MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 832 He said his name was Bruce Wayne

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Latest URL: Looking down at the picture of Peter and MJ hugging and kissing from the building below, Fury called and said: "It looks like you are right, he is doing a great job and is very strong. Although he just values ​​it casually It's stupid to give a billion-dollar thing to a stranger who has just met two sides, but now I believe he can make good use of it and take on greater responsibility. "

"It's just that the price of this play is not too big. Although the casualties are well controlled, the economic losses are not small ..."

"What? You're ready for the up-front billion-dollar donation? Well, when I didn't say, you have the money and you have the final say."

"Let's do it first, I have guests here to entertain."

After hanging up the phone, Ferry turned to look at the two figures sitting on the sofa behind, and said with a little surprise, "It's strange, shouldn't you be taking care of Wanda on your own island at this time? Why? Will suddenly come here, don't you worry about that child? "

Dior lowered the tea cup and shrugged. "It should have been like this, but something happened in the middle and I met someone I shouldn't see."

Fry heard the sight of the stranger next to him, wondering, "What is this handsome gentleman?"

Next to him, a man in a black suit tightly wrapped the muscles he had exercised all year round, a man full of aristocratic gentleman, paused, and then spoke his name.

"Excuse me, I'm ... Bruce Wayne."

No one except Dior was present, and no one knew the meaning of the name. Nick Fury was no exception. He just greeted with a smile: "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Wayne. I'm Nick Fury."

"Hello, Mr. Fury."

After a brief understanding, Nick Fury turned his doubtful gaze to Dior. I wonder if he brought such a person over?

Dior groaned and said, "I don't want to explain it twice. Tell Fry that I want to see him. There is something very important to say."

Nick Fleming was in front of him, but Dior asked to see Fry. What was going on?

Nick Fury immediately became serious, and then joined Hill with Dior and Bruce Wayne into a deep hidden room.

When the door to the back room was closed, Nick Fury and Hill glanced at each other, and then instantly restored their original appearance.

With green skin, pointed ears ... Scrooges!

Bruce Wayne's body tightened instantly, and he was ready to attack.

But then he slowly relaxed, because Dior, who brought him here, didn't have any surprise response, but said calmly, "Talos, help me to contact the one who secretly ran for a holiday in outer space. Bastard. "

The male Scrooge called Talos nodded his head immediately, then picked up the phone-like communicator and began to contact the real Nick Fury.

"Don't be so nervous. These two are Scrooks. They have the ability to transform perfectly. They can reproduce the sound appearance of any race. After being invaded by the Crees, the Earth took their last tribe, and then began to be Nick F. That **** squeezes labor. "

After speaking, Dior motioned for another Scrooge to show off.

Then the next second they saw an identical Bruce Wayne appear in front of them.

"Unbelievable race." The real Bruce Wayne looked at the identical self in front of him, and even handled the details so perfectly, he couldn't help saying such an admiration.

This world is really different!

Immediately afterwards, the large screen on the wall suddenly turned on.

Nick Fury appeared in front of everyone in beach pants, flip-flops, and a glass of juice in his hand.

"Hey Dior, long time no see. I hope to hear some good news from your mouth this time."

"You seem to be too busy. How are you planning?"

"As you can see, this place is perfect for old age."

"Really, but I think you have to come back for a trip." Dior first laughed, then his face suddenly became very serious.

Seeing him like this, Nick Fury suddenly felt a little hesitant, and nothing really happened again!

"What the **** happened? It makes you so nervous?"

"Remember the story made after the mysterious guest appeared? Multiverse, cross, parallel world ..."

"Of course, the guy who made this story is indeed a personal talent, and it will definitely be a fire to adapt it to a movie. What do you want to say? Don't tell me, you have been brainwashed by that liar? Comeon! You won't really believe it? "

Nick Fury said very speechlessly. Although he was responsible for hosting other plans, he gave the Earth affairs to the two Scrooges who turned into him and Hill, but this did not mean that he was aware of what happened now. Know nothing.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Tony's insistence on letting Peter go through all this and let him complete the test.

That guy and the team behind him have long been detained in the jail by SHIELD!

Really think they're so easy to cheat?

Nick Fury in outer space began to doubt almost the first time he heard this crazy story.

The ensuing investigation soon revealed the truth.

That glasses is just a bait!

The big drama conceived by Mystery Guest Baker is just a co-star play they played together, and the idiot is still in the show without knowing it, and he is going to laugh to death.

Of course, Dior already knew all this, but it wasn't that he investigated ~ ~ but Natasha told him by the way after investigating the truth of the incident, after all, how many times did his island leave The venues are all very close. If things get messy again and again, then it will be difficult to clean up the situation.

Natasha then returned to Nick Fury's new base in outer space, and continued to work with a group of Scrooks.

Dior did think of it as a joke, until that day he saved a guy who appeared out of nowhere, was wounded, and claimed to be Bruce Wayne!

Especially the tattered, worn out but classic costume that this guy can recognize at a glance!

Before Dior crossed the world, this player named Bruce Wayne also had an unknown name, and that was ...


That's right, it is the next door neighbor of Marvel, a classic character of the DC family, a super-rich second-generation DC Iron Man with a banknote ability who is born in the folk and honest Gotham City.

Bruce Wayne!