MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 775 This is the transformation you said! ?

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Steve is not out of intuition, but years of experience of fighting on the battlefield allows him to easily distinguish whether a person is hostile or killing.

Although this kind of thing sounds ridiculous, it is real.

When the mysterious enemy shot at him just now, he felt something wrong.

The puppet attack was neither fatal nor aimed at his vitals, as if he wanted to anger him intentionally.

为什么 Why was such a good sneak attack opportunity wasted?

Even after hitting him twice, he deliberately proactively exposed his figure ...

越 Steve thinks the more he feels wrong, he thinks the other party has a premeditated intention to lure them away.

If it's not the other person's head has a bag, then it must be a trap!

That's why he decisively prevented Natasha from pursuing.

Steve and others were indifferent and suddenly caught Scott fleeing forward!

He especially wanted to go back and ask aloud, "You don't act according to the script! You are really the worst actor I have ever taken!"

Unsettled, Scott had to turn around and get in trouble again with Steve.

But Steve and others, who are full of vigilance this time, have guarded him for a long time. Under the joint of the three, they almost caught Scott!

If it wasn't for the cheating ability of the Ant-Man suit, he would have planted it here.

But even if he wasn't caught, Scott's situation was very bad at this time. One side could let go and the other side was tied in battle. How could this pose a threat?

Squinting, it was hopeless that Scott had completed the task, and then Luce, who was hiding aside as a reserve army, suddenly came out.

Chandio had told her a few days ago to listen to the 'commander' in this mission.

And the commander 'Master' gave her the task is to find a way to 'draw' these people into the distance if Scott fails.

Although she doesn't quite understand why people must be 'taken away', in her opinion, 'take away' and 'drive away' are similar.

So she turned decisively!

Alas. . . . . . . . . . . .

尼 Tony and Steve hiding in the shadows were watching the situation on the battlefield. When they saw Scott's unfavorable division as if in a funny action, they both looked away silently.

They never thought that Scott, who had high hopes, was so pull!

Ryuse, who was a reserve army, had no hope from the beginning.

"Phantom vision, I still have to trouble you."

Illusion nodded. Although he lost the psychic gem, he did not lose much of his ability. His body made by Zhenjin and Edelman alloy was enough to make him ignore most dangers.

At this moment, Steve suddenly opened his eyes wide and could not help but turn around and asked, "Ruzie ... she said she would transform, would you grow bigger?"

Tony glanced at him strangely, "What's wrong? Is Lucius transformed? Is it as big as Hulk?"

呃 "Uh ... I think it might be bigger than Hulk." Steve answered with a look of shock.

Unknown, Tony poked his head directly, and glanced at the center of the battlefield. It didn't matter, it almost scared him out of a heart attack!

I saw a huge human-shaped butterfly 100 meters high flying in the sky, and a dazzling milky white light was wrapped around it like a ribbon. Then look at the beautiful face ...

Isn't it the super enlarged version of Lucy?


经典 A classic **** subconsciously blurted out from Tony!

He never thought that what Lucy said would transform and grow bigger. What does that mean!

He thought it was a bronze, but Nima turned into a king!

"Sorr II", who is so special, and Sol's "fat fat" hasn't the ability to make himself so big!

He Xuan looked a bit shocked, but then he smiled and quietly retracted his footing, so he didn't need to take a shot.

Alas. . . . . . . . . .

Lucy, who turned into a bright goddess butterfly, stared at the little people above her feet. The innocent and goddess-like goddess breath was revealed, and the image of funny words in peacetime was simply judged as two!

And the native trio who is under siege of Scott is also under the shadow of the huge (river crab) ... oh!

First was a giant beast before, and now there are special arms that have never been seen, and it is extremely tricky at first glance, which undoubtedly casts a layer of haze on their hearts.

At this time, Scott, who finally got a respite, is extremely dumbfounded!

怎么 He never thought that a fool woman who seemed to be useless except for her beauty was so horrified by ‘initiating soaring’!

Now he finally understood why the first time he met, Dior left her alone ...

Nima, such a horrible monster, why don't you tie up the collar!

I still let her play with my daughter?

Scott has the heart to kill Dior at this time, and he is even more afraid to add.

If it was a fright, a misunderstanding that caused it to look like this, then there is no way for my daughter to live!

Then at this time, in the face of the sudden emergence of the bright goddess butterfly, many Zitaari soldiers were attracted to attack them.

It is obvious that there is no such killer on their side, so they are mistaken for the means of the Earth.

Then, the shocking scene happened!

I saw Lucy suddenly wrinkle her good-looking eyebrows ~ ~ and then began to speed up the frequency of wing incitement, and then the white light lingering around her instantly turned into light needles, slamming in all directions Squirted out!

The needle-shaped weapons made of light seem inadequate but indestructible!

And everyone who is shot will immediately disintegrate and dissipate!

With one blow, all enemies with a radius of several kilometers were emptied.

At least tens of thousands of Zitaari soldiers died in the hands of Lucy!

If Dior saw this scene, he would surely wonder how such a terrible race still exists in the universe.

As long as she is given enough time, it is not a problem for Lucy to destroy a planet by herself!

Crackling ...

As if dumplings were dumplings, countless corpses and flying machines spilled from the sky.

The strike of Palau actually made the world and the world quiet!

The native Steve and others who couldn't tell whether she was an enemy or a friend opened their mouths and widened their eyes, as if losing their language skills.

It's not that they don't want to say something about it, but they don't know what words to use to describe everything they see.

Angel or god?

A dreadful awe should make them dry lips.

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