MTL - Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully-Chapter 400 make trouble

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Shixiang couldn't understand why there was no response after the power of the source reached the opposite person, so in the transaction, it was obvious that the power of the source she provided was very cheap.

In the transaction between the two parties, she was originally on the weaker side, but now she has been pinched on the main point, which makes the stone statue have no good reason to bargain.

"Okay, Shisi, but you must not stop me from expanding."

The stone statue gritted her teeth and agreed. She was reluctant that her child could not be trapped in a wolf. With the help of such a strong person, she could expand with peace of mind in the future.

"We have become allies. It's too late for me to help you. How can I stop you?"

Harris said with a smile, smiling on the outside, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"They actually cooperated?!"

"How dare they? Harris, the gangster, he betrayed our entire planet!"

"The cooperation between the resistance organization and the alien invasion creatures is just shit!"

The high-level officials of the Siman Empire have been observing the movements of this battlefield.

The two of them, not only Harris, but even the stone statues used the official language of the Sman Empire. How this alien world creature learned a language in a short period of time is not important. What is important is that the relationship between the two The exchanges between them were all seen and heard by the senior management of the Siman Empire.

"Those people have been completely brainwashed, I suggest using taboo weapons to directly destroy the two forces!"

The high-level executive who had previously suggested the direct use of taboo weapons stood up again. This time his proposal was not opposed by most people, and some people began to think about the pros and cons of doing so.

After all, a resistance organization made them tired to deal with it before, and now there is another force from another world, and the two have also reached a deal and formed an ally, so they dare not underestimate it.

"The harm of using taboo weapons in the mainland is too great, and there is the possibility of giving birth to powerful mutant creatures. You can temporarily use ordinary missiles for saturation bombing. It's really not feasible, and then consider the possibility of taboo weapons."

The military commander pondered for a while, then shook his head, and continued: "Besides, the current situation is unknown, there are at least five million people in each city, five million people, it is not a number, it is a living being. , is an innumerable chain of relationships. Maybe there are relatives of all of you in those cities. Once the forbidden weapons are used, I don’t know whether Harris and that other world will die, but one of us counts as one. They will all be pulled down by angry people.”

Even in the extraordinary era, the power of the people is still very large. After all, there are many extraordinary forces and organizations in the people of the Siman Empire.

"Yes, and now no one can guarantee that these people are really completely brainwashed. It is too early to make this conclusion based on a picture."

The commander of the Siman Empire affirmed the idea of ​​the military commander.

The two giants have unified their opinions, and the following people naturally know how to choose.

Soon, countless firelights shot up from the territory of the Sman Empire and bombarded the first city where the stone statue was located.

After the agreement was reached, the stone statue just reappeared the film over the city, but unexpectedly encountered such an attack, she roared at Harris angrily:

"Human, are you deceiving me?!"

"My people have stopped moving, and now the action is taken by the nominal owner of this area, that is, the Sman Empire. Didn't you notice that the direction of the shells has changed?"

Harris shook his head and explained that he didn't take the blame for this.

"The solution to this matter is also simple. I will use the same method to bombard them. By doing this, they can temporarily care about you without any flaws."

The stone statue's eyes lit up: "Then do it quickly, don't dawdle."

"Doing this can really distract them, just a little..."

Harris looked at the statue and hesitated.

"What the **** is going on, you said it." The stone statue was hung and uncomfortable, and he urged quickly.

"You've also seen the power of this kind of shell, and it really doesn't work against you, but killing these ordinary people is really a big kill, and the two sides will definitely kill a large number of humans."

"That's it!


The stone statue instantly refused: "Let them bomb, anyway, this attack strength will not consume much of my strength."

The bombardment of shells alone cannot open the protective film constructed with the power of faith and spiritual power.

Before the film was broken, Harris opened it himself, but it was bombed with artillery shells. Although the film looked dangerous, the inside was actually very stable and could not be broken at all.

The stone statue refused decisively because she regarded all the human beings in this land as her future believers. She didn't want to lose her future strength because of a trivial matter.

Harris nodded and said nothing.

He had long expected the response of the stone statue. The people of the Siman Empire wanted him to fight against these gods. Harris also had a similar idea. Obviously, he has succeeded now.

The suffering of the Siman Empire has only just come.

With the participation of Harris, the Siman Empire, one of the four major countries, was in chaos, and the rest of the countries that sent incarnations were in a similar situation.

The fast-developing incarnations, like Harris, have already occupied part of the Sman Empire, while the slower-developing incarnations have captured at least one state capital.

These countries have not announced the cultivation methods like Huaguo, and all cultivation methods are in the hands of the national high-level and extraordinary organizations. Ordinary people are people who have no power. If you want to contact extraordinary, there are not many ways. That is, the talent is excellent, and being favored by the extraordinary organization, there is no other better way.

They use their strength to distinguish their status. The higher their strength, the higher their status. Ordinary people who have no way of contacting extraordinary cultivation have become the lowest existence in society.

The accumulation of public grievances can only be ignited by a small flame.

And now, what Lin Yi brought them was not a flame, but a sun that could light up the sky, how could they not join.

Lin Yi didn't need to do anything else, he robbed a local extraordinary organization, and made a point of the extraordinary method in it, and he could pull up an army in an instant.

These elements are inseparable from the fact that the resistance group established by the avatar has achieved such a large momentum in a short period of time.

Compared with the wanton development abroad, several incarnations in China are significantly more restrained.

Lin Yi has always felt that with the character of the Chinese, there are definitely hidden powers in the territory. Although it is an incarnation, it is difficult to guarantee that they have the means to trace the main body through the incarnation. Therefore, several incarnations in the next province, so far, have also They each established a large sect.