MTL - Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully-Chapter 427 See through all

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Twenty-six kinds of spiritual plants, Lin Yi took a rough look at the same appearance, and they were indeed spiritual plants that he had never owned.

I have to say that there are really many types of spiritual plants in Blue Star.

With Lin Yi's efforts, no less than 500 different kinds of spiritual plants have been planted on Qifeng Mountain.

Almost all the spiritual plants that can be seen and heard of in the market now exist on Qifeng Mountain, but there are still Lingzhi plants that Lin Yi has never seen before appearing every day.

This daily sense of anticipation and freshness made him very happy.

"Go to the warehouse and get the thirteen kinds of spiritual plants that increase the success rate of martial arts golden pills."

Lin Yi ordered No. 1, No. 1 nodded, and turned to pick up the goods.

"While he was there, I happened to inspect the goods."

In the previous transaction with the Supervision Bureau, Lin Yi also did this step, and inspection is a necessary process.

This is a habit inherited from Taoist Tianmu. Eighty to ninety percent of the spiritual plants circulating in the market have a back door to the Great World of Immortal Cultivation. Inspection before trading spiritual plants is an indispensable process.

Even Taoist Tianmu, who has a lot of research on spiritual plants, has been tricked by the back door countless times.

Zhou Yuquan naturally knew about the inspection step, but this time was obviously different from the previous few times.

The spiritual plants used in the past few times were very clean, but this time the spiritual plants were enriched.

He smiled faintly: "Fellow Taoist Tianmu, check it to your heart's content. We spent a lot of effort to buy these spiritual plants from the market. Although the third-level restriction has been broken by Fellow Daoist Lin of the noble sect, the second-level spiritual plants Plants are still very rare."

"Yeah, it's really not easy to collect these spiritual plants."

The third rank who came from the military also spoke on the sidelines. He didn't know the means of the Super Management Bureau to keep it in private, but he just sighed from the bottom of his heart.

The military contributed half of the twenty-six spiritual plants. Most of these spiritual plants were taken from the wild, and each spiritual plant was condensed with the blood and sweat of soldiers.

It hurts him to go out so much at once.

"When the concentration of spiritual energy increases, the number of second-order spiritual plants will increase immediately."

While talking politely, Lin Yi used his pill to ingest twenty-six spiritual plants in front of him.

Twenty-six different types of spiritual plants float quietly in midair, and the Dan Yuan is divided into twenty-six small groups, which quickly enter the spiritual plants.

Seeing such a professional technique, Zhou Yuquan's face was calm, but his heart was slightly raised.

Sure enough, in the second after these pills entered Lingzhi, Taoist Tianmu's originally warm expression disappeared instantly, and his expressionless face made Zhou Yuquan know the result all at once.

Lin Yi used the Danyuan to detect the twenty-six spiritual plants, but did not speak, but used his spiritual sense to search again like a searchlight.

As long as you are not blind, you can see that Taoist Tianmu has something wrong on his face after testing Lingzhi.

The third rank of the military thumped in his heart, subconsciously looked at Zhou Yuquan beside him, and Zhou Yuquan also put on a look of not knowing what happened at the right time.

"Why, Fellow Daoist Tianmu, is there something wrong with these spiritual plants?"

Seeing the third rank of the military looking at him, Zhou Yuquan asked aloud.


Lin Yi sneered: "Twenty-six spiritual plants, five of them have back doors, you two, you don't plan to complete this transaction, that's fine, since you don't plan to complete it, I don't care, bring these Lingzhi, leave immediately."

"Don't, don't, don't!" The third rank of the military and Zhou Yuquan hurriedly stopped him, and Zhou Yuquan immediately said something nice: "If you have something to say, say it well, if you have something to say, talk it out, Fellow Daoist Tianmu, we are here with sincerity, we really want to accomplish this A deal."

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"That's right, and we have screened the Lingzhis who come to trade in advance, so there shouldn't be those who leave a back door to get in." The third rank of the military was also confused.


Lin Yi had a cold expression on his face: "Could it be that I wronged you?"

As he said that, the remaining 21 spiritual plants fell to the ground, and the five spiritual plants selected by Lin Yi were still floating in the air.

"Among the five spiritual plants, each one has left a very secret back door in a different way. Why, do you still have to quibble?"

"Oh shit!"

The third rank of the military saw that none of the five spiritual plants came from his side, so he knew that Zhou Yuquan had another moth.

His eyes were full of anger, he turned to look at Zhou Yuquan, and was about to question him via voice transmission, but Zhou Yuquan was even more angry than him at this time.

"Back door? Didn't expect that there are back doors in the remaining spiritual plants?! Before the transaction, I asked the masters in the field of spiritual plants to look at them, and I didn't expect that there were back doors that could hide them from them!


Zhou Yuquan's face was angry, but his heart was cold.

The purpose of this test is to initially evaluate the level of the spiritual plants of the Cyanwood Sect. The back door of these five spiritual plants is already at the bottom of the box for the spiritual plant masters of each sect.

Before setting off, several spirit plant masters even promised him that there is a very high possibility that none of the five spirit plants left at the back door will be discovered. Even if the Qingmu sect has some means, at most one or two will be discovered .

But the result was that no one else was needed, just a mere Taoist Tianmu, and all five spiritual plants were screened out.

A Tianmu Taoist has such abilities, so Lin Yi, who is stronger than him, and the old antiques in the alien space of the Cyanwood School, how powerful should they have spiritual plant attainments?


Lin Yi smiled silently in his heart.

When he found out that there were five spiritual plants with back doors, he realized that this was a temptation from the Supervision Bureau and the military.

Of the twenty-six spiritual plants, five of them have back doors. In the present age, when the awareness of keeping back doors is not strong, and the means of keeping back doors are not yet popular, this proportion is too high.

It seems that the Supervision Bureau and the military are still worried about the Aoki Sect.

No, there may be no military involved in this matter, only the Supervision Bureau.

Although the third rank of the military didn't say it clearly, but when he saw the five spiritual plants, he still made Lin Yi realize that this matter was most likely the idea of ​​the Super Management No. 13 quickly took over the thirteen spiritual plants, but now the scene has reached a deadlock.

It's not that Lin Yi has no temper after being teased like this.

Even though Zhou Yuquan repeatedly emphasized that they just didn't have the ability to distinguish and didn't make mistakes on their own initiative, Lin Yi just bit him to death and didn't let go.

At the end of the stalemate, Zhou Yuquan let go and added three more second-order spiritual plants to complete the transaction.

After all, it is a seller's market now, and the Lingzhi sent for trading does not have the effect that Lin Yitai expected, but the thirteen kinds of Lingzhi that increase the success rate of the Martial Arts Golden Elixir are what the Super Management Bureau needs.

They also hope to use these spiritual plants to reproduce and cultivate more spiritual plants.

"There are some things that I wish only happened once."

After the transaction was over, Lin Yipo said something to Zhou Yuquan with some earnestness.

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