MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 384 I know that you are not doing anything against me!

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On the other side of the asteroid group, Xilin resisted an attack from the other side. The opponent's hand is very fast, but there is no sense of guilt in such a cosmic environment, it seems to be able to integrate with the protective armor of the body.

Every acceleration on the protective armor is just right, not too late or too late. The opponent's already fast action, under such acceleration, the attack power is more powerful, and if the assassination method is adopted, the success rate is definitely not lower than in the ordinary environment. This is the killer, regardless of the environment, always maintains the best condition and is not limited by the environment.

The armor worn by Xilin does not have such an acceleration function. However, it can make Xilin not be affected by the space environment. Every time it moves, every jump and jump is like a place with normal gravity.

The knife flashed, and the dagger's general knife, which was resisted by the long knife in Xilin's hand, had a strange bend in the next moment. Then, like a viper, it bypassed the long knife and went straight to Xilin's eyebrow.

Xilin leaned down sideways, and the long knife was picked from behind, blocking the knife-like knives that sprinted.

The stray light of the blade flashed again.

In the starship of the eleventh team, a group of people carefully watched the situation displayed on the screen, but the more they looked, the more we felt strange. After Judy looked at the screen for a while, he was relieved. Xilin should not be any danger.

Xilin is burning in this side, and there is no progress on the gray cat. It is too deep for the sneak peek. The person behind the whip chasing after chasing is helpless. The cat ran fast, and ran a run and then turned to look at the people behind him to catch up. If you don't catch up, it will take the initiative to scratch a paw and continue to run.

"I think that guy is definitely depressed now." Starship. Cary looked at the man who was chasing the gray cat with a whip in the back and said.

Laughing and Mojas nodded next to him. The original tension is a lot more relaxed.

"It’s too climbing Nahan, it’s really climbing Nahan!” said Phoebe, who was next to the excitement.

"What is too climbing Nahan?" Several people in Cary looked at Phoebe in confusion.

"That's the one who took the whip! I am an idol! In fact, I used the whip to be influenced by the Nakano. I was lucky enough to see it once when I followed the home team." Phoebe explained.

"Have you seen that guy?"

"No. To be exact, the situation at the time was that the whip flashed away, and then the target's head was pierced with a big hole, and it fell quite straight." Phoebe said.

I remembered that experience once. Phoebe was very excited. Because of that shock, Phoebe would later choose to use a weapon like a whip, but it did not choose to be the same as the whip of Nathan, because she was not suitable, but later I chose this kind of whip now. However, now that I have seen too much Nathan, Phoebe is still unable to suppress the excitement, and actually saw the idol. Still so clear, although still not big faces. But Phoebe is already satisfied.

"Too Pannahan...too..." Judy thought about it. There is not much information about "innocent". He also knows that there is such a person in "innocent", but not every name can be On the top, "innocent" is always a ghost. Most people in this organization have never seen their true face.

Nahan is his real name in the name of Nathan. Too much is just his code name. Too climbing is a kind of snake. This kind of snake is quite poisonous, and the continuous attack speed is extremely fast. Connect this code to this person, as long as you hear the code, you know what this person is like.

However, snakes that are poisonous and attacking at any time are also a headache for gray cats.

Xilin looked at the grey cat while blocking a blow and left the opponent's attack range. He just saw the cat biting the other's whip, and the spike on the whip was after the gray cat bit the whip. Just shy, replaced by a burst of electric light. The electric light ran along the long whip and quickly spread to the gray cat.

"Oh, what awkward!"

The gray cat's pine opening is back, and there is some distortion on the surface.

Seeing the gray cat like this, Xilin’s mouth was pumped, and the knife was used to pick up the opponent’s attack, and then rushed to the gray cat.

The man who played against Xilin paused and chased it up.

Whether it is the people on the eleventh starship or the people on the other side, it is very unclear about the behavior of that person and cat. Was the cat stupid by the electric light on the whip? So Xilin is worried that the gray cat will rush over?

Most people think this way. However, the facts are always unexpected.

The speed of Xilin was getting faster and faster. When the gray cat's beard began to shake, Xilin got up and jumped up and jumped behind the gray cat. And when Xilin jumped, the gray cat opened his mouth.


Just like a rainstorm, a pile of metal scraps spouted from the gray cat's mouth and directed straight to the two people on the other side.

The two were a little fussy about the sudden appearance of this situation, and they didn’t have time to jump off, waving the weapons on their hands to block the metal slag, but the gray cat squirted too much scum, and Very anxious, fast, and relatively sudden, it really made the two men wander for a while.

These metal slags are not in their original state. Many of them have been partially melted. They don't know what it is. They are definitely not human stomach juices, and they are all unknown objects.

Seeing the innocence of this scene, the ice cream in the mouth was sprayed out. "What the cat has eaten!"

Saying, it’s unknowingly poked on the table and standing on the table with two front paws holding the small spoon to see the screen and watching the little guy, “Isn’t eating those things indigestion?”

The little guy's beard was shaking and he didn't say anything.

Over there, after the gray cat was sprayed, it also hit two sneezes, and it was a series of fine and dense debris, but it was much better than before.

Look at the mouth, the gray cat licks the hair on the lips, then rubs his head and scratches the roots with his hind legs.

The two men who had just blocked the "concealed weapon" suddenly stopped and looked at the gray cat behind him, where Xilin took the purgatory snake. Facing them.

The two looked at each other and then collected the tools on their hands. Go straight back. If in the real battlefield, Xilin must have shot at the other side while he was avoiding the "concealer." With Xilin’s shooting method, the two of them did not say that they were all shot, at least one of them would be shot. If the shots are made by others, they may not be able to close so quickly, but this person is Xilin, the news they received. Xilin is a man of his own, and the gun in his hand gives the two a very dangerous feeling.

The killer has always been trusting and trusting, so. Almost no time to consider, the two decisively retraced. Anyway, their mission has been completed. Although the so-called space warfare is not very effective, the two believe that the hidden boss has found the answer.

Space war? Jokes, how can a killer play this "game" of open road fights? Playing monkeys? Even if they practice and are the task of assassination to practice their hands, this can be used as a pastime. Their space warfare has always ended with the death of the target. The current so-called space war is just an excuse for the boss to find an answer. The two of them also came to play. That's all.

"This is... is it over?" The people inside the starship were blasphemy. That's it?

There is a feeling of being fooled.

Xilin took the gun and patted the gray cat who was licking his paw. "Let's go. Don't mess with things in the future."

"No mess, just just being irritated by electricity, I suddenly want to vomit, eat too much, those robots are really unpalatable, I have not digested." Gray cat turned into a mighty state, carrying the Xilin return starship side.

"Xilin, did you guess that the other party was not ready to come to the beginning?" asked the gray cat.

"There is this feeling. And my opponent, if it is in the assassination, his telescopic knife should be black, not reflective, but because of the nature of this space station, the other party did not use such assassination tools. You think about it, as the boss of the 'innocent' ****, how can you propose this very naive game?"

"What does that old guy mean?" "It is for you."

"I? What do he want to do to Laozi?!" Gray cat is fried. It hates being the research product of others.

"It doesn't have to be what I want to do to you. I heard that there is no one who likes to eat ice cream. I am very interested in semi-mechanical life. I am also very fond of eating ice cream. I have been in several conversations before. Eat, so, it should be him."

The gray cat was silent for a moment, then said: "Xilin, or let us start the old guy first."

Xilin licked the gray cat's ear. "Don't think about it, the old guy is fine."

Returning to the starship of the eleventh team, there is no waiting for the screen.

"Well, even if you won this time." The innocent saying is very casual, the tone is like saying "OK, this cup of extra water for you to drink" in general.

The gray cat squats on the shoulders of Xilin and looks at the enemy innocently. This old guy, the more he looks, the more he feels treacherous.

"Little fat cat, do you have any opinion on me?" Because the gray cat's eyes are too strong, he can't hide the ice cream on his hand and ask the gray cat.

The gray cat cocked up and said, "I know that you are not doing anything against me!" Suddenly, and said: "Do you want to do something to me?!"

Implicit: "..."

The little guy on the table next to it, which is not in the projection range of the screen, has also rounded his eyes. Is the cat’s nerve really short-circuited? !

Xilin bounced the ears of the gray cat. "The latter line should not be used in the current scene. I told you not to look at the little x pieces like Ayue. If you look too much, you will become an idiot."

The gray cat snorted and snorted.

"Well, let's get down to business. I said that if you win, you will tell you a message, and now fulfill your promise." There is no such thing as a positive color, saying: "The news is about the core figures of the vanguard. Someone is going to assassinate. The number of people on the list of assassinations is no less than ten. As far as the front is not on the list, I am not sure."

Assassination of the top of the vanguard?

“‘Fog’?” Xilin only thought of this **** that was intimate with “innocent”. Others would not have this courage, nor would they do this kind of self-important thing.


"Why don't you tell the head of the pole?"

"Why should I tell the pole?" Uncle Uncle did not care.

but. Tell Xilin, Xilin will definitely tell the pole. Innocent does not care that the front knows the news.

Xilin thought for a moment. Road: "I will tell the head of this news, do you have other things?"

"For the time being. Oh, there is one. I am very interested in this cat on your shoulder, but you don't have to worry, I won't know about it. Actually. In some respects, I stand on the same line with you." After saying this, the communicator was disconnected and the aircraft was gone. It quickly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Standing on the same front?

Xilin still doesn't understand the true meaning of this innocent sentence. When he understands, some two have already played. The little guy who had eaten a large cup of ice cream in the empty machine had squinted in his sly eyes, and the long, hairy tail wrapped his body around and looked very comfortable.

I couldn’t help but touch the white hair of the little guy in my arms and said, "How, what do you feel?"

This sentence is not said to the little guy who is squinting in the arms, but to the two people standing not far away. These two people are the two who went out to meet Xilin and the gray cat before.

"That guy is Tibetan mastiff." said the man next to Panah Nahan. He played against Xilin for a while, although he did not come up with his own housekeeping skills. I didn't move the real thing, but I also saw something.


"Well, I think, in fact, three times he can completely kill me, but I don't know if it is just a reason for the contest or other factors, he did not come up with real strength." That person is sure.

“Really,” said the innocent, slowly. “Now no one knows what the true strength of Xilin is. And, if you don’t find it, he can almost use force without force. For example, the virus of 'miracle’. For example, the information you collected collected a few years ago, the death of the king and his subordinates, these almost did not use much actual force, all by other means.

His ability to kill Oskulo is not absolutely his military value, but it may be other factors. In fact, we all know that it is not terrible for a person to have a high military value. It is terrible that it can be killed without force. A large number of people, among the people we have contacted, are the most dangerous because their lethality cannot be estimated at all. What's more, the kid has both.

Moreover, I don't know what kind of deal the kid has with Gadam, but I know that Gada is also a kind of person who can't ignore the difference in strength. If you can talk about it, it means that Garda is very interested in Xilin. Kid. Someone wanted to trade with Death to Xilin’s life, but then the **** of death refused. Others guessed it was the reason of Gada, but I think it’s definitely the emperor who made this decision. ”

These words are said to be heard by myself. He rarely said so many words at once. This time, several people on the aircraft will definitely pay attention to it.

Xilin did not know the people who were innocent and commented on him. After he contacted the pole, he would talk to the invisible dialogue with the front.

However, the polar front seems to be psychologically prepared. "They should also act."

There are a lot of things in the vanguard that Xilin didn't touch. The huge movements inside the vanguard last time were not just things that Songba Le was yinned. Maybe the front end had realized something.

The front pole made Xilin's recent attention, he would contact with the innocent, and let Xilin also have a preparation. Since he was looking for the door, it would definitely not be such a simple temptation. I believe that he will meet again soon. .

For the speculation of the extreme front, Xilin agrees. For the innocent, the polar front must know much more than Xilin. On the other hand, Xilin also vaguely feels that there are still some ideas in the polar front that are not said, and those ideas, It’s related to yourself and the gray cat.

"Xilin, what do you do next?" Judy asked.

In addition to the hidden news, the polar front just passed some internal information, which is about several other hunters. Recently, the other three hunters have some wrong things, and there is something faint. As the polar front said, the hunter world of the Star Alliance may not be able to change a big change.

Now that you know that there will be trouble in the main team of the Vanguard, in the near future, the entire hunter world will have big moves. If the war begins, no one can avoid it. They have such a small team and have few advantages. The best course of course is to join other sub-fleet teams and then cope with the next big changes.

"First go back to the base of the z-star area and do the preparatory work." Xilin said.

"okay, I get it."

Do not fight unprepared. Now that you know that there will be big changes in the future, of course you have to arm yourself first. This kind of trick to get so many of the best energy mines, can strengthen a lot of weapons, this is indeed a good opportunity, but also to seize the time, no one knows when this huge change in the hunter world will break out.

When Xilin thought about the information he just got, Ayue was in the command of the outside to probe the brain. After Xilin and Judi discussed the matter, Ayue flew in.

"What's wrong?" Xilin asked.

"Xilin, haven't you had anything lately?" A month around his fingers, he looked nervous.

"I won't be idle anyway. Any trouble?" said Xilin.

"This... If you are busy, we can help you, but I hope that you can spare some time to help us a little." A month continued to circumnavigate his fingers.

"What's busy? If you are in a hurry, I can help you first."

"Great!" Ah Yue took Xilin to the end of the passage after Xilin promised.

"Don't worry, what are you eager to do?" Xilin followed.

"Anxious to save lives!"