MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 391 咱11 team

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The sound was transmitted through the speakers in all directions in the training field. From the shield that appeared, everyone knew that something was beyond their expectations.

The inside of the training ground must be equipped with protective cover facilities. However, after the pilots closed the system control on the starship, the pioneers trapped inside could not open the shield and ask for help. Can't pass it out, people outside don't even know what's going on here, the starship doesn't stop, and they can't easily enter it.

To mobilize the protective cover in the training ground, it is necessary to connect the control system here, and the lighting inside is illuminated, that is to say, the control right is no longer blocked.

Now the people on the leader and the vanguard home team care about who controls the current system control?

Looking at the "ice" block next to the shield, Stanley only felt the scalp numb. It was not an illusion just now. It was really a rumor. I didn’t expect that Raton would be killed, and in this way, it seems that Raton was not good before he died. The head sealed in the ice, That expression, in the voice that I heard a few minutes ago...

Stanley only felt that he was breathing carefully. Can someone who kills Raton so much, is it really "innocent"? However, if it is an innocent person, why should you immediately raise the protective cover and protect yourself and others?

Stanley knew Raton, and the home team also had several people who knew Raton's face. There were also a lot of pilots. Because of this, the atmosphere here suddenly became strange. The room is bright. It makes people feel darker and more dangerous than just now.

have what. Lurking around here?

Ticking -

A drop of blood dripped on the floor and opened.

The people looked up and looked up.

The height of the interior of the training ground is about 30 meters, and on the metal pole embedded in the wall 20 meters above the ground for training and climbing, there is a steady standing.

When did this person appear? Everyone was unaware of it, silent, if not the sound of this liquid dripping under such strange and quiet. People may not find that there is such a person to stop there.

This man is wearing an armor, and the armor is familiar with the eyes of several people in Mogas. This is the armor unique to the insiders of the eleventh team. And the sound of the liquid dripping is not from this person. It was the one who was holding his hand and had no sound.


Stanley recognized the identity of the person whose chest was penetrated and the blood dropped down.

Tiers, also a member of the "fog", is known as the sharp knife Tilles. The knife he used is tear-like, and the knife is extremely fast. Many of the murderers have completely lost their intuition before they have reacted. Like Raton, Tyres made a lot of trouble for the home team not long ago, but also caused the home team to suffer heavy losses.

And now, this fast knife killer. The **** was screwed on the hand, the face was somewhat deformed, the chest collapsed, and the bones were broken in many places.

First, the head of Raton, which was rolled over, and then the fast knife, Tyres, the two "fog" killers were slaughtered one after another, even those who thought they were ready to be full of pilots felt that things were beyond the plan.

Unlike the concerns and tensions of Stanley and the pilots, several people from Mogas were relieved. At least, it’s your own. Not "innocent" or other hostile people.

"Captain!" Mogas jumped up with joy. "Sure enough, you!"

Phoebe also showed a happy expression on their face, but did not jump directly like Mogas.

Because the people who saw two "fogs" were slaughtered, Mogas, who was excited to dance, felt like he had slaughtered the two people, and he was forgotten, no matter what Stanley’s eyes were, where Hey straight music.

Stanley's eyebrows pumped, and no longer managed to take care of Mogas, but turned to the man who was parked on the metal pole.

"Xilin?" Stanley said.

The voice of the sentence that came out from the speaker just now is Xilin’s, but now Stanley’s mood is completely different. Why did Xilin appear at this time, and how did he come in?

The person standing on the metal pole at the height did not make a sound, and the hand was loose, and the Tiers was screwed down. Tiels, who did the free-falling movement, made a slamming sound on the hard floor of the training ground, and the people in the field were nervous with this nerve.

When the leader of the pilot was on the heights, the man quickly shot his gun and fired at the other side. There, there is no cover to cover it. The shield is only cylindrically enclosed in the center of the training field, while the person standing on the metal pole is outside the shield.

The shooting was almost silent, and the person who shot was a veteran. He seized the opportunity and the head was enough. However, the bullet made a bang when it hit the person on the metal rod, and then it was ejected.

Bulletproof armor!

This is the idea of ​​everyone.

The people just discovered the bulletproof function of this armor, and the leader of the pilots felt that a chill was coming straight. This is his intuition, the intuition that he exercised between life and death. He just responded and shouted a "small" word. The "heart" had not yet been exported, and a figure passed through their team.


The person who just shot was penetrated by a special phalanx with five sickles.

After a successful strike, Xisag quickly left, and the people on the pilot's side reacted very quickly and quickly shot at him. However, with the speed of dodge and the protective function of the armor, he did not hurt Shusag. . The base of the armor's foot is sucked on the wall, almost hanging down to the wall.

Part of the pilot's part is shooting the Sag, part of the person who is paying attention to the metal pole on the high point, and the rest are on alert.

The people in the home team inside the protective cover looked at it all and it felt ridiculous. Obviously they were ordered to carry out the task of protection, but now they are standing inside the protective cover and seeing it all like a bystander.

Those who pursued the repairing Sag can not get on him even if they hit the Sag. Even some people who changed the laser weapon did not have the ability to repair the Sag, and the saga in the armor was able to dodge in the field flexibly.

"Wait!" The leader of the pilot's side gestured to the crowd. He felt that something was wrong.

The man standing on the heights had not moved after throwing down Thiers, but the one who had just killed his team. But has been avoiding, there is no other backhand?

Soon, the leader decided to make a decisive decision.


He also made a gesture of full withdrawal.

However, it is already late.

Haven't waited for them to get close to the door that had been broken before, and shot a rainstorm bullet from there.

The pilots also wear protective armor to withstand a certain amount of bullets. But it is only a certain degree. The mask on the armor allows them to see the hidden things at the door. They don't know what it is, they can only see a rough outline of humanity.

"Attention, there are invisible people!" shouted a pilot.

invisible Man? Stanley didn't understand. He remembered that one of the members of the eleven teams shown in the data did have an invisible ability. But that was just a little girl, and the situation in front of him was not just one, but many, and these invisible people did not seem to be little girls.

Stanley thought about looking at Mogas, and the light of excitement in Mogas’s eyes told Stanley that these guys knew the reason.

"Phoebe, what is that?" Stanley asked. He didn't ask Mogas, the guy was not reliable.

Pfeiton paused and replied: "It is reinforcements."

What is this answer? Stanley is very dissatisfied with this answer.

"I didn't say it. If the small eleven is not closed, these reinforcements can help us long ago," Mogas said. "The captain left them, just to let the little elevens take them when they are in danger." Release it, the result..."

Mogas shrugged and didn't go on.

It is the home team that forced the eleventh to hand over the authority, and gave the pilots the opportunity to close all the defense systems. Otherwise, they will not be as embarrassed and embarrassed as they are now, nor will they lose those people.

Xilin said to Stanley before he left. Don't overdo it, give the starship a little freedom. But Stanley did not listen to this sentence.

Is this strange Westlin? Blame him for not making it clear?

Not to be surprised, each team has their own developments and their own secrets. This is not an army. This is the rule of the Hunters. Originally, the management of the starship was taken over, and it was a bit out of the way to expel the players here. I could only blame myself for asking for it.

Stanley thought back to what Xilin had said at the handover. It seems that he didn't remember. At that time, he thought about letting the eleventh team get out of the way and didn't pay attention to the meaning of Xilin. Now I can't think of it.

Xilin, it seems that I have said something...

Stanley is tangled here, and the guards are now being squeezed very tightly because they not only have to fight against those "invisible people" but also to pay attention to those invisible people's melee attacks. The invisible man's movements are very fast, like a well-trained soldier, which is fatal, but there is no murderousness.

Several members have been killed.

"Close the system control again!" said the leader.

"No, it won't close!" shouted the man holding an elliptical instrument in his hand. He didn't know what was going on. It was obvious that the instrument had closed the system of the starship, but the situation in front of him was that someone still controlled the system.


The leader of the pilot’s side smashed a “invisible man” who was attacked in half. They will find that these invisible people are not afraid of bullets when they meet. The bullet has limited threat to these “invisible people”, so In the tight battle, they all used light knives or other cold weapons directly.

The "invisible man" who was split into two showed the entity, but what surprised everyone was that the cut off of the body was not the same as human beings, but mechanical!

"It's a robot!"

"Fuck, how can there be a robot!"

Why are there so many robots here, and how do the robots react and behave like people?

The Robert family?

Everyone thought of this family for the first time.

Mogas saw everyone's reaction. More stunned. I saw Phoebe licking my mouth, though. To be honest, this does have a sense of pride.

Not only does the Robert family have such combat robots. It is not only the "innocent" talents who can fight the "fog", not only the people of the home team can do big things.咱11 team, still can!

The people who deal with the robots are enough to lead the way, and the next one is even more troublesome because the gravitational setting in the entire training area is cancelled.

Suddenly lost gravity. The pilots had not had time to react, and they were smashed by the robots that flew up.

In this way, it seems that it is like a unilateral massacre.

The leader of the leader wants to break out, but. A few people who stood out and were shot directly on the wall into patties. At the door, there is a big "door god" to keep outside.

After the transformation, the snowball is swollen several times. The thick palm is like a large steel plate. The reaction is flexible. When you slap it, you will shoot one, and you will not die if you die.

The snowball is responsible for solving those who broke out, but Xilin also told him that if the opponent uses a mine or other shelling weapons, they can directly escape and let these people escape, but there are other places on the starship. The robot responsible for cleaning up is in.

The snowball is responsible for solving some of the deserters here. Mogas screamed on the side of the shield.

"Snowballs come on, shoot the dead! There is a left front... careful grenade! Behind the back... there are two escapes!"

Starley's forehead was straight, and he couldn't wait to put Mogas's mouth directly on the tape.

When Stanley was almost worried, Mogas suddenly stopped and muttered: "Strange, why isn't the cat?"

Phoebe is also curious, with the cat's virtue, this kind of venting and venting things, it should not be missed. Since Xilin is here. The cat is definitely there, but what is the cat doing?

"Who is the cat lord?" The person next to the squadron's home team couldn't help it. Everyone who appeared in the eleventh team...or non-humans made them shocked.

Why do people who have the ability to kill the "fog" killer still stay in a newly formed detachment? If you change to them, you have already gone directly to the home team, and with such strength you can definitely occupy a place in the home team. Also, since the 11 teams are so powerful, why is there no information about the situation in the home team?

"Cat is the cat, our captain's pet." Mogas replied.

"Well... isn't that the gray cat that is so big, fat and fat?" Another home team member made a stroke and said.

"Yes, it is, the cat is very good, except for the captain, our team is the most powerful is it... and the West Shadow, the three of them are the eleventh team!"

"Who is Xiying?" asked one person.

Mogas was preparing to answer, and was thrown by Phoebe with a whip. "What do you say at this time!"

Mojas, who was drunk by Phoebe, finally closed his mouth and looked at the situation in the field.

The pilots are still standing in the field and there are not many people. They broke out and went out seven or eight. Others were either killed by robots or killed by snowballs.

The leader of the assassination leader is still here. He and several other players have dragged the robots and killed several robots. He has to say that the strength of this leader is really good.

At this time, Stanley found that the man standing on the metal pole at the height moved.

In the absence of gravity, use the propulsion device on the armor to fly over and head straight to the leader. It almost flashed past, and in the blink of an eye it was in front of the leader.


The man only had time to use his knife to block the fist that hit him. However, under the attack, he was retired. If it was not the protective armor to **** the bottom plate, maybe he would be hit by this punch. And a knife-shaped depression appeared on the knife that had blocked this punch, and it was no longer able to withstand the second attack.

The other three pilots in the field wanted to free their hands to help, but they didn't wait for them to turn around, their chests were cold and they were penetrated.

Shusa Ge’s hand slammed the dead man and continued to solve the remaining two.




The man led by the pilot was caught in the shadow of the Western Shadow on the wall. The man’s arms had been broken and the ribs had broken several.


It was a crisp sound of bones.

The leader's neck was broken.

At the moment when the leader broke his breath, the man with his neck quickly retreated.


In fact, the leader wanted to detonate another bomb. The bomb was placed near the energy cabin. As long as the leader ordered or his own heartbeat stopped, the bomb would be detonated and the entire starship would be bombed. Off, but when he was caught in his neck and knew that his life was not too late, he set off the detonation command but found no movement. There was no time to wait for his horror, and the hands that had caught his neck had already fallen.

The heartbeat can only make this small bomb explode. However, even a small bomb can make the whole training ground vibrate. If there is a protective cover there, Mogas and others will be affected. The repairing Sag and the snowball flew away before this, looking for the shelter to cover, no harm.

"Hey, captain, is it okay?" Mogas shouted to the side that was blown up.

The crowd also looked over there. So close distance, such a level of bombs, even if there is armor protection is also very hanging.

The gravity system has been re-opened and the smoke from the explosion is gradually dissipating.

With the scream of Mogas, a person came out of the smoke, and the figure became clearer.

With the figure coming out, everyone saw the electric light flashing on the figure.

Mogas opened his mouth.

"West Movies?"

What about Xilin? If the person in front is Xiying, where is Xilin?

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