MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 87

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Gu Jia once again prepared to do things, even Gu Gu had bought the ticket overnight, and finally Gu Wushuang expressed concern, so Huo Wencheng, the half-girlfriend, volunteered to accompany Gu.

They left that night.

Before taking off, Gu mother wanted to send a message to Gu Shishi to confirm her home.

However, opening WeChat is a glimpse.

This child's WeChat name is not called a teacher?

What name was changed, she rummaged through the address book and could not find it.

Gu Mu’s expression was a bit strange at the time, and it was stuck at the boarding gate.

"What is it, aunt?"

Although Huo Chengcheng, who has received the certificate but has not yet had a big banquet, still has no mother.

When I saw Gu’s mother, I asked about it with concern.

"Forgot something?"

Gu Mu's face with a delicate and light makeup suddenly turned red.

"No, nothing."

Little young, changing the network name is normal.

In the past, Gu Wushuang also had this stage of changing his avatar and changing his name. After he fell in love, he used a similar feeling with Huo Wencheng.

But - as long as WeChat is turned on, the dialog box for frequent chat characters is on the front page.

No matter how you change it, you won't find each other.

Gu Gu’s mother discovered until today that she rarely talked with her teacher’s daughter.

The only time, when the child just arrived home, it has been a long time since then, and many chat windows have been pushed to the bottom.

Even, she has cleaned up the memory space of WeChat several times.

Gu took the arm of the phone and suddenly felt a little sinking.

She is really too biased.

The heart is full of flesh.

Is it because of the blood, to abandon the children who have been raised for 20 years, and love a strange child who came back from a strange family overnight?

Who can do it?


Gu mother sighed softly.

Huo Wencheng: "Auntie, don't worry too much, you still have to rest first. Behind, you will need you."


Gu mother nodded heavily.

She can only make a choice.

Being a mother, who doesn't want a bowl of water?

But things are prioritized, she can only look at the weak body first.

After waiting, the unparalleled health is good, and she slowly compensates the teacher.

"Wen Cheng, if the teacher promised this time, you have to promise the aunt one thing."

After boarding the plane, Gu and Huo Wencheng sat in the first class of the neighboring seat.

"In the future, she has something to do with you to help with the unparalleled, you can pull and pull, the family is like this, support each other, and tide over the difficulties."

Strong to help weak.

"Yes, you can rest assured."

Huo Wencheng promised.

But I couldn't help but frown at the cold look of Horshen.

Reasonable, he did not know why Big Brother suddenly had to marry Gu Shishi.

The first two fiancee, he is obviously very repulsive.

"I will treat her as my sister, regardless of my relationship with my brother."

Huo Wencheng added a sentence very seriously.

Gu Guyi listened and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems to solve all problems, no worries.

As proof, she also worked hard to make a bowl of water flat.

However, she never knew what attitude Huo Wencheng had towards her sister, Huo Chuchu.

Before taking off, Gu was finally from the bottom of the chat window, turned to her earliest chat record with her biological daughter.

‘I’m collecting red packets today? ’

This name makes her frown.

[Teacher, my mother is boarding the plane now, the landing time should be two o'clock in the afternoon, my mother has something to tell you, you look back at me. 】

After Gu, wearing the reading glasses, finished the line and finally rested comfortably on the back of the chair and closed her eyes.


At eleven o'clock in the evening.

Just after the shower, Gu Shishi is hesitating to order the ‘Bride’ aura.

She has lapped in bed many times, then got out of bed, slammed to the door, listened to the outside movement, and sneaked to the door of the study, sticking to the door and wondering what the big cockroaches are doing...

In fact, after the wedding, the evening was very peaceful.

She was too busy for a while, so she was thinking about waiting for him in the next few nights, but she slept every time she got a pillow.

The first two nights of her departure from the island, she was spiritually rich, but Daxie began to work again.

When she went to bed, he read the documents on the desk next to him and signed a bunch of urgent documents that were specially airlifted on the day.

Later, she simply went to paint, but she couldn't fight the overtime ability.

Every day until 10 o'clock in the evening, her brain was also smeared, and the lines on the drawing paper began to look different.

You can go to bed with a grind, but you are still annotating documents.


Now returning to China, he still works overtime.

Even the most embarrassing thing is that Daxie didn't say anything and let her move to a room.

She also lived in the room when she was a fiancee.

He didn't talk, and even Lin Biao, who had always been courageous, didn't dare to make a claim.

‘Asked the young master, he said that he had been in the study for a long time, so the wife did not have to move things for the time being. ’

‘If you don’t like this room, you can re-decorate if you just find a room. ’

Just don't mention her moving into his room.

Lin Biao did not feel anything, but also comforted her to say that the young master's cleansing was brought out of the mother's womb.

There is nothing in one person and one room. The young master did not really return to the bedroom.

Lin Biao apparently helped Huo Shen to speak.

After all, I took thirty-six months of ... red envelopes, and my hands are soft and I can’t help, uh!

After Lin Biao analyzed, how he was true love, changed a lot of habits for her, Barabara, Gu Shishi did not listen.

Head bald.

Gu Shishi thought, holding a pillow and sighing slightly outside the study.

That's horrible.

That's horrible.

Finally, I understand that the system allows her to continue to work hard, not to let go of what it means.

After the marriage, even the bedroom of the family did not mix in, the bride still lived in the room.

It’s just that!

Forget it, this is the rising space of LV6 to LV10!

Gu Shi is comforting herself, and she can understand her heart.

A super clean, even a person with serious insomnia problems, it is normal to hope to rest alone at night.

Besides, when you are full of calculations, Daxie knows her, which is a small half year.

They are flash marriages.

Shantou also has to eat it bit by bit.

The more she does, the more she has to stabilize.

You can't force you to yell, you should take your time and give you time.

Gu Shiwen thought so softly, but raised his hand and gave him the aura of the 'bride' hesitantly hesitated!

Oh, or else don't come!

Come, squeeze him!

When Gu Shizhen thought about it, he turned and walked away, but there was a groan in his sleeping skirt.

She quickly grabbed her pocket and carefully walked away from the entrance of the study three steps. She felt that it was not safe enough and she stepped back two steps.

Can not let Daxie know, she took the initiative to come to him at night!

When it was safe, she took the phone...

But when I slammed my foot and moved backwards, I stepped on the ground and got a solid Dongdong!

Gu Shishi bowed his head.

- A men's slippers, white socks that are spotless.

She suddenly showed a sly smile.

"Good evening, Huo... sir."

Master Gu pressed the phone nervously and his face turned red.


Just want to get someone to dry, someone will appear.

Do not blame her guilty.

Her chest jumped, it was the kind of tension that the child did bad things and was discovered by adults.

Under such circumstances, she did not find out how uncomfortable she was in front of an adult man.

A small ball of meat was smashed, but a few pieces were scattered between the elegant white neck.

Some of them are nervously holding long pillows for sleeping. The small face of the powder is slightly hanging, which extends the line of the swan neck.

And she turned her back to him, even because he stepped on his instep, and stopped the retreating action, causing his back to stick to him.

As soon as he bowed his head, he could see her negligent nightdress, because the pillows were squeezing and the fabric was under the neckline, and the looming lines were soft and smooth...

At the first time, Horshen screwed her eyebrows deeply.

She stuck to his part, the temperature rose instantly, and some were warm and hot.

"Find me?"

In the middle of the night, a pajamas, holding a pillow, squatting at the door of his study.

Any normal man, I am afraid I can't control my thinking direction.

Gu Shishi blushes.

Yes indeed.

But can you say that?

So is she too active?

However, as a bride, she was left in the room by a person, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She pretended not to step on anything, wearing the small feet of rabbit fur slippers, and smashed it on the carpet.

"Well, no, I just stroll around."

Horsing raised her eyebrows.

The gaze also fell on her toes with her movements.

The white, but somewhat powdered instep, bowed slightly, and on the beach there was no less red on the beach, squatting on the sand.

"It’s cold, put on your socks."

He blinked and looked at it for a while before he muttered his throat.


Gu Shishi hangs his face and is very dissatisfied.

Have to sleep, what socks are you wearing?

When she thought about it, she felt a little wronged in her heart.

Everyone is not together.

She had already eaten her clean a few days ago, but now I am returning to the country with the look of 'I am your father'... It is so frustrating.

Not happy.

Huo Shen cautiously looked at her little expression.

Is it because he came back in the afternoon and did not respond to what she said to miss him?

As Qin Ruhai said, she was hurting her self-confidence.

But there are outsiders, how can he respond to this kind of words?

Horsing frowned and licked her thin lips.

It seems that after a lot of battles between the heavens and the humans, the game between the left and right brains is difficult, and the fists are coughed on the lips.

"Well, today, actually I..."

The unhappy teacher, silently erected his ears.

Huo Shun coughed again, not slightly.

"……miss you too."

Gu Shishi’s mouth was suddenly round.

Something raised his face in disbelief, like the first time he knew this man who suddenly said something.

what happened?

Amnesty upgraded?

This sarcophagus is so sudden!

Gu Shi’s face was even redder.

The ones in my heart are not so happy, and suddenly they have eliminated most of them!

A little embarrassed, a bit of fun, like eating a lost honey, some sweet but not greasy, a little bit of striving up.

Hemp drops!

It’s a bit over the top!


Gu Shishi’s mouth can’t help but curl up.

Huo Shishen uncomfortably transferred the topic, "Speak back to the room, don't run in pajamas."

Exposed arms and exposed legs, in his world view, should be in the room, belonging to personal appreciation.

She is like this, not what other men can see.

Although the villa after ten o'clock, I dare not dare to sway in the corridor.

But a little accident, he did not want to allow.

"Back to the house?"

Gu Shishi blinked, and suddenly there was a feeling that she might have been self-interested!


I am happy now.

Huo Shishen could not help but raise her lips and touched her ball.


Like a child.

Qin Ruhai said that it is correct.

She is in a period of dependence.

Just when he left home, like a small tail followed by the old butler, he didn't want to stay alone for a minute or two.

"Have you finished your work today?"

Gu Shishi’s eyelashes were stunned.

Huo Shou took the doorknob's hand and stopped.


The old butler did not ask for a return, and paid purely.

But he seems to be unable to do it. The closer he is to her, the more he wants to be madly possessed.

He had thought he could control his emotions.

but now--

Horshy’s black rushes.

Divorced, I heard the words of Gu Jia said... He wanted to destroy the family.

He began to be unable to control himself.

When Master Gu heard the response, the stock was shy and went up again.

However, she attributed this to the relationship of the bride's aura, oh~

Once in the room, she threw the pillow she was holding on the bed.

“You seem to be very busy lately? Was the wedding taking too much time before?”

She sat down on the edge of the bed and was soft and could not.

It's the type that wants people to take a small waist and kiss them.

"Just just work."

Horscher moved to the cold dawn.

On the first night, he did not control himself.

She was just fresh for the moment, but like the ignorant young man, he followed her with her.

She probably didn't know.

If one day she wants to go, he may get out of control to confine her, and madly occupy her...

The closer he is, the more he can't control it, which is far beyond his original expectations.

In the future, even if the law allows her to divorce, he will not allow it.

If she knows that he is such a dark person, would she be afraid to cry?

Horshen stood on the side of the bed and looked at the girl who seemed to be unguarded. The corner of her mouth was bitter.

", have I slept in this room since then?"

Gu Shishi is not a person who can hide his words.

Fine, yet simple, can draw the world's hundred.

Huo Shishen’s black scorpion sank, and the shimmer was picked up and pressed down.

"Where do you want to sleep?"

Gu Shishi was screamed in his heart by his squeaky magnetic voice, but his face was serious, and he was already red enough to be redder.

"Where the other family's wife is sleeping, I want to sleep."

This is not a slogan.

Master Gu firmly believes that this is the words that defend the territorial sovereignty.

Only Xiaosan, I don’t sleep in the main room, right? !

"My father also has a separate room."

But Huo Si Shen made a KO for her.

When Master Gu blinked, he almost had to hold his chin. "Impossible."

Huo Shishen’s mouth was hooked. “Working late into the night, there are international calls from time to time. In and out, it will affect your wife’s rest.”

Gu Shishi opened his mouth.

After a second, I hate to dig a hole and get into it.

Ok, so only she is full of brain waste.

"On vacation, there will be no meetings in the evening, and he will sleep in his wife's room."

He is too lazy to call his mother.

In front of her, he has already revealed his original form.

Horsie smiled bitterly.

"Go to bed early, you don't have to go to work tomorrow."

"What can I do tired?"

Gu Shimao muttered with dissatisfaction and threw the phone to the pillow.

In a word, it seems to be electric current, and it has smashed the back of Huo Shen.

No man will ignore this equivalent of an invitation.

She soon entered the state of the little wife.

However, she really likes him, or is she ignorant, and after being abandoned by her family, she simply regards him as the guardian of the first sight?

If she sees more people in the future, she knows what it is like...

Horus carefully twisted the eyebrows.

Gu Shishi does not know his thoughts, otherwise he will roar in the bottom of his heart!

Nowadays, there are wines that are drunk today. Why do you want so much?

Which couple can guarantee a lifetime of love and love, of course, the feelings must enjoy the eyes, as for the future, as the system said, relying on two people to try to maintain their feelings, now afraid of what is going wrong! ?

Of course, if she knows, she will recognize the system's evaluation of Horsin.

Her husband is a problem child who lacks the confidence to be loved.

No way, only slowly!

"Well, that's not too early, are you taking a shower?"

Although Gu Shishi did not know his thoughts at the moment, he also felt faintly, and he said something provocative.

Anxious to describe, then she said something more teasing...

Niu, when she finished, she burst into tears and felt like she would like to praise herself.

She is not empty and lonely.

But they are all married, they have all hit a home run, and now ask a husband to wash without bathing, what happened! ?

Horsing really sounded a bit more sexy. "If I wash it?"

Gu Shishi gave him a look, obviously he was talking nonsense.

Huo Shishen was shocked by the chest, only to think that her eyes were as charming as silk.

Let the girls take the initiative again and again, and indeed not the gentleman to the extreme.

Maybe he is wrong.

Then it will not be ruined.

If he cries later, he will squat and give her the best of the world as compensation.

"Ignore you, I am sleeping!"

Gu Shishi directly picked up the quilt and drilled in!

One arch and one arch, like a caterpillar in the quilt, quickly bulged a large group.

In the quilt, the vision is suddenly black, and the perception is reduced by more than half.

But the tactile sensation in her body has become more sensitive.

Soon, she felt a wide, hot, hot chest, affixed behind her under the quilt, and some of it was hot to her skin...

She moved uncomfortably, and the man’s faint sigh rang in her ear.

"When you finish, don't you be responsible for me?"

The voice is hoarse and sexy, just like the one that rubs Mars, you can grind the flames like grass.

All of a sudden, let the group in the quilt of the teacher, the stiff body is half soft.

Huo Dazhao will also talk about it.

Who can think of it?

Turning off the lights, the man's skills are simply full.

After the teacher’s ear was hot, he kicked the lower leg uncomfortably.

But it was a hot air spray behind her ear.

The quilt of her hood was quickly taken away, and I didn't know where I was thrown.

"You are a big girl."

Gu Shi quietly raised his ears.

What is this nonsense?

"Cry in the future, you can't escape."

Humming, ear honing.

"Otherwise, I will catch you back."

For a second, Gu Shishi’s body is red!

Who said that no man would be awkward?

How is this going to happen?

Just want her little life! !


His nasal voice snorted.

The fingertips provoked her chin.

Master Gu closed his lips tightly.

She can't open her mouth, she can do it!


Huo Shishen felt that she was shaking all over her body, but her body was soft.

Can not help but press her back of the head, kissed down.

【drop! Kissing is healthier and triggers! 】

【drop! Bride aura, trigger! 】

Gu Shishi grabbed the pillow.


Very wide!

Anyway, the top is over, then everyone will come together! ! Who is afraid of who! ?


Gu Shishi was beaten, and he couldn't see Gu's text message at night. In the morning, WeChat had a bunch of bank text messages, small advertisements, and even several customer groups in the studio. The public number push messages all burst. It is.

Wannian did not turn the news into a read teacher, and naturally ignored the news of Gu.

Even if she saw the WeChat name ‘Zhang Wen’, it might just be swept away.

Where does she remember the physical mother of this body, what is it called?

I waited until Gu, and in the afternoon, I was contacted by Huo Chengcheng with the driver, and I waited until the teacher, and she felt that something was wrong.

[Teacher, where are you? Want the driver to pick you up? 】

In the afternoon, Gu Shishi did not go to the studio at all.

Very simple, the studio does not need her now, the store manager Liu Li saw that she hated not to supply her, making her do nothing.

Before she found a professional manager, she decided to stay at home.

Anyway, it is rare to fish.

Gu mother sent a message, she was happily applying a mask on the big afternoon, kneeling on the wool carpet in the lounge, watching the girl who had just bought it online.

When you see the excitement, take a few tables!

When she heard the phone rang, she slowly moved on the wool blanket. It didn't take long before she rolled to the side of the man who was said to be in the meeting.

He didn't talk much, just wearing a pair of headphones.

But Gu Shi is quite happy, there are people at home with salted fish.

Not lonely, and some help make money.

Don't mention how much you can feel in this heart.

As she rolled over, she stretched her small arm to take the cell phone on the table, and the half-sleeve fabric on the ruffled side arched upwards, revealing a small white waist.

The man who focused on the meeting, when it was dark, saw it.

Suddenly, open the gap.

Coveted her clothes, and helped her take the phone down.

But for a moment, he saw the WeChat text that popped up in a moment.

In an instant, his face sank.

"Hey? Call me back?"

Gu Shishi got the phone and saw it.

She muttered.

"It's hard to rest."

Huo Shishen touched her head and said, "That wouldn't go."

In the words of Gu Jia, he was too lazy to listen to the sentence.

Stained ears.

"Well, oh~"

Teacher Gu listened, and he was in the middle.

She turned over decisively and threw her phone aside.

Reasonable, she is also very filial, but it depends on the object.

Stupid filial piety is impossible.

But who thought, even the mother who could not get the news could not wait, and immediately called over!

Gu Shishi did not pick up.

Half an hour later, the eager red-eyed Gu mother was taken home by Huo Wencheng!

"Teacher, even if my mother is looking for you, don't you care? You have been blaming me for blaming me, hating me in my heart, not even saying a word to my mother?"


The scene was very touching.

However, the teacher holding the girl in the hand, I feel very embarrassed at the moment.

There are no foreplay, and meeting is **.

You should be panicked!

Who got into the show?

"The wood is there."

I have never regarded them as my parents, and how can there be hate and resentment?

No, there is no sadness.

Gu Shishi blinked and turned back and gave a slogan to Huo Dazhao standing behind.

Candy, can't give!

Old expensive!

The author has something to say: Seeing that the babies are asking, I will sneak a sneak peek, I am chasing more wood and wood... Big new book of the Republic of China 嘤~嘤~ (non-advertising time)

All in all, the little friends in the pit, I am a group with you! !

PS: Everyone is asking when Wushuang is going offline, um, in the arrangement, rest assured! !

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