MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 371 The decision to go to Saskatchewan

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Xilin said something about the Robert family with Xi Kai. Not surprisingly, Xi Kai was very disdainful of the Robert family's "robot kingdom". He also went to Yudi to find some information about the Robert family and Robert. Various types of robots and semi-biomechanical weapons produced by the family. 【】

"Where did they come to give them such a title?" Xi Kai stared at a robot displayed on the screen.

In front of Xi Kai, the screen shows a robot that looks like humans. It is similar to the four generations and five generations of robots that the Xilin family they saw in the past. For many people who don’t know much about robots, To deny, the robots of the Robert family are really amazing. They are like real people. They will be tempered and will be as comforting as their friends. They will also become trained soldiers to perform the tasks of their masters. However, that is also very tight for some laymen.

Xi Kai studied the original robots for so many years. The generations of the 岚 empire empire studied the original robots from generation to generation. They know too much about what is artificial implants and which ones are special types like them. At a glance, Xi Kai can see the difference, let alone identify it with his own eyes. Just by using an image on the screen, Xi Kai can tell people who are robots, if they are replaced by Xiying. However, Xi Kai may not be able to identify it, but in the words of Xi Kai, these "inferior goods" can not interfere with his judgment.

However, there is not much information on Xilin’s hand. Udy did not collect much effective information, so Xilin asked Shi Huajing and Long to help. They have heard about the recent actions of the Robert family, but they are not very clear. Although not given much information about the Robert family now. Long and Shi Huajing have given some information about the Robert family to Xilin in the past two years.

The large-scale robotic rebellion that happened to Robert Frenz did not really hurt the Robert family. The impression of Robert Frenz Silin was that a stubborn, deeply obsessed person knew that it was a lie. I also forced myself to believe in the obsession. In the Star Alliance, the Robert family did have proud capital, but was too proud. Too confident, it will ignore a lot of things. Affected by the robotic rebellion at that time, the Robert family has undergone many changes in the past two years.

Judging from this information from Xilin, the above-mentioned several new types of robots have not developed to the original state that Xikai hoped. But if you put it on the battlefield, the attack power will definitely be much stronger. Their weapon configuration, material construction and further upgrade of the liquid core brain will make them as stable as the first generation. At least until now, there has not been a robotic rebellion. .

Xi Kai admits that the robots in the new materials have made great progress, but that is not the type that Xi Kai likes, so Xi Kai did not focus on it.

Since Kai Kai has created the x-series robot and obtained an x-7 derived from the free attribute, Xi Kai’s confidence has increased. The occurrence rate of x-7 is less than one thousandth. The program has occasionally changed, giving Xikai a lot of tips. He has been busy with new plans. Because of this, the amount of material he consumes rises rapidly, plus now Mo Heng wants to create a space fighter for the 11th team. Some of the materials are not available. Therefore, Xi Kai is very anxious recently.

Xi Kai has never encountered such a thing. Even though everything was planned but found to lack materials, this really made Xi Kai anxious. This kind of thing will not happen in the Ossa Empire. After all, the family has been accumulating materials in the Caesar Empire. It is used when it is idle, and there are also black people who help collect it. There is a robot army to help. Finishing, how can there be a shortage of basic materials? In addition to the inability to make the original robots to cause a lot of troubles, what other materials have what.

However, after all, the Star Alliance is not the Tussaud Empire, and Xi Kai really can't find any good solution here. He told Xilin about this situation and asked Xilin to help think about the solution.

After Xilin left the studio at the side of Xi Kai, he also thought about what Xi Kai said along the way. Without materials, his plan could not be started, and a new batch of robots could not be built. For his plan, he even returned some of the robots he thought "failed". For this matter, Ayue has ignored him. Xi Kai shouted more than once, but Ayue and Sigma ignored him. Now it is estimated that there is no way to force it, and finally finally told Xilin.

Leaving Xi Kai's studio, Xilin walked into the studio of Shitang. Shetang has always been busy with the channel.

"How is it?" asked Xilin.

"There is a lot of stability, but many targets are still uncertain." Shetang looked at Xilin's research results during this period.

The last time Xilin was able to successfully return to the Star Alliance from the Lusa Empire through the black box and some related aids, but some data obtained from this process showed that the black box did not know whether it was because of too long, it could not play the role of the year, and there After sending them to Xilin at one time, there was something wrong with the black box. After that, Ayue repaired the black box after that, but after all, it did not return to its original state.

"If you still think that there is only one such big space fortress when we came over, there is no problem, but if the size of the flying object is bigger, or there are several targets at the same time, there is not much confidence." Said.

For this, the hall is quite guilty. After all, studying for so long, the results obtained are really limited.

“What is this?” Xilin pointed to a rough line drawing on the picture.

"Oh, I almost forgot." When I talked about this, there was some spirit. "I calculated the best 'passage point'. The best 'passage point' in Star Alliance is indeed what we just started. There, however, that was the case. If you exclude the influence of the planet with a lot of instruments and the slight change in the overall magnetic field of the z-zone, I recalculated the best according to the current situation of the black box. 'pass point'. And the calculated result... is here!"

The hall will open a part of the star map to Xilin, pointing to the point of the indicator. After seeing that point. Xilin is also very happy, because the location of that point is very close to their current base. Moreover, there is also a relatively remote "ridiculous" place, surrounded by a d-class planet, no one will go there, not eye-catching.

This is indeed good news for Xilin, who is preparing to return to the 帝国 empire. The original "best waypoint" has been noticed by several parties. If Xilin wants to return to the Saskatchewan, it is best to avoid those people. In the current environment of the Star Alliance, he does not want to provoke a sigh. but. Sigma also said that many of the instruments on the planet have been destroyed. If you have a black box, you don't have to care about the planet. Now the church has calculated a new "pass point". It seems that it should be It’s gone again.

If the black box can return to the state it had just been created a thousand years ago, Xilin does not need to find the best "pass point" to increase the protection. Xilin still hopes that the black box can be perfected in the future. Then create a black box. Xilin studied the black box, there are a lot of traps there, which was left by the family members of the year. Xilin’s willingness to copy the black box had to be postponed.

With Xi Kai and the help of the curtain, should they be able to complete this thing in the future? At that time, there is no need to always calculate the best "pass point".

The Robert family worked with the military, specifically which army Xilin was unclear, and now there is no definite news, but the Robert family did create a number of upgraded robots for combat. And a large number of semi-bio-mechanical weapons, and the first one used to test the knife is the Hunter Group. At first, it is definitely not the four major hunters, but the smaller ones and the shallower ones.

Those people will not stagnate, you are making progress, others are fighting hard, and in the end, no one can say what is wrong. As the food king Hara said, it is not wrong to do more preparations. No one will guarantee that they will point the gun at you in the next moment.

Xilin intends to go to the Caesar Empire. The material of the curtain is one of the reasons. Ayue and Sigma and the curtain have always wanted to look at it. It is also a reason, and Xilin has to get something from there.

However, who will bring along with you?

After Xilin went out of the studio of Shitang, he went to see Titan and looked at it. Titian was teaching the yarn to soften some of the medical problems. This situation has been going on for a long time, and Titan is very happy to have two. A helper to help her. Only a doctor's fleet does not have much protection. Once a large-scale battle occurs, Titan alone can't take care of it. The role of medical robots is limited, and people are more reliable.

At the studio of Mo Heng, Xilin didn’t enter the door and knew that it was busy. Cary, Xiaoshang and Mogas and others were there to help them. They swayed in Mo Heng every day, in order to have a car. The fighters are now desperately sincere and want to make a contribution when making space fighters.

When I saw Xilin, Cary put a piece on his hand in the place specified by Mo Heng, and then wiped the hand on the work clothes that Mo Heng gave them. "Captain, how come you came, I haven’t done any tasks recently. right?"

"You seem to be very busy." Xilin glanced at the studio and said.

Kali smiled. "Is this not to give a good impression to the academician?"

"That line, you will continue to help, and there will be no tasks for a long time."

"Haha, that's the best!"

And Lai Shang and the Eight Knives, they are also relieved, as long as they do not have the task, they can always participate in the creation of new fighters, and have a sense of accomplishment!

However, they did not know that they missed an opportunity to go to a strange galaxy outside the Star Alliance.

In other places in the base, you are playing against Sasag, and the red wind guides Tesuo how to use his claws better... Everyone seems to be very busy, have their own plans and plans, when there is no task. They have not been idle.

Xilin and Xi Kai said that they had to go to the decision of the Caesar Empire. Xi Kai was very happy and planned how much material would come after going back. On the other side of the Caesar Empire, although the family is special, it is because of its speciality. In some respects, Xi Kai has been restricted. Even if there is a limit to manufacturing robots, Xi Kai does not open his hand. However, it is not the same in Star Alliance, and the degree of freedom is great!

Regarding the decision to go to the Caesar Empire, the curtain said that he must go for a trip, to see the development of a branch of the family, and to see the environment of another galaxy and the new technologies in all aspects of that environment.

The gray cat is very happy. It is reluctant on both sides. When I was in the Ossa Empire, I missed the Star Alliance. After I came back, I soon began to miss the Ossar Empire. When Xilin said this decision, the gray cat began to prepare for the bag, which brought a lot of new flavor fish biscuits to the king. In the past, he could not get it anymore. I don’t know how long it will take. Cats will bring all of the hoarding now.

Xilin wants to take the sugar ball in the past and fulfill the promise to bring the sugar ball to see the wind. I believe Guanfeng will be happy to see the sugar ball.

It’s not going to be a good idea for the father and son of Sasag and the samurai. They have no good impressions about the Ossar Empire. They are very happy to leave them. They also like the Star Alliance. Even if the current Star Alliance is chaotic, it is relatively The damage that the Yusha Empire brought to them, the Star Alliance is really much better here, and I don’t want to go back to it.

The hall is going to participate in the debugging of the black box, it must be accompanied, as well as Ayue and Sigma, the curtain, and Xilin's substitute, Xi Kai proud of the x-7.

In addition to Yudi and Dias, Kali, Xiaoshang and the new members don’t know the movement of Xilin. They only think that Xilin is going to carry out secret missions. After all, Xilin has been mysteriously leaving. Several times, this time did not make them curious.

It was still the space fortress, but the members changed some. Sigma is very excited, the gray cat is also very excited, and until now it is still unknown, so the sugar ball is a little curious, what kind of place are they talking about? Another galaxy? What is the galaxy?

Before Xilin did not explain a lot about the sugar ball, plus the sugar ball has no concept for many nouns. The more I listen, the worse I don't, until she sees a huge storm circle.

"That... what is that?" asked the sugar ball and screwed the gray cat.

The gray cat's tail swells in a curve. "That is a very fun place."

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