MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 104

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Gu Wushuang pale face, unable to laugh, "old look."

In addition to crying, it is lying.

I can't eat anything every day, and most of the food going to the kitchen will be dumped.

Her mind was more clogging when she thought of her mother’s disappointment.

It is obvious that Gu mother is doing something wrong, but the consequences are for her to bear!

In order to adjust the body to Gu, these days, I would like to ask the family doctor, the silkworm nest for the kitchen, and the shark's fin soup. I don't know how much it cost, but I still don't eat it.

They are no longer the same.

Wasted things, I have to pay for it myself later!

"You advised my aunt that things have already happened. It is only sad, but it is just hurting the body. It is better to cheer up and make plans early."

Huo Wencheng smiled bitterly.

At that time he was going to stop, he didn't stop.

Now, in the face of Gu, he is not much advised.

Otherwise, the future mother-in-law may even think that he is laughing at her decision at the time.

"Auntie still has relatives in Beijing? The Zhang family knows the news, is there any reaction?"

If the maiden is strong, the days after Gu will not be too bitter.

But if Gu Gu has a reliance, Gu Wushuang will always have a solid and reliable maiden.

Huo Wencheng’s thinking was clear and he immediately thought of the most suitable foreign aid.

Gu Wushuang’s water slammed, “Mummy called, and it’s like Da Yu and Da Yu’s mother will come from Beijing today.”

Huo Wencheng suddenly loosened his face. "Then you can relax."

"Double, you have worked hard recently." He said, he grabbed her with distress.

In his view, her body has not healed, but she has to endure the double pain of her father's betrayal and mother's collapse, and it is very difficult to hold up a large company alone, which has raised a strong desire for protection.

At this time, he became more and more aware that letting her choose the most conservative and stable home and industry chain is the right choice.

At least in the short term, this company does not need her troubles.

Even without her decision-making, the company's operations are quite mature and will not cause major problems.

Huo Wencheng touched her back. "Don't break yourself too tightly, my aunt is sad. Don't accompany your tears. The doctor said, although your wounds healed, you still have to control your emotions. You can't be overjoyed."

Gu Wushuang glared at the fragile lips, and snorted.

But in the eyes of tears, it was a flash of complicated water.

Yes, her strength has not recovered.

Can't be sentimental with Mommy.

If Zhang Jiayu can persuade Mummy to return to Beijing to enjoy the family, should the mother of Mummy be comforted?

It is not that she does not want to take care of Mommy, and she is not willing to bear her food and clothing.

It’s just that Mommy keeps staying in Gu’s home. It’s sad to drop tears every day. It’s better to raise the body back to the chapter!

The expression on Gu Wushuang’s face is getting brighter and brighter.


In the evening, when Master Gu was in the study, he listened to Daxie and said the basic theory of a small half-day.

What marketing 5P, pricing formula, inventory management, lean production...

These profound things are a little difficult for her to sound.

But the sound of the big voice is magnetic and full of patience.

And after each theory is finished, he will stop and observe her feedback.

Every time she saw her face blank, he gave a few daily examples in a simple way and analyzed it for her.

"Oh ~!"

"It turned out to be like this~"

The study is filled with the sigh of the teacher.

Even the dinner of the day, they are also used in the study.

Gu Shishi took notes while not forgetting the dog's legs and pouring tea.

For fear that he said thirsty and sore throat, he also specially smothered him with a fat sea.

She used to take care of a young master and was very experienced in dog legs.

Sure enough, Horsing felt very good at night.

When thirsty, the girl sent the cup.

Tired, the girl sent fruit.

Even after an hour, she is very considerate to rest.

Talking to any of the subordinates is not as comfortable as ironing.

The key, she is still very serious.

When you talk about learning, you will take a small book and record important places.

Never interrupt him midway. If you don't understand, just ask a question mark, and wait until he finishes talking and then raise it.

When he spoke, her watery eyes were filled with the expressions of ‘wonderful’, ‘good cleverness’, ‘how to understand so much’.

Huo Shishen feels that it is not bad to teach her all her life.

Hands up and teach her until she defeats the enemy.

Have fun and have a different sense of man's accomplishment.

"This is the case today."

He looked at the time, almost ten o'clock in the evening, and immediately planned to end the course.

"Tell much, you can't digest."

Gu Shi nodded nodded.

"Okay, big."

Huo Shishen: "...?"

Gu Shishu coughed, "is the master and the honorable person."

Her rainbow fart then came. "I think you are more powerful than the special praises of Meng Te, which are often praised. The explanations are clearer and more accurate. Even people who have no foundation at all, I understand them today!"

Hossein bent down and quickly smashed into a line.

"Get ready to rest."

Gu Shi nodded, but stood up, but sat down again.

"Greatly, give me a few questions. I really understand if I check. By the way, I can consolidate my knowledge."

I can't hear it and forget it.

But as I said, someone knocked on the door outside.

"Mrs. The phone in your room is ringing."

"Would you like to take it for you?"

Lin Biao’s voice.

"Oh, I am coming."

Gu Shishi was busy leaving the small book to Huo Shishen, and turned back to the room first.

Horscher squinted and smiled.

The place where the small book is opened, the page is a neat and beautiful standard body.

Just like the printed font, it is clean and neat.

She did integrate the basic exercises into every detail of life.

Grasp all opportunities and be strict with yourself.

Such a girl, far more delicate than the appearance of her appearance, is more flickering and makes people unable to look away.

He picked up the hair ball pen she left and wrote three questions on the blank page next to it.

After writing, she flipped through the knowledge points she recorded in front of her.

Some mistakes, he will help her to add and fix.

What I said today basically covers the process of running a company, which is wide but not fine.

When she digested, go deeper.

From the back, Horshen quickly turned to the front of the note.

Different from the cursive writings of today's notes, the clouds are flowing, and they soon come into view.

He couldn't help but laugh.

But after seeing the content, the black scorpion is a stagnation.

[Guideline 1: Don't make you angry, let him be happy. 】

[Guideline 2: Cherish the things of the big brother, just like cherishing your own life! 】

[Guideline 3, try to integrate into the big circle and get everyone's good feelings. 】

Her word dragon dances, even if he does not want to spy on her, but it also instantly into the eye.

Then... is the record of her wanting a child.

[Do not force the big man]


[Education is not just a problem with baba]


[The baby is very cute, it is worth looking forward to the duck]


Horscher's long, clean fingers fell on this flowing word.

I only feel that there is a place in the chest that has been banned for a long time. It is crumbling, and there is something to be heard from inside.

He slowly groaned and reached out and grabbed his own eyes.

Waiting to turn to the front, and she records what different people like, and who gets the approval, some simple and messy numbers...

There are many people whose names are familiar to them.

Chen Kexin.

Mrs. Chen’s old lady.

Luo Wei.

Li Yiru.

Uncle Li.

When did she start recording?

When did you start to work hard and want to get the goodwill of others?

Huo Shou spit out a long breath, and the hand holding the book almost broke the blue veins.

Get up and walk towards the end of the corridor.


"you're back?"

Gu Shi, who had just brushed his teeth, ran out of the bathroom when he heard the door opening.

The clean little face has been unloaded, but it is still tender.

"what happened?"

When Master Gu approached, he found that Daxie’s expression was not right.

Still stunned, the brown leather book was handed to her.

"What's the problem?"

She smiled and took it.

But just looking down, I saw the open page...

With a bang, the leather fell to the ground.

She did not catch it!

She glanced at the value page of the good record that was recorded before, and the fingertips that protruded out seemed to be hitting the fire, and they shivered back!

In an instant, all the blood in the body is freezing!

She forgot!

Because the task was not completed recently, the system has not appeared for a long time... she forgot the previously recorded content!


Gu Shishi only felt cold hands and feet.

How can she explain?

How can she tell her?

These values ​​are the system's goodwill. Does she do this because of the system?

Do not.

She started out to live, was forced to approach him by the system, close to other people, but to the back, she is sincere!

She has never done anything that is against her heart.

She didn't hate marrying him, but she was very happy... I am very happy to stay with him.

However, will he believe it?

Gu Shishi's face was pale.

With her head down, she is about to cry.

"Not... you saw it..."

The more she is, the more she is overwhelmed.

But the moment the tears are about to fall, she is surrounded by a broad chest full of clear wood.

"Are you a fool?"

No questioning, no blasphemy.

A hoarse question fell on her ear, accompanied by hot air.

Gu Shishi’s body trembled.

"No one is close to me, it doesn't matter."

The sound of Horschen, dumb like gravel.

"It’s okay to be afraid of me."

She doesn't need to be like a fool to please anyone.

For him, she tried to drag everyone to the side... but he has one of her, it is enough.

He closed the darkness of the darkness.

With her hands around her, her chest has been crippled for many years, and it seems to be compensated at this moment.

The author has something to say: Hey, last night, the bunny bungee on the balcony, I was all night... ah! It’s not just two hares to demolish the home!

Head bald day, see you tomorrow~

Read The Duke's Passion