MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 205 The departure of the last war (on)

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The 205th chapter of the final departure of the war (on)

The sky marks a haha ​​and smiles. "Do you think I am jealous? No, how can I be jealous? I have confidence in myself. If you don't choose me, you will not choose other people because, in humans, No one is better than me."

Looking at the strong self-confidence radiated from the sky marks, Lily couldn't say anything about the rebuttal. Indeed, now, among the entire human race, who can be better than the sky mark? "Then what do you mean?"

Tianzi said: "My meaning is very simple. In this war, all the fleets were handed over to the unified leadership of the Star Sword. They were assisted by the Guange elders, the Nai of the Bill family and the representatives of the Lipton family."

Lily glimpsed, said: "What do you mean by this? Do you think there is a problem with my leadership ability? Even if I can't, I still have you."

The sky marks his head and shook his head. "I am not a real god. I am not good at the real Star Wars. I can't control the fleet better than any commander of the God-class fleet. Of course, I will not." I doubt your ability. However, we have more important things to do. Everything else can be done to others, but against the demon monarch, only two of us."

Lily moved in the heart and said: "You mean, we have to be separated from the fleet."

The day mark nodded and said: "Yes, this real main force is actually only us, isn't it? As long as the demon monarch is destroyed, the other demons are not afraid. This is the war between our three. ""

Lily wondered: "I still don't quite understand what you want to do."

Tianzi said: "You don't have to understand too much. Let's talk about it when we leave. We will start with the joint army of human beings. It only needs to be as early as one day or so. It is enough. As for how to do it, I will tell you on the road. This one The preparation time of the month, you have to better condense your own abilities, I also want to help them develop their own strength, so that they can really get the full ability of inheritance. Well, I have to go, after a month, I will come Looking for you."

The golden light flashed, and the body of the sky mark disappeared into the seat out of thin air, and accompanied by his breath.

"When I walked away, hey, I don't care about me at all." Lily helplessly licked the table in front of her. She was surprised to find that after inheriting the power of the gods, she seemed to become more humanized. Reluctantly shook his head and immediately began the specific arrangement work. How dare she have the slightest wish for this last battle with the Devils?

The entire Galaxy Alliance has been secretly acting because of the decision of Skymark and Lily. All available resources can be quickly deployed. Of course, this is something that ordinary people cannot know. On the surface, the fleet belonging to the Galaxy Alliance is mobilized. Not big, but all the elite high-class warships are quietly assembled to the first star of the solar system, the administrative star Mars outside the Earth, ready to act.

A month has passed, the earth's only natural satellite moon.

The golden light suddenly erupted, and the whole moon was rendered with a golden brilliance. Then, the blue, white, red and black rays condensed into four light beads, which appeared in the golden light.

The sky marks open the eyes, and the hard work of a month has not been in vain. Although he has consumed a lot of energy, he has been able to maintain his best condition by absorbing the light and heat from the sun with his great mental power.

The blue came out of the milky white brilliance. At this time, she had more of a dusty beauty. She held the stick of Alam, her eyes were white like jade, and the white light around her body was like water waves. Rippling. Both she and the purple illusion have fully absorbed the power of inheritance from the water **** and the ice **** with the help of the sky mark, and the strength has increased substantially. Xuemei, Luojia and Melis have reached a new height under the influence of the huge spiritual power of the sky mark.

The sky marks a smile and looks at the five women beside him. "Okay, time is up."

The blue faint road said: "Do you really let us go with you?"

The day mark nodded and said: "I will go with you with the legion, and will leave when I am about to reach the destination. The goal is small. Although your strength can already compete with the demon king, but the Galaxy The Alliance United Army needs to have a master to do the battle. If you are there, I can rest assured. Although your strength is not weak now, there is still a big gap between me and Lily. Even Lily and I can’t kill the demon monarch. It will try to prevent it from evolving into a **** of death. As long as it entangles its body, the rest will depend on you. The details of the galaxies in which the demons are located are not clear, no one is there, and what problems are encountered outside, How to solve it? Rest assured, with my current strength, although not as good as the original demon, but the whole body should not have too much problem. I have helped you to fully combine mental and physical energy, you will It is the trump card of the human legion. The big devil king and the demon king are all going to deal with you. Your mission is never lighter than me and lily."

Luo Jia combed himself into the red long hair because of the transformation of Medusa, and bowed his head. "Big brother, after the end of this event, can we leave?"

In the eyes of the sky, the light of the yearning is revealed. "Yes! At that time, we will be able to live a free life. Frankly, this time I am not for humanity, but for ourselves. Let the demon family be strong." Going down, it has a huge impact on the Milky Way and even the creatures in the entire universe. If left unchecked, once death and more demonic monarchs appear, then it is even more difficult to resolve the crisis. We really want to thank the original Higher intelligent creatures, they have won more time for humans, well. You take a break, Luojia, our army should have already arrived at Mars, and you and Melis are responsible for it. Blue, purple Fantasy, Xuemei, you go with me to the earth, blue and purple magic and the Allied forces. When you participate in the attack, you have to take up the task of attacking the enemy. Xuemei, your strength is relatively weak, and you stay in the Galaxy Alliance. The commander-in-chief assists Star Sword Lipton. With your current comprehensive strength, even the Devil King can resist a while and protect the Star Sword. Effective command is the key to our success."

Although Tianzheng said this with a smile, but now, he exudes an invisible majesty. Every word in his voice has a feeling of unquestionable feeling in the ears of five women, and he has no choice but to point out. nod.

Six figures, divided into two waves, quietly disappeared. At this point, the final preparations before the war on Earth have also come to an end.

In the office of the speaker, Lily and Star Sword are busy dealing with all kinds of important matters. There are two people in the office. One is Naibil, which represents the Bill family from male to female, and the other, representing the Lipton family. Because of the secret love of Nailu and resolutely choose to cultivate the sharpness of the genius magic flower.

Star Sword is somewhat dissatisfied: "Lily Speaker, can you help me with so much work? I have too many things to deal with here."

Lily handled the last thing easily, and issued the necessary warrants. He smiled and said: "Star Sword Big Brother, you are a man, a man always has to do more than a woman. Well, my task has been completed. It is up to you to handle the logistics. Three days later is the date we set off."

Nai Luo smiled and said: "Lily, I didn't expect your speaker to be so relaxed! I knew that I also tried to run for the election. However, the premise is that there must be such a hard work as Star Sword."

Lily walked down to Nai’s side and sat down. He said, “That’s good! I will give you the position of the speaker, and it will just be free.”

Nai was shocked and shook hands again and again. "Don't, don't, I am joking. You can't take it seriously. A Bill family is enough for me. Now Grandpa has almost handed over everything to me. It's hard. I can only have a few days of leisure when I come here."

Looking at her frightened look, even a face with a frosty face can not help but reveal a smile, Lily even smiled: "Cute yourself, why bother, I know you have to be busy with the Bill family. But Nai, should I also find someone to marry myself, otherwise, who will give you a success in the future?"

Nai Wei smiled and said: "The Speaker, you know, I don't like men, how to marry? Only my wife can."

Lily smiled and said: "This has nothing to do with me. However, if you don't have an heir in the future, how can you get rid of it from your current position? Is it difficult, do you want to be a patriarch?"

In the eyes of Nai Lu, the light flashed, saying: "The ghost thought, this is really a problem. It is not good, I will go get a test tube baby to play."

Unrequitedly, he said: "The beauty you want, the four major families have regulations, and the direct heirs must be natural production."

Nai sighed and said, "How can I not know, but can't you let me be obsessed? Oh, it seems that I can only find someone to borrow."

After listening to Nai’s bold thoughts, the other three people couldn’t help but focus on her. Nai’s eyes stunned the star sword and said: “We girls say that when they have children, what do you look at in a man? Don’t worry, no I will find you to borrow. Even if I am looking for it, I must find the best man to give my child the best gene. Well, I think, who is right?"

Star Sword smiled and said: "The sky marks are good, the man in man, who can be better than him."

Nai Luo nodded earnestly and said: "Well, this is a good idea. In men, I seem to be only annoying to him."

"No." Lily and the singularly screaming in the same breath, the two men spoke out, only to realize the existence of cockroaches, and the pretty face of the red at the same time.

Nai Luo looked at them and laughed. "Look, you see, I have tried all the stuffing. I really don't know what the guy has. In fact, what are you worried about, I just want to borrow a variety."

"What do you want to be beautiful, is my kind so good to borrow?" The low voice sounded. The door opened silently. A man and a woman came in from the outside, the woman was covering her mouth and snickering. The man was a look of iron and blue. He was discussed by others about his "species". If he changed, he would not be happy. The sky marks the eyes of the poor, and the body shape flashes, and it has already come to the public.

This time it was the turn of Nai, and the red face turned to the sky mark: "Hate, don't come late, but this time."

The sky mark glanced at her, and he was not angry: "You are discussing me behind the scenes, and still blame me?"

Nai Luo spit out her tongue to the sky mark, and now she has a big family heir.

Lily opened the subject and said to the sky mark: "You have finally arrived. We have already prepared almost here. According to the intelligence department, there is no movement around these Tianyinhe alliance. It is time for us to act."

The day mark nodded and said: "As soon as possible, I have a bad feeling, the demon monarch seems to be successful."

Lily changed his face and immediately turned his head to Star Sword: "Through my command, change it three days, and at noon tomorrow, all will leave."

Star sword condenses: "Yes."

Nai Luo took advantage of this opportunity and quickly stood up and said: "Then I should go back and prepare, you talk, I will go first." Finished, like a runaway head rushed out of the room. It was not until the door was opened that she discovered that her heartbeat was more than twice as fast as usual.

Unrequited love also stood up, watching the sky marks that have not been seen for many days, the eyes reveal a complex light, "Don't see you for many days, are you still okay?"

The sky marks a smile and said: "It's still alright. Is this up to you representing the Lipton family?"

Nostalgia nodded, said: "Too grandfather is old, he decided to stay in the Lipton galaxy in case of possible sneak attack by the enemy. This time the Legion family's army was assisted by several elders. I will start tomorrow, time is tight. I will go first. I hope I can fight with you side by side."

The first day of the day marks: "There will be opportunities."

Unrequitedly gone, the work of Star Sword finally came to an end, looked up to the sky mark, smiled and said: "Your woman is really good, people even choose you when you borrow, when can I reach your realm what!"

Tianzheng smiled and said: "You are not worse than me in all aspects. It is not that you don't have it, but you don't want it."

Star Sword came out from behind the desk, and there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes. "Yeah! Maybe, I really should find a companion. Wait until this time is over. Let's talk, I am going to Mars. Go and see if there is any need for coordination. Although the number of fleets that have been expelled is not much, it is already an elite of all mankind, and it cannot be seen at all."

Read The Duke's Passion