MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 76 Misunderstanding (below)

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Small pulled Loktini angrily into the room, and then flicked his hand against the wall.

Antonio stepped out of the bathroom, looked at the wall, and looked at Loctini. "Do you have the currency that Crystal City uses?"

He uttered a word so thoughtlessly that both Lochtini and Smarr stumbled.

Small took the lead in returning, but anger remained in his tone. "No. But there are gold coins."

"Elf world?"


Antonio said: "Why do the people of the witches have gold coins in the elven world?"

Smal was in a state of anger, and the messy questions facing him were even bigger and bigger. "I don't buy anything, how can they know that I have gold coins in the elf world?"

Antonio said lightly: "Who will pay for this wall?"

Smal lowered his fist, where a groove had already formed.


Antonio went back to bed after speaking.

Smaller planted angrily on the bed.

It stands to reason that the most angry person at this time should be Loctini, but I don't know why. Seeing Smar's response so large, his anger could not be stunned. "Are you angry at Flying Stone or you?"

Smarr was shocked, and something was going on, but he was slammed down. He rose angrily and said, "Are you not angry at all?"

Loctini's lips tightened, his eyes turned to the bathroom, "Do you have a new toothbrush here?"

Small: "..."

Loctini turned back to the room.

Shi Feixia washed his face and was lying on the window watching the scenery outside lonely.

Yuan Shujie, Crystal City. Half a year ago, he couldn't imagine that there was such a place in the world. He is sitting here now, watching the scenery. Life is really funny sometimes.

The door opened and Loctini walked in.

Shi Feixia's body tightened sharply, and he turned back cautiously.

His face was not good, and the cyan eye circles were particularly noticeable on the fair complexion, as if a pile of flour was lined with two smoke circles.

Loctini didn't look at him and walked back to the bathroom. It didn't take long for the sound of scrubbing to sound inside.

Shi Feixia feels a bit like a prisoner before his sentence. My heart was tight, my eyes were secretly looking at the direction of the door, my mind was full of messy predictions.

As he was coming out of the bathroom, he was thinking of being thrown out of the window by Rochtini tiptoe.

So when the distance between the two gradually shortened in Loctini's footsteps, his two legs were full of desire to run.

"Thinking about it?" Rochtini stopped when he was three steps away.

"..." Shi Feixia was standing against the wall behind his back, standing upright, straighter than when he was in the military posture.

"Considered?" He asked again.

This is unknown. Shi Feixia believes that although his voice at that time was not great, if he was attentive, he would never miss it. He thought about it, biting his teeth. Seeing that Smar's performance today is like what he did to commit adultery, and if he drags on again and again, his status in his mind will be on an equal footing with those who set fire to death.

"Well, think about it."

Loctini looked at him steadily, all the emotions in his eyes settled in silence, and in the end there was only a calm face. "What's the conclusion?"

Shi Feixia pondered the wording, lowered his head and took a deep breath, then looked up, and looked at him with immense admiration. "In my mind, the elven prince is synonymous with nobleness, elegance, and sacredness. Vampires are too cold, transparent people are too Thin, the dwarf is too short, the Titan is too tall, and the werewolf has too much hair. They can't match you. Humans! "He gave a swift meal, grieving," That would be even more descriptive! This whole thing is trivial Shameless pronouns! Even if they have evolved for another thousand years, they will definitely not match the noble bloodlines of the elves! So you must not respect the dignity and dignity, and never save the feelings of using the waste! It ’s best not to have any thoughts at all, because that will only tarnish your noble blood, peerless looks, super ability, and bright future! "

What he said was frustrated and his mouth was flying, but Loctini remained indifferent.

Shi Feixia was a little bit bottomed out, and stunned.

"What about fallen angels?"


Loktini said, "You just evaluated almost all the races in Noah's Ark. What about angels?"

Shi Feixia turned his eyes. Isn't it ... Loctini wants to change his goal and hit his mind on the fallen angel? He was stunned. From the pursuer to the love rival, will this process be too fast? Although the elven pedigree is noble, it cannot be so noble.

The thoughts in his head all came to an emergency stop, from thinking about how to euphemistically refuse the suitor, and turning to how to effectively destroy the enemy.

"Where's the fallen angel?" Loktini asked again, clinging like a child.

Shi Feixia lowered his head, avoiding the accidental injury in his eyes, and sighed softly: "Since it is a fallen angel, of course it cannot be compared with you." He just said that it could not be compared, but he did not say who was higher. If he must misunderstand, there is nothing he can do. He thought irresponsibly in his heart.

Loctini's eyes became sharp.

Shi Feixia thought that if there was a door between them, there would now be a cat's eye on that door. Fortunately, his skin was a little thicker than the door panel, so he was sharp and sharp, and he was still standing-except his cheeks were a little numb.

Loctini suddenly turned sharply and walked out, even without the wind.

Shi Feixia looked up at his back and suddenly overlapped with the back of Omedando in his memory. It's as if, just this morning's work, his figure suddenly rises ...

"Of course, fallen angels cannot be compared with elves?"

As soon as the door was closed, Isfell came out of the brooch with a cold voice.

Shi Feixia's body was stiff and he quickly explained: "I mean, the fallen angel can fly high and the elves can only rely on two legs, of course they cannot be compared." He paused, "Actually, what I said just now is comfort Comforting him, you also know that he is now ... well, more vulnerable. "

"Oh." Isfer responded indifferently.

Shi Feixia chuckled in his heart, and he was a little bit unsure whether this ‘oh’ was happy or unhappy.

"Who can match the fallen angel?"

Shi Feixia answered without thinking, "The more insignificant the shameless the better!"

It was a dull breakfast.

Shi Feixia silently battles the steak in the dinner plate. To be honest, eating meat early in the morning, the eating habits of the Wu people are really not healthy.

In front of Smar and Loctini are two apples.

So when others cut steak, they are cutting apples.

Geki stood aside competently, with a keen eye to guess how much he liked breakfast from the posture and frequency of each person present at the table.

Obviously, neither of them was satisfied with eating apples, because the apples on their plates looked similar to yesterday's puree.

"Don't you like it?" He couldn't help but asked.

Loctini didn't look up, just put down the knife in her hand and picked up the spoon. "I like to choke."

"..." Geki turned to look at Smal.

Smar also lowered his knife. "Is there a straw?"

"..." The Wu tribe really has many unknown customs. This was the only thought in Geki's mind when he went to find a straw.

Finished breakfast.

Jesse wiped the corners of his mouth slowly with a napkin, and his eyes swept gently toward the seat.

Shi Feixia's original buttocks were rested.

"Tomorrow there will be a ball in the palace. Since we are the first representatives to attend, the host invited us to attend."



Shi Feixia stunned. From an early age, he never even touched the edge of the dance floor. There are in the hotel, but that was outsourced, and he didn't need to manage it at all. So if he wants to dance, he might as well make it easier for him to move forward.

Jesse finished and stood up.

Shi Feixia and others had to stand up, one by one, back to the room like a sugar gourd skewer.

Back in the room, the small group immediately called a small meeting.

But it was Antonio who really put his mind and body into the meeting. Here, he was the only one who truly and wholeheartedly worried about the safety of King and Hughes.

Shi Feixia also learned after participating in this rescue operation. Don't look at Antonio's snoring in Noah's Ark. He just buried his head in the kitchen. It turned out that he was loved most by his colleagues.

"This is a good opportunity." Two clusters of small flames burned in Antonio's eyes. "Let's get angry and save King and Hughes before the other races arrive."

His words fell away for a long time, and nothing was said.

Smar leaned leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, staring at Shi Feixia's shoes listlessly, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Shi Feixia was horrified by him, and his feet moved quietly to the side, and Smar's eyes immediately chased after him. But that chase is unconscious.

Shi Feixia did not believe in evil, and moved again. That gaze followed his shoes straight.

Shi Feixia died. Dare to feel Smarr is in a daze, but just don't know so many things here, what is he looking for in his shoes?

He sighed and looked at the shadows next to each other on the ground. Then he suddenly reacted. When he just moved, he forgot to survey the environment. He accidentally moved to Loctini.


If at this time it is too revealing to move away, but if you don't remove it, Loctini's stomach will look like mercury, permeating into it, letting him shrink his head, then shrinking his head.

Seeing them doing small moves on their own, Antonio was not at all concerned about the rescue, and immediately displeased, "Did you come to save people?"

Shi Feixia was struggling with the distance and anger of the two. After listening to them, he immediately took the opportunity to stride forward and patted his shoulder. "Of course I want to save people."

Antonio frowned. "Save people, save them, what do you do to pat me on the shoulder?"

Shi Feixia answered quickly: "Express determination!"

Antonio looked at him, and then looked at the gloomy Loctini. "Loctini is so close to you, why don't you shoot him?"

"..." Brother, which pot do you care about! Shi Feixia glanced at him resentfully.

However, it will not be Shi Feixia who will be stumped by such a trivial matter. He quickly adjusted his breath, righteously, "Because I think your method is quite good! So I decided to take the lead as your leader!" Speaking of which, the most reliable person here is him, indeed the former werewolf patriarch. .

"What did I say just now?" Antonio was dazed.

"Don't you say that when the other races didn't arrive, you saved Jin and Hughes in one go?" Kai Xiaochao returned to Xiaochao, and he should pay attention to it.

Antonio said: "This is just the policy."

"... What about the specific steps?" Shi Feixia stared at him gazing at him.

Antonio looked at him for granted, "Of course you think."


"When I was a werewolf patriarch, I always set a policy."

"..." Who thought he was reliable just now? Stand up and hit the wall! Shi Feixia thought, and pounced toward the groove that Smarr had smashed out this morning!

Read The Duke's Passion