MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 410 Who is coming?

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When arriving at the r-star area, Xilin came out of the lab. His idea has not been completely completed, and now he has only a rough prototype, and he can't do much in the next thing. He can only wait and wait for it to mature.

In Xilin's lab, there is a bottle with an invisible small spot. Now it has no shape, just an embryo, an artificial embryo. Xilin has to wait for it to develop. As for how long it takes, Xilin does not need to know now, but it should not be too long.

The gray cat that came out behind Xilin looked embarrassed, not tired, and boring. It is only responsible for processing some data, this is not to make it tired, but all day facing the boring data, for the restless gray cat, it is suffering. Whenever this time, the gray cat always admired the West Shadow, because the guy, like Xilin, always stays for a long time.

"Come out." Long bite an apple, bored lying on the chair, looking at the current situation in the various stars displayed on the screen in front of him.

Now all the star areas are busy, the Star Alliance Army, the Star District Army and some private armies have played a role, but the number of infected people is still rising, so far, the total number of viruses found has reached 103, which is absolutely Not the end, the number of viruses is still rising, and the vast majority of people are infected with viruses. The situation of vaccines is not very good. Now some rare planets have been favored, but many rare stars have already been big. Family control, other people can not enter, the planet is also stationed on the planet. Ordinary people are forced to break in, and it is estimated that they have been eliminated in the sky before they have entered.

The transit star in the r-zone is now almost a waste city. The garrison outside the planet will destroy the aircraft that are going to escape, and there is no room for negotiation. Those who have sneaked out have already infected more planets. Therefore, they are not able to soften their hands at all. Now it is absolutely impossible to open a relationship. It is absolutely impossible, and no one can dare to raise the level of danger. . Do not dare to be soft.

There are many viruses that can affect people's emotions, make people out of control, violent, bloodthirsty, and aggressive. Therefore, in many places where the epidemic is serious, there is chaos. The infected people are like madmen, and atrocities are everywhere. There are blood everywhere, and the local army is directly killed for such people.

"The situation is very bad now." Long looked at the picture on the screen.

The actions taken now in each place are directly cleared. However, people are constantly infected with viruses, various viruses, aggressive, non-attacking, and so on. The palliative is not a cure, until now, only those viruses have been brought in by the "nightmare", but where is the most important source of infection, "nightmare"? Is it the first round of split breeding?

"According to the current situation. I am afraid that there will not be much progress for a while, and the scope of infection will expand. Before that, there were infections on twenty planets. Now it is nearly two hundred. However, if the protection is in place, it may be better. Nate said in a deep voice.

The so-called protection is in place. It is completely isolated, and does not let any alien person enter the planet that has not yet found the infected person, and so many people will be trapped in the sky and can't find the home planet.

"Get ready. It's coming, countdown to twenty minutes."

Twenty minutes is exactly twenty minutes.

The r-zone is relatively close to the transit star. Although it is not in the neighborhood, it is not far away. Most people will not want to escape to the planet if they escape from the transit star. The closer they are, the easier they are. Infected, so those who escaped from the middle of the transit star will definitely escape to a farther place, instead of staying at the planet where the pharmaceutical industry is the main driving force.

When they came to the chosen red planet, their aircraft did not enter immediately, but a rough analysis of the current state of the planet.

Now this planet, from outer space, does not match the information. Although this planet is not a key planet of a-class livability, the b-class livability plus the strong physique evolved by the local residents, the number of people living on this planet is not small, inside the pharmaceutical factory. Most of the work is local residents.

However, now that the planet is not as clear as before, the whole planet looks like it is foggy and not really cut. In some places, there is still a flash of fire, not big, but very frequent.

The battle is fierce.

Filled with the smog of the planet, it can be seen from the detection instrument that the livability of the whole planet has dropped from b to nearly c because of the dispersion of drugs. Even if it is a local resident, it is impossible to be in such an environment. Still living as before, for a long time, I will definitely die.

"The three largest pharmaceutical companies have exploded."

The explosion of the three largest pharmaceutical companies on this planet is the culprit in which the planet is shrouded in haze.

"The air is too toxic. You must wear protective clothing later, and ... the weapon has to be replaced." Xilin looked at the screen and showed the picture taken by the detector, said.

On the screen, a monster appears on it. Although it is not clear under the influence of smog, it is still roughly visible. It is definitely not a person. They are two to three times taller than the average person, some are bigger, and they have long claws and toes. And the tail behind him shows that these are not human beings.

Residents on the planet are fighting these monsters.

"these are……"

"Biochemical beast embryos and biochemical human embryos synthesized by biochemical orcs." Reciting said, "I have seen a similar message before, but that was a few years ago, I did not expect it to be encountered now."

"Then they are people or beasts?" Pride frowned.

"Not a person, not a pure beast."

From the image point of view, many of these biochemical orcs are walking upright, with hands and feet, some closer to people, and some closer to the beast.

The most on the planet is not the infected person, but the biochemical orcs.

"This also proves one thing - there is indeed a 'miracle' stronghold on this planet. They are going to clean up the entire planet. After the death of the planet, the bio-orc, plus In the midst of such a busy period, the Star Alliance government's best and easiest way is to destroy only the entire planet. Here, it is a abandoned base."

Knight and others listened to this and said no, they nodded.

Long looked at Xilin and was about to ask Xilin what he thought, but found that Xilin was in a daze.

"Hey, what do you want to say? Say it out." Long hit his elbow and hit Xilin.

Xilin returned to God and shook his head, not talking.

Long looked at Xilin strangely, not bothering him. The recent Xilin is very strange. Is it engaged in research? Therefore, there is either a neurological problem or a mental problem in that aspect.

Xilin ignored the weird look of the dragon, he was strange. Since coming close to the planet, he has felt a strange signal. He asked the gray cat and the western shadow, but neither of them received any similar signals. This is the entanglement of Xilin.

The gray cat and the western shadow did not receive it. This aircraft carrying all kinds of advanced instruments was not accepted, but only received it? Is it the signal abnormality caused by the magnetic field and ion motion image of this star area? However, this kind of signal fit is too high, as if it was released specifically for Xilin, guiding Xilin in the past.

"Finish the equipment, land in five minutes, the countdown begins!" said Yu Chengcheng.

The action plan has been shown on the big screen, and their main goal this time is one of the three largest pharmaceutical companies. The underground of the drug factory had a relatively strong signal response, and the explosion of the drug factory did not completely dilute the underground signal. There will definitely be a "miracle" experimental base below, even if the abandoned experimental base can find a lot of clues, as long as you can find some useful information is a big gain, perhaps you can find other more hidden bases according to this base.

The factory is next to a huge river, and the river is flowing very fast and rolling. The moment I saw the bodies of some people and the bio-orcs floating on it, the next moment was swept in by the big waves, as if there were huge beasts under the river. The river is already heavily polluted, and this is beyond doubt. The color of the water is like a potion, looking at the monks.

Conman and Allen stayed on top of the aircraft. They would follow others and be ready to support and supplies supplies. The other sixteen people would go on later, including the gray cat. This guy has been idle.

The sound of the gun assembly was endless. After a minute, it stopped completely. Everything was ready. Everyone stood on the landing board of the hatch and adjusted their breathing. They are all people who have been killed for a long time. They have expectations, they are quiet, but they are not nervous. Even if Pride is a full-time aristocratic young man, he is obviously feeling his change, and he seems to be calm and full of momentum. Although he throws his feelings to a little arrogance, it is undeniable that he does able.

Allen was very nervous, and it was the only one of the eighteen people who was nervous and sweaty. He has also experienced many battlefields, and his temper has been honed, and there will be no such thing as a market. Allen is now nervous because he can't help but worry about these people. These are not the people he reported on weekdays. These people in front of them are either the pride of the military academy or the Eight Marshals and the Scorpio. These people can get the best protection, but they risked running to such a place, which really made him admire, which is why Allen himself refused his father's arrangement and ran here.

What is the true star of tomorrow?

Allen felt that it should be the look of these people in front of him.

Finished the equipment, finally looked at the action route and map displayed on the big screen, and moved some necks and arms.

When the wind and tide surged around the neck, he turned to see the western shadow standing next to Xilin, and he said with amazement!

Xilin and Xiying stood behind, so no one found them at the beginning, but after listening to the sound of the sea tide, which was full of surprises and transpositions, he turned and looked at it.

"What are you doing? I am x!"

"Western, don't you wear protective clothing?"

"Hey brothers, listen to the words of the brother, and quickly put on!"

Among the group of people, apart from the remarks of those who knew the truth and those who knew the truth, others looked at the West Shadow like a ghost. In such a stressful time. Actually, some people have not put on protective clothing, and even the equipment has not taken much. If it is in the army, it is based on the approval, and even the qualifications for missions will be revoked.

Xiying looked at a few people and said calmly: "I don't need that."

Others looked at Xilin and resigned as a few of them. They didn't talk any more. The countdown was almost the same. There was no leisure time to pay attention to Xiying. Everyone has their own secrets. If you don’t wear it, don’t wear it, don’t you worry about it?

On the ground, in the city where the pharmaceutical factory is located, on the streets, the low-rise houses are already devastated. The red, black, brown blood is everywhere, the dead bodies of dead humans, and the biochemical orcs. of. Under the faint mist of drugs, there are various animal-like squeaks. Some people shouted and there was a sound of firearms. Mixed in the background of such a strange blood dyed, it is particularly scary.

The people hiding in the alleys are fighting against the biochemical beasts who are indeterminate. This is a contest of survival, and the loser is dead.

The three people hiding in the corner of a two-story broken building are whispering, paying attention to the outside situation when communicating. In the yard, there are two human bodies and a biochemical orc body. There are all kinds of blood everywhere.


Not far from a corner, the floor of the ground is uncovered. Jumping out of the inside of a big man, after the big man came out, he covered the underground passage and wiped the blood of some bio-orcs to remove the human breath.

“How is it?” asked a few people who had discussed before.

"It has already begun to withdraw. We need to block those things, as long as half an hour is almost the same." Dahan said with a smile.

Blocked for half an hour, then. There are almost no chances of them. There are only four of them here, and there are more than twenty biochemical orcs coming here, perhaps smelling this. Perhaps the previous biochemical orc yelled before the death to attract biochemical orcs from other places. The four of them need to meet the monsters here, and then draw the attention of those monsters in other directions.

In the underground tunnel, there are their wives and children. They will leave the town under the protection of another team and go to other directions to find a shelter. Although there will be no safety outside, it is at least better than this place. In the past, they lived close to the pharmaceutical factory, it is worth showing off, because the closer to the pharmaceutical factory, the better the treatment, the free supply of drugs, but now, such a location, it is worth their trouble, also The first to be attacked by those monsters. In a place closer to the pharmaceutical factory, there are no living people there.

"Hey!" A middle-aged man who was alert was making a sound.

In addition, the three faces changed, and immediately picked up the guns, leaning against the wall, and carefully looking out from some gaps.


An explosion outside, showing a biochemical orc who fell into the trap they set in advance, was killed. However, because of this explosion, other biochemical orcs also showed up, their violent eyes looked around, and then rushed toward the yard.

"Fuck, they were discovered!" a big man complained.

The vision of those biochemical orcs is very special, not just relying on color to judge.


The shooting sound of the firearms sounded, but the biochemical orcs were moving too fast and couldn’t aim at them. Even if they were shot, it’s hard to shoot. For those biochemical orcs, it’s just an irrelevant wound.

The biochemical orcs are getting closer and closer, the faint mist, the figure is getting clearer and clearer, and getting closer to the side of the small courtyard. More than one, ten, no, there are more than twenty, and now they are gathering in this small courtyard.

"Let's go and attract them elsewhere!" said the one who led the shot. The main purpose of their shooting is to attract the attention of those monsters. With their abilities and equipment, it is quite difficult to kill a biochemical orc.


The four quickly turned around and ran across the window sill behind them. They jumped out of the window sill. They didn't run away right away. Instead, they ran and shot backwards. They determined that the biochemical orcs didn't notice the underground passage but chased it. After they were there, the four men began to spread their feet and flew.

However, they are still close to those biochemical orcs, and the rear chasing soldiers are getting closer and closer, and in front, a big guy of three meters high blocks their way.

The biochemical orc's protruding mouth was like a big starfish. He didn't have time to raise the gun. The big mouth bite at them. The four people have already smelled the **** breath in the big mouth.

Hey - hey!

The head was blasted, and all four people who were close to each other were splashed with blood. The splashed blood would be dyed brown and red, and the height of three meters would fall.

"How...what is going on?" The man in front of him swallowed, and had not had time to reflect it again.

That is the same voice as the head just burst.

They turned and saw the biochemical orcs that had been chased down one by one.

The effect of the fog, they can not see who shot, only know that the biochemical orcs fall down, basically the head is blooming. A blow to the commandment.

Who? Who is coming?

they do not know.

In the sky, an aircraft flies at low altitude, and the landing board on the lower floor stands with people wearing protective clothes. These people are fully armed and can't see what they are, but it can be seen that it is a normal person's form. After all, here, in addition to people, are those biochemical orcs.

Ps: pray for Ya'an...

Thanks to Lei Xiang (2), right-hand side dependence, Hades Hades, lonely cloud, reading a hundred times a day, hsclaker (2) cast a valuable monthly vote! Thanks to 谶墨〓van, 哔嘟, m2n's reward! Thanks for the ice screen, the right hand side relies on the evaluation vote!