MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 5 Sent!

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Di Dio while rummaging in the kitchen for edible ingredients, while at the same time pumped out today's friendship pool for free.

They are the brick X6 of Duwang Town, a white chef hat, and two lower-level ripple beads. In addition to these things, there is a piece of original underwear of Terry Hugh Una (the gang boss daughter) ...

Dior, who is looking for ingredients to cook, saw his mouth twitching after seeing these tattered, bricks from Duwang Town are no different from ordinary bricks. The white chef hat is really just a chef hat, even if There is no bonus, but the two lowest-level ripple beads are better than nothing.

The lowest level of corrugated beads: increase the upper limit of the ripple energy value after eating.

Dior just threw the two ripple beads into his mouth without any taste. The entrance melted, and then he looked at his property panel. Sure enough, the upper limit of the ripple energy value changed from 100 to 102, so it seems that in addition to his own efforts In addition to cultivation, you can quickly increase your strength in this way, and the matter of saving gold should be set on the agenda quickly.

As for the "original underwear" that was obviously spoofed, he was selectively ignored and was ready to be thrown away with the bricks when waiting for garbage disposal. The storage space that comes with the game has only one hundred grids, and It can only be loaded from the game, and other realistic items cannot be loaded. This has been experimented with just now.

"Maybe how many bricks can I leave?"

Considering that the bricks from Duwang Town can be taken into the game space, Dior decided to keep a few bricks to defend himself, and maybe he could make a contribution unexpectedly.

Amoy rice, glutinous rice, beat three eggs in a bowl ...

Due to the fact that all three of their families were taken to the hospital because of gas poisoning, this small restaurant located in a humble place in Chinatown has not been open for many days. Naturally, there are no fresh ingredients, so Dior decided to simply Make a tomato scrambled egg to make up, the main purpose is to experience the ability effect of [pearl jam].

So ‘little tomatoes’ became real tomatoes ...

After stirring the egg liquid, Dior directly condensed two [Pearl Jam] with ripple energy. When he was about to start, [Pearl Jam] seemed to know his next destiny, so a thought sounded in Dior's mind.

"Please select consumer goals and identify treatment symptoms."

Dior froze for a moment, and then chose the eater as himself. The symptoms that needed to be treated were dark circles and a scar on his hand.

Two ‘little tomatoes’ hee! laugh! After two beeps, one suddenly rushed into the glass of white water he just poured, and one rushed directly into the egg liquid he just stirred, and all disappeared.

Tomatoes ... gone?

Dior, who wanted to make tomato scrambled eggs, looked a little dreadful in front of the scene. It turned out that [Pearl Jam] works like this.

But that ’s okay. If he cooks his own substitute every time he cooks a dish, that ’s too stressful. This form is good!

A few minutes later, Dior came out looking forward with a plate of scrambled eggs and a glass of white water.

Because the "tomato" was eaten by eggs, the scrambled eggs of tomatoes became scrambled eggs. As an old single dog, he would still fry ordinary home-cooked dishes. Go down and still feel good.

"Then try the effect!"

Sit down, watching the magical scrambled eggs and white water that have changed in front of him, Dior hesitated, then picked up that glass of white water and tons of tons of dried!

"Suck! It's so delicious !?"

迪 Dior, who has never drank such sweet white water, his eyes widened, and when he dropped the glass, his face was full of unending expression!

加入 Before adding [Pearl Jam], it was just plain boiled water, which was really good for my stand-in. A glass of plain white water can also become so delicious!

While he was thinking about whether to have another glass of "pearl jam water", he suddenly felt that his eyes started to become hot, and for a moment, tears burst out like a waterfall!

Di Di was startled, then suddenly remembered the experience of the original Hongzhong Yitai, immediately relieved.

[Pearl Jam] After entering the human body, it will treat people's pain in a way that destroys and regenerates, so the process of treatment is very exaggerated, and it will probably scare to death for ordinary people.

Man cry, cry, cry, not sin ...

泪 When Dior felt his eyes burst for more than thirty seconds, he felt that his eyes were about to fall out, and the endless tears finally stopped, and then replaced by exceptional freshness and spirit!

I hurried to look in the mirror, the dark circles that were not so obvious immediately disappeared, and the deep eyes were shining like stars in the sky at this moment, which was especially charming!

"Would you be so handsome!"

After sighing, Dior immediately went back and started to try the magical scrambled eggs ~ ~ It was delicious!

The addition of [Pearl Jam] can be said to have raised his culinary skills two levels. It is really hard for him to imagine what he could do if he changed to a top chef with the help of [Pearl Jam]. Shocking cuisine, it is estimated that the world's richest people have to queue for him.

没 Did not eat at all, and Dior, who was pulling out this plate of scrambled eggs at the fastest speed, sat on the back of the chair with great satisfaction, waiting quietly for treatment.


I haven't waited for two seconds, I feel like I'm up!


Indescribable itching!

Dior had a scar in his left palm, which was left after he was accidentally cut by a knife when he was a kid. At that time, that part was very itchy and unbearable!

知道 He knew this was the role of [Pearl Jam], so he immediately grasped it with great efforts, and the dead skin flew for a while, the scene was extremely appalling.

When Dior felt that he was torn his left hand, the unbearable strange itch disappeared immediately. He subconsciously raised his left hand to take a look. The scar on the palm of his hand had completely disappeared and replaced with new and delicate skin. .

"Coming soon!"

He just murmured Dior whispering!

It's better than any beauty, cosmetic, massage, or medicine!

And there are no side effects!

At most, the treatment process is a bit scary!

The most important thing in New York City is the rich. If the celebrity rich know that there is such a restaurant that can make such a counter-influenced cuisine, it will make them rich in minutes, and mothers will never have to worry about me No money for gold!

Not long ago, Dior was still trying to find a way to escape from Europe. At the moment, Dior shouted silently in his heart: Really sweet!