MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 374 I am actually a mentor of the assessment team.

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Grey cats are typically the type that builds their happiness on the suffering of others, so it is especially happy to see those new students being abused.

However, to disappoint the gray cat, Xilin is now only to investigate and then write a report to hand it over.

The layout of the examination room is recommended by the various instructors of the assessment team. Before the start of this project, the general manager will screen and resettle the reports submitted by the various tutors. Therefore, no one knows the end. What recommendations are being adopted and what assessments will be arranged.

Not every mentor of the assessment team will assign this task, but Xilin is only assigned. Therefore, Xilin will sort out a report before the next meeting.

Xilin is doing this for the first time, so compared to other instructors in the assessment team, he needs to spend more time and energy to investigate the practice.

Tutors who have had previous assessments can only refer to their own reports, and Xilin needs to first measure the temperature, humidity, pressure, species, topography, etc. of this area, although these data are in the mentor public platform. It has been announced on the market, but Xilin hopes that he will have a personal experience in the process of hands-on.

The next morning, Xilin returned to the dormitory.

The dormitory was full of people. When Xilin entered the house, the four people were eating breakfast around the table and discussing gossip.

When I saw Xilin, the four people looked at the same time. When they looked at Xilin, Xilin also observed the four people. One of the strangers was the one who played against the people in the open air training field yesterday. There is also a different kind of person among the other three. The other two are popular humans.

"Hey, brother. You haven't returned all night, where are you going?" one of them smiled and asked Xilin.

"Some things to deal with." Xilin put a bag of food on his hand and opened it for them to eat. "You eat, I have already eaten."

"It's still hot!" One can't wait to grab it with his hands, not afraid of the temperature in the bag.

Everyone introduced each other, and the other two non-heterogeneous people also had aristocratic status. However, it is not the upper class aristocrats. For some reason, these two people are not as proud as other nobles, and they are good with two other strangers.

However, when Xilin broke his name. One of them also joked "How do you name the creator of the ‘return’?”

There are many people in the whole empire called Xilin, and most people have never seen Xilin’s appearance. They even think that the founders of the “Return” forum are the upper-level aristocrats. Therefore, when Xilin’s name is broken, other People have not associated these two roles together.

The "Return" forum is very famous, but not everyone will pay attention to this founder. More people know "return" but don't know "Xilin."

As he said, the zipper of "嗞-" sounded, and a cat's head emerged from the backpack on the back of Xilin and looked around. Jumped to the table, took a piece of cake from the bag, then jumped to the shoulders of Xilin with his tail and began to forage. It just woke up and was hungry.

"Do you still have cats?"

"You actually brought the pet over!"

A few people at the table looked at Xilin with incredulity. Everyone who comes here has a lot of energy, and I am thinking about how to pass the selection test. Who cares for the pet? Not a woman, not so careful. However, although it is not allowed to take a domestic servant here. But there are no restrictions on pets.

Xilin looked at the gray cat who was concentrating on food and smiled. "This guy is very good."

"Really, your cat is not picky." A roommate thought that he had learned the truth.

Xilin did not explain much. He put the bag in the room, opened the other bag and gave the gray cat breakfast. He took a shower in the bathroom. I was busy there for a night, and there was a lot of dust on my clothes.

When Xilin came out, the other four people had already packed up and sat at the table. It seemed that they were waiting for Xilin.

"What's wrong?" Xilin asked.

"Chuck wants to go to the shooting range to compare with people. We are all going to cheer. Are you going?" said one person.

Chuck is not a heterogeneous person, but his constitution is very good and his reaction ability is very strong. Although it looks awkward, the indifference under the surface of the skull can be overwhelming if it is revealed.

Double character.

This is Xilin’s first impression of Chuck.

However, for a shooter, the dual character is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Okay, give me half a minute, right away." Say Xilin went back to the room to change clothes and sort it out.

"You don't have to worry, there is still half an hour from the agreed time." Havin, the alien who had seen the open-air training ground in Xilin, did not care.

The gray cat did not follow Xilin this time. It will later go to find King Kong to discuss the "strategy". Xilin has some doubts about the "strategy" in the gray cat mouth, but since it is the animal thing, Xilin will not intervene, even The general manager is left alone, and these guys are noisy.

This time, the test venue is not in the open-air training ground, but a large indoor training ground specially built in the residential area where the candidates are located.

Because I had to compare, I booked the venue the day before. There are not only two people in the test, but more than a dozen. They chose to shoot in the third round of the first five tests.

Some aristocratic candidates took the family logo on their chests to show their special and superior status. There are quite a few aristocratic identities here, but some aristocratic candidates do not carry the emblem, for example, the girl sitting on a high stool next to the shooting range.

"Hey, Xilin, Ivya is watching you!" Havin slammed his hand on the elbow and whispered.

Although Iveya did not bring the aristocratic emblem, but through the spread of the gossip news, everyone knows the origin of the younger grandmother - the Nuhic family of one of the military giants.

If it is a general aristocrat, it is okay, but there are many here, but as the top nobility of the Noahaki family. She can directly enter the third, and the age of Iveya has reached the standard of the third. But what makes many people strange is. The noble lady did not pass the shortcut, but ran to participate in the attached five test. She wants to enter the first or second.

However, Iveya really has the ability, Iveya's shooting is very good, this is what many people have learned. Today's comparison test Iveya did not participate, think also, if Iveya participated. Other candidates will definitely release water. Even if they don't release water, everyone will feel awkward and feel that they are not doing it right, and provoke the noble lady to be angry. Even if they enter the school, it is estimated that they will not be better.

In fact, instead of Ivya not wanting to participate, she was warned.

Yesterday, she asked people to investigate Xilin. It was indeed a reprimand from her dad, and she repeatedly warned her not to cause trouble. Otherwise, she would send someone directly to tie her back and throw it into the army for two years.

If it wasn't for the support of Ivea's grandfather, the general of Nouqi, Ivya would not have the opportunity to participate in the selection test of this school. After all, it is generally like their origin. Most of them went directly to the third, and her cousin Tussen and Brielles came here. However, after knowing the incident of the little guy Teita in the Royal Family, the generals of Nuhatch encouraged their grandchildren to participate in the school's selection test and speak with the truth!

Think of this rare opportunity, and then think about his father's warning, Iveya chose to stay first. Therefore, after seeing Xilin entering the field, she did not go up and talk, but she kept staring at Xilin. Iveya is like many people. I only know the "return" forum, she is not concerned about academic matters, so I know Xilin, as for the list of the third, she has never noticed, anyway, her cousin Tuo Sen was also the man of the third year, other People are nothing great.

Since she can't challenge, Ivya can only stare at Xilin now to see what special person this person has, and let her old lady warn her again and again.

For Iveya's review and a little hostile look, Xilin did not go to entanglement. He did not investigate the identity of Ivya. It is not necessary. After all, he is not a candidate for this session. There is no competition. Ivya has The hostile eyes of Xilin felt completely unnecessary.

"Chuck, don't be nervous, but it's just a test. You're going to be the same in practice. Anyway, this is not a formal exam, it's easy, calm..."

A few roommates next to comfort and encourage Chuck, Chuck actually wants to say that he is really not nervous, but watching the three roommates so enthusiastic, he will hold back.

Chuck knows that among the candidates who know, the biggest competitor is Ivya. It is not just a shot that the two are good at, but also because the two are nobles. The contest between the nobles and the nobles will rise to the family. With the face of the family, if the results are miserable, Chuck will definitely be excluded in the family.

The personnel at the training ground came over to tell the candidates about the rules here. Although this was just a warm-up test before the official exam, he invited three highly-designed instructors to be judges for the sake of fairness.

The original three tutors still had some shelves, and the results were swept away and they saw Xilin in the audience. The eyes of those who are good at shooting are much better than others. They only dig out Xilin from the pile of people.

Xilin nodded to the three mentor and smiled at the stadium.

Seeing Xilin is just a spectator, not ready to stand up, the three mentor will follow the meaning of Xilin. As a shooting enthusiast, the three are very envious of Xilin, not only because Xilin is the proud student of Guanfeng, but more because they know that Xilin is the only one of Guanfeng’s disciples with “Inferno Razer s”. People, as they often pay attention to Guan Feng, also know some internal secret guides, they naturally understand the situation of Xilin than others.

The test began very quickly, and Xilin was much calmer than the excitement and excitement of other audiences. The shooting of these people is really wonderful, and there are even some people who have played tricks and provoked the candidates who watched around to cheer.

Chuck took the lead with a slight advantage. At the shooting range, as Xilin thought, Chuck was like a person, no longer jealous, more like a cold-blooded hunter. No fancy action, no waves, a fatal blow to the prey. Chuck's indifference to a few emotional eyes made several roommates feel strange, but when they think about it, everyone will be relieved. It is not an ordinary person to come here. Everyone has their own cards and has their own characteristics.

Chuck, who had put the gun out and went out, changed back to the big boy with some slyness. However, this time everyone will not look at him like before. For the warm-up match, try to get the first name. Chuck didn't take it, the masters haven't appeared yet.

After the end of the test. Xilin was ready to go back to the dormitory with several roommates. As a result, he was caught in the neck without taking two steps. Xilin knew when the other party was close, because the other party was not malicious, but also known, Xilin did not resist.

"Kid, come over and say nothing. Anyway, you are still idle now, let's talk and drink." One of the three mentors with a beard and a big beard said to Xilin's neck. The force is well controlled, neither let Xilin easily escape, nor will it hurt Xilin.

The instructor Xilin has seen it. I often go to find the wind, but most of the time I have no success.

A group of people standing around Xilin lost the first underground bus, especially the four people in the same dormitory. They looked dull and watched Xilin and sat down on the jury. They just commented on the shooting techniques of the candidates. Fart chat.

Xilin gestured to the four roommates to go first, and then the tutor pulled out to drink.

Many people in this scene saw that a small number of candidates recognized the identity of Xilin, but they did not say that they did not want to give others the opportunity to climb. At the same time, they also wondered if Xilin had not participated in the previous session? What did you do this time?

Xilin was pulled out of the training ground by the tutor. Come to a reception center for the entertainment of the instructors.

"Hey, Xilin, you took your purgatory Razer s out and look at it. Anyway, the Guanda Master is not there anymore." The Tutor Hu also didn't bother to eat a hearty meal on the table and squatted on Xilin Road.

Xilin sent the meat to his mouth and replied politely after eating: "No."

"You kid is stingy, you don't have a piece of meat at a glance!"

"But it will go away."

"Less nonsense, the infernal Razer and the fire?"

In the end, the singer of the singer was still unable to pull out the purgatory of the infernal in the hands of Xilin.

When Xilin returned to the dormitory. The gray cat has not returned yet. The other four people stared at Xilin’s eyes.

"Xilin, shouldn't you be a big man?" asked Havin.

"No, I just know the mentor."

Still "only"...

"Forget it, since you don't want to say that I don't continue to ask questions, but..." Havin got in front of Xilin and said mysteriously: "You should have a lot of exam information?"

Xilin looked at the four people who looked forward to it and nodded. "This does know a little."

Xilin said some of the lessons he had learned from his experience to the four people. It is not a question. Xilin himself does not know what questions he will take. Every session will have differences, so Xilin just said some experience.

Xilin’s experience has benefited the four people. They also took the time to make some preparations. They will not be stupid enough to share these experiences with other candidates. After all, everyone is a competitor.

After Xilin returned to the room, he passed the report that was sorted out. Then think in bed.

He has a feeling that he will get something useful in this incident. What is Xilin not knowing, this is just an intuition.

The next day, Xilin went to the meeting of the assessment team mentor, and the other four people in the dormitory also squatted in their rooms to prepare for the next test.

The mentor meeting is nothing more than the selection test information description, assigning tasks.

In the atmosphere of the expectation and tension of the candidates, the selection test officially began.

The first round of written test. It’s not like the thick test papers that Xilin had sent out in that session. There are only three papers this time. However, the topics are not very good. Xilin found that there are several questions in the title, which depends on how the candidates treat them. It is.

Xilin was not in the examination room of the first round of examinations, but was looking at the scene with the other mentors in the monitoring room. Due to the special nature of the venue, the instructors saw the situation of each candidate clearly. Candidates could not see the outside situation through the light barrier. Even if the invigilator stood next to the partition, they did not know.

It was also the first test of the five tests. The last time Xilin was at the candidate's point of view, and this time, it was very interesting to stand in the monitoring room where the instructor was staying.

After the written test, followed by the second round of physical stress test, many different people showed their true body. Some people who looked very rich on weekdays had to change a lot after they turned, but they had to admit that their fighting power was really scary. .

The third round of the three events is the easiest for many candidates, at least not to write, no need to accept physical and chemical stimulation.

When the Chuck four saw Xilin on the jury side of the shooting range in the examination room, like the other candidates, they stayed there for a long time with the stone-like shackles.

Havin raised his hand and trembled in the direction of Xilin. "That is that Xilin? Xilin in the same dormitory?!"

Chuck swallowed and licked his mouth. "It seems to be."

"I...fuck! How can he become an apprentice?!"

That can't be a temporary generation. The inspector's mentor has their own certification mark, which will not be available for the time being.

It's no wonder that Xilin has always been so relaxed. It's no wonder that he didn't act with his four people when he was taking the exam. It's no wonder that he didn't see the same two rounds of testing as the other candidates...

Xilin also smiled friendlyly at them, but this laugh was too powerful for the four people, just like agreeing to the thoughts of the four people, "Oh, I am actually a mentor of the assessment team." .

The four people only felt that the mud horses on the grass in the heart rushed past and set off the smoke. . . )

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