MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 83

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The scenery on the seashore is beautiful, the sea looks far a bit blue and a bit green, just like the paint sprinkles in and blends into a beautiful color.

The microwave swayed with the wind, and from time to time the clear seabed, swam a fish, and even swam a leisurely big turtle with four claws swinging.

The island is so beautiful, she wants to see some ugly people?

"Don't go."

Gu Shishi swallowed the fragrant pasta and answered it clearly and clearly.

I have never heard of it. Some people really want to tie their lives to the lives of others.

If this **** is made up, it can only be said that the unparalleled head is a long pit!

If it is true, then she has to say sorry to Gu Wushuang.

Even if the whole world is willing to pay for Gu Wushuang, she is not willing!

Every day, in order to survive, it is very difficult.

How can someone do things all day?

"She has nothing to do with me."

"We just saw a few faces."

"I don't have such a Madonna. It's a pity that I can only let her down."

When Master Gu picked up the coffee cup on the table, he took a calm drink.

This kind of thing, Gu Wushuang also let others convey.

Instead, I did not call myself directly, and she clearly had her contact information.

Because knowing that you will be rejected?

Therefore, through the transfer of other people, give her a moral shackle, and look at other people's eyes, forcing her to go to the country to divorce in order to take into account the reputation of her sister's sentiment?

Ha ha.

Gu Shishi’s face is ‘with me without melon’.

"Go to reply."

Huo Shishen frowned and went to the two people who were staying in the room.

The Secretary slammed down and responded immediately.

But when he turned around, Qin Ruhai was obviously not happy, and wanted to keep watching the young couple's greasy interaction.

The news is a small part. Most of them are of course to see some people’s wedding nights. Have you ever had a good time?

Now... at a glance, I came to a conclusion.

It was simply stuffed with his mouthful of dog food!

Until the cool eyes of Horshon fell on him.

Qin Ruhai smiled and turned and left the room on the shoulder of Siyi.

"Happy wedding."

Before he closed the door, the sound of his laughter sounded with his footsteps.

"Si, your boss, the three happy events in life, almost all experienced, Xiao Dengke last night!"

Gu Shishi’s face suddenly turned red.

System tasks are temporarily forgotten!

But she looked down in shyness and was seen by Huo Shishen, but she was thought to be hiding and feeling sad after she closed the door.

The most intimate family in the world is the one who hurt her the most.

Regardless of whether or not the unscrupulous intentions are taken, but this kind of behavior does not have the consent of the parents, how can a person who is about to undergo an operation contact the Secretary?

The same is the daughter, but for the other, throw away the happiness of this one.

As a victim of her, what would she think?

Huo Shishen sighed and sighed.

The broad palm of her hand was pressed on her forehead.

“There is an island nearby for sea fishing. Would you like to check it out?”

That year, he moved out of the Huo family.

The old butler took him into an unknown mountain in the neighboring city.

Later, he realized that the butler wanted to tell him that the world is very big, not only the small area where he lives.

Even if you lose a home, there will be a broader field between heaven and earth.

As long as... keep looking ahead and go outside.

Huo Shun touched her soft hair. "Today's daylight is very good, it doesn't rain, you can go to the island to sketch, there are many different vegetations from the country."

Gu Shishi had a meeting and looked up.

One of the waters is swaying like spring, getting brighter and brighter.


"Then I am going!"

"Fishing, then come back to paint!"

Huo Shishen’s thin lips were raised.

But very quickly, the slender fingers took the opposite plate and fork.

"eat first."

Gu Shishi licked his lips and smiled.

When I picked up the coffee cup, I took a big sip -


He was heavily in the corner of the man's mouth and pressed a milky white stamp!

Huo Shishen’s handsome look.

[Drip, coffee kiss completion rate of 85%! 】

[But it detects the host's feeling and produces a 'love bubble'; the male owner's heart rate rises by 20%, the pet's degree increases by 10%; the correction completes to 100% - this is done! 】

[The most important thing is not the expression of action, but the true meaning of love and being loved. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have realized it. 】

Gu Shishi: "..."


She pulled out a tissue and held her mouth.

What love and being loved, the system is numb, good sao!

But when she just had to wipe her mouth, she was surrounded by a touch of sandalwood.

The next second, her back of the head was held down by the man's hand.

Across the paper towel... a little bit, deepened her kiss just past.

The sound of the task completion, suddenly drifted!


On the island's day, Gu Shishi felt so cool.

This is simply the salty fish day she dreamed of.

Sleeping naturally wakes up every day, even the alarm clock is not needed.

Some people give food when they are hungry, and some people give it when they are thirsty.

After eating and drinking, don't even wash a bowl.

Finally, look at the scenery, fishing, and even go swimming in the water for a few small swims, you can chase the turtles when snorkeling...

Sunbathing on the beach, sunning back. If there is inspiration, she will draw a few small works. If there is no inspiration, just lie down and keep your eyes closed. When you are in the bathtub at night, look at the latest exhibitions on the Internet. , practice the basic skills of the lines.

Then, just sleep... sleep beautiful.

Gu Shishi thought, just on the side of the return plane, and reluctantly looked at the islands that were getting smaller and the blue waters.

Then, with his head on his head, he turned over.

The first-class seats can be placed into a bed, and the quilt pillows are available.

Even, you can make a big bed with the neighbors.

When Master Gu blinked and sneaked at the side of the man who was reading the document, he closed his eyes.

Then take a nap and return to the battle mode when you return home!

She licked her red lips and frowned slightly.

Huo Shun turned a page and looked down.

Seeing her seemingly a nightmare, she muttered her lips thoughtfully.


With them landing at the airport, there is also Huo Chuchu who is not afraid of fear.

"You go back alone, is it really ok?"

Upon arrival, Gu Shimei looked at Huo Xiaomei who wanted to leave by taxi. He expressed concern.

I have been away from home for nearly a week, regardless of family opposition, to participate in my brother's wedding.

Going back is estimated to be miserable.

Huo Chuchu did not care about it. "Nothing, I have already said that I have exchanged conditions with my grandmother. This time I came back from good, I went to the company to help my brother, work hard, and then go to the blind date with Mommy."

When Master Gu asked, Huo Shishen also stood next to him.

Hearing blind date, he obviously frowned without approval.

When Master Gu met, he knew that he opposed it, but he did not say it.

Can only help the opening.

"How old are you? Feelings, what are you doing so urgently? This kind of thing can't be accommodated, and don't listen too much to the words of the elders. Otherwise, it will become a grievance for a lifetime."

After she finished, Huo Shen was obviously more concerned about their conversation.

Gu Shichu’s murder of Huo Chuchu made a look and let her see the expression of “Your big brother does not agree”.

Huo Chuchu suddenly opened his heart.

Both eyes are a little excited and moist.

Looking at my eldest brother, I will focus on the key. "Well, hey, you can rest assured, I will know more about my friends when I am blind. I won’t be foolish because I am married to people because of my family’s interests. I mainly want to try my grandmother’s words. To what extent can I work? I also want to be like you, even if you don’t give up what you like after marriage."

"But I don't know what I like, just listen to the arrangement at home, just give it a try."

Gu Shiji nodded and glanced at the man around him.

Seeing that he seemed to be expressionless, he nodded to Huo Chuchu. "Then you drive us a car and let the driver take you home."

Huo Chuchu immediately smiled and only one left, "Good!"

Awkward children are so good!

In the past, she was the grass that no one managed, and now she has become a little baby!

Got on the bus.

Huo Chuchu consciously sat in the window seat in the back row, let Gu Shi sit in the middle, next to her big brother.

"Right, the last time I said that I guessed the first division and the second division. Can you guess the right one?"

Huo Chuchu tried to look at his eldest brother and spoke weakly.

Huo Sishen gave her a cool look.

She immediately shut up, moved, and moved to the window in frustration.

"...just kidding, I have decided to work hard to get home."

"I am already an adult."

Gu Shishi also smiled helplessly and patted her back comfortably.

Siyi in the front seat looked at the back.

But when he saw the boss saying nothing, he didn't dare to talk too much.


When Huo Chuchu got off the bus and said goodbye to them, she was still frustrated.

At least this time, Big Brother did not drive her away, so she also lived on the island for a week.

Occasionally do two people's light bulbs, big brother is not angry.

It’s already a leap than the previous cold.

But when I got home, I opened the door -

"What can you do besides trying to kill your mother?"

Happy for only half a minute, when she got home, she was accused of standing on the stairs by Huo Wencheng.

His expression is very gloomy.

It may be related to the unsuccessful operation of the unparalleled surgery, the mood is bad, and the tone is worse than usual.

"Since Grandma said that you are coming back to the company, you will not worry about them."

"I will not talk nonsense with you."

"You will report to the International Business Department today. Your job is to contact HF for the next year's strategic cooperation. If you fail, you will prove that you are incapable, and then you will start from the basic position in the future!"

Huo Wencheng said, pinching his eyebrows, "I want to go abroad once, I hope you can get the contract within a month."

He is naturally going abroad to take care of the unparalleled things.

Huo Chuchu was embarrassed when he heard it, and his face was not good.

He has time to waste his time talking about love, and he doesn't know how to help her big brother!


She did not respond with a good breath.

Huo Wencheng nodded and pulled the suitcase and walked out of the house.

Huo Chuchu looked at his back and quickly snorted and went upstairs.

She must fight for it this time!

Can't lose face to my eldest brother!

She wants everyone to see that the closer she is to her older brother, the more she is better than others and the better than others!

But when she arrived at the company in the afternoon, she found that some of the problems that Huo Wencheng had left for her were impossible.

“HF is currently the largest search engine company, integrating social, e-commerce, logistics and entertainment.”

“The cooperation project team that we followed up, the performance in the bidding was not ideal, and we have prepared for the cooperation for half a year, but according to internal feedback, we ranked fourth in the list of HF considerations. Now it is far from the other party’s selection period. Only the last month is left."

Fan Yu, the boss of the strategy department, explained the situation directly with Huo Chuchu.

"Our competitors still have a few giants. The previous Roche exited, but there are also the most powerful Gu Group, as well as several emerging companies, and the information is here."

Fan Yu’s expression is also very stressful.

He knows the identity of Huo Chuchu, and he is very clear about the job of giving this job to her. It is impossible to get a bid.

As a family-owned company, Huo Chuchu has no work experience, even if the academic qualifications are chosen, but it is only theory.

How could she reverse the previous disadvantages?

Even those experienced and capable team leaders have not yet reached the point of favoring each other!

Huo Wencheng asked her to take charge of the project, which meant giving up the bidding cooperation with HF.

"If we can cooperate with HF, next year's performance will at least double, completely laying the first step to go abroad."

Fan Yu is heavy and full of unwillingness.

So he can only hope that this young lady can understand the importance of this project to the company, and the efforts and efforts of their department.

I hope she can at least try her best, not to play here.

"This work is officially handed over to you, come on."

Huo Chuchu solemnly took over a thick file and a U disk.

The expression is unprecedentedly tense and dignified.

Is this information just an estimate?

Stay up all night, probably shorten the time!

When Fan Yu went out, Huo Chuchu sat down with his teeth and opened the computer in front of him.

But the stool was still hot and the phone rang.

Huo Chuchu was a little surprised, and looked at the caller ID, it was a foreign phone number.


"Miss Huo? Hello, I am Meng Qi, the business director of HF's mainland region. I want to meet with you to discuss the cooperation agreement next year. Is there time?"

Huo Chuchu: "... cooperation agreement?"

Doesn't it mean that there are a lot of competitors, and the performance of Holmes bid is not ideal?

"Well, no problem, we can sign."

Huo Chuchu: "...!?"


Equally surprised, there was a teacher who finally got home and put his luggage, and then quickly drove to the studio to go to work.

Her wedding leave is halfway, and half of them want to hide in the New Year!

"The manager, I am coming back to make up the class."

Gu Shishi panted.

However, Liu Liyi, the manager of the store, saw her, but she showed a very... a sincere smile.

"Master, do you still have to take classes in person?"

Gu Shishi: "...hey?"

"The manager, are you calling me?"

The store manager walked out like a spring breeze. "Boss, I will help you with the bag. I have arranged the teacher in the afternoon class. You can take a break, or you can look at the business report for this month?"

Gu Shishi: "???"


In the study, Horsin replaced the exclusive casual wear and put on a smart suit.

"Are you greeted?"

Siyi nodded immediately. "Miss Chu Chu, I asked Meng Qi to be responsible for the reception. This month, I used an excuse to let her talk about the contract, and prepared a conference room to relax her. Computers, TV sets, and magazines all started. I asked Meng Qi to take her to deal with Holmes's work and use her excuse to discuss the details of the cooperation and find her to come to our company."

"Gu Xiao...the wife has already said hello to Liu Li, don't give her a class, let her rest."


Huo Shishen picked the root tie.

"They want to do what they want, they are by them."

"On the other side of the studio, you look at it and find a professional manager for business."

Secretary 1: "Yes."


My wife is enjoying it!

What class to teach, what company to manage! ?

She likes it and works for two days.

Don't like it, just lie at home!

As for the boss and sister, if you don't come to work, you can help. If you want to learn, you can teach yourself!


Siyi feels that it is not bad to be a woman in the next life.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: one from the dream and one in the white;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Qin Qinchu saw 57 bottles; Qingge 50 bottles; Junzi Yan 38 bottles; Vicky 30 bottles; one tail saw 26 bottles; ink 24 bottles; June summer 20 bottles; house cat cat, a lemon tart, persimmon cake 10 Bottle; Yao Qianqian 5 bottles; Meilan Zhujucheng 3 bottles; love to eat 2 bottles; Internet addiction juvenile 17 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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