MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 388 Pay attention to bugs

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The explosion on the planet heralded the official start of this unavoidable campaign.

The home team has the arrangement of the home team, and the team has the arrangement of the team.

The formation of the home team has changed, and the people in the theater are not free to go. If they go, they may destroy their battle formation and plan, and may be bombarded as an enemy. The detachment has a battlefield of the detachment,

The commander of each team's captains, the third division, although they want to protect the eleventh team, but now there are small aircraft and battlefields of various space fighters everywhere, it is really difficult to find Xilin where they are. The aircraft, and the third sub-fleet, also received orders to help them protect the 11-star starship.

In addition to the captain of the third sub-fleet, other people simply do not know that the eleven teams have changed people on the starship. For this order, everyone is naturally and still performing, no doubt. It’s just that they don’t know that the people they want to help have now been forced out of the small starship.

Xilin chatted with the captain of the third sub-fleet, let them go to protect the starship, and leave them alone. Since Xilin said this, the captain of the third sub-fleet will no longer insist. They must both take care of their own team's actions and pay attention to the enemy's movements. Pay attention to whether there is a new order from the home team to make it first. Time to respond. Everyone is self-sufficient.

Large starships and aircraft have raised the energy hood at the moment the alarm sounds, and the black-red energy hood tells the rest of the group that the driver is driving the current energy hood. Don't hit it, or you will die.

"Ah. The energy hood is not the kind of energy mine we used to find?" The gray cat slammed Xilin after seeing the image on the display screen.

"Yes. That's the kind."

The pioneers of all the starships and aircraft that raised the black-red energy hood were the kind of energy mines that Xilin discovered when he was still in the sixth division. Later, the mining of the energy mine on the planet was directly handed over to the home team, and the sixth team's ranking in the fleet of the vanguard was also straight.

However, it was all gone, it was the credit of the sixth division, not the eleventh.

"It's really angry!" Gray cat is now full of resentment. I was very angry and very angry when I thought that the result of such hard work was now called someone else's, but I didn't get much.

The result of the gray cat's anger is that the metal table next to it has been scratched a few holes. This is still the result of the comfort of Xi Ying.

Inside the aircraft, Judy is sitting on the main command post, and a group of robots left on the aircraft assists in driving, so others can let go and do other things.

Six fighters have taken off and left the aircraft, basically a group of two, the yarn is soft and sturdy, Udo and the snowball with snowballs, Dias, Saga and Tesso, Cary and Red wind, laughter and eight knives. They are now flying out of the fighter plane to meet the fighters who fly over the pilots.

Xisag has always felt that although the number of people in the 11th team is a little less, it is still somewhat influential. But now, when Sag and his son stayed in the same plane, watching the large and small small aircraft, starships, and countless fighters around the planet, Shusag finally understood. Why are the people in the home team reacting like this when they manage the group handover on the eleventh starship?

not give a **** about.

Yes, these ten people from the eleventh team. In the huge base of the entire pioneer, it can be neglected.

When I was on the starship, the eleventh starship was small, but it was also a starship. It was different from other aircraft. Even if there is a low feeling, there is a sense of existence. Now? The aircraft that Xilin is now in. In this huge battlefield, no one knows that this is actually a flying tool that the four big team captains are riding on the frontal battlefield. Compared with the other ten captains, Xilin can now be called shabby.

Xia Sage recalled, perhaps, those people who followed Stanley’s eleventh starship, had sympathy and ridicule in their eyes.

Flying fighters, explosions of fire, various sound waves, electromagnetic interference, energy-absorbing weapons, and cannon bombardment and counterattacks, white cold beam frozen cannons, hot shaped particle guns, staggered in this piece A messy battlefield.

There are constantly fighters being blown up, and small aircraft are also being blasted, with vanguards, and there are pilots on the other side. There are already large and small debris fragments in the surrounding universe.

The fighter that was still swaying in front of the moment, was smashed into **** in the next moment, scattered in the dark, invisible universe, and even the snoring will not stay.

Life and death are just a matter of moments.

Xilin remembered a sentence he had seen in Chamonidine's diary before—the battlefield that burned with life.

The atmosphere of the battlefield always allows the hunters to quickly get involved. Even the hunters who seem to be timid at ordinary times will ignore the fear of the bottom of the heart and rush to the battlefield that is constantly blooming.

Xilin stood in the command room. In front of him, there were eight light screens, paying attention to the movements in the six directions from top to bottom, left and right, and the remaining two screens on the other side of the planet. Perhaps for ordinary people, paying attention to two or three screens at the same time is already dazzling, but Xilin can easily do this.

While paying attention to the movement on the screen, Xilin said to Xiying about some information to be recorded and calculated. Only the gray cat was idle on the metal table where the items were placed, and two turns were made on the metal table. Paws, with the frequency of his beard shaking, Xilin knows that this guy is very impatient, and his heart is sighing.

Xilin looked at the situation on the screen and frowned. I always feel that something is ignored.

Carefully analyze the pictures displayed on each screen, and for a long while, Xilin’s attention stays on more and more debris floating in space. These wrecks have caused a lot of images for those fighters, which can be seen. The flight speed of fighters in many central areas has slowed down.


Xilin magnifies the display on a light screen.

Among the large and small wreckage, some look like floating stones.

What exactly is this?

Xilin zoomed in on some of the other seven screen details.

“Can these be further analyzed?” Xilin said to Xiying.

Xiying looked at the things that Xilin pointed at, like the floating small stones. I tried to analyze it, but because it was not accessible, plus the various interferences in this battlefield area, the degree of analysis was limited.

"No, it's not clear what it is, but it's a little different from those wrecks, there are some special signal senses," Xi Ying replied.

Xilin was thinking, the communicator on his hand flashed a few times.


This time it was not a video image, but a piece of information - attention to bugs.



Xilin immediately connected the communicators on the six fighters out to make a call.

"Be careful not to touch the floating wreckage. Try to avoid it, don't touch them!"

Because the materials on the fighter plane are relatively hard, sometimes there are no small wrecks, and everyone ignores them.

Although there are some doubts about Xilin’s words, everyone has done the same, and it’s a big deal to reduce the speed. Anyway, everyone’s speed is now much lower. Pay attention to it. After all, this is not the central battle zone of the home team. The fighters in the center of the theater are coming and going. Even if the speed is reduced, it is much faster than those of the other teams. This is the gap, the technical gap.

Udo does not feel that he is worse than the people on the other side of the home team. He even has the confidence to rush into the central theater with the original high speed and kill the fighters of several pilots. Originally Udo did try it like this, but Xilin smashed them before the war, and Udo gave up. It was a big deal to try near the central theater. Still waiting for him to act, Xilin’s words arrived.

What is the wreckage to avoid? Some of the wreckage is classified as a wreckage in the security line, that is, according to the functional coefficient and defensive power of the fighter. Calculated wreckage and other obstacles that can withstand. Sometimes deliberately avoiding it will make everyone feel at ease.

Very open, everyone knows why Xilin has such an order.

After avoiding a shot from a pilot on the side of the pilot, Cary accidentally bumped into an obstacle when he turned sharply.

"You hit the wreckage." Red wind said. It was not two minutes before the words of Xilin, and Cary hit one, so the red wind reminded.

"I know the children!" Cary looked at the display of the instrument on the fighter plane, but it was an obstacle in the safety line, which had no effect on the function of the fighter.

When he just finished thinking like this, he found that the "wreck" stuck to the fighter.

Trying to squat for a few times and not taking it off, Cary is ready to ignore it, but soon, the security system of the fighter has issued a warning.

"What happened?" Cary wondered.

Red wind called out the picture taken by the external camera according to the system warning.

"What is this?" Red wind was shocked.

After Cary opened the fire and blasted the enemy plane opposite, he heard the sound and looked at it.

"I - fuck!"

In the tail part of their fighter plane in Cary, a thing that is one meter long sticks there, looks like the gravel floating in space, but the problem is that it is alive!

The elliptical shape of the surface was gradually stretched out, revealing the claws like the sickle, and the other abdominal feet were sucked tightly on the fuselage like a suction cup, and the liquid sprayed from the mouth of this thing began to corrode the fuselage.

Fortunately, this fighter is made of some special materials, and the resistance is stronger. It only corrodes a shallow mark for a long time. At the same time, Cary found that there was such a thing on the pilot's fighter. The guys on the other side were not so lucky, and their fighters were quickly eroded out of a hole. In the cosmic environment, any flying tools. A small hole can be fatal.

Although he didn't know what was going on there, Cary only knew that the fighter plane was smashed and they were swept away and they were destroyed by another avant-garde fighter. The thing stuck to the fighter plane did not know if it had blown up with the fighter equipment.

Cary quickly contacted Xilin. Reporting the situation here, and Xilin has begun to analyze this kind of thing. He let all six fighters fly to the periphery of the aircraft. Because the anti-corrosion of the fighter materials is relatively strong, there is no crisis for the time being.

Xilin sent the information about this kind of things that was temporarily sorted out to the captains of each sub-fleet. It is called Xiying and Gray Cat.

"Ready to go out."

The gray cat spirit is shocked and finally can go out!

Xilin called out the star map of this theater and drew a circle on it. He said to Judy: "Don't go too far in this area."

"Okay, don't worry." Judy looked at the area that Xilin circle came out. That is where their starship is, and now the eleven starships have been flying within this area. In this regional cycle, more and more fighters have gathered here and there are pilots. There are also pioneers.

"Oh, the electric shock has no effect on them!" Cary looked at the system screen to display the image captured by the peripheral camera, snarling. Now they have two strange things stuck on their aircraft.

I haven't noticed it yet, and now I find that it seems to be more and more in the surrounding environment. When did these things appear? !

"I will solve them." Red wind said.

"Don't go, it's almost the place that Xilin said. You are still responsible for dealing with the three enemy planes."

There are two sets of weapon systems on the fighter plane, one for the driver and one for the co-pilot. The red wind is now sitting in the position of the co-pilot. Although he did not drive the aircraft, he also helped Cary to deal with the enemy planes. Compared with the sense of shooting in the battle, the red wind still prefers the original way of fighting - melee, not, claws.

Cary did not worry about the red wind going out, this little guy is not good at the space station, if he accidentally did not control the armor to **** the fuselage and was directly smashed out, it would be miserable.

Finally, after driving the fighter plane to the range mentioned by Xilin, the sound of Xilin came from the communicator in Kari. "The driving speed was adjusted to the third speed. Do not attack within half a minute. I and Xiying will help you. Solve things on the fuselage."

Cary did what Xilin said and started counting down. Their time standards have always been strict, and after eight minutes, Cary and Red Wind will start the attack again.

When Cary counts down to the thirteenth second, a figure flies to their fighters, and the foot is tightly sucked on the fuselage. One hand is also attached to the fuselage, and the feet are triangular, and after being stabilized, The fist quickly slammed into the insect that was spraying the corrosive liquid into the fuselage.

I couldn't hear the sound, but when Cary saw that the thing was pierced into the brain by a punch, it felt like it was a crisp sound, because the appearance of the thing looked very hard and it was able to punch it with a fist.

Although the insect that was pierced through the head was dead, the stomach was still tightly attached to the fuselage, and it could only be pulled straight down. Even after pulling the whole one down, the suction cup on the gastropod is still tightly attached to the body.

Looking at the strange thing that was forcibly "tear" from the fuselage because of forcibly tearing and tearing off the gastropod, Cary's heart was hairy. What the **** is this!

After the first one was solved, the second one was quickly torn off the fuselage in the same way. When the card counts down to the thirteenth second, it starts to clean up. When the countdown reaches the tenth second, both of them have been cleaned up.

"Thank you, Xiying!" said Cary to the back of the flying far.

"Is that the West Shadow?" Red wind doubts.

"Who isn't West Shadow? Xilin's technique is like that. The guy likes to solve the problem with bare hands, which is relatively simple and saves trouble. However, I am afraid that only Xiying can have such a hard fist." Cary said.

The red wind frowned, lifting his claws and scratching his red hair. "I still feel that the person was Xilin."

"Is Xilin? Captain not always using knives and guns?" Cary retorted, but soon, Cary did not say anything, think carefully, a series of actions when the man solved the two strange things. It is very smooth and smooth, not like the battle body in space, but like a stone bench in a normal environment.

It’s too natural, too smooth, and you can simply put the head of that strange thing in a circle. How to see it should be done by Xiying.

Looking at the eyes that the red wind is very persistent, Cary hesitated. Who is the person who flew past?

"What are you doing, idiots! This time you are distracted!" There was a roar of laughter in Cary's communicator.

Just now, when Cary was distracted, the enemy plane of a pilot had locked their fighters in Cary, and almost fired. If it wasn’t the first step to solve the other party, now their fighters in Cary must have Shot.

"Cough, go away." Cary quickly adjusted the state and replied.

"On such a battlefield, I am still stunned. You are still younger than Laozi!" laughter laughed.

"Xie La Brothers!" Cary returned to God, no longer thinking about whether that person is Xilin or Xiying. In fact, their captain has never revealed the real combat power. This card knows, but always does not consciously Ignore the combat effectiveness of Xilin, because Xilin used knife and gun more often in front of them.

On the other hand, after solving the two bugs on the fighters in the card, Xilin helped the rafters who flew over to solve the bugs stuck on the fighter plane.

"West movie, how is it?" asked Xilin.

"The analysis of the sample has been passed." Xiying will repair a worm from their body and tear it off the fuselage. He put the analysis data and sample data of the insects on the side where Xi Kai was on the side, and they helped analyze it. Now he and Xilin have no time to analyze this.

The gray cat licked in Udo, outside of their fighter plane, chewing on the worm that had just bitten down from the fuselage, and spit after chewing twice.

"It's so bad!"


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