MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 414 Monchiaro

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Chapter 4-1, Monchiaro

The warehouse is still dark, but Xilin can see this person with a protective mask and his relatively special vision.

If this person does not say anything, the sense of existence is really low, there is no murderousness, the breath is inaudible, the heartbeat is hard to detect, and you don’t know what he will do next. Those who died on the ground apparently saw him before they died, or they would not have such a frightened expression.

"Who are you?" asked Xilin.

The person stuck to the top of the warehouse did not answer Xilin. After a little silence, the top of the foot was moved, and the whole person fell down. When it fell, it was turned over and landed silently.

Throughout the process, this person did not open his wings, falling from a height and feeling light, but not slow, very skilled.

The man fell ten meters away from Xilin, still maintaining the previous look, like wearing a cloak, more than two meters in height plus such a special cloak, in this environment, it feels full of oppression . He looked at Xilin, and there were gray cats and Xiying. He seemed to be very curious.

The face with no expression, the gray eyes did not seem to have any feelings, but Xilin felt that he was actually excited and curious, but he did not show it.

It was another strange silence. When the gray cat couldn't stand this silence and was ready to speak, the opposite person moved. He opened the cage around the wings and then received the back. The arms are naturally hanging on both sides, covered with a fur-like coat, and there is no stepping on the feet. And his first impression is that it is really black!

The whole body is almost black, making the gray eyes look colder and ruthless. Of course, this is just a look.

Didn't talk, but Xilin felt that the other person's doubts seemed to increase.

Xilin and Xiying gestured to let him and the gray cat retreat to the side to make room.

The western cat twisted the unwilling gray cat back to the side, holding a transport plane to set. The next moment, the man moved.

The figure flashed, and the next moment came to Xilin's body, and the wings behind him were taken obliquely. Xilin did not hide, raising his hand to block this shot.


Like the impact of two hard metal mines.

Just after the filming, the figure appeared behind Xilin, still with a shot of the wings, then left front, right, left rear...

Each hit changes position, and the faster the original, the first time you can see the figure after each hit, and slowly, only to see a black shadow constantly flashing in the body of Xilin, it is the flapping wings And the person himself is difficult to be caught by the line of sight under such high-speed movement.


The sound is constantly changing.

Xilin did not move his feet, and he stood in the original position from beginning to end, but his arms that blocked his wings attacked and disappeared as the attack rate became faster and faster.

Half a minute later, the man stopped attacking and returned to the place ten meters away from Xilin, standing still, as before. No panting, no panic, and even the smell of the whole body has not changed, just like before the attack.

"Mongoalo," the other said.

This is the first sentence that this person said after the trial of Xilin. The voice is a bit low. I don't know if it is the reason for not talking for a long time, with some dryness and hoarseness.

"Ah?" The gray cat who impatiently squatted on the plane looked blank at the person.

"Mongoalo... In the old saying, it means 'Holy Light'." Xilin said, this is explained to Monchiaro, and it is also explained to the gray cat and the western movie.

"Xilin," Xilin pointed to himself, and pointed to the gray cat and the western shadow, "snoring, western shadow."

"Hou Bie Road! Is the road!" Gray cat corrected next to it, "The nickname is the snoring."

Monchiaro looked at the gray cat and seemed to be thinking about the nickname.

"Who are you?" Xilin asked again. "Is that signal from you?"

When I heard the problem of Xilin, Meng Qi A Luo looked like Xilin again. "Yes."

Then, it is silence.

Xilin: "..."

It seems that this person really does not speak.

"Why do you want to send that signal? Why can't others feel that the signal is not detected?" Xilin asked.

Monchiaro did not mean to hide, "because they don't have that chip."

Xilin eyelid jump, it really is a chip problem!

"Hou Lei Hansen's chip?"


"You are also forced to inject?"


Gray cat beard shakes and shakes, talking to this person is very tired, this is the legendary kind of gossip who can't make a fart but looks serious, but fortunately, Monchiaro still answered, but Just ask to answer, it is tired to stop next to it.

"Do you have any information about Hou Lei Hansen?" asked Xilin.

Monchiaro nodded and lifted his hand, and the projector on a transport plane had already projected the data.

The information is very comprehensive and very specific, and from these materials, Xilin knows the origins of Monchiaro, but at the beginning, Monchiaro was not called Monchiaro, who was then a biochemical orc experiment. There is only one experiment number.

Hou Lei. Hansen is a "miracle" person. This Xilin thought of it when he saw Monroe. When he saw these information about Hou Lei Hansen, Xilin suddenly remembered many previous things. The injection chip fled the underground secret room, and some doubts buried in the heart were answered.

Hou Lei Hansen is an employee of the pharmaceutical factory and a member of the underground research base of “Miracle”. However, as a "miracle" employee, Hou Lei Hansen is not satisfied with this. He has an idea in his heart and wants to conduct his own research. However, at the time, Hou Lei Hansen was in the underground base of the pharmaceutical factory. You can't have your own research project at all, you can only get a hand, and you have to do something more than what people command.

Unsatisfied with the status quo, Hou Lei Hansen has always wanted to appear in the electronic publications such as "Glory" and "Password", which are known as the "History of the Stars", just like the giants of these two Star Alliance electronic publications. Hou Lei. Hansen, he also wants to be a person who admire the people and wants such honor. However, the "miracle" did not give him that chance. At that time, the head of the underground base of the pharmaceutical factory thought about Hou Lei Hansen. Very disdain, but also ironic.

Soon after, Hou Lei Hansen quietly conducted research, and the experimental body required by the research institute was the experimental body of the biochemical orc. However, the failure rate of the experiment was too high, and many experimental bodies were stolen without the consent of the person in charge. Finally, it was discovered. Hou Lei Hansen escaped from the pharmaceutical factory where the Biochemical Orc Laboratory is located, and created a The chaos, when everyone was busy paying attention to the workshop, Hou Lei Hansen stole a small aircraft in the warehouse. He couldn’t steal the big one and had difficulty driving. So he could only drive one. Small aircraft.

Because of the limited loading of small aircraft, Hou Lei Hansen threw down some things that he thought were not important, including the experimental products that had just been injected into the chip but were characterized as failed because he was in Hou Lei Hansen. When I reached this warehouse, my heartbeat stopped.

Before Hou Lei Hansen drove the aircraft and left the underground warehouse, Monchiaro woke up. At that time, his own chip had already stimulated more than 90%. This is also Hou Lei. Mori did not think of killing.

After that, Monchiaro lived in this dark warehouse, because this underground warehouse is just a spare warehouse, transporters and cargo ships and other above-ground warehouses exist, so there are fewer people, plus Monchiaro. The hidden ability has not been discovered.

Later, when someone wanted to use the transporter in the underground warehouse, they found that nothing could be used. At that time, Monchiaro was discovered, and those people shot at him, and the result was conceivable. Those people did not live. Come down. A group of people came in and checked in. Monchiaro did not come out and was hiding in a cargo ship. All the transport planes and spacecraft in this warehouse could not be used because, when the chip was excited, the flight tool operating system here was all The same is the result of the destruction, the monitoring equipment of the warehouse and other lighting equipment.

The person who came over to check again did not find the reason. At that time, several senior executives of the pharmaceutical company were competing for management rights. The problem of this warehouse was also explained by other reasons and became the reason for those who fought each other.

Later, the management of the pharmaceutical factory changed, and the flight tools of the warehouse were not used. In addition, there were some important workshops on the warehouse. Those managers were afraid of problems and were caught in the small scorpion and pressed down again and again. However, before the employees, there have been quietly circulating news of demons in the underground warehouse.

It was discovered that Hou Lei Hansen had been secretly stealing the experimental body to carry out the "miracle" of his own experiments. After knowing that several excellent experimental bodies were abolished, the responsible person was furious and had been sending people to pursue. According to the information given by Monchiaro, the "miracle" man smashed the aircraft of Hou Lei Hansen. On the record of "miracle", Hou Lei Hansen is a dead person.

Xilin didn't know how Hou Lei had deceived the eyes of the people here. After that time, Hou Lei Hansen should roll up the brown clay to the X-Star Zone and build an underground laboratory. He has been carefully conducting his experiments. He is not afraid of the people of the brown Saturn, but the "miracle".

However, people on the cinnamon line, because the genes are generally not high, the constitution can not be compared with those excellent experimental bodies, the progress is slow, so Hou Lei spent so many years to experiment, until Xilin appeared, he upgraded The chip really works.

Hou Lei thought that the experimental body of Monroe was dead, but what he did not expect was that after he abandoned Monchiaro, the experimental body that was characterized as failed succeeded after that. I have been living in this warehouse all the time, just hungry before going out to hunt, not to be discovered.

Hou Lei. Hansen fled to the underground base of the clay Saturn for more than 70 years. For more than 70 years, if he knew that he had succeeded more than 70 years ago, what would he think?

If Hou Lei Hansen brought Monroe Aro to the aircraft at that time, there would be no Xilin after that. Perhaps, the name Hou Lei Hansen can really appear in "Glory" and "Password". on.

I have to say that Hou Lei Hansen is really capable. Although it was different from Xilin’s original thought, the chip was Hou Lei. Hansen made it from here, not on the brown earth, But Xilin still admired Hou Lei Hansen. Not only because he made this chip, but also changed the life of Xilin, there are other reasons.

After Xilin escaped from that time, his heart always had doubts. It seems that Hou Lei Hansen still has a move.

Xilin admitted that he had lost to Hou Lei Hansen. He clearly remembered that in the underground secret room, after killing Hou Lei Hansen, the electronic synthesis sound in the mechanical instrument "master died, began to clear the program."

Why should I clear the program? And every message that will be cleared will flash on the screen. Setting such a clear mode, if you really don't want to be discovered, this is too much. There is also a five-minute time program clearing, at which time the next five minutes are used to perform the destruction program - the sanding countdown. The inside door of the underground secret room is open and unobstructed. It seems that the general scene is recreated in Xilin’s mind. It takes five minutes to calculate that Xilin just climbed out from the vent.

Everything is in Hou Lei Hansen's plan, although perhaps Hou Lei Hansen did not think that Xilin would be the one who fled after the success, but Xilin had to say that Hou Lei Hansen he really would everything It was well deployed and crazy enough that he even counted his death time.

What is it for the successful experiment? Perhaps Hou Lei Hansen did not ingest that information, or Xilin did not see it. After all, at that time, the time was too tight, Xilin did not pay attention to the information of other instruments, or the instrument was not put at all. On the test bench lying in Xilin. In short, Xilin missed the message.

The projection in front of it shows a star map, detailed star map, this star map is not complete, only some of the star areas around the r star area are also lagging star areas, but the above information can not be ignored.

That is the distribution map of other bases of "miracle". More than 70 years ago, or earlier, Hou Lei Hansen mapped the maps of the hidden research bases. At that time, the "miracle" was still the company with a tough background.

Xilin raised his hand and unfolded the star map. He found the location of the planet and found the former pharmaceutical factory. The following is the research base of the "miracle", and this pharmaceutical factory and the other pharmaceutical factory, and the "miracle" It can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship and does not belong to the "miracle".

Xiying has already copied all the information when Xilin looked at the information, so Xilin was not required to copy the information again.

Looking at the people in front of him, Xilin didn't know what attitude to use to face it. Monroe Aro was not malicious to Xilin. Perhaps, like a brother, the chips that are integrated with their own genes are like It is the same blood of the two.

In the eyes of the researchers, this is nothing more than the relationship between the experimental body and the experimental body. However, this chip is too special, just like blood-sensing. Xilin has not really entered this planet and can feel the existence of Monroe. This is the induction between the chips.

Throughout the Star Alliance, even in this vast universe, only Xilin and Monchiaro have such a special blood.

Monchiaro has been watching Xilin and seems to be waiting for Xilin to make a decision.

Monchiaro, the "sacred light" in the old saying, the race of the happy people who lived under the light in the "Creation of the Myth". Monchiaro looked serious and cold, but the name revealed his thoughts.

Perhaps, when he used to be an experimental product in an underground experimental base, he was just a person who had nothing but the number. Mona Aro did not understand the world, what is life, what is ideal, what is a dream?

However, later, he stayed alone in this warehouse, and some of the external information images stolen during the predation were released from the projectors on the transport planes in the warehouse, and stood alone on the top of the warehouse and looked at the residents outside. Looking at the life in the sun, I gradually understand the world outside the warehouse, the people outside.

He knows that he is different from other people, whether it is those outside, or the biochemical orcs under another drug factory on the planet far from here. He knows that no one can receive the release of the planet. That signal originated from the chip. It's as if you are in a person who is going to go and greet people amicably, but no one can understand, no one gives a response.

Disappointment has become a habit. He always goes out at night, he knows that his existence is very different, deliberately avoiding the day. Monchiaro remembered that he had once saved a girl while she was out. When he rescued the girl from the forces members who wanted to do it, he was slashed by the girl.

It was a beautiful girl, but Monchiaro remembered the horror, alienation and strong rejection of the girl when she looked at herself, as if she was looking at a different kind of person and watching a devil.

What is the taste of the knife that was smashed?

Monchiaro remembers it is not clear, it seems to hurt. I don't know where the pain is.

Can not integrate into this society, can only stay alone in this dark warehouse, day after day from the projector to see the bright world outside.

Until that day, as usual, he released the signal from the chip, just like a habit that supports his life and proves his existence, what he has to do every day.

That signal was received.

Monchiaro is here, he knows that the other party will come.

Xilin looked at Mongiaro in front of him and turned to walk towards the warehouse door.

The gray cat looked at Monchiaro, who was still standing in the same place, and Xiying followed the door.

Monchiaro watched the three of them go out, without any movements, without words, and the expression on the face did not change.

However, when Xilin stopped at the door of the warehouse and turned to Mona Aro to "catch up", the gray cat saw that Meng Qi A Luo's gray eyes had brilliance. (To be continued.

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