MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 354 Inferior experimental product

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After all, it is also a person who plays with a gun. It is impossible for a gun to be shot so easily. Moreover, Xilin looked at the gunshot wounds on the body of the cockroach. Although there were more bullets, they did not hit the key.

Xilin thought of a possibility - the more it is intentional!

However, why do you want to make yourself so miserable? What is the risk of taking such a risk?

It is definitely an acquaintance who can shoot at a close distance behind the shackles. It may be the more violent comrades. Xilin can't believe that the more violent comrades will cooperate with the shackles, and the gunshots don't look like they are holding hands.

That is to say, the more they are there, the more likely they are.

In this way, this time the fleet of the First Legion may suffer from internal rebellion.

Xilin did not go directly to the Vietnamese, but quietly paid attention to the movements of others and other people in the warehouse. The more sleepy, the better, the breathing is a little weak, but it is still gentle, this life is guaranteed.

Some people in the warehouse are whispering, not everyone can have the same vision as Xilin. For most people, what they see is a darkness. They can only indicate the glimmer of the button on the corner of the warehouse. Judge the situation of this warehouse.

After the prisoners of war on the ship were disposed of, the ship quickly set off. For the prisoners of war held in the warehouse, in addition to enduring the pain, they also endured the discomfort caused by the flight of the ship.

Xilin and Yueyu are quietly staying there, with cameras in the warehouse. Show the situation of these prisoners of war one by one. When a certain number of prisoners of war are found dead, the responsible guard will drag the dead out into space.

The army also has the cruelty and cruelty of the army. When the watchers dragged several dead people out of the warehouse, a small mess was caused in the warehouse. Some captives who are in an extreme state want to go out, but in the end they get a shot. Xilin noticed that there was no abnormal reaction at all, and the rhythm of breathing has been kept very good. It seems that he is indifferent to all of this and may be commonplace.

In addition to dragging the dead in the warehouse twice, the caretakers did not come in again to create trouble for the prisoners. Among them, there must be a factor in Sward's pretending to be Sage.

Everything went well, Xilin also took a break during this time, and the action behind it was not easy.

The ship was sailing smoothly in the c-star area and did not encounter interference from other legions. The First Corps did not catch up with the request to exchange prisoners of war. There is a point in it. It is reasonable to say that talents like Yue Yue are in the hands of the enemy. The people of the First Legion will definitely propose to exchange prisoners of war, but this is not the case.

Today's various regiments are indeed raging, and Xilin does not want to mix, so he did not talk to Yue.

When the ship finally reached the planet, Xilin opened his eyes. The number of people in the warehouse is one-third less. Now the physical condition of the prisoners is obvious, and the recovery is good enough to move around at will. Although I can't exercise vigorously, being detained here is not good. It looks very embarrassing, but no matter what, it is much stronger than before.

The more it recovered, the better it was. Even though the penetrating wound of the bullet did not seem to recover much, and the whole person did not have any spirit, it was still the half-dead, but Xilin felt. This guy is hiding. This moment is still a sick man, and the next moment may become a tiger.

The transport ship did not directly enter the planet, but stayed outside the spaceport, where there were special personnel to classify and deal with the prisoners of war.

Xilin looked up at the warehouse door. There were not many meetings. The warehouse door opened. Outside the door was a team of fully armed people. Unlike soldiers, the soldiers of the Fifth Corps responsible for the detention were wearing military uniforms. In the back row, those who are fully armed from head to toe stand with several people in lab coats. This should be the "miracle" of its own armed forces.

Moreover, these fully armed people are taller and more flexible than the average person. They are also very flexible. They are not clumsy. The guns are very skilled and very simple. Even if they don’t see the eyes behind their helmets, they can see them. Not a compassionate person. The inexplicable and creepy atmosphere of these people makes the atmosphere of anxiety, despair and depression more prevailing.

There was a spirited captive who took a few steps to the warehouse door, just as if he followed the instinctive flies to the light. However, with a sudden bang, the whole chest of the man was blasted and flesh and blood splashed. Among the fully armed team, some people opened fire.

Just like Xilin’s first feeling for these people, these people are indifferent, numb, and do not hesitate to start.

With that person’s foresight, the people in the warehouse who are preparing to act are also safe and unwilling to move.

Several people in lab coats glanced at the warehouse without much expression. One of them said: "The quality of the test article is similar to that of the previous batches, and the quantity is close."

Several other people also nodded, and when they spoke, they began to move, and the conductor took the prisoners inside the warehouse.

A team of unarmed people walked into the warehouse and kicked the people who were sitting or lying on the ground. When these people came over, Xilin stood up and gathered in the middle to gather in the middle. But the action is not slow. And a few people who haven’t had time to stand up are directly smashed into the middle of the warehouse. The sound of broken bones is very clear. If it’s not because everyone is gathering in the middle, there are so many people, and those who have been smashed have blocked it. It is estimated that those people will directly hit the wall, with a bulging wall behind them, which will definitely break a few bones.

When they were escorted, the heavily armed people used guns to face the prisoners. This was just to let the prisoners go faster, and also played a warning role. No one dared to make any big moves in such a situation. .

Walking through the docking channel and out of the transport ship, Xilin and the captives came to a venue where there were more than a dozen round rooms, and the prisoners of war were divided into more than a dozen teams to walk through these small rooms.

When they passed the small room, their physical condition was also reflected one by one, and the people wearing the experimental clothes classified them according to the test situation. The gray cat lurks around and tampers with the detection of Xilin, making Xilin the "inferior test product".

The more the scorpion is classified in the category of “medium test products”, this is the monitoring situation after his Tibetan mastiff. If it is judged according to the actual situation, the more it should be classified as “the best experimental products”.

The captives after being classified will be sent to the experimental base separately. Therefore, Xilin and Yueyu are on different aircraft.

At the same time, on the other side, Sward and the adjutant who pretended to be saga and Xiying also continued the final **** mission. They are not going to be with any aircraft carrying captives this time. They will take someone else to use another aircraft. This is a rule.

The four aircraft departed from the spaceport and landed on the voyage on the planet. All the prisoners were taken away, and Swarde came here to complete the formal handover. The **** mission was completely completed.

"Happy cooperation, Lieutenant Colonel Sward!" The base's handover personnel smiled at "Sward" and did not bother after receiving the cold response from the other party. They packed up their hands and left spontaneously. The soldiers responsible for the **** will be evacuated later, and they are too lazy to pay attention.

Watching the handover person leave, Xiu Sag exchanged a look with Xiying and turned back to the plane.

Xilin and a group of prisoners who were "inferior guinea pigs" were thrown into the **** car and sent to a base, but it was not the place where Mo Heng was imprisoned.

It doesn't matter, it will be half successful if you can get here smoothly. Besides, the two places are not far apart.

As a new "experimental product", those experimenters did not immediately start, but first "raised" these people for a few days. When these people's physical functions return to a certain level, they will officially start experimenting.

When Xilin passed through an open space, he found some fresh blood there, which was dark red and deeper than ordinary people. Xilin pretended to fall into contact with a little blood, and analyzed this blood.

It is the blood of human beings, but the genetic information contained in these bloods indicates that the degree of spiraling of the gene of the blood is not something that ordinary people can possess, and there are traces of forced change.

Obviously, such people have been transformed and they have been injected with genetic agents. The so-called experiment is the development of genetic agents.

The newcomers were placed in transparent "cage". Such "cage" Xilin had seen it, but the "cage" here is smaller, and each person is about a square meter. In the small space, there are quite a few instruments, which can monitor the experimental products in the "cage" and record their life characteristics. There is a number outside each "cage", which is the code for this "experiment" inside the cage.

After all the "experimental products" were closed, the walls around the "cage" were no longer transparent, and the people inside could not see the outside, but the outside researchers could see the scene in the "cage."

Xilin, who is locked in the "cage", is like a person who is over-tired. Sitting there is like sleeping. The outside patrol experimenter just left after a simple glance. Most of the new "experimental products" that come in are dead, and the experimenter will not bet too much attention.

And where no one noticed, the gray cat who had eaten well had already started to act.

At this experimental base or Mo Heng's experimental base, it will attract the attention of all parties, but if you start at other bases, there will be fewer people paying attention to this side. Moreover, the greater the scope of influence, the better the results.

The gray cat is thinking about it: this is the same as fishing, and it is a good result.

So, the gray cat took its glorious mission and set off with his feet.

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