MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 61

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After speaking, Han Yun shut up and looked straight up at him.

Fu Yuan walked in front of him without a word, and suddenly fell down, raised his hand and held his shoulder.

Now, Han Yun is uncomfortable with what he does, turning his face slightly, still using an inaudible voice, "Master Fu, how can I ask you? Did you do it on purpose?"

Fu Yuan didn't say anything. He lowered his head and put the tip of his nose on the neck of Han Yun, arching and sulking like an animal.

Han Yun was awkward, and his whole body was overpowered.

Fu Yuan chuckled: "Is your majesty seduce, is this so?"

Han Yun rolled his ears and glanced at him.

Fu Yuan raised his head from his neck, and changed back to serious appearance, and said, "Your Majesty wants to stubble, and the minister just likes to be close to His Majesty."

Of course he likes Korean games. However, this love can last for so long and has not changed for a thousand years. Naturally, there is an inextricable relationship with his heart.

Han Yun's emotions can be felt. This is a normal person's emotions-something he has never experienced before.

However, when he lost his heart, Fu Yuan could feel it from another person, and he would be rejoicing because of a little thing, because he was happy and happy. This feeling is very complicated and inexplicable.

So it is not wrong to call blood thicker than water.

So he found that every time he was close to the Korean Games, his body would be temporarily comfortable, his empty chest would become full, and his pain would be reduced. As if the heart he had dug out, he returned to his original position.

The seduce to Han Yun was actually not related, which was not his original intention.

Han Yun's eyes widened and he dared not admit it!

They are so close to this point that the National Teacher dare to say it is not seduce! Han Yun pursed his lips, exasperated, "Master Fu, you are so good at it." He pointed at the door, "get out."

Han Yun chatted for so long, and finally couldn't help talking anymore, but when he spoke, he got angry.

Fu Yuan is not annoyed. He treats Han Yun as an immature child, and he is always very patient with Han Yun, and he also said softly: "Your Majesty will not be angry, otherwise the minister will be uncomfortable."

Han Yun stared at him in a sullen mood: "Then don't make me angry if you have the ability."

Fu Yuan touched his hair, Han Yun bowed his head, thinking that Fu Yuan was really heartless. You can see that he has a lot of affection in every action, in fact, it is just a model of ruthlessness.

That night, he was lying in bed alone, hugging the quilt, a bit bitter in his heart. After that, he was really tempted.

In the middle of the night, Han Yun did not fall asleep, wrapped himself in a quilt, and sent a message to Fu Yuan: "Come on to the bed!"

It was cold at night in the winter, but there was not much cold air in the room. Han Yun sat for a few minutes and got no news, so he stepped out of bed and walked outside.

Fu Yuan's bed was in the side hall next to it.

Before Han Yun arrived, he stopped suddenly, as if thinking of something, stood for a while, then turned back to the room silently, and withdrew the news.

When he went to the chess court, Fu Yuan sent him there. As soon as he got outside the gate, he was startled by the squatting media outside. These media learned that Han Yun was coming to advance today, so he came a long time ago and took out his work permit to enter the chess court. As a result, the chess court was not allowed and the door was closed.

As soon as the media saw the Korean car coming over, they swarmed up.

Han Yun didn't expect that this matter would be so big, but so much multimedia came.

He rolled down a little window, and a female reporter said, "Mr. Han, how many stages are you confident of winning today?"

Originally, it was necessary to register for the elimination of chess players from all over the country, but this time, Han Yun is the back door opened by the chess court. The chess court is the most authoritative and best-selling organization in the entire Chinese Go community.

The evaluation of the Go ranks is also directly judged and awarded by them, so it is no problem to directly arrange a challenge for the promotion of the Korean Games.

Before the game, the chess court publicized the rules of this promotion. The initiative was in the hands of the Han Yun. He chose to challenge the corresponding ranks, and their chess court would arrange the players in the corresponding ranks.

The dean of the chess academy Li Kang meant to give him a green light all the way, let him go to eighth stage, and finally challenge Zhang Sixun and Zhang nineh stage.

In order for Zhang Jiuduan to fight and overcome his fear, he was hard-working.

Since Zhang Sixun won a championship many years ago, he can no longer cheer up. Li Kang is very sorry that such a good seed is so embarrassed. Zhang Sixun dare not compete with others, and even dare not to broadcast live matches, with his psychological factors Have a relationship.

If he were allowed to broadcast live against the other nine stages, then Zhang Sixun's retreat would be seen by everyone.

Taking this opportunity, Li Kang believed that Zhang Sixun could stand up again, so he announced the rules. If the Korean Games are strong enough, he can continue to challenge until the 9th paragraph.

It is precisely because of this unprecedented challenge to advance that it has attracted such multimedia attention. Not only the media, but also Korean fans who live nearby, know that Korean games will appear here today, so here they are.

Hearing a reporter asked him how confident he would take a few paragraphs, Han Yun answered with a smile: "Nine." He immediately shook the window. The media took a picture of his blurred side, and the man driving in his car, also In the mirror.

"Come on, get the news back. Han Yun said he wants to challenge Jiuduan!"

At this time, a few female fans who looked young and still wearing school uniforms suddenly rushed to the car and waved their hands vigorously: "Yunbao !!!"

Han Yun shook the window down again. This is not the first time he has met a fan, and he will occasionally meet him. Someone will ask him to sign something. Han Yun asked: "Aren't you reading today?"

"I took a leave." The female fan looked at him up close, excited and shy, and sent a lot of things to Han Yun. When Han Yun saw the flowers, he quickly waved his hands and covered his nose.

Several gifts were stuffed into the car, and a young fan who looked at least junior high school said, "Yunyun, this is the thousand paper cranes and stars I wish to fold myself."

Han Yun said, "Thank you."

Then, the car directly entered the gate of the chess court. This door stopped the media. Several security guards stood in a row and stopped the media tightly. They were not allowed to ride: "Here is the chess court. , Diaowu` police came and caught you all! "

If you go up one by one, then today's chess must be played at night, maybe not enough, after all, playing chess is very laborious.

The media are also ready to fight protracted war.

The car was parked in the parking lot of Qiyuan. When getting off, Han Yun threw the chess set to Fuyuan and asked him to hold him: "Can you say that I can win today?"

"Of course it can."

Han Yun laughed: "I won, you just listen to me, what do you say?"

Fu Yuan nodded, not taking anything seriously.

Han Yun said, "When Director Chang comes here, give it to him, and he will take it back to study for a month before returning it to me."

The whole set of chess equipment was packed in a carved hollow wooden box made of small leaf rosewood, and Fu Yuan's arms held the chess equipment firmly.

Before Han Yun entered the building, he was scanned all over the body, especially checking his ears. A staff member checked his mobile phone carefully before putting him in.

The security personnel saw that Han Yun was also carrying a person, and holding a scan, he shook his head and said, "irrelevant people cannot wait inside."

Han Yunxuan said, "Did you see what he was holding? Do you know what it is?"

"this is……?"

Han Yun: "This is an antique from the Great Wei Dynasty. It is a cultural relic. It is of great value. Only he can hold me in peace. And I have to stare at all times, understand? He can't come in, you show me this Valuable things? If there is something missing, how do you compensate? "

As soon as this statement was made, the security personnel would stop talking, yeah, such a valuable thing ... Although I don't know if it is true, but what if something goes wrong, what should Han Yun do to their chess court? So the security officers asked them to wait a moment, then turned to look for President Li.

When Li Kang heard that it was the pair of chess pieces made by Mo Yu and He Tian Yu, he immediately said, "What else is there to stop! Let him hold in and scan it first to see if there are any problems."

In this way, Fu Yuan also followed.

The chess yard is an old building, with a total of five floors. After Han Yun entered, without seeing a few people, he was taken to a spacious chess room with a video camera. Then, the dean and many chess players in the chess court came in.

As soon as he came in, he set his eyes on the long-haired man who followed Han Yun, staring at the chess set he was holding, a little hot. Those of them who love chess also collect chess equipment on weekdays. The set of chess equipment from the Korean Games is one of the best.

I don't know why I brought it today.

After the players took their seats on both sides, Li Kang asked: "Mr. Han, how many stages do you want to challenge today?"

Han Yun looked at this fifty or sixty, wearing a pair of glasses, is very middle-aged Swen, said: "I have time, I will directly challenge the nine."

Li Kang didn't expect him to be so arrogant, and the players who sat down to watch it did not expect him to be so impatient: "It really is a young man, mad."

"If you can play chess, you will be a master?"

Li Kang groaned: "This is out of order, so if you are determined to challenge from the high section, you should also start from the sixth section." A game of chess is less than ten minutes faster, and if it is slow, it may be an hour or two He is the Dean of the Chess Academy and a busy man. How can he spend so much time with this little net red?

The reason he asked Han Yun to start with six stages was also because he couldn't figure out the opponent's way. He had to measure the opponent's level first. In case he was really strong, he would respond at will.

After listening, Han Yun nodded and said, "Let ’s do it, just six paragraphs." He asked Li Kang, "Can I play chess with my own chess equipment? I am used to using my chess equipment, I am not used to these."

"It stands to reason that this is out of order ..." Who knows if his chess has any problems? But Li Kang is not exempt, he also wants to see for himself what this precious set of chess equipment looks like.

When the wooden box containing the chess equipment was opened, everyone was inevitably attracted.

A Go player came out of the sixth segment, bowed his head and said something in Li Kang's ear, Li Kang said: "Then you go up to the game."

The people who watched the chess game at the game were all from the chess court, and they were all masters of playing Go. Others were okay to say that they all knew his plan. Although the camera was placed in the chess room, other than No live broadcast.

He has contacted CCTV's media. If Han Yun hits the eighth section all the way, and he challenges the nine section, he will ask them to do a live webcast.

This is a great opportunity for Zhang Sixun to reappear in front of people.

Li Kang whispered to the nine paragraphs, "Don't make it too obvious. Find out his strength."

Liu Duan nodded, indicating that he knew.

In fact, when Li Kang initially arranged for him to play chess with this net red, he was extremely unhappy, but now when he sees this set of chess equipment, he is completely unhappy.

Even if you touch this equipment, it is a very rare thing.

He was commanded by Li Kang, so at first he deliberately despised the enemy, but in fact he despised Han Yun, and he fell from the beginning. Li Kang said before: "If he is particularly amateur and know nothing about Go, It is too difficult to lose to him on purpose, and there is no need to continue the game. "

But this six-segment slowly got a little dignified.

This young man, not as he thinks, is a little white Go, but ... it really has some strength.

On both sides of the chess room, one side was sitting in Fuyuan, who also wore sunglasses, while the other side was sitting at the chess court, and those Go players from South Korea.

In the first challenge, under the instruction of Li Kang, he lost about 20 minutes.

Liu Duan told Li Kang: "His strength is comparable to mine."

Li Kang didn't expect that the Han Yun had such strength, and was surprised: "It's okay, the province let the Koreans see it." Then, during the Han Yun and Qi Duan competition, Li Kang went out. , Found a person silently facing Zhang Sixun on the chessboard.

"That Han Yun has six stages of strength. Are you sure you can win?"

"Six steps ...? Dean, I ..." To him, Li Kang is not only the dean, but also a teacher. Zhang Sixun was only fourteen when he first entered the chess court. He was the youngest player in the chess court and was the court. Chang excavated him and cultivated him.

Li Kang said: "It's only six paragraphs, won't you win?"

Zhang Sixun bowed her head in shame: "Dean, I don't know."

Li Kang took out a small black thing and sighed: "After a while, you put this thing in your ear. Today you played against him, I contacted CCTV for a live webcast, and I can't make any mistakes."

"This isn't cheating?" Zhang Sixun was a little bit confused.

"What cheating," Li Kang said, "This is your real strength. You have won the first nine stages of the championship. You are young, impatient, and dare not go to the game. If you lose this live broadcast, If you win, no matter what means you use, you will win. Do you know how foreign media write about you? Say you are in a state of weakness, you can never play again, you really want to let Do people see you this way? "

Zhang Sixun did not agree with him: "Cheating is cheating, not my strength."

"You represent the face of the chess court. You must wear this nano-headphone. You can win with your own strength. Of course, it is better, but you cannot lose!"

When Li Kang returned, Han Yun was battling with Go in eight stages. Eight stages didn't expect him to be very good. The two stalemate for an hour before they separated.

Han Yun himself felt that he was lucky today and how he has been winning.

Fu Yuan can naturally see that these people put water in, but he did n’t know why the water was released. Until Zhang Sixun came in, CCTV ’s live photography team also came in. Fu Yuan went to the side of Han Yun and fed him a sip of water , A bite of chocolate. Whispered: "He's outside the chess yard."

Han Yun stood up and moved his arms twice: "Tell him, I will finish the game and I will give him the chess equipment."

After a break, Director Chang came in and sat next to them to watch the game. He was the only layman in the field except the camera crew. When he saw the chess set on the table, his eyes widened, and he almost called out, and was terribly sorry.

The game officially started. Zhang Jiuduan stood up, with a dignity on his face, and sat opposite the Korean Games.

Han Yun did not mean to underestimate the enemy. He also told Fu Yuan in the car: "No matter what, don't tell me how to play chess. I don't cheat."

He never publicly stated how his chess skills were on the Internet. He only said that he was playing against others. It was good for those who played against him. So whether he lost or won, he could prove that he could play chess. He never thought that he could win three games in a row.

All three have struggled and survived.

In the face of Zhang Jiuduan, of course, he did not dare to take it lightly, but when he really played chess, he found that Zhang Jiuduan's level ... didn't seem to be as strong as he thought.

It's almost the same as the previous seven paragraphs, and I don't know what Zhang Jiuduan is thinking.

The audience Li Kang, the more ugly the expression, the more he finally went out to the bathroom under the pretext of excuse.

He entered the room next to him, and the screen in front of him was a live game. He directly directed Zhang Sixun and told him where to go.

When Li Kang's voice came from his ear, Zhang Jiuduan touched his ear subconsciously.

Li Kang warned him: "Don't touch your ears. Be natural. I will let you go wherever you want. You will lose!"

At the same time, many Go fans are watching live broadcast online at the moment. Because many people do n’t understand Go, but many people are very concerned about the outcome of the game, so they are watching. Because it is live and there are not many people watching, the screen is just a bit fuzzy and a bit stuck. In addition, there are explanations from netizens who understand Go.

The barrage said: "Korean transport now has the upper hand."

"Zhang Jiuduan looks like his strength is really dead, he wants to lose."

Zhang Sixun's face became very difficult for a while. It seemed wrong from the beginning ... But now, he can only obey Li Kang's instructions.

Sitting next to Fu Yuan watching the game, he looked up at Zhang Jiuduan's hair covering his ears, but did not speak.

Soon, Han Yun discovered that Zhang Jiuduan's style of playing chess changed and became very hot and spicy, and he was not his opponent at all.

However, within ten minutes, the Han Yun showed the intention to lose.

Offstage, Director Chang saw the question: "What about President Li?"

"I'll go out and see."

Just when Han Yun thought he was about to lose, he suddenly felt that his hands were out of control, and settled in a position he had never thought of.

Han Yun turned his head and looked at the ice-cold Fu Yuan, and found that his fingers were placed on the armrest of the chair, as if he was controlling something, and he made a few subtle movements. Yun was completely under his control, and the whole man played chess under his control.

He frowned deeply, looking very solemn.

And Zhang Sixun in front of him was not easy.

He can find that the style of the other party has also changed, and it is very unlikely to change.

He cheated on his own, and naturally suspected that the other party was cheating, and the other party's fall into a sudden and decisive, it simply did not make sense.

In his headset, Li Kang's command also became slower and slower, and seemed to be thinking about where to go.

The opponent is only in his twenties, about the same size as Zhang Sixun, but now Li Kang feels ... the opponent's chess skills are far above him.

how can that be? So he was playing pigs and eating tigers before? It doesn't make sense!

Only one possibility!

"He cheated, too," Li Kang said.

After a few minutes, Han Yun turned defeat into victory, and then Zhang Sixun stood up immediately and pointed at Han Yun with red eyes and said, "He cheated!"

Han Yun's expression was a little unnatural. It was this slight change of expression that made Zhang Sixun more determined. Dean Li said that Han was cheating and saw him like cheating. It must be cheating!

At this moment, the live broadcast is not yet closed, Zhang Si Xun lost so suddenly, and stood up and said that the shortcomings of Korean operation are so sudden, everyone did not expect it.

Han Yun is also guilty of conscience, he is not honorable to win.

Zhang Sixun walked forward in two steps towards Han Yun. He seemed to want to catch him and searched out loudly, "He must have cheated! This is not his true level, there must be something in his ears! Someone must be guiding him! "

At this moment, Fu Yuan strode up, pressed his shoulder, and pressed him against the table. The pawns made by Hetian Yu and Mo Yu scattered all over the place.

He moved too fast and too neatly, no one reacted at all, just staring at him dullly.

Fu Yuan quickly pulled from Zhang Sixun's ear a small, half-grain-size thing.

His expression was unshakable: "Can you explain what this is?"

There was a CCTV camera crew at the scene, and some of them blurted out: "It's a nano headset!"

The live broadcast is now interrupted.

From the beginning to the end, Han Yun didn't say anything, and bent over to pick up the pieces.

Due to the live broadcast, this cheating behavior was seen by countless people, and many people quickly made screenshots and tweeted them, causing heated discussions.

"Han Yun is so good, it's totally a god!"

"Zhang Jiuduan actually cheated? Shame!"

"I heard that it was Li Kangli Jiuduan. The Dean of the Chess Academy helped him cheat? Is there a stone hammer? Is it true?"

"Li Kang went out halfway, you see, he was hour in twelve minutes, and a great **** said that since Li Kang disappeared, Zhang Sixun's chess style changed.

"If someone didn't say it was a nano headset, I thought it was earwax."

"The screenshot is so confusing, who is the long hair who rushed up, why not take a clear picture, what the camera shakes! I see the handsome guy!"

Han Yun gave the chess set to Director Chang, got in the car, and went home.

No one at the chess yard dare stop him.

Han Yun sat in the front passenger seat, annoyed: "I can't win."

Fu Yuan told him sideways: "It was he who cheated first, otherwise His Majesty thought, could he win?"

Han Yun didn't speak, but he felt relieved a lot. He really wanted to win at that time, but Zhang Jiuduan suddenly became very fierce and hit him by surprise.

He held the wishing bottle sent by the fan, opened the bottle, took out a star and a thousand paper cranes, and played with it in his hand.

He removed the folded fluorescent paper stars, and then folded it back in the same way as the crease. It seemed to be interesting. He played for a long time until the car came home. He played chess for several hours, and now he was playing origami again, his hands were very sour. When Fu Yuan pulled him the door of the car, Han Yun drew the paper stars into his bag and thought about it and drew it again Squeezing in the palm of my hand, sweat came out.

"I'm going to France next week."

"I didn't say before. If you win, do you have to listen to my request?" Han Yun didn't dare to look at him and licked his lips. You treat me as a week? "

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