MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 376 "water" bomb

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After four rounds of testing, the candidates from afar have already relaxed a lot. They have already arrived here, and the last round of interviews will be fine. {{}{}

Interview, this is an important part of a tutor's choice of students. Can you get the tutor's favor and whether you can be selected by your ideal tutor? This is an important step for many people. However, those who have long been in contact with the mentor, the last round is just a passing.

For example, Chuck, he has long been associated with the old tutor. There is also a relatively close relationship between them. As long as Chuck has heard these five rounds, after the selection test, Chuck will directly contact the old tutor. Going away, I will not wait for the results like other people.

"Xilin, have you chosen?" asked a mentor.

Xilin sorted out the candidates' materials in hand and replied: "Well, let's go to the third interview area."

"The third interview area?" Next to a tutor looked at the candidates' information on the hand and said: "There is nothing special about the seedlings there..."

In the first interview area, Iveya and Chuck and several people whose test scores are ranked in the first interview area, so many instructors are vying to go there, but after all, the instructor of each interview area The number is limited and it is impossible for everyone to pass.

In addition to the first interview area is the "masters gathered", the other interview areas are evenly distributed, with comprehensive results up to now in front, there are also crane tails. The instructors who did not compete for the first interview area were a bit uncomfortable. At the same time, they also secretly decided to get the satisfactory candidates in advance in the next responsible area.

The matter of closing the wind will not be able to strike the mentor. Therefore, it is different from the past. The tutors were very active and wanted to grab a good student and show it up.

After the reform, there are indeed many students who are very satisfied with the tutors. Most of the tutors have already been selected. The latter are just a passing, and the one-fifth test can be sustained. Regardless of the **** of the results, it is always better than the exit from the middle. Before the selection test, some instructors also specially contacted some students, but only. After all, the candidates who have not been contacted are the majority.

Originally thought that the wind will support the waist, Xilin will compete in the first interview area. Who knows that this kid is going to the third interview area, is it that Guanfeng has no plans to accept students?

Think about it too, Guan Feng received students have always been concerned about the selection test, and received it directly. Hey, this is the benefit of the top, you can take shortcuts, first to be strong.

After re-extracting the candidates in the third interview area, Xilin went directly to the interview room in the third interview area.

Candidates outside the third interview hall were somewhat disappointed because of the first interview area. The person who can enter the first interview area is absolutely no problem, and the mentor is absolutely good. However, when Xilin entered the third interview area, the people who were mourning were excited, especially when they scored relatively well in the shooting. It was like standing in front of themselves when they saw Guan Feng. Opportunity!

The interview hall is round, and the instructors in charge of the interview hall sit in a circle, and the candidates who come to the interview sit in the center, and the line of sight of the mentor is concentrated on the candidate. Not everyone can guarantee a good mental state.

The gas field is too strong, the pressure is too big, nervous!

However, very quickly, this tension gradually faded in the inconspicuous problems raised by the instructors. Compared to those who have never thought about it so long, one by one, I feel that I have lived in this life.

Unable to open the mouth and pressure, people with better psychological quality can be a little bit arrogant, straightforward people choose to blush face to answer "do not know", and the cautious people can not find a word for a long time.

Compared with the conspicuous expressions of the candidates, the instructors are all - laughing and not speaking.

In fact, the instructors have a scale in their hearts. They like to have a choice from the candidates' responses. These questions are not expected to be answered. They are just the characters of the candidates who have reacted from the questions.

Of course, some tutors like to choose a better appearance. Looking at the students who have been brought under the tutor, it is a handsome male and a female, and they are very eye-catching characters. For example, the engineering class and some application mentors, they all like to recruit men, because of good physical strength, can do hard work, even if it is a strong woman.

As the candidates completed one by one, the various tutors have already confirmed the quota, and only Xilin is a blank. Moreover, Xilin did not ask much questions during the interviews of the candidates. Let the other instructors fight.

The instructor sitting next to Xilin looked at the blank list pressed by Xilin. He thought: Guan Feng really didn't want to have another student. After all, there is a sugar ball. This is the time for the candidates to talk about shooting. No one can match the little girl, even a very popular Ivya.

The door of the interview hall was opened again. I came in with a girl who looked very thin. It looked very ordinary. She was very plain and awkward. The atmosphere inside made her feel very nervous, although she tried to control it, but the body Still unconsciously shaking.

This is also one of the people who picked up from the "Return" forum, but she was not as open as those before.

Rong Ruo, 20 years old, a civilian, opened a small jewelry store, other information is very ordinary. However, in the “Return” forum, Rong Ruo’s reward points are very high, and even in some non-reward areas, many questions can be answered. Rong Ruo’s accepted education was limited. Later, because of family conditions, she gave up and continued to attend school. Although she gave up her school, she still focused on self-study.

Xilin chose this interview area mainly because of this person. Xilin has paid attention to the people who have been recommended in the "return". These people have observed the responses and trends in the "return" forum. However, if this person is allowed, Xilin is very curious, especially if he wants to reply to some questions. The image that was put on.

Because she opened a small jewelry store, the size of the jewelry store is not on the planet where she is. Even in the street of her house is also very small, the jewelry in the store is made by herself. This can save a lot of cost, and. There are a number of accessories that she is unique and cannot be obtained by other stores.

The shape of the ornaments is very regular, just like the natural formation, even the cutting marks are not. If those accessories are machined, Xilin does not believe that the price of the machine processed to that extent is worth several of her stores. In Rong Ruo's small shop, the price of each accessory is very low, very cheap, and the nobles just don't bother to look at the price. \\\\\\\\

now. Rong Ruo, who stood in the center of the field, couldn’t answer because he couldn’t answer it in one sentence. He stood there very awkwardly, bowing his head and not going to see the mentor. And many tutors are not interested in asking questions. After all, interviewing so many people is exhausting.

When the scene was a little stagnant, Xilin said, "Most of the questions you answered in the 'Return' forum are about molecular bond energy, and according to your education level, you should not be able to answer these questions. Is it self-study?"

"Yes, it is……"

Rong Ruo was originally frustrated because he couldn’t answer the questions of the instructors. His eyes were red, and he didn’t let the tears flow down. Her father was still waiting in the hotel of a planet in the Imperial City. She knew very well. If they are eliminated, what will their parents feel, even if they don’t say it, Rong Ruo knows. Unexpectedly. There was another teacher who asked questions.

Before the interview, some people said some potential meanings in the interview. The more interested the tutors are, the more questions they ask, and vice versa. No one is interested in you, no one wants to accept you, they are just routine. After asking a few basic questions, I won’t ask again.

Rong Ruo looked up and looked at the person who asked the question. The young man sitting there knows that many people are talking about it, and that some of the candidates who are "returning" from her own are very grateful. In the dormitory, the roommates and the girls in the surrounding quarters often talk about Xilin. If Rong Rong feels that if the things that everyone talks about are true, then one person should be unable to climb.

Seeing Xilin looking at himself, Rong Ruoan is even more red.

“You have a ‘water’ series of accessories in your store. Can I have a look?” Xilin asked. When he came in, he noticed the bracelet that looks like a crystal in his hand.

"Can... can!"

Rong Ruo hurriedly took the bracelet on his wrist and handed it over to the hand. When he handed it, his hand shook.

Xilin took the bracelet and smiled at Rong Ruo. "You don't have to be nervous, you are doing very well."

The surrounding instructors looked at Xilin’s eyes very strange. At the beginning, I thought that Xilin was looking for an emergency when he was able to return from the "return". I didn't expect this to start looking at the bracelet again. Wouldn't it be interesting to this candidate? but……

The instructors looked at the extraordinary arrogance, and then looked at Rong Ruo’s message. The items were very ordinary, or the test scores were very poor. The shooting was the **** in the slag, and the four rounds were tested. Down, only the level of the written test saved the facade a little, the total tail of the crane.

Guan Feng is definitely not going to accept such students. The instructors here are very sure.

Xilin ignored the eccentric eyes of the mentor. He looked at the bracelet in his hand. The bracelet was connected by a pair of clear crystals of green mung beans. The shapes of these small crystals were different. Shapes, stars, are very regular patterns, and there is a feeling of water flow. Xilin analyzed the composition of this material. It is no accident that most of the components of these "crystals" are water molecules.

The giant sea animal spar specimens that were first seen in the submarine city of "Sea Paradise" are very similar to this one.

This discovery made Xilin very happy. The smile on the face was a little bigger. Seeing that the mentor was more and more strange, the room that stood in the field became more and more embarrassed. She couldn’t understand what Xilin meant. Every girl has a Cinderella dream, but she has experienced too much, and she is more rational than many girls.

“Can you talk about this ‘water’ series of accessories?” asked Xilin.

Rong Ruo opened his mouth and held back. There seemed to be something she was hesitating, and she stopped talking, her face was flushed, her hands were close.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer well," Xilin handed over the bracelet. "Good luck."

Xilin nodded to the team leader in the interview room and signaled that he had finished the question. The team leader looked at other instructors. Seeing that there is no meaning to answer, he said: "The next one."

After Rong Ruo’s face went out. Taking advantage of the gap that the next candidate did not come in, several instructors asked Xilin. "Xilin, Guan Feng wants to recruit again?"

"No, the guidance does not mean this, and the guidance is to recruit people. He has always come and looked for it."

"This is also true." The mentor who knows Guan Feng agrees to nod. "However. You are a little bit interested in the girl?"

Xilin added Rong Ruo’s name to his list and looked at the joke: “I want it, a few don’t grab it with me.”

Who will rob you like this? However, look at the face of Xilin and Guan Feng. The tutors answered the euphemism.

"You can rest assured that we are all too close to recruiting, and we have no more energy."

At this time, several instructors only thought about it. Xilin is also qualified to bring students. Although he has not graduated yet, the identity of honorary scholars of the Royal Academy of Sciences, in theory, does have this qualification, but there are restrictions on the number of places. Can't bring more.

There are not many candidates left, and the interview is over soon.

When everything is over, the rest of the candidates are waiting, waiting for the communicator to be dispatched.

Candidates who passed the five-round test can basically be left behind. There are a lot of affiliated tutors who have not come over. They also have quotas on their hands, so it is almost the same.

On the way back to the dormitory, Rong Ruo saw that many candidates who had finished the interview had already begun to discuss whether they would receive the notice of Attachment 1 or Attachment 2. By the way, gossip about those mentor. Those people are better at total scores, so they don't worry. And some of them have begun to pack up and are ready to leave. They belong to the type of notification received in advance, that is, they have already contacted the instructors.

After returning to the dormitory, the other four girls in the dormitory are discussing the same thing. When I saw Rong, I asked, "How come, is there any tutor who pays special attention to you?"

"Right, if you are in the third interview area? I heard that Xilin is also there. Did he ask you any questions?"

The two girls came together and curiously asked, and two people stood in the same place, with sarcasm in their eyes. As a nobleman, they felt that such an inferior would not be qualified to stay here. If it is not institutional reform, which civilians who have no backing can come to this place? However, it is not enough to be able to come once.

As the communicators were distributed by the robots, the earliest were the two aristocratic girls, and then the other two, if the last one received the communicator. This time, the communicator is distributed according to the final score. The total score of the crane is the end of the crane.

Seeing that Rong Ruo actually had a communicator, the other four girls looked over.

"I heard that people who have passed the five-round test will receive the communicator," said one of the aristocratic girls.

"Let's see if you have one or two, which tutor!" a girl urged.

Rong Ruo took a deep breath and opened the communicator.

The open communicator pops up a light screen with a large cat head.

"Hello, are you allowed?"

Five people in the room: "..."

For this cat, they heard it earlier, not only in the fourth round of the cat's actions, mainly, this cat is Xilin's pet!

It is Xilin!

For a time, the other four did not know what it was.

"Hey, you talk, Xilin, this woman is not a dumb?" The gray cat turned and shouted in one direction.

"I, I, I am..." Rong Ruo replied quickly.

The gray cat on the screen looked close, and the head looked bigger. He occupied the entire screen. "You are a student of Xilin in the future. Well, it is also my student. I have something to cover you!"

Rong Ruo: "..."

The gray cat ignored the silence of the room. It is now immersed in the joy of "grandfather is a student" and continues to say: "Xilin has no time now, I will go to you later."

After talking about the gray cat, I disconnected the communication connection and looked at Xilin, who was talking outside the door. "Xilin, I am going to pick up the apprentice!"

Xilin waved his hand and motioned him to know.

The gray cat jumped out and followed the communication signal to find Rong Ruo.

Xilin is very busy now, really busy, busy with communication.

After Xilin’s interview with Rong Ruo’s name at the end of the interview, Xilin’s news that a girl with a crane tail was still unremarkable was spread.

Many people talked to Xilin in succession. The original star Ming was even more curious to come and explore the real situation, even the wilderness had personally asked. After Xilin repeatedly stated that he was not looking for a wife, the talents were suspiciously disconnected from each other.

"Xilin..." after calling two words. Chuck tangled, should I be called a mentor? Still called the name, it seems to be bad.

"Just call the brothers, anyway, everyone is attached to one." Xilin put the communicator up and said.

"That's good, Xilin brother. We have a look."

After Chuck and Xilin’s resignation, they left. There was a speeding car outside the dormitory waiting for him to pick him up. Several other people in the dormitory have also gone one after another. Chuck only deliberately delayed for a while, and was originally prepared to chat with Xilin. As a result, Xilin always talked to everyone and left.

Xilin looked at the empty dormitory, screwed up the backpack and closed the door.

This dormitory was sent away for another person.

After receiving the Rongrui, Xilin returned to the attached one.

Because of his status as an honorary scholar of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Xilin got his own laboratory. The laboratory's constituency was chosen by himself. Xilin chose the laboratory to be a non-teaching area outside the main campus. No one can experiment like Guanfeng can have such a big place in the school. Studio and training ground.

Although the treatment is far less than the wind. But Xilin has already met, and at this stage he only needs this place.

In fact, although Xilin is much smaller here than the Guanfeng and several high-ranking academicians, it is also a thousand square meters.

Previously, because Xilin did not have a project of its own, it has not been used. The "zebra virus" is the black scorpion used, not counting. Now Xilin wants to start a project, but it has nothing to do with viruses. A private project of his own, the results of the project belong to Xilin, but all the trial costs are borne by him.

After arranging the dormitory, Rong Ruo came to this laboratory in Xilin. Although it is called a laboratory, it seems to be comparable to a factory in Rong Ruo.

On the way, Xilin has already talked with Rong Ruo. This time, it is mainly because of the reasons why Rong Ruo made the "water" series of jewelry technology, but mainly pay attention to her. As for whether or not to take the technology out, Xilin did not force it. Even if you want to report high prices, Xilin will also pay. However, if there is no asking price, but take the initiative to take this technology out.

"This is what I accidentally discovered. I used it to support my family. Now I have already got one, and I have paid. I don't have to guard this little technology."

At that time, when I was interviewing, I didn’t say it, mainly because she was prepared to use the technology of “water” series jewelry if this selection could not be done. It was her retreat. Xilin was able to let her enter one, and she was very grateful.

In order to configure a reagent, Rong Rong first melted a few ore separately, treated it with a solvent and then heated it. Because some things didn't have time to configure, they were placed in a compression capsule decompression furnace, and she came back again. At the time, open the door of the magnetic furnace and find that the crystals deposited in the bottle are not the usual prismatic shape, but a regular dodecahedron!

Only this dodecahedral ingot is unstable, and it quickly dissipates after the magnetic furnace door is opened. If you don't always pay attention to the crystal crystals that are deposited in the bottle, you will definitely not find it.

Since then, Rong Ruo has begun to study in this area, and has crystals of various shapes. In order to reduce costs, she finally chose the lowest cost water. This is the origin of the "water" series of jewelry.

"So, there is no need to feel inferior, you are no worse than others." Xilin treated Rong Ruo more like a brother, not a mentor.

Xilin Rong Rong will shut down the jewelry store at home and open it later. If Rong does not care, the business there is not good anyway. A little money can not look at those cheap jewelry, no money will not get those virtual, open this store is because of the technology that was unintentionally discovered, so there is nothing to turn off the store. Xilin had already given her a sum of money in advance, and she was able to make her family a good life. Rong Rong was not worried. Moreover, because Rong Rong entered the attached one, her family was also treated by the parties on the planet.

"Xilin, when will you go back? Xi Kai asked this morning, he is ready, just waiting for the departure." Gray cat lying on a shelf basking in the sun, while licking his paws.

"Wait a while, I will handle this and say it."

Xilin handled the things on his hands. I originally planned to leave in a few days. But the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the technology that Rong Ruo has benefited Xilin. At least I know a general direction.

Rong Ruo has not started classes yet, and originally wanted to start. It turned out that she really couldn't help much when she really operated. Rong Ruo's technology is like a foundation, and Xilin has extended a broader branch line after quickly mastering this foundation. Those things are not very clear, so. Recently, she is busy replenishing information knowledge. Xiying copied some of the contents of the library to Rong Ruo. The things that Xiying can read in an hour are enough to look at it for ten days. It is not too slow. This is the speed of normal people, not everyone can look like Xiying.

Ten days later.

In a 300-square-meter space in Xilin's lab, Xilin put a special bullet on a special pistol, and the bullets flashed with water.

At a distance of 50 meters from Xilin, there is a leaf that has just fallen from the tree.


The bullet shot from the muzzle of Xilin's hand and went straight to the leaf. The leaves, which were supported by a fine needle, were not shot through after the bullets were hit. Instead, they were quickly shrouded in water, and the water was attached to the leaves and thickened at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Xilin looked at the humidity index displayed on the indoor instrument and was rapidly declining.

After five seconds, the reaction on the leaves stopped.

The gray cat jumped and turned around the leaves two times. "It's really like the one under the sea!"

Rong Ruo's technology is to synthesize small ornaments of various shapes in the water, and the success rate of the larger ones is not high. Xilin caught some of the information in this technology and developed this "water" bomb.

The original leaf was wrapped around a layer of "crystal", like a sealed specimen, the same as the sea animal spar specimen that was originally seen in the underwater city.

The gray cat lifted its claws and touched it with a meat pad. It was cool, but it was not as cold as ice. The temperature was similar to ordinary water, but it was much harder than crystal. The gray cat took a bite. Chewed and squeaked.

"The hardness is good. Try one?" asked the gray cat.


Xilin rebalances the indoor humidity and changes it to a seed bomb. This bullet is the same size as the previous one, but the difference is that the water ripple on the surface of the bullet fluctuates faster.

Xi Ying took out a small bottle with a flea in it, which was brought from the diamond by the gray cat. It’s a big King Kong, and the fleas on the body are much bigger than the average. How much blood do you have to drink!

After Xilin’s gesture, Xiying opened the bottle cap.


The half-thunder-sized flea rushed out at the moment the cap opened, but it was greeted with a water-filled bullet.

Hey -

A hard block with a crystal luster falls.

The fleas that are sealed inside are still in a state of leaping, and they are vivid.

The gray cat hurriedly jumped over and took a bite, and tried the taste. "The hardness is much bigger than the previous one."

Then, Xilin changed several levels of "water" bombs and experimented with several threatening parasites. The effect was not bad.

There are no large sea animals to test them. Although the "water" bombs are still not perfect, the speed of the bullets needs to be strengthened, and the hardness of the combined water needs to be improved again, but the results have been very gratifying.

It is good to use as a weapon, but for gray cats, this guy uses a lower-level "water" bomb to process food. In the words of a gray cat, it is called "sandwich biscuit."

Nowadays, the cost of "water" bombs is relatively high. This is not a jewelry. The process of processing into "water" bombs is not simple, and high precision is required for many layers. Even the lowest level of "water" bombs, according to the cost price, each has reached three digits. But it doesn't look much, but it is huge when it is summed up. Xilin still has no capital to squander the gray cat. The guy in the first generation of fish biscuits has to consume thousands of "water" bombs.

The taste is there, but the money is gone. After seeing the bills listed by Xilin, the gray cat tangled and gave up the intention to process the fish biscuits with the "water" bomb, a temporary plan.

"Oh, let's have money, use the top ‘water’ bomb to process fish biscuits!” Gray cat said vowed.

"When you have money, let's talk about it." Xilin played the cat's ear of the gray cat. This guy bought the money he had earned in the selection test for a long time. It really fulfilled the sentence that Sutat said to the gray cat - poor, is eaten.

That evening. The gray cat complained to the black cockroach far away from another planet, and the black cockroach did not speak for a long time after listening. After the black cockroach has contacted the gray cat. Grey cats often go to the big python to chat, but. This is the first time that Big Boa does not know how to answer it. It’s really that the cat’s food is too big, and the recipes are so horrible! Even the royal family of the Saskatchewan will not specialize in the study of "water" bombs for gray cats to process food!

The "water" bomb thing did not tell others, nor did it tell the people of the royal family. He believes that Xilin will not threaten the Caesar Empire. However, it also said to the Sahuang emperor, "Xilin. Will be the second closing wind, and even more than Guanfeng."

Guan Feng’s contribution to the Empire is not just the Inferno Razer series, except for this series. Many military weapons are designed and developed by Guan Feng, but others do not know it.

On the second day of the complaint between the gray cat and the big python, the big python sent a card to it, and the amount in the card made the gray cat drool, but it still made the card return. .

"Yeah wants to make money by himself!"

When the big python felt that the cat was quite sturdy, the gray cat turned and placed in front of Xilin with a pitiful Xilin to buy cat food. The food it brought was finished.

Xilin poked the gray cat's round belly. "You have increased your food."

The gray cat sighed: "The brain is too much recently, and mental labor is also very energy-intensive."

Xilin: "..." Ok. I have not heard this sentence.

For a guy who sleeps for twenty hours in twenty-four hours, Xilin is really hard to say anything.

While further improving the "water" bomb, Xilin also pointed out that if you want to hurry the original technology. In the new batch of manufactured jewelry, both the purity and the brightness are greatly improved. It is not the unique coldness of the hard spar, but the softness of the water.

The first batch of these jewelry was used by the original star Ming. They took it easy to buy a batch of jewelry and then took it to pick up the girl. It was just to see the support on the face of Xilin. I didn’t expect these accessories to be Quite popular. The three also took the initiative to help out. Said to set up a jewelry company, Xilin with them, Rong Ruo and the original star Ming they have more contact with it is also good, at least after Xilin is not there, there is also a backing.

After solving the "water" bomb, Xilin will be ready to return to the Star Alliance. Xi Kai has urged it several times. If he does not leave, Xi Kai is expected to come to the door.

The lab handed it to Rong Ruo, who can carry out her "Crystal" dream here. The original star Ming will also come here to help. They are purely idle eggs, just like this thing they feel very fresh, just Come and play.

The information related to the laboratory "water" bombs has been deleted. It is not afraid of others to steal, and Xilin has no intention of making the "water" bullets public. It is not perfect enough and needs to be practiced. The best practice place is the Star Alliance.

Before looking for Xi Kai, Xilin went to see the wilderness, but the wilderness was not ready to go back with Xilin. Although he thought very much, but now he can't allow a large number of troops to pass. The wilderness alone will cause a burden on the other side. I don't want to.

"Then wait a little longer, it won't be too long." Xilin comforted.

The wilderness looked at the sea beast that was making a mess with the gray cat on the sea. He smiled and said: "Don't worry about me, you have done well enough."

Xilin recorded a video about the wilderness, and what the wilderness wanted to say was also inside. After leaving from the wilderness, Xilin went to Xikai with Xiying and Gray Cat. The sugar ball was also released by the wind. She had a purgatory snake snake k2 specially made for her, although it was also the k series, but the k2 of the sugar ball, the special gun for the sugar ball, and the grab. Abbreviation for the name of the sugar ball.

Several kinds of materials needed in the hand have been obtained, the eleventh team is over there, Xilin is not at ease, although the eleven teams stayed in the base did not go out, but also said that there will be no special circumstances.

Once again, I came to Xi Kai’s electronic star. Xi Kai was already ready to wait for the Battlestar.

"What have you been busy with recently? How long has it been dragged?" asked Xi Kai.

"Why, do you have any opinions?" Didn't wait for Xilin to answer, the gray cat on the shoulder of Xilin asked.

Xi Kai screamed, "Which." This cat can't afford it.

"Hey, Sigma, what are you holding?" Gray cat looked at Sigma Road.

Inside the Battlestar, Sigma is guarding a small box.

Xi Kai looked over there, scratching his head, and some embarrassed to leave, to sort out his robot.

"This is Reife and Suy." Sigma said happily.

"Reficia and Suy?" The gray cat jumped from the shoulders of Xilin and sniffed in front of the box. Nothing special.

Reefia and Suey are two of the five brothers of Sigma, the two poor robots that have been annihilated by the family. But what is Sigma now holding?

"Ack ash?" asked the gray cat.

So, sometimes this cat is owing to clean up. The mouth is unobstructed.

"No. This is Reife and Suy, but they are asleep," Sigma said.

The gray cat is also ready to ask for the bottom. After Xilin took a bag of fish biscuits, he was more secure.

This time has not come long, but everyone has gained a lot of money. Under the cooperation of Xi Kai and Xi Kai, there is already a plan for a new type of robot. What specific plans do not say, they will know when they say it. .

"Chirp, let's go first, and come over to see you later!" Sigma and Ayue in the Battlestar said to Chip on the screen.

"I wish you good luck, I hope that when you see you next time, Refia and Suey will also be awake." said Chip, who controls the entire electronic star on the ground. Being able to see Sigma again, Chip is really gratifying. Sigma is still the sigma, even if it is a sigma that will not change for a thousand years.

Did the five brothers of the year really reunite? Chip is not at all, but since Ayue says it is possible, there is definitely a chance. When Reyes and Suy came back, when the new plan of the curtain and Xi Kai was successful, Chip could also get out of the present state and go with them.

Xijia likes to live in the stars, and does not like to stay in the same place. Even if it is Sigma, it hopes to go to travel, to travel, to go to things more and more people and things.

Faith is the glimmer that sustains you to continue when you are most desperate, even if it is not bright, but it is so beautiful in the dark.

It's in the past……

Chip looked at the space fortress that was gradually vacating. The darkest time has passed, isn't it?

After the disappearance of the Battlestar, an image was projected on the flat surface in front of Chip, which was an image given to him by the month of the month.

"A month, as long as you are 'live', even if all four of them fall asleep, you can wake them up, so no matter how despicable, how many means, you have to 'live' down..."

At the beginning of the month, the image was not taken out. In fact, it has some doubts. Can it really "wake up"? Later, after seeing Sigma, it gradually began to believe in the passage of the year. Regardless of the process, the results are getting better.

Why is the character of Ayue the most complicated, because it carries the most things.

A month has a lot of secrets on his body. Xilin knows that even the cause of the formation of sea animal specimens in the "sea paradise" undersea city, Xilin suspects that Ayue knows, but Ah Yue does not say, no one can It popped out of his mouth.

The peak generation of Xi’s family, although it has passed away for a thousand years, is the wisdom of those people, the achievements of that generation, really lost?

Inside the space bastion, Xilin looked at the gray cat, and pulled the gray cat and sigma to see the small x piece of the moon, and closed his eyes.

The Battlestar flew to the depths of the stars and flew to the uninhabited area. The vast storm circle is generally formed in the universe. However, this time, the sugar ball is very calm and there is no sleep mode.

The space bastion gradually flew into the "storm circle", and the data displayed on the instruments in the space fortress control room was more stable than the previous two.

The gray cat yawned and formed a circle next to Xilin. He took a nap and woke up and began to get busy.

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