MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 89

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After Gu Shishi finished, Gu mother almost fell down.

Even if she doesn't do anything, she is the daughter she gave birth to in October. Whoever has a child will want to blame and hate, who does not want the child to be filial in adulthood.

Parents will always be old, and some people will have more births. They also hope that when they are old, they will be able to have children and grandchildren, and the children will be surrounded by their knees. Everything happens, and all the children come forward.

But... Gu’s face was pale at the moment.

She seems to understand that she has done something wrong in the past days and missed something precious.

A lot of things, once lost, are hard to recover.

At least in the short term, it is impossible to correct the mistake.

Gu Shishi has no feelings for her.

Because she gave up the child from the beginning, she was negligent.

How she treats her children will receive the same feedback.


Gu mother really cried this time.

She was scared.

She knows that she is completely inferior to Huo Da Shao’s position in her daughter’s heart.

Not at all comparable!

What she said, no use at all!

What about her unparalleled?

Gu mother is in despair!

There was a sigh around her.

Huo Wencheng helped her.

"Aunt, let's go."

"Notify the doctor to prepare for surgery, and the situation is good."

Gu mother's face was pale and her body shook.

Had to give up?

When she came, she felt that she could convince her daughter.

But who can think of this possibility of persuasion has long been killed in her own cradle.

Her love for the unparalleled, killing another child's love for her, and even killing the possibility of saving the unparalleled today.

Gu mother is cold.

If the operation is really going on, how can she feel?

The only one who will be filial to her daughter is gone!

Even if you concentrate on your daughter, but can you forgive her and filialize her?


She shed tears and raised her face, but it was a shock.

The chest seemed to be hammered a bit.

Gu Shishi looked at her eyes, it was simply watching a stranger!

Still a stranger who does not know the etiquette and makes absurd suggestions!

Gu’s heart is completely cold!

She is only unparalleled!

Only the unparalleled child will love her mother, she will know her good, understand her difficulties, and take care of her later years!

Gu Shishi, this biological child, is unlikely to serve himself in the future. At that time, she will only throw her lonely and ill into a nursing home that is in disrepair... This child hates herself!

Gu mother trembled, like holding the last straw, and pinched Huo Wencheng’s hand.

"Teacher, you don't recognize me, this mother doesn't matter."

"But I beg you to save the unparalleled! I can guarantee you half of the inheritance!"

She repeated as Xianglin.

But the eyes and mood have completely changed.

Before, she still wanted to play emotional cards, and even dreamed of being served by two daughters, and took the east wall to make up the Western Wall.

But now, I saw the attitude of Gu Shishi. In her heart, she has completely regarded her unparalleled as her only daughter!

She can't let her only daughter die!

A little bit of surgery failure risk, she can not afford!

In order to make peace of mind, even if you pay all the price!

The unparalleled future is her future!

"Really! Or what conditions do you have!"

Gu mother stressed.

Huo Wencheng frowned. He didn't know the psychological changes of Gu Mu. After listening to this, some did not recognize it.

And Horsing’s ridiculous expression on his face is even worse. He wants to let the Secretary go up, but it is rare to stop.

Gently glanced at the little wife around me, obviously it was to see if she had anything to say.

□ □ □ will look at the eyes of others, this is almost impossible before.

Huo Wencheng’s attention is on both of them, and it’s a surprise to see this scene.

But he looked up and looked at the sofa, the teacher's lips were red and white, and the small face was Yingying, and his heart set off a few waves.

At that time, he despised the girl. She had a strong grass root taste. It was not that he despised the ordinary people, but that she had the common problems of admiring vanity and trying to sharpen his head and marry into the giants. It was full of family and strong purpose.

She was close to him and made him feel very unhappy.

But I did not expect that only half a year later, the temperament of her body was overwhelming.

The atmosphere is upright, dare to make its own voice, and the speech logic is clear. Even if it is just playing a mobile phone, the confidence in her body is also full of vitality, making it difficult to ignore.

Not blindly from the elders, not be confused by a little substance in front of you.

She is obviously very different from before!

If it is not early engagement, marriage, at the banquet, it is estimated that she will become the object of the rich children.

The shape is glamorous, inheriting the slenderness of Gu.

Good health, better than the superb and unparalleled, even the character is bigger, there is a mother's thunder!

She is very suitable for marriage, let the family blood heritage!

Huo Wencheng frowned.

This is his uncle, big brother, personally. Tune it.

Listening to what she said just now, it seems to be the case.

Give her food and drink, teach her by hand?

Huo Wencheng looked at his big-faced big brother and couldn’t help but fall into meditation.

Because I always have autism at home and do nothing, can I teach girls the leisurely feelings?

Before that huge wedding, I had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars. Is it really the property that I used to be driven out of Huojia?

So just sit and eat the mountain?

Isn't he guessing before, operating, or investing in an industry that everyone doesn't know?

When Huo Wencheng thought about it, he blinked, and in this arrogant confrontation, his heart was slightly relieved.

At this time, the sound of timely sound also pulled him out of this thinking.

Just listen, Gu Shishi opened his mouth broadly, his voice was soft, but he saw blood for a while!

"Since Mrs. Gu is making a noise, it doesn't matter if she is divorced. It is just a certificate."

"It's better to go back and divorce Mr. Gu first!"

Gu mother.

Even Huo Wencheng has a glimpse.

Rao is the shopping mall negotiation he has learned for so long, he has to admit that Gu Shishi’s trick is really to pay for the drug, to attack the poison with poison, and the counterattack is very beautiful!

"Do not do anything to others, Mrs. Gu, right?"

Even if Gu Gu was rejected, but there is no one out of this door, dare to say that she is not filial!

Yes, things that mothers can't do, why should they force their daughters to do it?

Is this a daughter to be filial? No, it is forcing her daughter to go on the road of no return!

It’s awkward, at a glance!

Gu Shishi made himself stand at a moral high point.

Huo Shishen's deep black scorpion, suddenly a little star, full of appreciation for girls.

The thin lips that are close to each other due to dissatisfaction have raised their curvature.

"It is like this."

He opened his mouth and gave his girl a favor.

It is rare for Gu Shishi to have a loud speech, and he immediately glanced back at him.

Like being encouraged, the courage is bigger.

"Mr. Gu, please come back."

"I have finished."

Gu Mu is really pale.

Powerless to tears can not flow out!

Even if you are white lotus, you must have an appreciator. Otherwise, what is the value of blooming!

"Is it as long as I am away from your father, you will leave!?"

Gu mother is obviously demented!

"Then I will find your dad to go through the formalities today! What do you want, you say it!"

Huo Wencheng was amazed at the extreme, "Auntie..."

He doesn't understand, of course he doesn't understand.

But this is a mother.

For the sake of her child's life, she can make the most crazy thing in the world!

In front of the child's bed, in front of the doctor's surgery that only 50% survival rate, ask God to worship Buddha, don't stop hoeing, donate money to build Buddha body, even vow to be vegetarian in life, exchange with their own life... all... Can do it!

Just let her old wife and wife temporarily get married, what is this?

Gu Shishi sighed.

Huo Shishen squeezed her little hand and made a low voice. "Senior, give away."

"Teacher, I am divorced today and I will send you a divorce certificate -"

Gu Gu, who was caught in the devil, was helped by Huo Wencheng. He walked far and the voice could be passed to the living room.

Gu Shishi took the girl, and suddenly felt that there was no taste.

Without expectation, there will be no disappointment, and it will not be sad.

But no matter what, the other party's heart for the daughter may be true. This kind of thing is very moving, but she has never experienced it.

"It's late today."

Horshen raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Successfully pulled back the attention of Gu Shishi.


She was only four o'clock when she was in a hurry.

"Fortunately, there is still a chance to go to dinner."

"But now I am going to register and the service window is closed."

Some hoarse voices.

The man’s slender fingers touched her auricle.

Gu Shishi blushes to a bomb!

Just now she said a lot, saying that she should change her name!


"I, I just...the head is hot, nonsense..."

Gu Shishi almost smashed the cover of the comic book in his hand.

Married from the husband.

Change with the husband's surname.

Hey, just think about it, you can't do it, you want to dig holes!

Horsin's black scorpion dipped a gentle smile and touched her head.

"Would you go tomorrow?"

Gu Shishi twisted the comic book into a ball.

What mother's love, father's love, what is missing is not missing, and she is thrown thousands of miles away!

It’s all red, okay...

Huo Shou cautiously, and the little girl with a small face flushed her hand, and stroked her back and patted it.

"In the future, if you love your surname, you will be surnamed."

Gu Shishi buried his head in his chest and smiled slyly.

"Well, the procedure is very troublesome. I have to tell a lot of people to change my name."

"In any case, I am even a surname, and it doesn't matter to their family."

Horsing touched the meat on her head.


Nothing is better with his last name.

Gu Shishi blinked, and instantly thought of a version of the Internet.

Speaking on the spot, snickered.

Huo Shishen: "Well?"

"There is a saying that Mrs. Gu said it is quite right, and the substance is more important than form."

Gu Shishi opened his mouth seriously.

Huo Shou decapitated and touched her neck with approval.

She is his.

No external form can be changed.

"My name is Gu."

Gu Shishi blinked.

"But you give me food and wear..."

"and so--"

She poked his shirt button, and the lush index finger softly reached into the gap between the buttons.

"Huo~ Dad~"

Huo Shishen stunned and suddenly swelled.

Turning over, she pressed her on the sofa...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: one of Rongmei;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

40 bottles of 郗幼菱; 30 bottles of Jieer and Junzi Yan; 10 bottles of Ou Shi Nan, Xiong Bao, Sand, Vicky, Qin; 5 bottles of moon shadow; dream of 3 bottles; Guan Shanyue, original intention ~ 2 bottles; Chen Jiaer, Yunyun , what a big devil, love to eat noodles, a small pudding 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion