MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 74

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【drop! I received a good impression from Mrs. Huo and Mrs. Huo! 】

【drop! Received the feeling of Huo Chuchu! 】

【drop! Received the good feelings of Huangchuan... 】

【drop! I am at the intermediate level and have accumulated success once. 】

A series of news, so that the teachers who are teaching the class are somewhat overwhelmed.

The process of drawing and explaining, she can't stop the gap.

In the end, she only sneaked a glimpse of the system news when she was only going to the bathroom.

I felt a little shocked at first glance.

‘Others’ recognition has risen by 30% in the morning.

Grandma Chen is really awesome!

Today, she is looking for a flattering expert. It is estimated that there are some fame in the society. The circle of friends of the old lady is not rich and expensive, which makes her experience soar.

The Huojia's goodwill suggests that Gu Shiyi thought that he had made a mistake at first, and then she jumped out when the painting succeeded.

It is her "Meng Jiangnv" that played a role!

This is a painting with the attachment of seven emotions and six desires!

Originally, she wanted to draw a picture of her mother's filial piety, which aroused the conscience of Huo Dazhao's mother.

But then it was vetoed, even if Huomu was moved by the story of other mothers, what can it do?

Can she really realize that she is wrong?

After so many years have passed, but if there is a little love, I will not ignore it. She really realizes that she is abandoning her children. Is it wrong?

I am afraid that the story of Mengmu’s father-in-law and Mengmu’s three moves will not be effective!

But Meng Jiangnv is different. On the surface, she expresses her wife’s sorrow for losing her husband. However, it is actually an irony of the inner background of social labor and the people’s lack of living.

Building the Great Wall and dying, exhausted, and killed by labor... Why is there no saying that this husband was killed by Meng Jiangnv?

She only hopes that Hu Dayi's mother can wake up!

Who knows tomorrow and the accident, which one comes first?

Who can guarantee that he will live forever?

Why blame one's life and death on another person, there is no direct connection!

Gu Shishi sighed.

The emotions of painting at that time were too angry, and her inscriptions did not use the usual small flower body.

Because the correct font is not enough to express her indignation, and the eagerness to open the aunt's head, a mad grass rushing to the end, only to make her comfortable!

“Is it good to receive good feelings?”

She looked at the system and struggled.

However, even if she succeeded in opening the head of Aunt Huo, she did not want to contact them for the time being.

Huo Jia, in addition to Huo Chuchu still true temperament, others ... have counted.

Even Huo Wencheng, who likes his original body, is also unclear, or else there is a problem with his conduct.

When he was calculating things, he was young and not sensible.

But now it is time to understand that what the gram people are, is a superstitious thing that does not conform to social modernization!

He didn’t even have a younger sister, Huo Chuchu, who had a clear mind. Huo Wencheng’s man was also written by the author... No wonder he would like to be unparalleled, and he was stunned.

The two are a perfect match!

Gu Shishi shook his head.

"Forget it, I just have to finish the lessons, and I will retreat!"

She returned to the studio with one heart and mind and continued to attend classes.


The Chen family at the moment is the same as the farce.

Huomu suddenly collapsed and cried, and then she wore reading glasses and watched the tears.

Both of them are widowed.

The sadness and sadness of the picture made them think of their own destiny.

At this moment, I feel empathy.

They completely substituted the role of Meng Jiangnv, only hated the tears that fell, and could not change back to the dead husband.

Standing in front of the painting, they all felt that the painter's 'ink and ink touch' was too great.

Not only is the style of painting mature, there is no embarrassment, and it is like knowing the pain of their skin. This painting, which is created by the eclipse of water, actually expresses their widowed pain!

"The painter must have had the experience of losing a lover, or else there is such a story around him."

Vice President Huang Chuan expressed his feelings.

As a result, more and more people are surrounded.

Mrs. Chen’s age is big, and many of her friends of the same age have always had several unfortunate widows.

Even the glory of a young age is enough to make loved ones and relatives sad.

So, Huo Huo and Huo Grandma stood in front of the painting and wiped their tears. The people next to them could not persuade them.

In the end, more and more people are standing in front of the painting and start to cry.

Emotions are contagious.

The same is true of sorrow. Everyone stands together, and the crying of the shreds is quickly spread to everyone’s heart like a virus. Then look up at the sadness of Meng Jiang, who is in the ink, and think of selflessness or Elders... or think of what happens if one day your spouse dies...

Can not help, crying, it is filled in the entire exhibition hall.

Huo Chuchu’s eyes are also red.

Chen Kexin, who took a step late, was amazed.

Subsequently, the ranks of red eyes were also added.

This is the same as watching a movie. When you see the sad place, the people next door start secretly taking paper towels to wipe the corners of your eyes, and soon begin to infect yourself... and then suffocate the sorrow and spread the audience.

When Huo Huo and Huo Grandma finished crying and felt that they couldn’t control it, they still regretted their disappointment, but they found that they were crying, and they were shocked!

Think again, their expressions are changing again and again.

Mrs. Chen’s brother, who died of heart failure last year.

Zhang’s father, who had cancer three years ago.

Li’s little nephew is like a 20-year-old mountaineering accident.

The grandmother of Gu’s family was also in poor health in the early years.


I don’t think that when everyone cries today, they discover that every family has their own sad things.

Only the Huo’s man died unexpectedly?

No, no one has any illness or death!

The heart of the mother and the old lady of Huojia, the cockroach contracted.

They used to think that they were the worst people.

The pillars and pillars of the family have disappeared, leaving only women... but now look at it, there are quite a lot of widowed fathers, and the tragedy of white-haired people sending black guys!

Make more money and have a better standard of living.

But the overworked in this circle is the majority, otherwise it is drinking and playing, and men are basically the three health and lack of rest in the sub-health!

They felt that they were the worst in a decade ago and the world has collapsed.

But if you lose your loved ones, the world collapses, and what about them?

The mother and the old lady of Huo’s family looked at the red-eyed women, and the expressions became complicated.

When a person suddenly discovers that other people are more miserable than themselves, what qualifications are there to continue to blame others?


Waiting for the teacher to get off work, squatting back to the villa and taking a hot bath, she received a message from Chen’s grandmother and Chen Kexin.

[Happy fat house: I am crying, today, hey, I am with a few old sisters, finally crying...]

[喵喵: My milk exhibition turned out to be almost... the memorial service... terrible... but the "Meng Jiangnv", even my single dog looked at it, I felt very painful. How did Teacher Gu do it? 】

Chen Kexin is also a student of Gu Shishi.

But Gu Shishi could not answer.

How did you do it?

Oh, rely on the system!

The junior is immersive, she can barely do it herself several times.

But this affects people's seven emotions and desires, people crying and crying, and entering the paintings, it is... a little difficult, she has not touched the trick, and she has not realized anything for the time being.

[Let's practice more. 】

She responded to the student briefly and handsomely.

You can only redeem more than a few times, try to feel the hand, see if you can sum up what the law!

[Fat House Happy sent you a live video. 】

Gu Shishi was curious and opened, and suddenly stayed.

The scene is really crying and choked, one after another, a bunch of people are looking at the painting, just like the memorial service, Chen Hao did not say wrong!


She hurried out and stopped watching the video.


The consequences of this skill are very serious.

[Fat house happiness: Many people want me to introduce you to them. I will send you your WeChat, and you will be interested. 】

It means to ignore it and just take care of the teacher.

Gu Shishi went to work during the day without an old mobile phone with a big touch of ink.

It has now turned over in the evening, and there are indeed many chat windows for strangers.

Some greeted, some wanted to ask for painting, and some wanted her to participate in the Chinese painting exchange meeting... Even Huo Chuchu sent a message.

[Oh, my mom and my grandmother also want your painting ORZ... On the way home today, they used up the paper towels on their cars, and the tears blew together. 】

[Right, they look at your paintings, as if they thought of Big Brother! Xunzi, how do you do it? so amazing! 】

Gu Shi Shi dripping.

Is it effective?

Da Chuanwu, crying and crying?

She replied to Huo Chuchu, indicating that she did not have time to paint her mother.

Others, she also did not return for the time being.

She is very busy.

Where is the time?

After the teacher took a shower, he shook his head and sighed.

She is a poor person who is forced to focus on the Korean drama by the system!

Simply wrap the wet hair with a dry hair cap, she sighs sadly, and then screams at the task in the system.

"Slightly, which one to point to, which one?"

Finally, her index finger was on the abdomen, and unfortunately fell on the coffee KISS.

Very good, big midnight, coffee! ! ! It’s absolutely amazing! ! !

Gu Shishi did not believe in life, but thought about it, it is not always possible to cook noodles in the middle of the night, forcing the big **** to eat the same with her, she can not always see a person with a paper towel... so she can only bite her teeth, Go to the cat's claw cup in the room and sip a cup of Nestle instant three-in-one!

This is still her lunch break at noon, especially to Ling Xiaomei went to the supermarket to buy it back!

A whole box, twelve.

She does not believe, twelve times can not succeed!

When Gu Shishi finished, he held the cup, leaned his head up, walked out of his door and set foot on the Persian carpet in the outer corridor...

Cleared the scorpion and knocked on the study door of Daxie.

Then she bowed her head and sipped a big swig of milk!

The most important thing is that there must be milk foam around the lips... um!

What is it -

At the moment when the study door opened, Gu Shi suddenly thought of a fatal flaw!

Instant coffee does not bubble!

Hemp drops!

Her little face is distorted.

"Oh, Huojojo, are you drinking coffee?"

Huo Shishen's handsome and straight figure just appeared at the door, and he heard such a sand sculpture.

The author has something to say: It’s been four minutes, but I am still here!

See you tomorrow, only take a day off this week, hehe! But everyone still wants to have a good weekend!

Read The Duke's Passion