MTL - Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully-Chapter 351 body exercises

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There was a medium-sized storage bag hanging on the branch. The storage bag had an ancient style. Just by looking at the shape of the storage bag, Lin Yi knew that Qianlishu and Tiger King had harvested a lot before the aura recovered.

"You have a heart." Lin Yi nodded, not rejecting Qianlishu's kindness.

He's also curious about what's in the storage bag.

After opening the storage bag, his divine sense poked inward, and in the next second, Lin Yi showed a happy expression.

"There are so many magic techniques!"

In the storage bag, I don't know how many books are stacked on top of each other. These books are all related to cultivation, and most of them are exercises and techniques.

It was as if the two had robbed the library of several sects.

"Before hiding in the different dimension, in order to be afraid of being bored in the future, the two of us robbed several sects and robbed all the things that recorded the text in them."

Qianlishu seemed to know what Lin Yi was thinking, and quickly explained.

"Good grab, good grab!"

Lin Yi encouraged this kind of behavior, and while talking, he began to flip through the books.

"Tanzhong Kaihe Laojun Daoyin Gong"

"The Great Vanity Listening to the Rain Dinghai Xuan Gong"

"The True Strength of the South China Sea"

"Eighteen Ways to Conquer the Devil and Vermilion Birds Thousands of Strength"


The names of various exercises and techniques have a strong ancient style.

When I saw the name, I only felt that it was cloudy and foggy, and I didn't know what to say.

Lin Yi opened it up carefully to realize that the so-called "Tanzhong Kaihe Laojun Daoyin Gong" is only a very basic method of inducing Qi, and "Zimu Hunyuan Nanhai Zhenjin" is a small martial arts cultivator using dark energy. Skill.

If he hadn't checked it carefully, Lin Yi couldn't believe that these guys really had the guts to exaggerate this very low-level cultivation method as if it were a unique skill in the world.

But soon, Lin Yi saw a secret book that surprised him.

"The Nine Dragons Turning the Heavens Divine Sky Exercises" (Remnant)

It turned out to be a body training exercise. Although it is a remnant, the current content already contains the cultivation method of the fourth level of body training.

Blue Star and Xiuxian Great World are not only the same in the division of cultivation realm, but also in the division of body refinement realm.

Lin Yi himself didn't believe it when he said the two had nothing to do with it.

"How did you get this exercise?" Lin Yi asked curiously. This type of exercise is very important to a sect.

"Among the several sects that were robbed, one of the sects were all body-refining cultivators. They didn't have the ability to fly fast as a normal immortal cultivator. I easily robbed this sect again."


Lin Yi read through the entire exercise, and found that this exercise can greatly improve himself.

The improvement of his body refinement realm has always depended on the feedback of Spirit Devouring Flower.

But now that the opportunity to become stronger is in front of him, he will naturally not let it go in vain.

Putting the body exercises aside, Lin Yi looked down with anticipation.

In addition to most of the first-order and basic books, within this pile of materials, there is a cultivation technique that makes Lin Yi shine.

That is the cultivation technique for beasts to practice.

The cultivation of beasts relies on the continuous exhalation of spiritual energy on weekdays, and the speed is not fast. Only some fierce beasts with talent in cultivation begin to think about how to exhale spiritual energy to be more efficient and to obtain more cultivation results at the same time.

The special exercises for beasts are the products of these fiercely gifted beasts.

This practice method was robbed by Qianlishu and Tiger King from a beast-fighting sect at that time.

That beast imperial sect once cultivated many third- and fourth-order spirit beasts. After the concentration of spiritual energy decreased year by year, it gradually declined, allowing Qianlishu and Tiger King to rob them.

"I can't use this exercise, but Tiger King's strength has indeed improved a lot after obtaining the exercise, and his training speed has also accelerated a lot."

Chiba takes the Tiger King as an analogy. After all, its essence is a spiritual plant, and it cannot use this beast's exercises.

Lin Yi read the entire exercise and knew that with this exercise, the vast majority of beasts should be able to practice.

This kind of exercise has great universality. Large beasts can be practiced, and beasts that are bigger than ants can also be practiced.

This kind of exercise has no effect on Lin Yi himself, but with this exercise, Xiao Hei and Hai Dongqing will not be so idle every day.

"You really brought me a lot of surprises."

After reading all the secrets of the exercises, Lin Yi looked at the tree king with great satisfaction.

These exercises are well preserved and have not been lost. Even if Lin Yi's "Nine Dragons Turning the Heavens Divine Sky Exercises" is a fragment, it is not that it became heavy during the preservation process, but that it was the same when he first got it. Fan pattern.

Also from ancient times to the present, compared with the hidden world sect that has almost cut off the high-level inheritance, the things preserved by Qianlishu and Tiger King are really too valuable.

Thinking about it carefully, the inheritance of human beings has not been passed down for various reasons.

Simply a great irony.

"Yes, I will remember your merit. Next time there is an advanced matter, I will give priority to you."

Lin Yi saw what this guy was thinking and made a promise with a smile.

These practice manuals, with high and low levels, and a large number of them, have greatly promoted the rental of the Aoki Sect.

"Also, Master, this is the most important contributor to our ability to survive the aura desert."

Since the gift was given, Qianlishu also struck while the iron was hot, and gave the master the good things that he had.

It handed over a spirit plant with fluffy branches and leaves that looked obviously malnourished.

"It can produce aura."

In just a few words, Lin Yi suddenly became serious.

Although this spiritual plant looks sluggish, there is indeed a spiritual energy that emerges from this spiritual and drifts into the air.

It's just that this efficiency is far from that of Lingyuan Grass.

"It's a second-order spiritual plant. What have you done to it? Why is it half-dead?" Lin Yi asked with a frown.

Saying that, he grabbed the second-order spiritual plant and poured the extremely weak Cyanwood Dan Yuan.

"Before the Reiki Desert, I killed an unknown number of people and beasts to get Jinyangzhi, but the tiger and I didn't know anything about Lingzhi, and we couldn't reproduce it normally. Infuse, this spiritual plant is already dead."

The tree king shook his head, and he didn't look too interesting.

Just as he was talking, his eyes were completely straight, staring at the picture in front of him.

I saw a stream of energy smaller than a strand of hair entering Jin Yangzhi from the master's hand. Jin Yangzhi, who was about to die, was directly revived.

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