MTL - Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully-Chapter 349 arm

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Among the several mountains, Qifeng Mountain has the largest growth rate, almost one thousand meters higher than before.

One thousand meters may seem like nothing on the flat ground, but adding this length to the altitude of the mountain is quite impressive.

The original area of ​​Qifeng Mountain now only occupies one-fifth of the entire mountain peak. Although the extra area has no life for the time being, the land is fertile. Even without human intervention, it will soon become an area full of life.

"Don't be nervous, just a little change."

Lin Yi's spiritual sense observed the horrified eyes of the disciples, smiled, and said to the crowd: "All return to their original positions, what to do."

This really has nothing to do with the rest of the disciples, but Qu Jianyi and the disciples who chose the direction of the formation minor can't escape.

Naturally, the increased territory cannot be exposed like this. The guardian formation and many other formations, including the spirit gathering formation, need to be expanded.

Lin Yi is not a stingy person either. He will not let his disciples work in vain. For all tasks involving the construction of the sect, the contribution points of the reward are not too low, so everyone is willing to contribute to the sect.

Of course it was the same this time.

After Qu Jianyi mastered the second-order formation technique, he became one of the hottest celebrities in the Aoki Sect.

Many disciples scrambled to ask him to arrange the formation. The guardian formation was established by Qu Jianyi with his people. His ability has been recognized by everyone.

"Elder Qu, you've worked hard for you." Lin Yi said.

Standing in front of him, Qu Jianyi hurriedly waved his hand: "I can't do it, I can't do it, Elder Lin, if there is no Aoki Sect, I might still be lying on the hospital bed waiting to die. Aoki Sect does things, I am happy from the bottom of my heart, there is nothing hard or hard."

There are several older monks like Qu Jianyi in the Cyanwood Sect. Compared with other young people, these old people have a sense of belonging to the Cyanwood Sect that is far beyond Lin Yi's imagination after getting the opportunity to practice.

It can be said that they have become diehard fans of Aoki Sect.

After condolences to Qu Jianyi again, Lin Yi sent some spiritual plants to increase his cultivation, so that he could improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Qu Jianyi was so moved that he repeatedly said that he would live up to the trust of Elder Lin.

What Lin Yi asked Qu Jianyi to repair was only the formation of the disciple peak, and the protection of Qifeng Mountain would be completed by Lin Yi himself.

In terms of personal protection, Lin Yi never trusted anyone.

How to cover and protect the extra land? Lin Yi looked down from the top of the mountain.

Beneath the piece of Lingzhi Lingtian is a yellow-black, fertile and moist soil.

Formation? Lin Yi shook his head decisively.

Formation has never been his area of ​​expertise. Previously, he used the formation for protection, which was learned and sold now. Even if it played a small role, it was still based on quantity. Once he encountered someone who had more in-depth research in the field of formation, he would immediately be blinded.

Qu Jianyi euphemistically reminded Lin Yi several times that the formation of Qifeng Mountain was too simple.

Lin Yi's very general formation ability, in front of experts like Qu Jianyi, is naturally very immature.

Usually it's good to have Lin Yi staring at him, but once Lin Yi is not there, living in Fengshan will be very dangerous.

Although the possibility that Lin Yi is not in Qifeng Mountain is relatively small...

But the line of defense for this setting still needs to be set.

Or use Lingzhi.

Lin Yi set the tone, the so-called one-trick meal is all over the world.

Being proficient in everything is sloppy in everything. It is unrealistic for Lin Yi to further study the formation technique now. It is better to start from the field that he is good at.

There are so many spiritual plants harvested before and after, and there are some that are suitable for this situation.

Lin Yi took out a second-order spiritual plant and began to advance. After a while, the third-order fluctuations began to appear on this spiritual plant.

In addition to the fluctuations, there are still illusory pictures flashing on this spirit plant. These pictures seem to be familiar before, and people can't help but fall into it.

Once a monk with a low level of cultivation falls into it, he will completely lose the concept of time, his spirit will completely sink in the illusion, and even his body will gradually decay.

However, this is for the enemy, and for the master who helped it to advance, of course, the Dara Illusory Tree has no idea of ​​attacking. On the contrary, it is very intimate to put the coquettish branches and leaves in Lin Yi's palm, as if begging Lin Yi to touch it.

The Dala Magic Tree, a spiritual plant that was previously traded with the Ministry of Education.

It can form an illusion in an area, and the illusion is very realistic, enough to be faked, it is an excellent spiritual plant used to protect the sect.

After Lin Yi raised it to Tier 3, it didn't have any new abilities, but the ability of the illusion has been qualitatively changed.

Not only has the authenticity been improved, but now its illusions can also have a certain impact on third-order creatures, not to mention second-order creatures, which are simply hand-held.

Lin Yi planted the third-order Dharani tree on the mountainside, and the tall spiritual plants densely covered in the mountainside area were shrouded in illusion, and there was no sense of disobedience.

From the outside, there are no tall spiritual plants at all, only very common vegetables, fruits, and green plants.

As long as you don't get close to breaking this layer of illusion, you won't be able to see what's hidden behind it.

Lin Yi experimented a bit and found that even with his divine sense, he could only feel a slight sense of disobedience in the area covered by the formation.

That's enough.

Lin Yi was very satisfied. He ripened a few plants and planted them halfway up the mountainside and at the foot of the mountain.

Many Dharani trees are connected in series, forming an illusion that covers the entire Qifeng Mountain. The clouds and mist on Qifeng Mountain disappeared, and what was replaced was a small mountain that looked very mediocre.

Many disciples looked up and found that it was extremely simple on the surface, not much different from the several peaks around the Cyanwood Sect.

"What kind of formation is this, it can actually achieve the effect of being fake and real?"

When Qu Jianyi saw this ordinary, his heart skipped a beat. He had been to Qifeng Mountain before, and he still had a general understanding of its layout.

What I see now is obviously not the real scene on Qifeng Mountain.

The other disciples also knew about this situation, but no matter how they observed with their divine senses, they couldn't find the abnormality on Mount Qifeng, as if Mount Qifeng was really so mediocre.

After setting up the phantom array, Lin Yi placed the spirit-devouring flower. This third-order spiritual plant was the most suitable for defense at this stage.

Obstructing the line of sight, setting up protection, and forming two lines of defense, Lin Yi dared to transplant Lingzhi to the foot of the mountain.

With the rise of the realm, the size of Lingzhi after the promotion has become larger and larger, and the area of ​​Qifeng Mountain has long been insufficient.

Lin Yi had previously thought about artificially raising Qifeng Mountain after reaching the third level. He didn't expect that the plan would not keep up with the changes. Once the restrictions were lifted, he didn't have to do it himself, and the world helped him raise the mountain.

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