MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 107 Happy life (7)

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From the perspective of appreciation, the magic show is definitely lighter than the previous taste, but it is eye-catching and eye-catching. In particular, the ace's magic skills completely broke through human physical limitations.

Watching the ace finally turned into a rabbit and jumped away, Shi Feixia admired. Human magicians at most turn hats into rabbits, never turning themselves into rabbits.

Mamen asked with a smile: "Are you satisfied?"

Shi Feixia groaned, "He has a nepotism, right?" He didn't say who he had a nepotism, but he hinted clearly.

Mamen raised an eyebrow and said, "Why do you think so?"

"Otherwise, how could he be an ace?" This is a hidden rule, a hidden rule. Otherwise why **** so many masters of magic have not crowded, he turned his head? of!

Mamen thought about it, and probably knew what he was thinking, explaining: "Although there are many magical masters in hell, the effect they create will only be horrible and definitely not entertainment."

Shi Feixia nodded, and realized.

Mamen wondered, "What are you thinking?"

Shi Feixia said: "From this I came to a conclusion-take an alternative route, let the practical **** go!"

Mamen: "..."

Isfael stood up, "Let's go."

Mamen said: "Sit a little longer? Drink at least a glass of wine."

"Can't drink." Shi Feixia stopped.

Both Eiffel and Mamen looked at him.

"Although he said he was entertaining, he only invited us to watch the show. If we drink, it will be charged separately, and it is an astronomical figure. All those who watch the performance will be paid back at once." Shi Feixia has not been in the hotel for so many years, These are the most clear.

Mama's momentary concealment was hidden behind a smile mask, "I'm greedy, but it doesn't mean stingy."

"Greedy is blinding everything, including your own." Shi Feixia corrected his notion.

Mamen smiled bitterly: "Do you think I'm not greedy enough now?"

Shi Feixia said: "Uh, do you do charity?"

Mamen froze, and then laughed: "Are you asking Hell Devil to do charity?"

Shi Feixia concluded again: "If you do n’t even do charity, you are a real villain. The biggest difference between a real villain and a hypocrite is that hypocrite likes to fish a long line of fish, so he will not only kill you, but will give you something Small benefits, let you taste the sweetness, and finally give him all his family stupidly. But the real villain is different, he does n’t need that effort, it is basically a one-size-fits-all. How much is earned, anyway, there are so many injustices in the world , After cutting this, there is naturally the next one to come together. "

Mamen smiled and looked at him seriously, "Would you like to help me with hell?"

"Ah?" Shi Feixia froze.

Isfel's eyes were sharp.

"It's eloquent, it's better to be eloquent." Mamen avoided his gaze and said to Shi Feixia, "As long as you want, you can quickly accumulate a lot of wealth." He reached out his fingers and put on the ring. The huge amethyst sparkles, "Man's life is limited. Instead of being so stingy, it is better to make money and enjoy it."

Shi Feixia felt that his mouth was dry and his heart beat like a fawn.

He had no doubt of Mamen's promise. His position in **** is simply Bill Gates plus the Vice President of the United States. But ... "Who says my life is limited?"

Mamen said: "Human life is only 100 years long? But if you stay in hell, you can live longer. Because time here is much slower than humans."

Shi Feixia proudly said, "Hey, that was before. I am now an immortal body."

"Eternal life?" Mamen stared. "As far as I know, there are only two people who can give eternal life to mankind. God, and Metatron."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Shi Feixia always felt that when he proposed Metatron, his expression was a bit weird. But one is an angel, the other is a fallen angel, even if there is a suspicion, it is normal. He didn't go to his heart. Anyway, people in Metatron could not get there, "It's Metatron."

"Have you seen him?" Mamen asked calmly, his fingers holding the cup slowly tightening.

"of course."

Mamen's eyes were slightly drooping. Just as Shi Feixia was impatient and ready to leave, he asked quietly, "Is he OK?"

Shi Feixia thought for a while and thought, "Should he be okay?" After all, everyone's standards of good and bad are different. If he stayed in that place every day, he would not be suffocated or strangled. But every time I see Metatron, I think he is very happy. But maybe he was mild and gentle even if he was strangled.

Mamen was silent.

Yisfier held Shi Feixia and said, "Leave."

Shi Feixia paused, and picked up the bottle of unopened wine: "Really free?"

Mamen smiled back to him: "Of course. Let me give you a wedding gift."

Shi Feixia held the bottle tightly, and said politely, "How do you say that?"

Mamen teased, "Are you going to refuse?"

Isfael said: "Only a bottle of wine?"

Shi Feixia: "..." He looked up, praised him with his eyes, and said it well.

Mamen smirked: "It's rare that you come to Hell. If my gift is too shabby, I'm afraid it will be difficult to eat in Noah's Ark in the future." Although he didn't need Noah's Ark transit in other circles, **** needed more Transit people.

Isfell didn't say anything, didn't deny it.

Shi Feixia patted his chest boldly and said, "Hurry up with the bribe, there will be no shop after this village."

Mamen slowly walked to the other side of the room.

It was a very white wall.

Shi Feixia was funny. Hell people should like black and red, but the decoration here is mostly white.

Mamen's hand lightly pressed against the wall.

The wall immediately turned into a checkered drawer horizontally and vertically.

"There are three hundred and twenty-four drawers here, and each one contains a precious gift." Mamen gestured please, "you can choose as much as you like."

Shi Feixia's eyes lit up, "Isn't it supposed to be two different people?"

Mamen smiled: "Don't forget the wine in your hand. The gift I gave will not be taken back."

Shi Feixia was secretly annoyed that he would not take alcohol if he knew it. How good to get something like gold and silver jewelry. He took Isfell to the wall and asked secretly, "Can you sense what's behind?"

Isfell shook his head.

"This wall is special." Mamen said.


He must have been a breeze in his last life.

When Shi Feixia thought about it, he obviously forgot that the age of Mamen should be bigger than Shunfeng Ear.

"That's right," Mamen said. "Forget to say that Poggi's **** photos are also precious."


So he probably accidentally opened a drawer, which contained Pokey's **** negatives?

Shi Feixia looked black. Although Poggi did a good job as acting general manager and part-time acting chef during Isfael's departure, this does not mean that he is interested in his **** photos. To be naked, there are so many people in the world.

"And, I remember more than one." Mamen's blockbuster was worse than one.

Shi Feixia's eyes glanced at the wall like the second hand of an alarm clock. "Yesfell, you smoke."

Isfer looked down at him.

Shi Feixia sighed: "From childhood to big, except for receiving the leaflet from Noah's Ark, I had no luck." Until now he hadn't figured out how this one-billionth chance would let him give Come across.

Isfael said: "What do you want?"

Shi Feixia was savage: "Of course, the more valuable the better."

Isfer looked at Mamen, "Hear?"

"Well. I still think he is a good assistant for me." Mamen hugged his chest.

"Then you can smoke."

"..." Mamen said slightly.

Isfer added, "Remember, the more valuable the better."


Shi Feixia leaned on Isfael's waist and grinned internally.

Mamen said: "What if I'm feeling bad?"

Isfael said: "Then my hand strength will not be well controlled."

Mamen flicked his fingers twice, and sighed, "Open and pick one by one." Rather than sending the most valuable ones themselves, it would be better to bet on their eyes to see what is the most valuable.

Shi Feixia immediately busy acting. Then he discovered how sinister Mamen was. Because he pulled out twenty drawers, half of them were negatives. It's true that Bobby's hobby for taking **** photos is really ...

There are gold coins, silver coins, and chocolate ... There are comparisons to know what is better. He thought the bottle of wine was actually good.

Because the wall was too high, the top drawer was opened by Isfield holding Shi Feixia.

Sure enough, good things are on it.

Ruby brooches, crystal scepters, white jade tigers ... and some things that should look antique.

"Which one is better?" Shi Feixia whispered.

Isfield's hand slowly touched it in the drawer, and then said, "This." He was holding an amethyst and diamond-studded bracelet in his hand.

"It looks very valuable." Shi Feixia fondly stroked it. Although he was not a woman, he had to rejoice in seeing such exquisite workmanship and beautiful glory.

"This, are you sure?" Mamen's smile was not as natural as it seemed.

Shi Feixia immediately put it into his pocket. "Of course, you won't talk and count?"

Mamen forced his frustration and said, "Of course."

"Thank you. We received your gift. Next time you get married, come to Noah's Ark to host a banquet. We count you as free." Shi Feixia was afraid of him and he pulled away with Isfael while leaving.

In the reception room, Mamen took out a piece of dark wood from the drawer on the bottom floor and the corner, and smiled, "Sure enough, no one can see, the most precious person here is you."


On the street, people come and go.

Shi Feixia held the bracelet in excitement and looked. "Looking at Mamen's face just now, he almost cried in annoyance."

"This is not the most valuable."

"Ah?" Shi Feixia's hot head was suddenly poured with a basin of cold water.

Isfel took a handful of bits from his pocket and put them in his hand.

Shi Feixia stared blankly at the ring earring pocket watch ... and other large and small shiny objects. Not stolen, not stolen. If it is Isfael, it is definitely not stolen. Shi Feixia self-hypnosis.

Isfael said: "However, these things should be more expensive than that."

"Why don't you ... take the most expensive like that?"

"He stared too tightly."


Read The Duke's Passion