MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 64 Love rival (below)

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The footsteps upstairs were getting closer and closer, and as soon as Shi Feixia turned around, he saw the black hair and handsome face.

Isfael is also handsome with dark hair, but most of the time it looks like an elusive statue. Even if there was no expression on his face, he could feel the turbulent waves inside him anytime, anywhere.

Thinking of that statue, Shi Feixia's mood faded again.

"Well, did you use this dead face to greet the guests?" The other party was obviously very upset with his stinking face.

Shi Feixia piled a professional smile subconsciously, "Of course not. I just regretted that my legs were too short to catch up to meet you personally. His Excellency His Excellency Prince Loctini."

Loctini squinted him at the corner of his eye and threw his sleeves upstairs.

Shi Feixia followed with interest.

Smar whispered, "I am also a prince, why haven't I enjoyed such treatment before?"

Shi Feixia said: "So when you are a prince, you should be a prince. Don't run out to find a part-time job, otherwise it will be easy to drop the price."

Smal said: "Then I can enjoy this treatment after I resign?"

Shi Feixia sighed: "The stain has been recorded in your life file and cannot be erased."

"... What about Brother Dia?"

Shi Feixia answered very quickly: "He's different."

"What's different? And by comparison, it seems like my status is a little bit dignified."

"Marrying into a giant is like a carp jumping over a dragon.

Smal said: "In that case, I seem to be in a giant."

"So you can only count it back to its original form."

"... This doesn't seem to be a philosophical word."

"I wouldn't need it if it was a mere word."

The two talked about each other, and they were talking vigorously, but they saw Loctini suddenly stop and turned and bowed their heads.

As he stood two steps higher than them, Smar and Shi Feixia could only look up at him together.

"Isn't anyone telling you that it's rude to whisper behind someone else?" Loktini waited for them.

"Sorry." Shi Feixia apologized from the kindness, and then pulled Smar around in front of him, ready to continue the topic just now.

Smar was numb by the scalp glazed by Loctini, and whispered, "My second king is very angry."

Shi Feixia puzzled: "Why be angry? I am very open-minded to listen to opinions. Didn't he say don't whisper behind him? So I talked brightly before him."

Small didn't dare to turn his head and quietly gave him a thumb as a sign of encouragement.

Shi Feixia turned his head and smiled at Loctini, "His Royal Highness Prince Loctini should also be pleased?"

Loktini said nothing, stretched out his hand, and a blazing flame was rising directly to show how vigorous his anger was at the moment.

Smara whispered Shi Feixia's sleeve and whispered, "It's been said for a long time, don't play too much."

Shi Feixia bit his gums and replied, "I don't know who just raised the thumb?" These days, the morale is more expensive than diamonds.

Smar said to Loctini stiffly: "Brother. He is just kidding. He has always been like this ... funny."

Loctini glanced at Shi Feixia and said coldly, "Is it?"

"That's right. People say that the wind can't fall, gentle and funny, and the absurd thing is that I'm the younger brother." Shi Feixia's wind has always been fast.

The flame goes out. Loktini sneered: "No way yet."

Shi Feixia immediately led the way.

"where do you live?"

Just as Shi Feixia was about to open the door for him, Loctini suddenly uttered such a sentence.

Shi Feixia's body was instantly stiff.

It seems that someone asked him not too long ago where is someone's room, and the relationship between them is ...

Small asked carefully, "Brother, what do you ask?"

Loctini skimmed at the beginning, concealing the moment of uneasiness on his face: "I'm afraid he would attack me at night."


This excuse is really bad.

Although Smar is his own younger brother, he can't help secretly whispering in his heart, "Uh, you can rest assured, he now ..."

"I live upstairs upstairs in you." Shi Feixia quickly cut off his words.

Loktini frowned. "That means your room is above my head?"

"The floor is, the room is not. The room needs to be a little bit more."

"I want to change the room." Loctini turned and left.

Smar and Shi Feixia looked at each other.

Loctini turned his head and said, "Not yet?"


Who is the front office manager?

Shi Feixia followed in a sullen manner.

Smaller followed him.

Shi Feixia suddenly remembered, "Where's Rayton?"

Small whispered, "Brother said he was not good-looking, so let him go back first."

"Isn't this the original sentence?" Shi Feixia thought on his knee and knew that the original sentence must be much sharper.

"Brother Wang said: Obstruct the eyes. Go away!"

Shi Feixia: "..." is concise and powerful.

Smar looked at Shi Feixia. "Speaking of which, you look good. It's much better than I thought."

"We've known each other for so long, and you still only look at me in your imagination?" Shi Feixia resentfully said, "Can't you see clearly?"

"I mean, before I knew you, I imagined humans."

Shi Feixia was curious: "What does it look like?"

"Similar to Layton."

"... You're also annoying, walk away."

Loctini stopped again.

Shi Feixia and Simal closed their mouths obediently at the same time.

"He's right," Loktini said to Smar, "you go."

Smar looked at him in disbelief, "Brother Two? Although I helped the King Brother against you when you rebelled, I mocked you in front of the ministers and you cursed you after you stabbed him Hell ... But, anyway, we are also brothers. It would hurt you so much! "


It's better to curse people to go to **** than to say, "Let's go" to hurt people, and Smar's head structure is also strange.

Shi Feixia looked very happy aside.

Loctini sneered: "Do you know I'm your brother?"

Smal said: "It's written on the genealogy."

"So we are brothers?"

"Father and Queen Mother have admitted."

"Then," said Loctini, frosty eyes, "who ran to Omedendo after I was arrested and proposed to be held in a water prison and tortured by various criminal laws?"

Smar winced, "Brother King will never agree, I'm just talking about fun."


Can such things be fun?

Shi Feixia confirmed again that the child's head structure was abnormal.

Loctini's hand stretched out again ...

"Fei Xia, Brother Wang will leave it to you. You must entertain him well, and make him feel at home, happy to miss him!" The last four words came from the other side of the corridor.

So, in the empty staircase, there was only one long hair and one short hair, and the two looked at each other.

Loctini took the lead in returning: "No way yet."

Shi Feixia followed him and murmured in a depressed voice: "Leading the way, he has gone so fast."

Not long after speaking, he was surprised to find that Loctini's steps slowed down and went alongside him.

"Listen to Diya," Rochtini said slowly, "was you going to visit me that day?"

This is really a big misunderstanding. His intention that day was just not to end the annual vacation so quickly and return to Noah's Ark. But even a misunderstanding is a beautiful misunderstanding. Shi Feixia is certainly not so stupid, and foolishly denied. "Of course. Anyway, we have had troubles together."

Loctini's mouth slightly lifted, then quickly closed, and said very quickly and lightly, "Thank you."

"Uh, huh?" Shi Feixia stayed like a chicken. Was that illusion just now? Illusion? Whatever it looks, Loctini doesn't look like someone who would say thank you. But then again, Domenji would like Makino Tsukasa, and Loctini said thank you should not be impossible. He asked with anticipation: "Can you say it again?" What a great thing to be able to thank the immortal Elf Prince II!

"Did I just say something?" Loctini stared at him coldly.

Shi Feixia quickly smiled and lowered his head, "Your room is here."

"Where is your room?"

"A little bit under your feet."

Loctini stared at him and said nothing.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Shi Feixia stared at him uncomfortably. His room is not a time bomb. Is it necessary to be so taboo?

Loctini slowly said, "Don't you think I'm not worthy of being on an equal footing with you?"

"You speak a lot, it's because I don't deserve to sit up with you." Shi Feixia now fully understands what he said. "If you want to be respected and noble, live on the same floor with me, haha ​​... Absolutely, I burned the incense from my last life. "He wanted to live and live, anyway, he didn't sleep in his room at night anyway.

"lead the way."


Does he have no function except to lead the way?

Why does it seem like he is a guide dog?

As Shi Feixia went down, he protested resentfully in his heart.

"What are you thinking?" Lochtini asked lightly behind him.

"I didn't think of anything. Your dignity and dignity made my mind blank." It is easier for Shi Feixia to breathe than to breathe.

Loctini seemed satisfied and didn't ask again.

After finally sending him into the room and telling him that he lived next door, Shi Feixia wiped his sweat and was about to get out, and heard another command in the room, "wait at the door."

"Fuck!" Shi Feixia couldn't help kicking down the wall.

In fact, in human society, the process of receiving VIPs was a hundred times more complicated. Just checking the room can be repeated several times from employee to supervisor to manager to director to general manager. But after arriving here, I don't know if it is because there are too few guests to slack off or the hotel is too accustomed to it. So a series of demands from Loctini made his impatience to an extreme.

Loctini sorted it out and walked out.

White shirt, beige leggings, high boots, ponytail. Neat and noble.

Shi Feixia stared at his chest and thought with emotion: If there were two more bulges in front, it would be wonderful!

"What are you looking at?" Lochtini asked coldly.

Shi Feixia's mind was immediately saved!

No, he already has Isfel ... although Isfel hasn't asked him yet. However, it is not right to pedal two boats.

He cleared his throat, struggling to find the emotions he was impatient with before, and then said, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Loctini said: "Dining. Does this need me to remind you?"


I'm not a tapeworm in your stomach. If you are hungry, you ca n’t remind yourself. Do you still need a radio station to remind you with a weather report?

Shi Feixia lowered his head, his mouth quickly arranged.

"What are you talking about?" Lochtini asked grimly behind his back.

"I'm silently keeping track of when you are hungry." Shi Feixia turned and showed a bright smile like Chaoyang, "You can't make the same mistake twice."

Loctini stared at his smile and stared at it: "Willn't that lead the way?"


Lead the way again.

The fate of Shi Feixia's guide dog continues ...

After all, she sent Loktini to the restaurant, enjoyed her brunch, and was asked to visit Noah's Ark. Obviously, Noah's Ark is almost the same on every floor and every room, and Loctini watched the evening with interest. Shi Feixia had to **** him to dinner again. At the end of the dinner, he thought he could be released, but who knew that Loctini had offered two more drinks.

Shi Feixia finally couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry, our bartender asked for annual leave, just not in the hotel." He couldn't help but thank Jin for disappearing in time.

"It's okay," Loctini said. "I can do it myself."

Shi Feixia refused stiffly: "Sorry, our hotel does not provide self-service."

Loktini raised an eyebrow. "Or do you want to continue taking me to the hotel?"


Visit the hotel or go to the bar?

After a difficult ideological struggle, Shi Feixia resolutely said, "Allow me to show you the way."

But I do n’t know, I was surprised.

Loctini may not have the magical skills of gold, but at least he does not have all kinds of strange hobbies. So the wine he made was much more orthodox.

When I saw him with a finger, the blue flames rose from the orange liquid, rising one inch by one inch, and pressing one inch down. Gorgeous is like magic.

Shi Feixia could not help clapping.

Loctini looked up confidently. "Drink and drink."

Shi Feixia took the cup, and the flame on the liquid had extinguished, releasing a mysterious fragrance. "What is this?" Given the aphrodisiac incident, he was cautious about eating.

Loctini said: "Tangerine Orchid."

"Fruit? Flowers?"

Loktini said badly: "Wine."

Shi Feixia turned his eyes and said, "I've had a bad stomach recently and can't drink."

"Stomach doesn't work?" Frochetini frowned. "Let me see."

"No need." Shi Feixia lowered his glass and quickly bounced off. "This is an old problem. I have been with me for many years, and I am used to it."

Loctini stared at him for three seconds, then walked away, "anywhere."

Shi Feixia looked at his back inexplicably, and then looked at the cup on the bar. In the end, it was decided that one thing was better than one less. It was serious to go back to the room to sleep—of course, the room was Isfael's room.

Usually at this time, Isfer was reading on the sofa. In fact, he had been very curious to observe whether he had been in this position for a long time because of blood circulation and numbness in his limbs, but the result of the observation was that he had paralyzed from the calf to the elbow.

This proves once again how weak the human body is.

Shi Feixia walked to the room and accidentally found that the sofa was empty.

Not in the pool or on the sofa, then he will be at this time ...

His eyes flickered, almost fluttering to the bathroom door.

Actually, he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time-

Isfel bathed in the room, then he pretended to intrude inadvertently ... hehehe, you can see what you want. If the ground is slippery, slide your feet again ...

"Hehehe ..." The bright prospect was right in front of him, he calmed down, stretched out his hands calmly, and prepared to pull the door, but the door opened from the inside.

White shirts, black suits ... The heat is still lingering, apparently just recently.

Shi Feixia pulled down his head in disappointment. I knew it wouldn't be so long with Loktiny.

"Take a bath?" Isfield turned away.

"No." Shi Feixia turned silently.

Isfell followed him, and said for a while: "Busy today?"

"It's okay." Shi Feixia replied before realizing that he was caring for him, and his expression changed quickly, leaving Shi Cai's regret behind his head and starting to crackle down the count of Loctini's evil actions today.


"You said, did he come to find the fault?" Shi Feixia still complained after he complained.

Isfel was silent.

"What did you say he came here for?" Didn't he say that Noah's Ark was a transit station? Why is it strange that he met guests from Noah's Ark? What to dodge the moon, what to do, what to challenge Master ...

"Either it?" Isfael asked lightly.

"Of course it is important. I have to know what he is going to do and when to leave to be mentally prepared. I ca n’t always let him scream at me like this." Shi Feixia complained and found Isfael looking indifferently. Book comes.

"..." Although he was accused of indifference, it was too indifferent. Anyway, I would like to publish a high opinion about the enemy or the road.

Shi Feixia glared at him for a long time, the anger in his eyes was slowly replaced by doubt. "Are you asleep? This page has been viewed for an hour."


Turn the page.

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