MTL - Special Forces: Starting With a Full-level Gun Technique-Chapter 342 Last lesson! return!

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  Chapter 342 The last lesson! return!

  Time is like the fine sand between your fingers, always passing by inadvertently.

   Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

  After Lin Shu scolded Zhan Lang last time, Leng Feng and the others finally re-tightened the strings. During the training process, they became more serious than each other and showed the attitude they should have. This made Lin Shu quite satisfied, and led them to train for about a week.

   A week later.



  Wolf Warrior Squadron shooting training ground.

  Leng Feng and others stood in line, looked at Lin Shu standing in front of him, and waited for him to announce today's training subjects.

  Lin Shu looked at them, but did not rush to announce the training subjects, but said with a little emotion:

   "Before I knew it, I came to Wolf Warriors to serve as your instructor. It has been almost half a month. I am honored to be able to train and live with you during this half month! I am also very happy to see that you have improved yourself and broken through your limits during this half month. Congratulations!"

  Wolf Warriors felt inexplicably heavy when they heard this.

  They all know that today is Lin Shu's last day as their instructor.

  Lin Shu continued:

   "I have taken you to practice all the subjects in the past half a month, so there is no subject training today. In the last lesson today, I am going to teach you something different! It is also the core skill of special forces - shooting!"

  When the special forces members heard this, they immediately became excited.

   Shooting? !

   This was something that Lin Shu had never taught them to practice during the half month that Lin Shu had been their instructor, and everyone knew that apart from physical fitness and kung fu, Lin Shu's strongest skill was shooting, so when they heard that Lin Shu was going to teach them how to shoot, they felt a sense of anticipation in their hearts!

  Lin Shu's sniper tactics have reached the battle level, and I heard that the rifle seems to be also at the battle level!

no doubt.

  What he taught them must be beyond their reach.

  Facts have proved that Lin Shu did not keep it private, and shared a lot of shooting skills with them, including imparting knowledge of cold front sniper tactics.

   The day flies by.

  During this day, everyone in Wolf Warriors benefited a lot and gained a lot.

  At least they are like this under the leadership of Lin Shu. As for how much they can absorb after Lin Shu leaves, it depends on themselves.

   Ended the day of training.

  Leng Feng and others stood in line.

  Lin Shu said to them: "Okay, this is the whole content of the last class during my military career as your instructor! I hope you can apply what you have learned, and use these skills and skills to kill more enemies on the battlefield and defend your home and country! At the same time, I also wish you a triumphant return from every action in your future military career! Get out of class!"

   "Salute!" Shao Bing suddenly growled.

   Shua Shua Shua Shua...

  The next second, all the special forces members of Wolf Warriors stood up straight and raised their hands to salute Lin Shu. They shouted in unison as if they had rehearsed:

   "Thank you, Instructor Lin, for your careful teaching for half a month. I wish Instructor Lin a bright future and a bright future!!"

   Their voices were deafening, resounding through the sky, echoing for a long time!

  Lin Shu was stunned for a while by their sudden actions, then smiled to himself, and said helplessly, "You bastards..."

  Shaking his head, the next second, Lin Shu raised his hand in return, and said in a concentrated voice:

   "You are all the best special forces team members I have ever led since I joined the army!"

   As he spoke, Lin Shu lowered his arms: "Disband!"

  The words fall.

  Lin Shu turned around and left.

  But the Wolf Warriors did not disband for a long time, but looked at the back of Lin Shu who was gradually leaving, everyone's heart was full of mixed feelings, and their eyes were full of reluctance and gratitude...

they know.

   After this farewell, maybe it will be difficult for them to meet again!

  With Lin Shu's strength, after all, he will go higher and higher in the army, and between them, one is far away in the southeast military region, and the other is far away in the Longdu military region. We don't know when we will meet again.

   As they just said.

  They sincerely wish Lin Shu a bright and promising future in the army in the days to come!

   At this moment, their hearts were filled with a kind of parting sadness.


   left the training ground.

  Lin Shu returned to the dormitory where he and Long Xiaoyun shared.

  Just as soon as he opened the door and walked in, Lin Shu was taken aback for a moment as he followed his gaze to his bedroom.

  In sight, Long Xiaoyun was standing in front of his window, bent over to pack his luggage for him.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, she stood up and turned around, and smiled slightly at Lin Shu, "You're back?"

  Lin Shu hummed, and said in a daze, "Captain Dragon, you are..."

  Long Xiaoyun smiled, "Don't you have to go back tomorrow! I'll come and help you pack your luggage."

  She seemed unwilling to get too entangled in this topic, and immediately changed the subject after speaking:

   "How is it? In the last class, the boys of Warrior Wolf didn't feel ashamed, did they?"

   "They're fine." Lin Shu nodded, then scratched his head and said, "Uh... Dragon Team, aren't you going back to Langya with me tomorrow? Why are you leaving so soon?"

   "Hehe, that's different!" Long Xiaoyun chuckled and said, "I'm a guest, but you are indeed going back."

  Lin Shu didn't know how to answer for a while, he felt that Long Xiaoyun was a little different today, it seemed that he was... not very emotional?

  However, he didn't get too entangled in this topic.

   Instead, he hurriedly said: "Captain Long, I can pack this luggage myself, so I dare not bother you!"

   "It's nothing, I'm idle and I'm idle." Long Xiaoyun glanced at the suitcase, and then said: "You have almost packed everything that should be packed for you, so I don't care about the rest?"

  Lin Shu said: "You just need to rest, and I'll clean up by myself at night."


  Long Xiaoyun nodded her head, then seemed to think of something and said, "I almost forgot, this is for you." Then, she took out a red box from her pants pocket and handed it to Lin Shu.

  Lin Shu took a look at it, and couldn't help being startled: "This is..."

   "First-class military medal. Commander Pan specially approved it for you." Long Xiaoyun said.

  Lin Shu hurriedly said: "How embarrassing is this? I am here to help you in this operation, why did you give me a military merit! And it is still first-class, so it should be given to you! You are the person in charge of the operation..."

  Long Xiaoyun smiled and said: "Come on! I said you are in charge, but in actual actions, you have contributed the most. Who will not give this military merit to you?"

  Lin Shu subconsciously asked: "Then you..."

  Long Xiaoyun knew what he was going to ask, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I have it too."

   "First class too?" Lin Shu asked.


  Lin Shu said: "Show me!"

  Long Xiaoyun smiled helplessly: "You...can I still lie to you?"

   "You still say you didn't lie to me?" Lin Shu asked back: "What happened to the sword technique at Langya last time? Didn't you say that Grandmaster Wang knew about it and approved it?"

  This... Long Xiaoyun was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she was quite surprised: "You know everything?"

  Lin Shu rolled his eyes at her and said, "I'm not a fool, don't you know how to ask if you don't know? Hurry up, I'll see if yours is first-class."

   "Okay, okay, let me show you, is the head office okay?"

  Long Xiaoyun said, and returned to his room at the end, and walked out after a while with a box containing a military medal, and handed it to Lin Shu, as if he was afraid that he would not believe it, and there was a document underneath.

  Lin Shu took a look...

  It is indeed a first-class merit, and it is stated on it why the military merit was obtained, and then his face softened and said:

   "Should I say it or not, Commander Pan is very interesting. I am not from the Longdu Military Region. Logically speaking, this achievement should not be easy, right?"

  Long Xiaoyun nodded and said: "It takes a little effort, but for Mr. Pan, it's not a big problem. Having this military merit will be good for your future."

  Lin Shu sighed: "One thing to say, it's not easy for others to get one of meritorious service. I've got it many times, and I don't know what to say."

  Actually, Lin Shu has a feeling that military medals are hard to get?

   "If others hear your words, they will kill you easily." Long Xiaoyun rolled his eyes at him, and immediately said seriously:

   "However, your strength lies there! In fact, military merit is not difficult to obtain. Your strength is strong enough, and every action is basically a narrow escape. Indeed, we have such a catchphrase: "The third-class merit stands up, the second-class merit lies down, and the first-class merit is received by family members." But this only shows the difficulty of obtaining it. Which of the tasks you have performed is given to ordinary special soldiers. It is not extremely easy to sacrifice? So, this is what you deserve. Otherwise, why do you think 2 A major at the age of one?"

  Lin Shu nodded and said, "That's true."

   What really pleased Lin Shu was that after he got the first-class merit again, he got 10,000 experience points rewarded by the system!

   "Ding! Detecting Long Xiaoyun's first-class merit acquisition, which is caused by the influence of the host, and obtains a 30% reward effect, additional reward: 3000 experience points!"

   At the same second, the system gave another mechanical three-dimensional notification sound.

  13000 experience points!

   So **** cool!


  In the evening, Long Xiaoyun organized a bonfire party and organized a team of Wolf Warriors to participate. It was a thank you to Lin Shu for his careful teaching in the past half month, and it was also a practice for Lin Shu.

  After the party.

  It's getting late.

  Lin Shu and Long Xiaoyun said goodnight to each other, and went back to their rooms.

  Lying on the bed with his head in his hands, looking at the ceiling, Lin Shu couldn't sleep anyway, so he simply opened the system panel.

  【Host: Lin Shu】

  【Occupation: Soldier (Major Officer)】

  【Level: 17.】

  【Physical strength: 17.】

  【Will Strength: 17.】

  【Battle awareness: 17.】

  【Experience value: 23800.】

  Unknowingly, he has already accumulated 20,000 experience points. Lin Shu felt a sudden richness. He looked at the time and found that it was just past midnight. Today is Monday, and the system mall seems to have been refreshed again. Let's take a look.

  【Weekly Surprise Mall:

  [Consumable rare props - Muscle and Bone Pill (Middle): The price is 500 skill points per piece. After use, it can enhance the strength of the host's muscles and bones and the attribute value of physical strength to a certain extent. The maximum purchase limit of this item in this period: 2!

  【Functional rare props-SS-level skill advancement card: Discounted price of 6666 skill points. After use, any SS-level skill can be upgraded to SSS-level. The maximum purchase limit for this period: 1!

  【Skill-type rare props-Tiger Evolution SSS-level card: The price is 10,000 skill points. After use, the host’s body can be evolved to be as perfect as a tiger. The maximum number of purchases for this prop: 1 time!

  【Special Rare Props-Random EXP Blind Box: The price is 100 skill points per piece. After purchasing, you can randomly get 1000, 1888, 6666, 9999 experience points from the blind box. The maximum purchase limit of this item in this period: 5 times! 】

  Looking at this week's products, Lin Shu slammed his mouth, it's so boring!

  I can’t afford what I want, and those who can afford it are a bit tasteless. Lin Shu knows how pitiful the dog system is with the experience value blind box, but the only thing that has changed is that the muscle and bone pill has changed from a small one to a medium one.

   "Forget it, don't rush to buy it, wait until you need it!"

  Lin Shu shook his head, turned off the system, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

   Nothing to say all night.

  The next day.

   Early morning.

  Lin Shu got into his own BMW driven by Long Xiaoyun, and under the gazes of the Wolf Warriors, he slowly left the Longdu Military Region and headed towards Donghai City.

  On the highway.

  Ring ring ring~!

  Sitting in the co-pilot, Lin Shu's phone rang suddenly. When he took it out, Lin Shu was stunned. It was actually his father who called, so he chose to connect: "Hello? What's the matter, Dad?"

  Long Xiaoyun, who was driving the car, saw that Lin Shu was answering the phone, so he paused the music in the car.

  Lin Tonghai said on the phone: "Son, I heard you went to the capital?"

  Lin Shu was startled, "I'm going? Dad, who told you that!"

  He was really surprised. He didn't tell his family about his trip to the capital. After all, it was a business trip, so not many people knew about it. How did Dad know about it? !

  Lin Tonghai said: "Your grandfather just called and said, you brat, why didn't you visit your grandfather when you went to the capital?"


  Lin Shu was not surprised. The old man used to hold a high position in the capital, but now he has retired and lives in the capital. He was not surprised when he knew that he was here.

  At that moment, Lin Shu found an excuse and said, "Dad, I'm in the capital on a business trip, so I don't have time!"

  Lin Tonghai said: "You've got it! Brat, your grandpa has already said that you have the time to see Wang Jingren, but you don't have time to see him? Let me tell you, the old man can pick on you! He told me on the phone, why don't you come to see him when you come to the capital, why don't you come over for a drink of tea? It's really wrong for you to do this."

   "Want to drink tea?" Lin Shu's face was not very good-looking, "Dad, you know, I am not used to drinking tea from his house!"

   "I said you boy, you are going to remember him for a lifetime just for such a small thing?! What, really plan to never enter your grandpa's house except for the holidays? It's not a matter of principle, as for not? Are you still in the capital now? Listen to Dad, take time to visit your grandpa, be obedient!" Lin Tonghai persuaded.

  Lin Shu shook his head: "Next time, Dad, I have returned to Donghai City now, and I just entered the Donghai Realm, so I can't go back forever, right?"

  Lin Tonghai was speechless: "You..." At the end, he sighed: "Oh, I can't do anything about you either! But since you're back, why don't you call your grandfather the head office?"


  (end of this chapter)

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect