MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 386 Some of your team are on the "fog" list.

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Star hunter 386_ star hunter full text free reading _ 386 chapters your team is on the "fog" list from

The two robots in the synthetic cabin have been gradually improved. The latter work is basically done by the two robots who gradually wake up. Xilin and the curtain do not have to do anything. Look at the data displayed on the instrument. .

The two newly synthesized robots are still self-synthesizing according to their own procedures. The appearance looks like qualifications and the image of Ayue. Is it a brother?

When the two robots are formally synthesized, the light strips on their faces flash, the door of the synthetic cabin is automatically opened, and the change of air pressure makes a squeaking sound.

Two newly synthesized robots and no sound, Sigma and Ayue jumped excitedly. After many years, the four brothers got together again, leaving only Chip.

Xilin did not bother their four brothers to exchange feelings, walked to the workplace where they attended the curtain, and went back to their lounge to rest. Although the whole process of synthesizing two robots is not long, the amount of calculation is too large. Especially at the beginning, it is almost straightforward to operate as a machine. Fortunately, it is easier to follow. Xilin has A buffering process. This time it is a one-time synthesis of two such robots, so the amount of calculation is of course much larger, and many of them are processed on the spot, not as early as when the West Shadow was made.

After a bit of a sore arm, Xilin walked to the lounge. The gray cat jumped over the shoulders of Xiying when he came out. When he left Xilin, he also squinted at Xiying: "Boy. Don't bother. You continue to pick up the girl!"

Xi Ying smiled and played the gray cat's ear, and left the work room of the curtain. He learned a lot of new things just now. Need to ponder.

Two new members have been added to the eleven team starships, however. For the curtain, new troubles are coming again.

In the past, only Sigma and Ayue were fine. At that time, basically, did you say a word about Ayue? The curtain did not feel anything. Now, after two more, I don’t know if the four brothers are together. . The lesser guys were motivated by the language, and the four guys huddled together and said nonstop.

The final stage was really unbearable, and they all took out all four of them together in the workplace. I really don't know how the family of the generation of the year had endured five troublesome guys.

Sometimes playing the pyramids - Sigma is stepped on the bottom, sometimes with the snowballs they are noisy. Even the next game can make troubles like a fight.

In any case, the atmosphere on the recent 11-star starships is generally quite good. It is very festive. The four robots have organized the indoor orchards of Sigma to be well organized, and they have helped Mo Heng and Xi Kai a lot. The little robot, Mo Laozi is very fond of, the old man has been dealing with the machine for so many years, this is the first time to communicate with so many robots who are almost tempered, except for their appearance. Others are just like people, and the four guys have different personalities.

Unlike other people's relaxed mindset, Xilin is now pondering the next thing.

Just now, he received a secret communication from the polar front. This communication did not even know Udy, and the other people in the eleventh team would not know.

This is about the whole pioneer. In the near future, a group of senior members of the 11th team will arrive at the sub-base of the z-star area. There they met with the top leaders of the pilots to discuss things and make decisions on the ownership of a planet.

The planet was discovered by the main team of the Pioneer and the home team of the pilot. It was a very good livable planet. Now, the internal disputes of the army are busy enough, and other people in the area will not How much thought is on this planet, after all, this is what the two hunters have seen, and those who are in the family will not rush with the hunter. Therefore, it is now a discussion between the pioneers and the pilots.

Because the planet is too tempting, after occupying it, in addition to temporarily constructing a sub-base for expansion, it can be sold at a high price if not used later, and those merchants can buy a batch of weapon aircraft, etc. No one wants to kneel down.

In fact, such a thing is not uncommon. Both sides of the Hunter Group made a number of discussions and conclusions because of the "goal". It was very common in the past, but at this moment, it is intriguing. Especially after the news that Xilin had said it to him not long ago, there are more secrets.

The front is obviously psychologically prepared, and there is still a thing circulating among the hunters. This time it may be a positive war between the vanguard and the pilot, and may even trigger a full-scale war. The two hunter groups have had enough friction with each other. This time this planet is just a fuse, it will trigger the biggest conflict between the two hunters in the past 50 years.

I don't know if these rumors are true, but the various fleets of the two groups have already gathered in the z-star zone. It stands to reason that the base camp in the k-star zone will be more emboldened, but at the same time, once a large-scale comprehensive war breaks out, the damage to the base camp will be even greater, so both sides have chosen the sub-base in the z-star zone, so that they fight Don't worry too much, anyway, it's a temporary sub-base. Even if the whole planet is destroyed, they won't have much distress.

The polar front has secretly contacted the captains of the eleven sub-fleet and said everything that might happen. Let them prepare themselves. Once a full-scale war breaks out, it will be an extremely difficult battle.

In addition to those, the polar front and Xilin said something about the words that were said to be innocent. "Fog" is very likely to take advantage of this time the two sides met with the killer, this is the best opportunity.

The biggest fear of the front is not on the leader. After all, the two hunters are both familiar. The biggest worry of the front is the internal problem. Because the hunter group is too big, it is impossible for the traitor to be completely cleaned up. It is not impossible to fire at the rear. The second one is about the killer organization "fog", and their assassination target is a few high-level leaders. Now I don't know how many people in the top of the vanguard, and who are on their assassination list. One thing is convincing. These high-level executives are among the most influential in the emergency pioneer group. Every accident is a huge loss for the vanguard.

At that time, a team member will definitely not be at the forefront. There are people in the front team who are in front of them. They are supporting at the rear. The last time they made a big move at the base meeting, in fact, they will have some good seedlings. Scattered in the various sub-fleets, because they are less affected by the sub-fleet. These are the hopes of the future of the vanguard, and when they grow up, they are also a group of peak forces.

The decentralization of that time was actually a kind of protection for these people. The ability of those who are decentralized is indeed uneven, and the people who are really valued by the top are mixed in. This is the main reason for that action. From that time on, the polar front began. Make various deployments.

"There will be a war between the four majors sooner or later. The Blue Butterfly and Yushengtian are now in the midst of fighting. The vanguard and the pilots are not likely to stop. Once the war begins, both sides will lose a lot of people. Therefore, only those who can be ahead of time. People who have not yet grown up are well protected. If the predecessors are unfortunately degraded in this war, at least in the future, there will be people who will take over and will not let the vanguard fall."

This is what the front of the pole said to Xilin. For the other captains, not everyone has said that only the people who are really trusted by the front will inform these things. At the same time, they remind Xilin that the eleventh team will not run. Go to the front line and work with other teams in the rear. Mogas, and they are all potential players who have not yet grown up, don't let them go to the front.

"Xilin, help me hold them!"

Before the pole front disconnected the communication, said such a sentence. This makes Xilin very confused, even if Mogas is a few of them who are optimistic about the top, but the polar front may not be too concerned.

When Xilin was puzzled, there was a newsletter.

"This is the news that I just got, I will inform you that your team has someone on the assassination list of 'Fog'. You are ready, maybe, you. Remember to save your life."

On the screen, Hidden Uncle holds a box of ice cream and eats it. There is a mouse-like animal on his head, big ears, and furry. It looks like a bunny, and his eyes are staring. After watching the game, Xilin lost interest and jumped to the side to play.

"You don't know who it is?" Xilin asked.

"I don't know if I know."

Xilin: "..."

"Well, another question, is there only one person on our team on the other's assassination list?" Xilin asked again.

"Oh, as far as I know, there is only one. However, when the assassin rises on time, he can solve a few more problems. So the kid you have to worry about."

Xilin was silent for a while. "Thank you for your reminder, is there anything else?"

"There is no time, oh, if you feel that you are not sure, you can hire someone from our organization to protect."

"What about the conditions?"

"Your fat cat."

Xilin directly disconnected the communication.

On the other side of the newsletter, there was a spoon that didn’t bite the ice cream, and the fingers squatted and jumped to the head of the little guy in his arms. “It doesn’t seem to be easy.”

Before returning to the base of the z-star area, Xilin observed five people from Mogas, who felt that the person on the assassination list of "fog" was among the five new members, otherwise The polar front will not say such words. As for who is still unclear, Xilin even talked to each of them and did not see anything from it.

So deep in hiding?

Since you can't find it now, don't look it up first. The starship has returned to the base of the z-star zone, but there is not much time left for them. Without Xilin, other people have already learned about the situation of the hunter group through various channels.

"Xilin, do we really have to do one with the pilots?" Cary flexed his muscles.

"Possibly, making preparations is always good." Xilin replied.

"Hey, I will definitely do a lot of preparation!" Carrilla laughed and they left, to discuss how to repair the pilots.

"What are you worried about?" Udy asked.

Although it is possible to set off a full-scale war, Judy understands that, in general, the detachment is not the same as the squad of the eleventh team, certainly not on the front line, and the attack they are not will be so fierce.

"I am not worried about the pilots, relying on the combat effectiveness of our team. Even if you can't solve the problem of many pilots, you will have a certain ability to protect yourself. However, it is not necessarily the only one who has the leader."

Udy’s heart glimpsed, “You mean...”

"Killer organization."

Since knowing that there may be a large-scale battle in the future, Reef and Suy, who have just woken up, have begun to assemble combat equipment for themselves, especially Reife, which is simply a fighting madness. I often stalked Mo Heng to exchange some opinions and learn about some weapons of the current Star Alliance.

The gray cat is as heartless as ever, except for eating and sleeping.

In the preparation of the eleven teams, gradually the other sub-fleet returned to the z-star area. It means that time is getting closer.

Xilin contacted Shawton, who is now on the side of the home team. According to Shawton, there was no such thing as preparing for such a battle, and there was no plan to recruit other teams. But then all kinds of rumors began to rush. Pioneers and pilots must be fully developed, and the pilots have not denied it. Instead, the pilots of the pilots are recalled. Later, the vanguard will inform each sub-fleet.

It’s no wonder that this notice was so rushed. At the beginning, there was no desire to be involved in a detachment. As the machine front said, there are hopes for the future in the eleven teams, and there is a large amount of potential but still great. There are no good seedlings that have grown up.

Xilin is known to be relatively early, because of the innocent things, the front of the front and Xilin said, let Xilin understand the situation in advance.

"Xilin, I am afraid this time will be very difficult. You must not be sloppy in the fleet." Shawton said very seriously, "I have been able to feel the tension of the home team during this time, which is different from any previous mission. , who can't say what will happen at that time."

"Well, I know."

"Let's go with the third fleet," said Shawton.

Now Shawton has more trust in the third division than the sixth division. Although he is from the sixth division, the current sixth division has changed greatly. It is no longer the sixth. The division of the fleet, coupled with the personnel below, the difference in personnel patterns, Shawton has little impact on the current sixth fleet.

The meaning of Shawton is that Xilin understands that he is afraid that Xilin will suffer. If he is with the third division, the third division will be able to take care of it. After all, everyone's relationship is good.

Shortly after talking to Shawton, Xilin received the newsletter from the third division. I wanted to know the situation of the eleventh team. Let the eleven teams join them and everyone should take care of each other.

For the goodwill of the third sub-fleet, Xilin did not refuse. The size of the eleventh team is really too small. Let's not talk about the specific combat power. When it is time to make any accidents, the third division can also handle the handle. Or they can help the third sub-fleet, the whole of the vanguard, the third branch and eleven teams have the best relationship.

After three days of the Ephemeris, Xilin received a summoning order from the pole front. This is a call for a sudden spurt. After receiving this instruction, the eleven teams will immediately leave there.

The people who had prepared for it were not hurried, and they even looked forward to it. Before leaving, Xilin once again persuaded Mo Heng to stay here. After all, Mo Heng was old and could not stand the toss. Mo Heng is very persistent about this.

"You see Dias's little dolls go with them. I am afraid of this old bone. Besides, my last words have already been written. I will figure out what will not blame you when I am, my son knows me. He is a person, he understands."

Know a fart! Xilin can't wait to knock out Mo Heng directly and throw it at the base. Mo's father said that he could pull the "last words" for a reason, which made Xilin very helpless.

In the end, Mo Heng was surrounded by four robots on the starship. Reifa assured Xilin that he would protect Mo's father. Xilin did not have much confidence in its guarantee. He doesn't know about Refias, it's not as good as A month.

When heading to the home team, Xilin called Ayue to tell him about it, so that when the four brothers of the month of the month protect Mo Heng, they should pay attention to other movements around them. Maybe someone will sneak in.

"Sneak into the small eleven to come inside?" A Yue said with a sigh of relief, can sneak in the small eleven without any notice, the other party is not simple.

"So. You four pay attention."

"Well, I know. I will protect my grandfather."

There are four of them in the month, even if they are not sure of the specifics of the other party. As long as the other party sneaked in, they will definitely find out under the combined force of the month.

"What about you? Are you and the Western Shadows and Snoring not inside the Starship?" asked Ayue.

"I don't know what will happen when I happen. I may go out. Xiying and Hulu may also have their own opponents. So, the things of Xiaoyi are given to you four."

The light strip on the moonlight flashed and said: "Well, I understand."

A month is a very smart robot, he can analyze a lot of things from Xilin. In their four brothers, although Ayue often looks unreliable, but the four robots really play a leading role in the month, even if they are conceited, Reyia, Suey, who does not talk much to people, In some cases, it is headed by A month.

The starship crossed an asteroid belt, passed several non-livable planets, and saw other submarines heading to this side, but not the third sub-fleet, but the second sub-fleet.

Because I am not familiar with it. The two sides just made a simple call and then went to each other.

There are a lot of people in the second sub-fleet ridiculing the eleventh team, because the eleven teams are not a big starship, even the second sub-fleet sub-starships can not match, the second sub-fleet takes out a small team It is much larger than the eleventh scale.

The various sub-fleets on the side of the home team base are all connected to the starship, some of which are surrounded by frigates or free aircraft, etc., which looks like a style, so as long as they look at it, it seems that the eleven teams are quite weak. .

Eleven teams did not directly enter the home team base. Not even close, but staying close to the planet, staying around some small planets.

After the third sub-fleet came over, they came directly to the eleventh team. In the eyes of other submarines, the third sub-fleet was a nanny.

When eleven teams arrived, the home team's fleet was also prepared. The home team's starships had three ships, all of which were large-scale combined ships. Some of the surrounding scattered aircraft and fighters were separated from the three large-scale combined ships. After the space port, it flew into it.

"Hey, set off and set off!" Cary cheered.

Yes, the eleven teams are just a gathering here. They will go to the negotiating place with the star team of the home team, and they will probably be their battle place soon.

Mo Heng looked at the three starships of the home team on the screen and said, "The three starships can all be on your eleven teams."

"The home team's starship is really quite stylish. Although it is also a free ship, the home team's free ship is different from people," Dias said.

The three combined ships of the home team are about the same size as the combined ships of other sub-fleets, but it gives a very special feeling. It can be distinguished at a glance who is the home team and who is the team.

"So, those people can only be the detachment, but if the squad's free ship is bigger, it will definitely not lose to the home team's starship!" This is still the confidence of Judy.

"Hey, what about Xilin?" Mo Heng said.

I just saw Xilin on this side. I didn’t see it in a blink of an eye. Isn’t a captain at this time should be ready to order in the command room?

"There was a communication transfer just now," Judy explained. The communication of the several transfers is too secret. Such a communication Xilin is generally not in the command room but in his own lounge, where there are western shadows and gray cats, and will not be eavesdropped.

Xilin did answer the newsletter, but it wasn't the one that Yudi said was transferred. It was taken by Songba Le, which reminded Xilin to pay attention to the situation in the team, especially the new members. And now this is the secret uncle.

"The people of 'fog' have arrived, you pay attention. Right, or that thing, if you need help, you can find us directly because we are here too."

"What are you coming over for? Are you busy?" said Xilin.

"I am not so boring, I want to solve a few people who are not pleasing to the eye, rest assured, not you are avant-garde, although I am not pleasing to the eye, but now that he is the target of the Nieber monster, I will not Going to intervene," said the innocent.

Niebella is the leader of the "fog" organization today.

Xilin admired the "fog" and "innocent". Uncle Uncle said that they have reached the coordinate point. I believe that no matter whether it is a pioneer or a pilot, there is no shortage of tension. Of course, only those who know this information, those who don’t know, I’m afraid that these two Star Alliance’s famous killer organizations are here.

Ten large-scale combined ships, nearly one hundred medium-sized ships and sub-ships, this kind of battle is indeed huge, although it is not all the power of the vanguard, but it is also amazing enough.

In addition to the tasks being carried out and stationed at the base, the remaining people are here, and some of the home team's people remain in the base camp of the K-Star District, and some of them are stationed in the sub-base of the Z-Star District. But the top half came over, including Sumba Lero and Bart. And the people on the assassination list of "fog" are among these people.

The target of the negotiations is in an area outside the pioneering and piloting sites. This piece belongs to the free zone. There is a planet with a livability level b. It belonged to the army, but now it is on the side of the Star Alliance. After the split, no one is now managed. This time, the two hunters have directly forced the planet to be requisitioned. The military people know that they haven’t said anything afterwards. Anyway, it’s just a common livability level b. Planet, let them go.

"Look, it's the leader!" Cary looked at the scene displayed on the screen, excitedly said.

On the screen, on the other side of the planet, the fleet of almost the same size as the avant-garde was parked there, and they did not arrive long.

After coming here, after the motherships stopped, the combined mothership began to split, and the subships and other accompanying starships, aircrafts, fighters, etc. were separated from the above. All of a sudden, the fleet’s spread was directly expanded several times, and each of them was densely packed. Starships, aircraft and fighters, etc.

If you look at it from a farther perspective, you will find such a picture - on both sides of a small planet, the two fleets are distributed on both sides, like a pair of half-open wings sandwiching the middle planet.

The eleventh starship is not eye-catching in the outer edge of the wing of the vanguard. He is surrounded by a sub-ship of the third fleet and some large aircraft, warships and space fighters.

"Do we not have to go out?" Cary finished his whole body and asked Xilin.

Xiaoshang and others are also looking forward to Xilin, but Xilin did not agree, and it is not the time. The eleventh team's starships are really not eye-catching in this. However, the 11th team's fighters are very eye-catching. It is not that the fighters are shining, but the eleven teams' fighters seem to be specially tailored and excellent fighters. And with the laughter, they can’t hold on to a show, and they’re barely warned.

Before the war, they were mutually estimated. Xilin was not prepared to let Cary go out now.

After the pole leader slipped a command to the captains of each unit, one of the star ships of the home team flew to the planet, where a group of pioneer pioneers who had arrived in advance waited, and the pilot’s side The same is true.

The detachment stays on the periphery and is distributed in a certain pattern. Even if it is arranged, it will not easily hurt its own people.

Star hunter 386_ star hunter full text free reading _ 386 chapters your team was updated on the "fog" list!