MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 425 That is the secret of her future captain.

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A region at the junction of the Star Alliance and the Star Region has a guarded planet surrounded by five satellites.

At the moment, Xilin is on one of the five satellites.

According to the ephemeris time, more than 20 days have passed since the "nightmare" incident.

More than 20 days ago, Xilin took out the complete antibody, and the military people fixed the follow-up of the "miracle". After the incident, Xilin was brought here.

The eleventh team left the j-c335 planet before that, no one knows where they went, whether it was the military or the vanguard. The people of the eleventh team seem to have disappeared suddenly.

Although the Star Alliance is very big, but now the eight legions and some of the big family forces have sent people to investigate and there is no news from the eleven teams. This makes the people who originally had some ideas uneasy.

Originally, these people felt that they had seized the eleventh team when they closed Xilin, but they did not expect this to happen.

However, to the surprise of many people, Xilin, who was locked on the satellite planet and waiting for the final trial, was unusually calm. For more than 20 days, he has done the same thing every day, ate and slept, slept up to read a book, looked tired and went to sleep, of course, many times he could not sleep well, because from time to time someone would come to him. conversation.

Xilin is not convicted now. Before the trial, Xilin was not a criminal. Therefore, compared with those convicted prisoners, Xilin was a little more free, just a little.

Similar to the small base that was resigned, the planet was covered by a huge protective cover. There is an internal life support system needed to sustain life activities. The original condition of this planet is simply not suitable for human habitation under normal circumstances. Of course, this is also a kind of protection to better prevent those who are locked here from escaping.

There is a place in this small room surrounded by transparent partitions. The ceiling on the top is also transparent. Here you can see the starry sky outside, as well as the patrol fleet passing by from time to time.

Among the five satellites, the planet that Xilin stayed on, the people who are closed are waiting for judgment. May eventually be found guilty, may also be acquitted, everything must wait for the final trial to decide.

The place where the final judgment is is the planet surrounded by these satellites. Even if Xilin is here, he can see a golden circular building on the big planet, which is the location of the trial.

If the trial is not guilty, you can leave from here, and vice versa, you will be taken to prison on the other four satellites.

Since the prison in the s star district was revoked. The decision makers of the Star Alliance decided to establish prisons on these four satellites and be able to be locked up here. They are very special prisoners. Some of them are similar to those of the same year. Some of them are sinful and sinful, but they cannot be directly sentenced to death. In short, the people inside are all famous people.

A person who came here to ask questions yesterday told Xilin that he could be shut there, and that your life would be worth it.


Xilin looked at the other four satellites, and it looked cold and not very popular.

Since Xilin was taken here. Every day, someone comes to talk to Xilin, and there are all kinds of means such as coercion and lure. However, because some people behind Xilin support him, the people who come over are still polite to Xilin, at least not using force.

These people who came to talk, there are people from the eight legions, and people from the political circles. And the purpose is nothing more than one - shortcut channel technology.

Xilin didn't know who said this. The current situation is that the policy makers of all parties know it. This is why those people are waiting for Xilin to plant in Besor.

People who came over this time told Xilin if they handed over the channel technology. Will be from the light, even promised a lot of benefits, but Xilin has not been loose. There have been many people coming over in the past two days, because they can't find the eleven teams. They think that Xilin is ready to break the cans. The eleven teams must have left the other side of the channel and are not within the Star Alliance. I don't plan to come back. Isn't it coming to death?

Xilin estimates that the day of the trial is coming.

The reason for the trial has not been decided, mainly because those people miscalculated the complexity of this matter. I thought I would tie Xilin to Besor, and then let Xilin surrender the channel technology. When the public trial is over, let's put some water and let it go. However, with Xilin being locked up here, more and more people are submitting applications for public trials, and the development of things is beyond the expectations of those people.

Moreover, the people who submitted the participation in the public trial were not standing on the side of Xilin. However, after Xilin was shut down for a few days, some people began to change their minds and change their positions. This made the decision makers very nervous. As a result, the greater the involvement, the more trial participants in the final trial, the more complex, the waiting time is getting longer and longer, and the date of the public trial has not been determined until now.

Public participation in the trial is good, but in fact, the so-called "public" of the trial is also an important figure in the Star Alliance. The forces and personal influences in the hands can incite one party's characters, and they are also officially recognized local leaders. These people will cooperate with the decision-makers at the top of the Star Alliance to maintain the stability and order of the Star Alliance.

After every chaos, there will be a new and old alternation.

For example, Aikeniss, who was far from this qualification, represented the v-zone in the public trial and jurisdiction of another colonial in the v-zone, but this colony was in this time. I was trampled down. And Aikenence seized the opportunity to develop the Free Army into the largest and most formal force group in the current v-Star District, and in the "nightmare" incident, the Free Army was the earliest group to be treated in the v-Star District, which made it The Freedom Army, which has a large influence on the v-Star Zone, has a higher voice in the Star Zone.

Such forces, although those big brothers don’t really see the Free Army, they don’t want to see the lunatics in these v-star districts. However, they have to admit that if such a scale force is not good at this time, there will be A lot of trouble.

then. As the leader of the Freedom Army, Aikensis also received invitations from policy makers, meaning that after the chaos, I hope to cooperate with the re-establishment of order and maintain the stability of the Star Alliance. The people in the v-zone are the least worrying. If there is such a personal restraint as Aikens to maintain the focus on attracting firepower, the decision-makers are also willing to give Akennesses an invitation.

Aikensis also submitted the application for the application when accepting the invitation, but only Aikensis alone, such a vote should not have much influence, nor will it change the outcome. Even if the decision makers are upset, knowing that the results will not change, it is not a matter of heart. However, it was not long before the three leaders of the three major forces in the S-Star District received the invitation letter from the decision-makers to maintain order, and agreed to cooperate with the Star Alliance government and the Legion to maintain the Star Alliance order, on the condition that they would participate in the public trial.

Those who receive the invitation letter from the decision maker do have the right to participate in the trial, but they also have the right to choose if they do not participate. Many times, it does not involve yourself. These things are not related to their own, these people will not participate in this secret intricate intrigue trial. This time, contrary to the expectations of the policy makers, the captain of the newly formed squad of a district hunter group will involve so many people, and many of them are the targets that policymakers intend to draw.

To this end, the decision-makers re-investigated Xilin, the deeper the investigation, the more people found Xilin is not simple, now policymakers have some regrets to drag Xilin to Besor's incident. Of course, it is just "some" regrets, not absolute regret. After all, channel technology makes them even more eye-catching.

Xilin looked at the starry sky outside. There were several spaceports between the five planets and the central planet they surrounded. Now there is a starship on the nearest spaceport to the planet where Xilin is located. How long will an aircraft fly from the spaceport to fly over here?

In this case, Xilin has seen it many times. Every time I see such a situation, no one has come over to talk to Xilin and let Xilin surrender the channel technology.

Who is this time?

The answer was quickly revealed.

"I still think about it. You should also appear." Xilin put down his book and looked at the people.

Yu Ling went into this small room, and looked at the people sitting in the chair calmly. Yu Ling originally thought that since Xilin had the channel technology, he would definitely leave the Star Alliance with the 11th team when he knew that something was wrong. Unexpectedly, Xilin actually came here very well.

She knows that Xilin will not yield so easily, and there will be a backhand. These days, the increasing number of applications for trial is proof. Part of it is familiar with Xilin, such as Angelia and so on. The other part of the people who submitted the application, both political and military, were people who had intervened in the "miracle" or secretly had secret incidents.

"Miracle" involves a lot of people, but many people wiped out the stains when the "miracle" was in trouble. However, what Yu Ling did not expect was that Xilin actually had the evidence, and these handles were in hand, and then forced Those people change their minds.

Xilin relied on these handles to get those people to apply for trial. The eleventh team did leave the Star Alliance, but Xiying and Meng Qi A Luo remained, and they thought that some people had already erased the stains. Give those people a look again.

In the past few years, Xilin has been a hunter. Apart from the task, the information collected has not stopped. For example, the base where the snowball and the red wind were used to do the "miracle" of the experiment, Xilin got an Orilo there. Star map fragments, there is a chip, there are many things recorded in the chip, and even some secret transactions, Xilin has been supplemented according to the information here, and now, they are used.

"What do you think in the end? Or, what do you want to do?" Yu Ling asked, perhaps because he was used to it in the jade family. When he said this, he did not consciously take a questioning tone. However, Yu Linglong soon realized that this way of speaking was not very good. After adjusting it, he said: "I know that you have a lot of people's handles, but those old foxes won't let you hold the handle all the time. Now Just because it’s too sudden that they don’t have time to cope with it will let you seize the loopholes, and when the incident calms down, the situation will be detrimental to you.”

Xilin didn't talk, and Yu Linglong looked a little annoyed. After waiting for Xilin to speak out, she continued. "As far as I know, no matter if it is true or forced, there are indeed a lot of supporters, but there are still no more than half... If nothing unexpected, the final trial will be three days later."

Among the current investigators, the people who support Xilin’s investigations are almost half of the people who support Xilin. Every day, there are new supporters. Some of them are well-known in the Star Alliance. They will use them even if they are not qualified for trial. relationship. For example, Wang Wang, such as the long-time master of the pharmaceutical industry, such as former Senator Sambert.

Another example is the hunter's side, now the front is busy with the blue butterfly to deal with the Yushengtian, there is no time to come in person, but the polar front and blue butterfly, as well as Prissa, the three of the star hunters are in This is a powerful thing. Some of the people who submitted the application for review later were only shot because of their relationship.

Although the eight marshals have not shown their attitudes, some people in the eight regiments have already begun to express their support for Xilin. The head is Mo Qing. There are also some people who have been indicted by Naicheng, Knight, and Pride. Although they have been confined by their families, they have limited their ability to do so, but this is enough. At least the eight major regiments are not all stations. On the opposite side.

However, the number of people supported in three days can not reach half, and Yu Ling feels suspended.

"This time my grandfather and father will not participate in the trial. The jade family is in charge of me. And my two cousins, this is also a test of my grandfather. I will help you."

Standing in the wrong team, in the subsequent heirs competition will certainly be criticized. Yu Ling's two cousins ​​are on the other side. Only Yu Linglong chose to stand on the side of Xilin. Many people in Yu Ling's men opposed her decision. It can be seen that Yu Lingling still bears a lot of pressure.

"Xilin, if the shortcut channel technology is taken out, it will definitely be more than half of the support." In the view of Yu Lingling, Xilin has no ability to maintain this technology at all. It is better to use it to deal with policy makers and gain some benefits. . Can also be protected from more jail.

"I won't say anything about the channel. At least not now. I won't take channel technology for trial support. But thank you for your help. Send you something." Xilin smiled and took out a hand. To Yu Lingling's hand.

It was the ruby ​​found on the ship of the massacre of the Dauns family.

Seeing this gem with a fracture, Yu Ling's pupils shrank.

"Blood Yang..."

The ruby ​​of the palm of the hand reflects the faint red light of the bleeding color, and the mood of Yu Ling at this moment can no longer be described by complexity.

"Blood Yang" is a very precious ruby, and the owner of this ruby ​​is Yu Ling's second brother. However, Yu Linglong has only seen "Blood Yang" once, when "Blood Yang" has not been cut into jewelry. Later, Jade lined the cut "blood yang" on a ring and gave it to his mistress Paderola.

Xilin also found Paderola when he was looking for this person. He found a photo of her and Yuxing. In the photo, Padroola’s ring on the hand is the ruby.

The woman of Padro, looked at only a person who relied on the appearance of the top, but in fact, this woman is not simple, and it is also one of the right-handed assistants of Jade. There are already several people in Yu Ling who have investigated her. .

"This... Where did you find it?" Yu Lingzhen remembers that the earliest information was said that Padrora liked "blood yang" very much, always carrying, and not leaving.

Xilin said the situation. "More than this, after you go back, you will receive some information about the massacre."

Yu Ling nodded and put away the gemstone with a broken mouth. According to Xilin, the massacre may have been instructed by Yuxing. Yu Linglong once suspected that it was only at that time that no evidence was found.

If the evidence is sufficient, the Dao's family will definitely stand on the opposite side of the jade line. Maybe, Xilin will get a supporter again, and if Yu Lingling arranges things well, the Dao'an family will become her competition with Yuxing. A boost in the increase.

There are no monitors here, even if they are removed, after all, people who come to talk to Xilin, no one wants the conversation to spread.

Xilin looked at the plane outside Yuling's plane and thought about the news that Yu Linglong brought to him. After three days of trial, although I have not notified here, it is definitely true.

Three days should be enough.

Yu Ling’s analysis is not entirely correct. Xilin asked Xiying to take out the handles of those who had had many large-scale banned transactions with the “miracle” and brought so many people in. One is to get more support, the other is to delay time.

I was thinking that Xilin found that the space port over there was a new starship or a military ship. Those who could use this kind of starship were in a high position in the military. After that, an aircraft came from the port to this side.

Which big man in the military is it?

Xilin pondered and looked up and found a medium-sized aircraft in the space port. Compared with the former military ship, this aircraft is too simple and ordinary, but because of the appearance of this aircraft, the defense on the port seems to suddenly become strict, the patrol fleet gathered here, with strict defense Like, even if standing here, Xilin can feel the tension of those who patrol the fleet.

The aircraft stopped at the port and flew over here. It should have been routinely inspected at the port.

The landing site not far from this place where Xilin was detained. The aircraft attached to the military emblem landed and the door opened. From the inside down a person, this person seems to only be middle-aged, but from the military uniform he wore on the military uniform and a special sign, it is enough to make some people tremble.

The person in charge of this place hurried past and took a military ceremony. The person seems to be listening to kindness, or to give a feeling of being elegant and easy to get close.

The two said as they walked to the place where Xilin was detained. But after two steps, the man looked up and looked up. An aircraft is flying over here, ready to land.

After the seemingly ordinary aircraft landed, the doors opened and two people came out. A man and a woman, the male does not see the age, the face is not calculated, it is not ugly. Dressing is very casual, but for those who seem to have no special features, it makes everyone who is close to him feel a sense of inexplicable heart.

And the women who walked next to him, dressed in the style of training suits that mercenaries and hunters like. I frowned and didn't know what I was thinking. I walked and talked to people around me.

The person in charge who accompanied the sergeant saw the two people and only felt that there was a gun on the head. The man was a big trouble, and the woman’s... When she first saw her, The person in charge just followed the ghost, and blinked for a long time, only suddenly remembered something, carefully swayed to the sir.

Sure enough, the eyes of the governor around him are also straightforward.

"Hey, Shantou, people look at you, don't say hello?" The emperor smiled and looked at the bonfire that appeared to the side of the first appearance.

The fire broke out and said: "What do you know when you don't know?"

The emperor raised his hand and licked the head of the bonfire, and messed up the hairstyle that the little girl had spent a long time. Before she was worried, the emperor said: "You used to look for Xilin, I stopped this."

"it is good."

The bonfire did not say much, and went directly to the passage on the side of Xilin, and soon entered the passage, and there was no figure.

After watching the bonfire in, the emperor walked to the side, took out the smoke, and slowly smoked from a pillar there.

The person in charge is pumping his eyes. Generally speaking, smoking is not allowed here. However, it is "general". If this is the case, even if it is more, it is not as good as one thing.

Waiting looked at the figure that was very similar to the memory and disappeared at the end of the passage before he regained his sight.

It’s really like, especially when you look at people with squinting eyes, the arcs that the eyebrows provoke are exactly the same as those of the year.

What did it look like when I saw the first time? Weiting recalled. It may not be easy to remember the individual when looking at the appearance. Standing among a group of female soldiers is not the most beautiful, and the head is not conspicuous, but after that, it is possible to clearly remember that there is such a person and clearly remember the person’s appearance. . Wearing a training suit, casually holding a micro-rush, a smile and a heart-warming publicity and free and easy. Then there is always such a person in the mind, and the shadows are lingering and lingering. I don’t know when I have lived deep into my heart.

Just, it’s gone.

Wei Ting waved his hand to indicate that the person in charge did not have to accompany him, and went straight to the emperor.

"Although Xiaoyan’s last words are for her to choose freely, if the girl chooses to enter the army... I will interrupt her leg!" The emperor looked up at the passage, and the tone was calm and firm. Wei Ting, who couldn’t argue, but did not look at Wei Ting, did not give a positive eye, "But, good, she still did not let me down, it is better to be a hunter than to enter the army to walk her mother's old road."

"She wants to be a hunter?"

"Yes," the emperor thought of something interesting, smiled and pointed to the place where Xilin was detained. "There is a future captain."

Ps: Thanks for the fat and fat, reading a hundred times a day, cold night, Chengdu red, autumn leaves, Mu Bing 1108, Huayuan, 86053, agneswang cast a valuable monthly vote! Thanks to the hidden wind traveler, sleepy to sleep, m2n, 谶墨〓van, single defeated gold female, peerless Qinglian's reward! ^^


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