MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 359 Sea paradise

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Chapter 359, Sea Paradise

Looking at nothing, there are a lot of brown spots on the body like mud prints. The more sinister look, the windy tide sits next to the squatting, handing over a cigarette and lighting one.

"Is it alone to be guilty of guilty?" Feng Haichao teased.

The more the bullet hit the cigarette butt, "Well, kill the few spies, determine the whereabouts of the captive soldiers, and when there is some information to go back, there are plenty of reasons to apply for the team."

Feng Haichao smiled and licked his shoulders: "You can get promoted after you go back."

The more you are undecided, the more you say, "You have acted without authorization. Are you afraid of being detained?"

"Oh, you are really used to it. You are still worried about yourself. If you go back to being shackled, you won’t be able to stop. But this time, the main approval will not be us." Another fighter flying over here in the sky said: "The guy is also here, this time he organized."

"Nate? Are the people of their third legion coming over?"

"More than that, there are people from the Fourth Army and the Seventh Army." Speaking of this, the tide is very happy.

The first legion of the squadron and the wind tide, the third legion of the Knights of the Fegler family, the fourth legion of the quarter family and the seventh army of the resignation are now allies. Knight proposed to form a The special action team found that the more they were found, the more they found it, and finally found that they might be captured.

Perhaps others don't know what the "miracle" is doing to the captives. But Knight is sure to know, and immediately recruited a group of people to kill. It is impossible to say that several senior members of the Third Army do not know Knight’s private actions. In other words, this is acquiescence. And **** behind the scenes.

"Right, I said, what are the spots on your body?" Feng Haichao pointed to the brown spots on his face and hands.

Although the spots have begun to fade, they are still very clear.

"These, it's caused by a virus."

"Cough!" The wind and the tide are being stunned by the "virus". The cough has been smothered for a few more times. "Virus? What virus? 'Miracle' those perverts that screamed out? You won't really live soon?"

“It’s not a ‘miracle’. Do you not find that the ‘miracle’ people are infected?”

The wind and the tide are not spoken, he really did not pay attention, many people he saw were from the beginning to the foot, as if in the biochemical laboratory, wrapped himself tightly. Other wind tides that did not wear protective clothing did not look carefully.

"Reassured, nothing. It will be a few more hours. This is a prank."

"Prank? Who will make this kind of thing to scare people?"

"This is just scaring people. Since that person can make such a virus, he will certainly be able to get out of the real lethal virus." Yue said something about the previous situation with Feng Haichao.

"So fierce? Who is the party?" Feng Hai Chao frown, if that person really has the ability to create such a very lethal virus, then spread out is not a lot of death?

Even the "miracle" people have no way to recruit, and the laymen of these armyes do not understand. It’s okay to fight, and to see those invisible viruses... Look at the spots on the cockroaches, and then think of the scene that plays Rainy Rhapsody. The wind tide has a nap.

Another fighter plane landed here, and Knight, who was wearing an old military uniform without any Legion logo, jumped out from the inside and looked at it. "What happened to your face?"

"Infected with the disease." Feng Haichao said the explanation of the more sturdy than Knight.

Knowing that this virus has no life threats, I also let go of my heart, took over the smoke handed over by the tide of the sea, and sat down to listen to the more things I had before.

The more you smoked a cigarette, he sighed: "I am a sharpshooter, but I don't have the ability to fight the virus. Even if the shooting is more powerful, I will still be recruited."

Nate didn't know what to think, silent.

"The more you say, the more you said, let me think of one thing I have heard before." Feng Haichao pinched the cigarette butt. "Do you remember that the ‘骷髅王’ recorded on the case died?”

That thing has been going on for a few years, and the more I thought about it, the answer: "The explanation in the secret case is a parasite. It's just that I don't know exactly what is going on."

"I have heard of this, it is still like..."

"Okay!" Knight interrupted the tide of the wind and said: "There are people investigating here."

The meaning is, don't think about it again.

Feng Haichao and Yue Yu also understand that there is definitely a connection between them. Knight knows what is hidden but does not want to say it. Who is this person?

After the wind and the tide took off with the more chariot driving fighters, Knight opened the communicator. "Is Mo Heng found?"

"No, the door over there was opened, it should be done by Master Mo, but the monitors around it were all passive, and there was no monitoring record at all. There was no figure of Mo Laozhi around the base."

"Continue as planned."


After disconnecting the communication, Knight left the fighter.

The air planes and aircraft began to bomb the base, this time, they are really ready to kneel.

On the other side of Xilin, the group of people who came over confronted the patrol fleet around the planet and flew directly out of the planet, flying to the pre-arranged route, where there would be people from Shihua.

With the help of Shi Huajing, although it took a long time to get some intermediate transfer aircraft or starship troubles, everything was smooth. Finally, Xilin returned to the a star area, and then went out from the a star area. This can also hide people's eyes and ears.

Shi Huajing is indeed capable, and now he has not left to leave, and he has also moved Shi Huajing to move his things. This is to prepare for the help of Shihua, the ability to stay for a long time, stay in the side of Shihua It really helps a lot. Therefore, Xilin once again saw Shihuajing. The guy’s mood looks good.

"It seems that everything is quite smooth, and Mo Laozi looks pretty good. Very spirited." Shi Huajing looked at Mo Heng, who was tired of harassing the gray cat there, said.

there. Mo Heng took a fine grass that didn't know where to pull it. It was playing with the long hair on the gray cat's ear. The gray cat ignored him. The group continued to make up the circle, and the ear shook and shook. The grass popped open and the eyes were too lazy to lick.

Xilin glanced over there and did not express his opinion. One just woke up. One just fell asleep, it was like this.

"Do you know these three people?" Xilin will see the images of the three of them in Shihua.

"A little impression, you wait, I will check it out." Shi Huajing contacted several people to go down and check.

five minutes later. Shi Huajing handed a piece of information to Xilin.

"I really didn't think that the ‘innocent’ people would stare at the place. What did they take? As far as I know, there should be no very special results at that stage.”

"This is not very clear." Xilin looked at the information in his hand and thought about the meaning of "innocent", especially the introduction of Judy.

"Death" member Juno's sister?

I have never heard of how good the relationship between "death" and "innocent" is. There have been rumors that the two have had conflicts.

"They are all casual, and although Judy and Juno are brothers and sisters, they don't mean how good their relationship is. Or, the relationship between death and innocence is not as rigid as many people say. "Shi Huajing said. Come back to Shijia, see more people and things. Especially in the a star area full of political and power confrontation, he can naturally experience more.

Xilin memorized this information and deleted the information that was originally handed to him by Shi Huajing.

"No matter how much, I will leave here as soon as possible."

"I have already arranged people, and you can leave tomorrow."

"Well, yes, this ‘miracle’ base may not be settled so quickly, you should be prepared in advance,” said Xilin.

"What do you mean by the army?"

"More than that, the military is at most a civil war between several of their legions. Or to push responsibility to the 'innocent'."

"Then you mean..."

"Pay attention to the media."

Shi Hua has blinked. Now the media are asking for self-protection. No one wants to offend. Who has the courage to shake off the miracle? That would offend a few people at once.

"Yes, I remembered it." Shi Huajing knew that Xilin said that he must have his considerations and would not be targeted.

After staying in the place where Shihua was arranged for a night, Xilin took the person to leave the a star area with the help of Shi Huajing, and no one knows, except for a few people like Shi Huajing. The captain of the eleventh squad will actually sneak into the c star area and provoke such a thing.

The "miracle" base changed, and many of the big ones behind it got news, but so far no one has found out the culprit. Some people say that they are "innocent" people, and the people responsible for the investigation with Knight have found the invasive traces of Judy in the system invasion, but some people say that Judy will not be so stupid to leave traces. Next, unless she deliberately stays, seeing this situation, she must have been overcast. However, even if it is yin, it cannot be denied that Judi did invade the base system there.

No matter who they left before they reached the "miracle" base, who released the virus, and finally bombed the base, is the 174 army, after which, there will definitely be one between the eight regiments. Battle.

On the day when Mo Heng followed Xilin to leave the a star zone, in the commander's office of a theater in the Seventh Corps of the C Star District, Mo Qing looked at the information on the display screen for a long time.

There is a sentence on the display screen in front of Mo Qing, this is the text information formed after the triple decoding, using the consistent code style of Mo Heng, Mo Qing is very familiar. However, it is the content of this message that makes Mo Qing speechless.

After Mo Heng was taken away from the Seven Wonders by the "miracle" side, Mo Qing had been calmly treated on the surface, but his heart was still in a hurry. He did not pay attention to the "miracle" in accordance with the way his father hoped. But no one day can be safe. The action on Knight's side was also known later, but the news brought back by Knight made Mo Qing worry a little, did not find someone? Mossling’s heart was hanging higher. Until I see this message in front of me.

"It has been safely separated. For the father to be well, do not read."

If other people see Mo Heng this message. I will understand: Son, I am very safe now. Don't worry, don't let your hands go, let go!

However, according to Mo Qing’s understanding of his own Laozi, this sentence should actually be interpreted as: Son, you should stop taking care of me in so many things. When I play enough, I will naturally go back.

Mossling now feels a headache when looking at this message, and the father is really not a worry!

On the other hand, Xilin and others have left the c-star area under the arrangement of Shihwa, and finally finally returned to the starship of the eleventh team. Mo Heng’s plan is exactly the same as Mo Qing’s. He is going to stay with Xilin’s eleventh team for the time being. Anyway, it’s not safe anywhere. It’s better to stay with his apprentice. When you are depressed, you can talk to the apprentice.

On the day when Xilin and the eleventh team met, one-third of the media that contributed more than 60% to the Star Alliance reported the same thing—the “Miracle” company used captive soldiers to do research.

And there are several videos that come out, which are quite tragic images in the course of the experiment. There are also some explanations for many drugs, some of which will cause toxic side effects, and some will kill your nerves directly. some……

Everyone can see people tremble, "Miracle" company's drugs for a time many people do not dare to touch, gene level improvement is important, but life is more important, and those videos have indeed brought to many people Very strong psychological effect, I always feel that the drugs that use "miracle" will become the same as those of soldiers.

Several legions supporting the "Miracle" company and some political groups are now under great pressure. These have affected the sentiments of the soldiers, especially the reputation of the Fifth Army. They have been screamed a lot.

The soldiers of the Legion also came out from various star areas. They want to pack a large army and recruit new recruits from other star areas. But now people in other star areas have a bad impression of the Fifth Army. What are the soldiers who are not responsible for the soldiers? Before the legion was divided, the eight legions had only one name, the Star Allied Forces. They were also former comrades-in-arms. They can now use their former comrades to be experimental products to do those inhuman experiments. Directly use your own soldiers to be experimental products, who is willing to go?

Shi Huajing looked at the media reports and found it very interesting. Although these media claimed that they were blacked out here, they were not reported by themselves, but in any case, even if they shouted, it would be useless.

In addition to Judy, those who have blacked out the media, Xilin, they also have a share, and some of the analysis data is also personally added by Xilin, behind the waves.

Just as Xilin was concerned about this debate, Xilin received a message from Long.

"Is your kid doing it?" The communication was connected, and Long asked directly.

"Not all." Xilin did not deny that in this media event, Long also inserted a hand, such as "Unlimited" and "Luxury" with more than 80% contribution, "Star of Tomorrow" with more than 60 contributions and "Outlook", that should be the handwriting of Long.

"Hey, Xilin, have you been busy recently?" Long asked.

"What, is there something?"

"I have something to tell you, see if you are interested."


"I am going to go to the 'sea paradise'."

"Sea Paradise" is not as beautiful as the name sounds. "Sea Paradise" is one of the famous fierce places in the Star Alliance. It is a huge planet, all on the planet.

The sea paradise has spawned many large beasts, and there is an odd magnetic field on the planet. Many aircraft cannot reach the planet at all. All electronic equipment will fail if it is close.

Even though there are many extremely rare minerals in "Sea Paradise", there are not many people going there. After returning, there are very few people who can come back safely. Even the four major hunters don't want to go to that place.

So Xilin was very surprised after hearing this sentence. "What are you doing there?"

"I want to go to a place to find something. People can't bring more, and they can't sway."

Xilin thought for a moment, he really wanted to go, and when he talked about the place he wanted to go to, he talked about "sea paradise", and he remembered that the conversation at that time would tell him, and The ability of the Andreella family, they are sure to get the most suitable equipment for the "sea paradise", this is indeed a good opportunity.

In the "sea paradise" there are several kinds of ore that Xilin has been looking for but has not found. If you want to go to "sea paradise", this is indeed an excellent opportunity.

"You think about it first, I am still preparing, and I will reply to me within three days of the ephemeris." Long said.

"Well, let me arrange it."

After ending the communication with Yu Long, Xilin thought about it. If you go to "Sea Paradise", it is best to bring Western Shadow and Gray Cat. As for others, don't follow it, even if you are repairing Sag, in "Sea Paradise". Under the circumstances, there are not many advantages to come at all.

Out of the room, Xilin just saw an annoyed Mo Heng. Since he has been, Mr. Mo has been fascinated with the chess of the chain under the curtain, but after so many discs, Mo Heng has never won, and he lost in the fifth. Look at the way Mo Heng is now, and stop at the old place.

"How do you say that your kid is also a captain? Why do you see that you are fine all day long? Go and load the parts." Mo Heng vented the depression of the chess directly on the assembled parts, and Xilin just installed the muzzle.

Sitting at the table with Mo Heng, Xilin took the parts and began to assemble. After assembling a machine, Xilin said: "Master Mo, I am going to go to the 'sea paradise'."


Mo Heng directly splits the mechanics that are about to be completed in his hand.

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