MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 70 Adventure (below)

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Loktini pursed his lips and snorted coldly: "There are many small villages outside the Crystal City that specialize in supplying goods from the Crystal City Stores. I went in this time amongst merchants entering the city."

Shi Feixia cautiously said, "How many can be mixed at a time?"

Loctini said: "Two, they limit each merchant to only two followers. But we can divide into three batches."

Smarr's eyes turned and he said, "Brother, let me follow you."

"Don't," Rochtini said without thinking.

Smar resentfully said, "Isn't it natural for my brother to take care of his brother?"

Loktini said coldly: "When did I do anything right?"


He really knows himself. Shi Feixia strongly agrees.

Antonio said impatiently: "The Rock Monster is catching up, and talking as it walks."

I remembered the rock monster that couldn't penetrate the sword, the fire and fire did not invade, and the ghost was not scattered, and everyone didn't dare to delay anymore, and got up.

Since there is only one road, Loctini does not need to lead the way at all, and he also happily lags behind.

Shi Feixia watched the shorter distance between the two, leaning silently toward the other side.

However, he moved faster, and Loctini moved faster, moving directly to his other side.

Shi Feixia stopped his steps stiffly, coughed, and walked forward casually.

Loctini looked ahead and said indifferently: "You and me will be together for a while."


Shi Feixia looked around. Everyone else has a distance. "Uh, are you talking to me?"

Loctini said unhappyly: "Otherwise?"

"Actually," Shi Feixia scratched his neck and persuaded, "I'm a burden, and my group will drag you down."

Loctini said: "So who do you think will receive you besides me?"

Shi Feixia glanced sideways.

Although there is a distance, because the road is very quiet, the conversation between the two can be passed clearly.

Rayton was the first to avoid his gaze. As the weaker one in the team, he wanted to find a better partner.

Asha didn't understand his hint at all, and looked at him, and continued to look back at the road ahead.

Antonio was too lazy to deal with these messes. For him, salvaging King and Hughes is the top priority. As for that little thing, whatever is love is like that.

So Shi Feixia can only ask for help.

Small ignored the warning sent by Loctini and smiled, "A brother is not negotiable."

Shi Feixia immediately remembered the conditions that the two were talking about before, and he rushed over in the past. "Of course, good brother, talk about morality, your business is my business, my business is your business. Everyone is in the same boat together Towards a better future. "

Loctini's eyes glared.


Smar deliberately slowed down and distanced himself from others, "Although I helped you to turn your face with Brother Wang, I didn't want to turn it too thoroughly. Forget it in the future, let's talk about it before."

Shi Feixia patted him on the shoulder and said, "What are your problems? Let me tell you directly. I will definitely help you."

Small lowered his voice. "The one I said was the Malay patriarch."

Shi Feixia heard a gurgle in his throat, "Witches ... Wizards?"


"The one that curses?"


"Or the patriarch?"

"Um." Smal thought for a moment, then suddenly rolled up his sleeves, exposing a red mark on his left arm.

Shi Feixia carefully observed.

There is a skull-like pattern in the middle of the red hexagonal star, with arrows on both sides, pointing to the northeast and northwest respectively.

"Curse?" The legend heard it, but it was the first time it had been seen. Shi Feixia couldn't hide his curiosity.

Smal said: "It's right."

"What are the side effects?"

"As long as I'm within 10,000 meters of his diameter, he can sense me."

"Satellite positioning system?" Shi Feixia thought about it, "it doesn't sound like much."

"Nothing?" Smarr gritted his teeth. "This is a spell that the witches used to control slaves."

"Slave?" Shi Feixia was deeply shocked by these two words. Unexpectedly, as a prince, he worked a lot.

Smar took a deep breath and began to recount the past. "About two thousand years ago, the second brother ran to Yuanshu world alone. I was afraid he had any conspiracy, so he followed."

Shi Feixia said with emotion: "... your brothers have such a good relationship. They are so big and like to play police to catch thieves."

Smarr stared at him indignantly. "Don't you listen?"

Shi Feixia made a zipper action on his mouth.

"It took a while for Brother Dawang to get my pass, so I entered the Yuanshu World a few days later than him. Although the Lord of Yuanshu helped me find the whereabouts of Brother Two Wang, it didn't work out. I waited The more impatient I waited, the more I decided to run out to find myself. "Speaking of this, Smal's expression began to look depressed." I'm not familiar with Yuan Shu. Most of them walked by instinct. , He encountered a big python that was two circles thicker than his arm. "


Did he do what Guo Jing did, and eat the good snakes that people feed him? Shi Fei chivalrous.

"I was in a bad mood at the time, and it actually vomited to me! So when I was angry, I killed it."

Therefore, things like tongue sticking out cannot be done casually. Don't think that you have the privilege to be an animal, or you will end up miserable. Shi Feixia made a summary.

"That snake is so ugly, half black and green, a normal person wouldn't find this kind of thing as a pet ..." Small said indignantly, "Who knows that he is so abnormal!"

Shi Feixia understood. It turned out that his bad relationship with the Matriarchs originated from his slaughter of pets. The so-called mother is not ugly, ugly and ugly, it is always her own pet. It is an individual who is not willing to be killed in this way. No wonder, the master of Yuanshu thinks that things are not comprehensive, and no pet card is issued to distinguish the difference between wild and domestic. "and after?"

"Later, he didn't know what spell was used, and knew the situation at that time, so he came to the door." Smal said frustrated. "I fought against him and lost defeat. He made this mark on my arm , Take me as his slave. "

Shi Feixia patted his back sympathetically, "You must have suffered a lot."

Speaking of this, Smal's face was a bit strange. "In the beginning, I ate a lot and helped pick water and flowers, but then ..."

Shi Feixia's ears were raised. "What about later?"

"Later, when he found out that my magic was OK, he started asking me to do some paperwork." When he said, his expression was still weird. Obviously later things were not as simple as he said.

However, Shi Feixia has become fascinated with his story, and naturally has not pursued it. "How did you escape?"

"I once attended a banquet with him, and just happened to meet Brother Two, and let Brother Two escape for me." Although his relationship with Loctini was tense at that time, after knowing the story, Locke Tini still helped.

Shi Feixia thought for a while and thought, "So as long as you are not close to him within 10,000 meters in diameter?"

Smarr nodded hesitantly. "But there are so many weird things in witchcraft, and I don't know if he has any other tricks."

Isfer's voice suddenly interjected: "The witches have forbidden the outflow of witchcraft, and unless they trust very close people, it is impossible to be a document."


The so-called word awakened the dreamer.

After Isfael had spoken, Smarr was silent.

Shi Feixia shook his head and sighed: "You don't make things clear, in case something happens, I can't help you."

Smar gave him a white look. "If he does come, how can you help me?"

"Fudge." Shi Feixia said very easily. "As long as he has ears and brains, I have confidence that he can flicker and turn around. Hehe."

"You can be dizzy with ears and brains?" Isfield's voice sounded weird.

Shi Feixia immediately stole his pride, and said, "Of course, there is a kind of person I never flicker."

Isfeel said lightly: "Oh?"

Shi Feixia exclaimed: "People respect me one foot, I respect one person. As long as they are good to me, I will never flicker." God, please forgive me for this kind lie.

Smal said, "I think it's my sweetheart?"


The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Shi Feixia coughed and said the topic back: "You haven't said, how did you gain his trust?"

Smal seemed to remember something, his cheeks gradually turned red, and finally he shouted, "Who wants to gain his trust? It's his fault, I, I will count it."

Shi Feixia stunned. Does this guilty expression ...

"Don't you deceive his feelings?"

Smaller didn't expect him to be so direct, his mouth opened, and he said for a long time: "I said that he would be wrong."

"..." The worst of all deceptions. You can repay anything, just lie to feelings ... Shi Feixia sighed.

Smal was extremely disturbed by his expression. "In fact, after all these years, he might have forgotten me long ago."


The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he asked, "You said, would you help me?"


"No regrets?"


"Why don't you talk?" Shouldn't you stop talking and just cross the river and tear down the bridge? Smaller narrowed his eyes.

Shi Feixia suddenly looked at him with a solemn look: "What's your look like?"

Small frowned. "What is it like?"

"I mean his dress," Shi Feixia said, "is he wearing a **** robe?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Hair gray?"

"It's cotton white." He paused and looked at him in shock. "How do you know?"

Shi Feixia looked at him for a while, then pointed at the hill behind him, "Look, does that person look like yours?"


Smarr turned back quickly.

I saw a black figure standing proudly on the hill. There was a gust of wind and white hair flying.

Read The Duke's Passion