MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 347 long time no see

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Mo Heng has a very good apprentice, which everyone in the circle knows, because Mo Heng always flaunts this apprentice. In Mo Heng's words, the word apprentice appears more frequently than his son. It's just that not many people have seen him as an apprentice, and those investigating Xilin are often blocked by their own.

Said, who is also an academician of the Star Alliance Research Institute, has naturally heard about it, but he did not participate in the previous project in the z-stellar area due to physical reasons. He did not see the "disciple" that Mo Heng called, but listened to how many people participated An old guy said that the apprentice was really good, but he was a bit too young, and he had the same virtue as Old Mo, who was especially annoying.

However, Said thought of the current situation of the two of them, curled his lips, "Can you still expect your apprentice to rescue you from this place?"

It is not that Said wants to attack Mo Heng, but the current situation and situation are not something they can easily change. When the Star Alliance is still stable, well-known figures in the academic world can still have some face. Military, political, and business tycoons who always count their money more or less will respect them. But now?

The academicians of the Star Alliance Research Institute, whether they are one-star or five-star, are basically forced to get involved, and those who have not entered also fled away like fugitives, not even daring to show up, for fear of being implicated. Even Mo Heng, who has always been considered a harder backstage, could not be avoided. After all, they still have a son who is an admiral. Although he is now treated with good food and drink, he cannot deny the fact that he is a prisoner.

If Mo Heng heard these words from Said before. Certainly unavoidable, but not now. Mo Heng was in a very good mood, so that Said looked strange.

"Hey. Old ruffian, what are you thinking? Every time I see you squinting and smiling, I feel panicked." Said pushed leisurely and lay there without reacting negatively to his words. Mo Heng.

"Nothing, just thinking, maybe I can see a new record closer to the golden point."

In the "Glory", one of the two major electronic publications of the Star Alliance, there is a list-the gold list. The people listed above are all considered to be the closest to the golden point. And every name above is a legend in the industry, an authority in the textbook.

People like Mo Heng and others all hope to appear on that list one day, but Mo Heng knows that he has no chance. but. Mo Heng is very happy that his apprentice can compete and even set the top ten ranking record!

An Bixin showed Mo Heng in the video. What Mo Heng really noticed was not the special armor that Xilin was wearing, nor how powerful the strange weapon was, but Xilin's assembling action at that moment. I haven't seen him in the past three years. Xilin's movements have become more skilled and full of confidence. In that short period of time, he was able to do almost perfect, and Mo Heng was surprised to have a data. It's just that Mo Heng has not dared to really take out this data. He wants to look at it again and make sure.

The assembly of Xilin made Mo Heng seem to see the shining golden spot, the spot he had pursued all his life.

Said was helpless when seeing Mo Heng look like this, "You said, why is our academia like this?"

In the academic world of the Star Alliance, the status of academic staff is far lower than that of the Lanza Empire. And under the influence of such a big environment, there is no strong support behind it. If you don’t have a pin-leader, don’t just do what you like to do.

Academic excellence has always been an appendage of military, political and business circles. It used to have its brilliance, but now, its once brilliance is even more shameful now.

In the entire academia, besides the resignation, which one can support it strongly?

Although Cijia did gain a lot of benefits for some people in academia, after all, Cijia focused on the military and political circles, and the Tianzhao warrior who quit his family had nothing to do with academics. How could he Is it because of something in the academic world that affects his contacts?

"If one day, there is a person standing on a high place who can really think about our circle, how great it would be!" Said said with emotion.

"There will be." Mo Heng tossed a part in his hand and said softly.

Said smiled sarcastically, "Yes? Who? Are they the emperor warriors who mainly use force and rank and military merits, or the old foxes in the political circle who only want to climb high for good? Or only in the eyes? Merchants of interest? Not to mention those reckless hunters, don't expect to count on them!"

Mo Heng smiled, "I can't help it, I really can't help it."

"Forget it, I won't continue to talk to you, I have to go back to supervise, the kid An Bixin is really a pervert, why do you think he has been persistent in studying that? Another batch was thrown this morning."

Speaking of this, Mo Heng was also silent. I feel a little heavy.

What did you throw away? Of course people!

An Bixin's experiments are conducted with soldiers captured in several wars, and they are still excellent soldiers. **experiment. It's just that now those soldiers who have failed or died in the test have been disposed of in batches like garbage.

"There is a saying that is right. Those who stand at the top of academia are either geeks or lunatics." Said said this and shook his head and left.

Mo Heng quietly looked at the ceiling after Said left, and for a while, he muttered: "Will your kid do what I told you? However, your kid has always been disobedient... The Vanguard Headquarters, Xilin is decoding Mo After receiving Heng’s information, he secretly contacted Jifeng and told the person who passed the decoded information to Jifeng. Xilin didn’t mention the specific reason for the suspicion, nor did he tell Mo Heng’s information. Let him check, anyway, it was the home team's business, Xilin just happened to find out and talked to Ji Feng.

"That's OK, I'll let someone check it, what are your kids going to do?" Ji Feng asked Xilin with interest.

"Something private."

Since Xilin was talking about personal matters, Ji Feng stopped asking, "Be careful yourself. Do you need to have a manpower? There are still many good seedlings who have not chosen a team."

"No, it's not uncommon for me to not want to come."

Thinking of the message received. Ji Feng also laughed, "Drag the home team into the base. You really did it."

What a vanguard, except for the two most trusted people around Jifeng, everyone else has no idea that Xilin and Jifeng have a secret connection. If they knew, those who were still vacant at the time would definitely go down. Decided to stay.

After talking with Xilin, Jifeng picked up the communicator. "Suoli, someone will look at it and put it on the first-level clean-up list. You can directly kill the killer when appropriate."

"Yes, boss."

Jifeng's eyes were heavy. He crossed his fingers and didn't move for a while.

Pioneer, as expected, it takes a few blood lessons to be able to wake up. The four big names have been worn for too long, and they have forgotten this name, and they have to fight.

Ji Feng had another meeting with the high-level people who stayed after Xilin and the others left at that time. At that time, Ji Feng was not as calm as before. Everyone could feel Ji Feng's anger. Moreover, Jifeng also conveyed a message to them-betrayal is to die!

The hunter group has its own rules, and there is no law to restrict it, but their own rules, the rules of the hunters, which are more cruel.

When Xilin saw the five new people again, Mogas was talking to the Starship Xiaoxi who was staying in the space station through the communication device, because the others couldn't bear his words.

I don’t know what the quarrel is about, Mogas said to the communicator: "You don’t speak through the’s not right. You don’t speak through the central processing unit? Tell you, when you speak to the outside world, you have to think carefully and think carefully. If you don’t say anything wrong, you’ll be shot!"

Mogas was still arguing with Xiao Eleven there, and the others had already looked at Xilin. Xilin lay in the lounge for two days, and no one interrupted. Except for a series of controversies caused by two actions by some home teams, Vanguard has nothing to do.

"Captain, do you continue to stay here to build a base? Or go hunting?" Xiao Shang said with his hands and feet. Seeing that, you know you can’t wait to get out.

"You want to build a base?" Xilin asked.

"No!" a group of people replied in unison.

"Then go hunting."

As soon as Xilin finished saying these words, Judy handed over a task list with various tasks that everyone discussed. These tasks all have something in common. The task location is relatively biased and unobtrusive. The tasks are not issued by others, but they are made by themselves, and they tend to practice hands. It is estimated that everyone is ready to try that armor.

After reading the task list, Xilin handed it to Judy: "Choose three first."

Udi paused and nodded: "Okay." He understood that Xilin must have other arrangements, otherwise he would not only choose three. Perhaps these tasks seem to be a lot to others, but if the armor is used well. , It is relatively time-saving. After all, it is not a task that requires a big battle.

"Ball Ball, come here." Xilin waved to Sugar Ball.

The sugar ball, which was about to dismantle a new jar of jelly beans, hurriedly put down the sugar bowl to keep up. Before leaving, he did not forget to warn the snowball and the gray cat not to hit her sugar bowl, otherwise they would bludgeon them with a gun.

"Isn't it? Captain, you're going to give the sugar ball a little bit!" Carrie cried strangely.

Regardless of Kari's deliberate wailing, Xilin took the sugar ball towards the indoor shooting range.

After entering the shooting range, Xilin put the sugar ball on the bulletproof suit. Sugar Ball, without a second word, put on her own suit at the shooting range.

"I don't need your gun this time. I will use this one, but I will demonstrate it first. Look at it." Xilin took out a gun he made by himself, which had a serpentine symbol like lightning.

This is indeed Razer Purgatory, but an entry-level type B of Razer Purgatory.


After Xilin fired his shot, the rapidly flashing target was shot. Sugar Ball could see clearly, Xilin pointed the gun in the direction he was not facing the target. She already understood Xilin's purpose for letting her wear bulletproof suits.

"What do you think?" Xilin asked.

"I want to try." Sugar Ball's eyes lit up.

Xilin handed the gun to the sugar ball. Sugar Ball took the gun and looked at it, then raised it, but it wasn't as decisive as she used to shoot, because she hadn't found that feeling yet. Very strange, this is the first time since I am familiar with firearms that I am so at a loss with a gun.

After a pause, the sugar ball shot.

The first shot did not hit any of the targets, but instead missed the sugar ball himself. It just passed from the side of his left arm, and because he was wearing a bulletproof suit, he was not affected much.

The sugar **** standing there frowned, aftertaste, then banged another shot.

The shot still missed the target, but the good thing was that it was far away from her.

The third shot, the fourth shot, the fifth shot...

With one shot, although the bullet did not hit the target, it has begun to approach the target. After each shot, the next shot can always get closer to the target. Even if the target has been changing its position, it cannot change the bullet. The fact is slowly approaching.


In the eighth shot, the bullet hit the target. Although it was not in the middle of the red heart, it did hit the target.

As for the ninth shot, the sugar ball shot was quite decisive, just as she was not holding the purgatory thunder snake but her usual gun. Even if there is no system prompt, Xilin can know that she has shot this time.

She has not gone to school, received no formal education, she can't even calculate those complicated ballistic formulas, everything is based on intuition, her natural shooting sensitivity. Even Xilin didn't have such a talent. Xilinsheng has strong calculation skills, and Tangqiuqiu, she is a real genius.

After the ninth shot, the sugar ball shot five consecutive shots, five consecutive shots, and all hits.

"Adjust the active target and practice again." Xilin had just received the notice from Xiying that he had to leave for a while.

"Okay!" The sugar ball is like a child who got a new toy, already addicted to it.

Kari and others, who were looking at the shooting range image outside, were already there. Xiao Shangcai said for a long time: "Sugar Ball is a natural shooter, but why is there such a big gap with her?"

Cary touched his chin, thoughtfully: "Could it be...too much sugar?"

Xilin returned to his lounge, Xiying was already waiting there.

"How is it?" Xilin asked.

"I got in touch, there is a communication invitation there." Xiying replied.

"Come here."

"it is good."

As soon as Xiying’s voice fell, a beam of light shot out from his left eye, converging in front of him into a light screen with an image of a person on it.

"Long time no see, Xilin." The person in the video said with a smile.

After nearly three years, although the temperament has changed a bit, it is still the familiar face, the voice that always gritted his teeth at the gray cat.

"Long time no see, Likraber, no, now it should be called the Fourth Master, Shi Huajing."! ~!

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