a bit lost."

  Xiaozhi looked at his master with heartache, "Master, then you have a good rest!" The lost memory probably won't be made up, but the previous memories are not so good, forget it and forget it!

  The Yin family also treats the elder brother of the Yin family well to their master. As for the others, hehehe, forget it, it’s not necessary to mention it. Anyway, with the current state of the master, it’s estimated that he won’t be able to go back for a while.

well! The master really complied with her stepsister's words, "It's better to be exiled to the last planet!" Xiaozhi wondered if the aircraft was tampered with by her stepmother or stepsister? After all, those two people have always wanted to harm their master, and their mother and daughter designed her master's pregnancy.

  At this moment, the aircraft shook for a while, and Yin Xuehan saw some dust flying in from the open window of the aircraft.

Yin Xuehan quickly closed the window, and Xiaozhi zoomed in on the live broadcast room. At this time, the camera was shooting a huge alien beast near the rock. The alien beast was flapping its huge wings, and it let out a cry of grief , Listening to the cry, it seems that among the dead beasts should be its parents or partners.

  Yin Xuehan observed for a while, and there was no such beast in the corpse of the beast she picked up. Could it be the beast that blew itself up?

  Yin Xuehan asked on the public screen in the live broadcast room, "Do you think it looks like the alien beast that blew itself up?"

  At this time, someone immediately replied, "I feel like, I still remember that when that strange beast grew, its horn was red like this strange beast."

   "Yes, yes, I saw that too."

   "Do you think this is its child, or its mate?"

   "No matter what it is, anyway, listening to this mournful sound, I feel that it should be very sad."

   "To be honest, the strange beast that blew itself up is quite pitiful."

   "Don't you think the poor ones should be those strange beasts that were blown to death by it?"

   "By the way, how are the two little fellows of the host family?"

"The two of them slept well, but their bodies stink a little. I have to wash them." When Yin Xuehan said this, she suddenly smelled the stench on her body, which made her almost vomit .

   "Wow! The two little guys survived the energy tide safely, which shows that the two children definitely have supernatural powers."

   "The anchor is also amazing, and passed the energy tide safely!"

   "Yes, yes! My favorite is the anchor's ability to touch the corpse. It would be great if I had this ability."

   "Don't think about it, there is only one in the entire interstellar world!" In other words, the one watching Yin Xuehan's live broadcast is a planet higher than Yin Xuehan's desolate star. As for the upper level, there is no way to watch Yin Xuehan's live broadcast beyond one level.

  At this moment, Yin Xuehan couldn't care less about chatting with everyone. She quickly took out the remaining half basin of water, and then she was a little worried, "Xiaozhi, where are the towels?"

   "Master, can we use disposable towels?" Xiaozhi looked at Yin Xuehan.


   Soon, Xiaozhi bought a large pack of disposable towels directly from the mall. After this towel is used up, just throw it into a specific trash can, and it will dissolve by itself.

   And the most important thing is that this kind of towel comes in a pack of five-star coins, which is cheap and affordable!

  Yin Xuehan took off the clothes of the two little guys first, and then found that the two little guys were covered with excreted impurities, and they had also washed their marrow.

Yin Xuehan wiped the body of the two little guys, and then changed the diapers. The two little guys immediately lifted up their little feet happily. They were very happy, holding their little feet with their little hands, and playing there, but they were very happy. Cleverly, he didn't make a sound.

  Yin Xuehan wiped her body again, the water in the basin was stinky now, but Yin Xuehan still poured her and the child's dirty clothes into it, and then put the basin back into the storage equipment.

Yin Xuehan took out another basin, poured half of the bucket of pure water, and scrubbed herself again. After looking at the two little guys, she couldn't smell any bad smell from them, so she didn't care about them anymore. Just put clothes on them.

  At this moment, the strange beast outside was wailing and flapping its wings, but its wailing could not fail to call its companion back.

About half an hour later, the strange beast spread its wings and flew away, and the surroundings became quiet. Yin Xuehan and the children had already changed into clean clothes. Now Yin Xuehan felt much more comfortable, as expected, she was odorless and light. !

  Yin Xuehan looked at Xiaozhi, "Xiaozhi, how far can this live ball be from me?"

   "Theoretically no more than ten kilometers." Xiaozhi said.

Yin Xuehan narrowed his eyes and said, "Then let it fly higher and let me explore the way!" After finishing speaking, Yin Xuehan turned on the control system of the live ball, and then began to raise the live ball directly, and the live ball moved everywhere. Spinning, Yin Xuehan wanted to see in all directions, where was the forest.

  But the live broadcast ball spun in a circle and swept the surrounding scene all was a flat river, not even a slightly protruding hill.

  Yin Xuehan felt like he was about to vomit blood. What should I do? There is wilderness everywhere, and my own aircraft can’t be used, so should I keep walking with my two children?

  Then can the live broadcast be renamed directly to Back Cub Hiking Wilderness?

  To be honest, Yin Xuehan was a little apprehensive at the thought of walking in the sun, and the sun here is really weird, she felt that it might be bad for her if she was exposed to the sun for a long time.

  Yin Xuehan turned on the aircraft again. Now she is considering whether to leave here. After all, the smell of blood here is too strong, but if she leaves, she really doesn't know where she should go.

  There is no direction around, and there is no sign of anything. She really wants to mess it up, but she can't do it because of the two cubs.

  Speaking of which, she knew the direction from which those large alien beasts were flying, but she didn't think it was a wise choice to go that way. She felt that going there should be the rhythm of courting death.

   If you go that way, the live broadcast room can be renamed, "Look for high-level beasts, watch the host's way to death!"

  In the live broadcast room, everyone saw Yin Xuehan turned on the aircraft, and they all asked her what was wrong. After all, a strange beast just came, and it might come again soon.

   "Anchor, hurry up and get into the aircraft, I think the smell of blood here is very likely to attract mutant rats."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion