MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 1 Shadow hunter

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As the door of the store was pushed open, a soft female voice rang.


At the same time as the sound is heard, the two sides of the door show a beautiful face, large waves of blond hair, bright red lips, flashing smile, and the sweetness of publicity.

But the person who pushed the door did not look at this beautiful face. Instead, he frowned and yelled at the counter: "Xilin, let Lao Dawen change this face for years!"

The teenager who was holding the bottle behind the counter shrugged. "No way, the boss likes it."

"Well, letting Lao Daiwen change the image is more difficult than letting him quit." Some people in the bar groaned and laughed loudly.

As a dream lover of the entire planet male 30 years ago, the face on the door really indulges many people, time is the cruelest killer, the old is easy to be old, but this killer has not had time to act, this beautiful The singer and the screen lover, but because of the failure of the genetic transformation, the singer has disappeared. In the first ten years, there are still many people who put this beautiful singer holographic image, electronic pictorial, etc. in the room, but after all, three Ten years have passed, the tides are rising and falling, the clouds are shining, the emerging glamour will be lost, and not many people are willing to review the illusions that no longer exist.

Of course, the owner of this bar, Lao Dawen, is a long-awaited person. Even though things have been going on for 30 years, the beautiful singer’s image is still in the welcome picture of the bar. For more than 30 years, as always, this It is also one of the topics that the guests who came here talked about.

It’s hard to say that the store manager’s approach is too disappointing. He doesn’t bother to say more. He walks to the empty space next to a table and sits around. He is surrounded by acquaintances and soon started to talk. order.

Xilin, the teenager standing at the counter, took a bottle of wine called "Smile under the Sun" from the wine cabinet, placed it on the table in front of the person, opened the bottle cap, and then left to give other guests. Take the wine.

If there is no more, the person still talks with the guys around him, holding the bottle that has been unplugged and taking a sip.

"Hah, it’s still a good drink, it’s hot enough, it’s good!”

Xilin smiled and returned to the counter to record the accounts on the electronic book.

This bar is very common, and the towns in which it is located are also very common. Almost all of them are grassroots people. In the words of the people in the downtown area, they are “inferior people”, and then the hard part is “untouchables”.

The people have the happiness of the people. They like to sit in bars without high-end robots and rely on human services. They drink cheap but strong wines, talk to familiar drinkers about what happened in the day, and complain about crushing their bosses. Gossip about someone’s gossip, simple and beautiful.

The “higher people” in the bustling area do not understand the happiness of these poor people. It is like successful people wearing fine costumes running on the road of money and power. Occasionally passing through the ruins, they see a stray cat who is excited to flutter their flies. I will think: This is a lot of pain, it will make such a thing, it is a despicable life.

What is despicable? What is noble?

A, b, c, d, e, f, g seven gene level, all of this. Despicable genetically despicable people, higher genetically noble people, that's all.

These people in bars, including Xilin, are f-type genotypes, which can be classified as a low-income group on the planet. People with e-type genotypes will be given the opportunity to work in the bustling area, while d-level and above People will truly stand in the prosperous zone.

As for g-class, it is the most sorrowful type of people. The inferiority and insufficiency of natural genes can be saved by simple treatments, such as severe deformities, such as premature aging, and other congenital diseases. Xilin’s former girlfriend, Hera, is a g-class genotype, premature aging and congenital diseases combined with poverty, so that the lovely girl could not finish the most beautiful time.

The offspring of high-quality genes and high-quality genotypes will not be worse or even better. The offspring of inferior and inferior genotypes are the opposite, and the polarization is becoming more serious. Therefore, more low-level genotypes try genetic transformation, but succeed. There are very few people. Apart from the huge capital consumption, the probability of success in genetic transformation is extremely low. The more difficult it is to go up, the more difficult it is for those with higher genotypes. And thirty years ago, the screen lover was a history because of the failure of genetic change.

People are born to be inequitable, but habits can be numb.

"Hey, Xilin, Lao Dawen did not appear many days, the blind date has not come back?" Someone groaned.

"Yeah, this time the success rate should be quite big." Xilin smiled and replied.

"Oh--" The crowd did not agree, began to count the history of the blind date of the failure of the old Dai Wen.

Xilin just smiled and did not express his opinion. He didn't tell those people. In fact, Lao Dawen was lucky because he won the big prize overnight and realized his dream.

Lao Dawen's dream - to find an e-type genotype is not too young or old woman, take out the sperm stored in the sperm bank in the early years, it is best to give birth to an e-class gene, open in the city A small shop, a stable life. As long as there is money, women with e-type genotypes can't find it, even if Lao Dawen is a lower-level f-class gene.

The annual water, land and air amphibious events are a special concern for people on the whole planet. They are also the most anticipated by gamblers, because the color head is big enough, even if it is not fully imprisoned, as long as certain standards are met, the poor will be allowed overnight. Riches. Old Dawen was in the middle of this event, the big color head was able to get rid of poverty.

Of course, the reason why the old Dawen can be in this color head, most of them still rely on Xilin, every time Lao Daiwen bets, he will ask Xilin, and then dare to bet.

Although Lao Daiwen is a fan of finance, he is still very good to Xilin, otherwise Xilin will not help him. And this time the dividends of the old man Dai Wen was sent to Xilin on the same day.

The night is getting deeper and the guests are slowly leaving.

Xilin took a shower, changed clothes, sprayed a special potion to remove other odors, and then locked the store door. Looked at the black sky, where there are some tiny pieces of starry light flashing.

The weather forecast says there is an hour of moderate rain that starts at zero, and now there are forty minutes from zero.

Forty minutes... enough.

Thirty minutes later, Xilin blocked some protruding eaves and sheds into a factory area, dexterously and skillfully avoided the peripheral scanning, took out a magnetic card prepared in advance, opened the main door, and quietly sneaked in. A staff quarter next to the warehouse. After all, it is not a central city. The protection system of such a small place is not smart or complicated.

The person lying in bed seems to be aware of it, but before he can act, he loses consciousness, as if he is going to sleep again. But in the back of the man's ear and somewhere in the neck, where the hair was covered, three dark pins were silently inserted there.

Xilin’s hand was gently swept, and the needle was retracted. After confirming that no other traces were left, they would leave under the cover of the eaves and the outer shed.

The sky has "eyes", and thermal weapons are detected by local detection networks. If you don't know the things that are silent, you can only use the original method because they have no energy fluctuations.

As a hunter, Xilin can be considered to be difficult. Because of age and genotype, he can't be a bright hunter. More specifically, Xilin is a shadow hunter. The so-called shadow hunter is working with hunters. It is in the dark, the general name of the type of person who is sensitive to the identity.

From the age of 14 to the present, Xilin has been a shadow hunter for nearly three years. Choosing to be a hunter was originally for the illness of Hera. After Hera’s death, Xilin maintained this profession. Because you have to leave the planet safely, you need a lot of money.

Five minutes after leaving Xilin, another black shadow sneaked in, taking the person who had been solved by Xilin, and changing the money, and then splitting.

In the past three years of cooperation, the hunter has never known the identity of the "shadow". Of course, the hunter does not care, as long as he can successfully capture the prey for the reward, the rest is not important. Xilin also believes that the hunter he chose will not take much effort to check the "shadow" status, because Xilin has worked hard to analyze various possible situations from various factors before choosing the cooperation goal.

For some hunters who are not qualified, there is no "shadow". They can't get the money at all, but they will lose their lives. So to a certain extent, these hunters and shadows are mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships. As for the top hunters, they don't need shadows at all. Of course, the Hunter Group is exceptional, it is a special kind of existence.

The hunter would not have thought that the "shadow" genotype that cooperated with the d-class genotype would only have f-level, and no one would believe it.

At midnight, the sound of pattering sounded, and Xilin sat in an abandoned building, watching the growing water droplets outside. Rainwater washed away the smell and subtle traces of Xilin's residue, which is one of the reasons why Xilin chose to act at this time.

What is the natural raindrop, Xilin does not know, he only saw it on TV, there is no such thing on the planet, there is only the weather controlled by the weather station, the precision of the sun, the simulated wind and thunder, and everything is artificial.

A gust of wind blew through the cracked walls, Xilin smelled the smell of cement and waste slag, in addition to some unexpected familiar smells...

Xilin eyebrows picked and picked carefully, and carefully identified the smell in the wind. After confirming that it was strange, I didn’t expect that in this era, there are still people who use it.

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